1,517 research outputs found


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    MALIK AKBAR AR-RAZZAAQ, The Correlation Between Work Fatigue With Work Accident On Employees At PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In. Jakarta. Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This study aimed to obtain the right data (authentic, true,valid) and trustworthy (reliable). The research was conducted at PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In. Jakarta, for four months from February 2015 until June 2015. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research is all employees PT. Federal Karyatama Of Pulogadung Industrial Area In Jakarta, while the population of inaccessibility is employees part production plant rawa gelam as many as 50 people. The sampel used by is 44 people. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. The resulting regression equation is Ŷ = 27,80 + 0,95 X. Test requirement analysis of the normality test error of estimated regression of Y on X to produce Lcount liliefors test = 0,0866, while the Ltable for n = 44 at 0,05 significant level is 0,1336. Because the Lcount Ftable which 67,32 > 4,07, meaning that the regression equation is significant. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0,785, then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting tcount > ttable, tcount= 8,205 and t table = 1,66. It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0,785 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtain for is 61,58%, which shows that 61,58% of the variation of work accident is determined by work fatigue

    Inflammatory Activity on Natalizumab Predicts Short-term but not Long-term Disability in Multiple Sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: In people with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon-beta or glatiramer acetate, new MRI lesions and relapses during the first year of treatment predict a poor prognosis. OBJECTIVE: To study this association in those receiving natalizumab. METHODS: Data were collected on relapses, new MRI activity, and Modified Rio Score after initiation of natalizumab in an observational cohort of 161 patients with high baseline disability. These were correlated with Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) progression at years 1, 2, 3, and 3-7 after treatment initiation, versus pre-treatment baseline. RESULTS: 46/161 patients had a relapse in the first year and 44/161 had EDSS progression by year 2. Relapses and Modified Rio Score in the first year of treatment predicted EDSS progression at year 1 and 2 after treatment initiation. However, this effect disappeared with longer follow-up. Paradoxically, there was a trend towards inflammatory activity on treatment (first year Modified Rio Score, relapses, and MRI activity) predicting a lower risk of EDSS progression by years 3-7, although this did not reach statistical significance. Those with and without EDSS progression did not differ in baseline age, EDSS, or pre-treatment relapse rate. Relapses in year 0-1 predicted further relapses in years 1-3. CONCLUSIONS: Breakthrough inflammatory activity after natalizumab treatment is predictive of short-term outcome measures of relapses or EDSS progression, but does not predict longer term EDSS progression, in this cohort with high baseline disability

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting pada Kantor Kelurahan Ulujami

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    Salah satu usaha kantor Kelurahan Ulujami untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh, berkualitas dan profesional adalah dengan melaukan pemilihan karyawan terbaik setiap tahunnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi karyawan dalam melakukan pekerjaan sehingga memiliki output hasil pekerjaan yang optimal, memupuk rasa bangga karyawan terhadap instansi tempat mereka bekerja, sekaligus membangun kepercayaan karyawan terhadap instansi. Tetapi dalam proses teknis penilaian dan pemilihan karyawan terbaik saat ini dilakukan dengan kurang sistematis dan transparan. Aspek dan kriteria yang digunakan sebagai acuan penilaian belum baku, proses penilaiannya belum transparan dan cenderung bersifat subjektif. Maka dibangunlah sistem penunjang keputusan untuk memilih karyawan terbaik dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), yaitu suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mencari alteratif optimal dari sejumlah alternatif dengan kriteria tertentu. Dengan sistem ini proses pemilihan karyawan terbaik memiliki proses, kriteria pemilihan, perhitungan dan penilaian yang jelas, dan proses yang transparan dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, sehingga mempermudah dalam menunjang keputusan dalam memilih karyawan terbaik sekaligus membangun kepercayaan karyawan terhadap instansi

    Development and Implementation of Electronic Applications based on Arduino Platform for a First Basic Course

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    This paper shows a learning guide about the use of Arduino platform and the different utilities that can be implemented based on this platform for a first basic course. The paper can be useful as a guide for someone who wants to start in the world of microcontroller programming, with examples to consolidate the knowledge learned. Some students of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Malaga (Degree in Industrial Design) approach the study of an engineering career with little knowledge of electronics. This degree contains basic skills on learning electronics and the use of the Arduino platform and its development possibilities can offer students an interesting view of electronics, making better use of classes. The work is based on both theoretical (to make the components known) and practical (using real assemblies) development to consolidate the knowledge learned. Therefore, once the basic components necessary to carry out various practices have been explained, the theoretical performance and the programming of Arduino is explained and the various practices that will be set up in the laboratory are presented, as an application of Arduino for different uses. The main idea of this work is to replace the traditional laboratory practices that require more advanced knowledge in electronics with a set of simple practices carried out in Arduino that allow students to have an approximate idea of basic electronics with little knowledge. After three years of carrying out this new methodology for this first basic electronic course, the surveys demonstrate a better adaptation of the students to the study of electronics. In addition, the marks obtained have improved considerably and the students have the sensation of learning electronics in a simple and fun way.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Epithelial dynamics shed light on mechanisms underlying ear canal defects

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    Defects in ear canal development can cause severe hearing loss as sound waves fail to reach the middle ear. Here we reveal new mechanisms that control human canal development and highlight for the first time the complex system of canal closure and reopening. These processes can be perturbed in mutant mice and in explant culture, mimicking the defects associated with canal aplasia. The more superficial part of the canal forms from an open primary canal that closes and then reopens. In contrast, the deeper part of the canal forms from an extending solid meatal plate that opens later. Closure and fusion of the primary canal was linked to loss of periderm, with failure in periderm formation in Grhl3 mutant mice associated with premature closure of the canal. Conversely, inhibition of cell death in the periderm resulted in an arrest of closure. Once closed, re-opening of the canal occurred in a wave, triggered by terminal differentiation of the epithelium. Understanding these complex processes involved in canal development sheds light on the underlying causes of canal aplasia

    Deterioration of muscle force and contractile characteristics are early pathological events in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy mice

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), also known as Kennedy's Disease, is a late-onset, X-linked, progressive neuromuscular disease, which predominantly affects males. The pathological hallmarks of the disease are defined by selective loss of spinal and bulbar motor neurons, accompanied by weakness, atrophy and fasciculations of bulbar and limb muscles. SBMA is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the gene that encodes the androgen receptor (AR) protein. Disease manifestation is androgen dependent and results principally from a toxic gain of AR function. There are currently no effective treatments for this debilitating disease. It is important to understand the course of the disease in order to target therapeutics to key pathological stages. This is especially relevant in disorders such as SBMA, where disease can be identified prior to symptom onset, through family history and genetic testing. To fully characterise the role of muscle in SBMA, we undertook a longitudinal physiological and histological characterisation of disease progression in the AR100 mouse model of SBMA. Our results show that the disease first manifests in skeletal muscle, prior to any motor neuron degeneration, which only occurs in late stage disease. These findings reveal alterations in muscle function, including reduced muscle force and changes in contractile characteristics, are early pathological events in SBMA mice and suggest that muscle-targeted therapeutics may be effective in SBMA

    Perceptual Responses to High- and Moderate-Intensity Interval Exercise in Adolescents

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins via the DOI in this record.PURPOSE: High-intensity continuous exercise is proposed to evoke unpleasant sensations as predicted by the dual mode theory (DMT), and may negatively impact on future exercise adherence. Previous studies support unpleasant sensations in affective responses during continuous high-intensity exercise, but the affect experience during high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) involving brief bursts of high-intensity exercise separated by low-intensity activity is poorly understood in adolescents. We examined the acute affective, enjoyment and perceived exertion responses to HIIE compared to moderate-intensity interval exercise (MIIE) in adolescents. METHODS: Thirteen adolescent boys (mean±SD; age 14.0±0.5 years) performed two counterbalanced exercise conditions: 1) HIIE: 8 x 1-minute work intervals at 90% maximal aerobic speed; and 2) MIIE: between 9-12 x 1-minute work intervals at 90% ventilatory threshold where the number of intervals performed were distance-matched to HIIE. HIIE and MIIE intervals were interspersed with 75 s active recovery at 4 km·h. Affect, enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded before, during and after exercise. RESULTS: Affect responses declined in both conditions but the fall was greater in HIIE than MIIE (P0.64). CONCLUSIONS: Despite elevated RPE, HIIE did not elicit prominent unpleasant feelings as predicted by DMT and was associated with greater post-exercise enjoyment responses than MIIE. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the application of HIIE as an alternative form of PA in adolescents.Adam Abdul Malik is financially supported by the Government of Malaysia for the funding under the academic staff training scheme (USM/PPSP(Pent)/L2/bJld.XV)

    SAT-based Explicit LTL Reasoning

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    We present here a new explicit reasoning framework for linear temporal logic (LTL), which is built on top of propositional satisfiability (SAT) solving. As a proof-of-concept of this framework, we describe a new LTL satisfiability tool, Aalta\_v2.0, which is built on top of the MiniSAT SAT solver. We test the effectiveness of this approach by demonnstrating that Aalta\_v2.0 significantly outperforms all existing LTL satisfiability solvers. Furthermore, we show that the framework can be extended from propositional LTL to assertional LTL (where we allow theory atoms), by replacing MiniSAT with the Z3 SMT solver, and demonstrating that this can yield an exponential improvement in performance

    Validation and calibration for embedding rating of perceived exertion into high-intensity interval exercise in adolescents: a lab-based study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Human Kinetics via the DOI in this recordPURPOSE: Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is a convenient and cost-effective tool that can be used to monitor high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE). However, no methodological study has demonstrated the validity of RPE in this context. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate and calibrate RPE for monitoring HIIE in adolescents. METHODS: RPE, heart rate (HR), and oxygen uptake (V˙O2) data were retrospectively extracted from 3 lab-based crossover studies, with a pooled sample size of 45 adolescents, performing either cycling-based or running-based HIIE sessions. Within-participant correlations were calculated for RPE-HR and RPE-V˙O2, and receiver operator characteristic curve analysis was used to establish RPE cut points. RESULTS: The results showed that RPE-HR demonstrated acceptable criterion validity (r = .53-.74, P < .01), while RPE-V˙O2 had poor validity (r = .40-.48, P < .01), except for HIIE at 100% peak power (r = .59, P < .01). RPE cut points of 4 and 5 were established in corresponding to HR/V˙O2 based thresholds. CONCLUSION: RPE has some utility in evaluating intensity during lab-based running or cycling HIIE in adolescents. Future studies should expand the validation and calibration of RPE for prescribing and monitoring HIIE in children and adolescents in field-based contexts
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