736 research outputs found

    Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi, Dan Penerapan Yang Efektif Pada Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Jabatan Fungsional Auditor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, memaknai, dan menafsirkan efektivitas penyelenggaraan Diklat Jabatan Fungsional Auditor (JFA) yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi program, penerapan hasil diklat, dan diakhiri dengan memberikan rekomendasi penyelenggaraan Diklat JFA yang efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa metode wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Diklat JFA kurang efektif disebabkan dalam merencanakan Diklat JFA belum dilakukan analisis kebutuhan secara komprehensif. Dalam merancang sasaran diklat belum spesifik, sulit diukur, dan belum ada kurun waktu. Pengembangan kurikulum, materi diklat, dan panduan diklat belum disesuaikan dengan tuntutan kebutuhan pengguna. Alat bantu pembelajaran kurang berfungsi dengan baik. Pemilihan widyaiswara belum dilakukan sesuai kompetensinya, serta tidak pernah dilakukan seleksi peserta. Dalam pelaksanaan diklat, widyaiswara kurang kreatif menarik minat peserta, dan metode pembelajaran kurang variatif. Evaluasi terhadap peserta diklat belum dilakukan. Berkaitan dengan penerapan hasil diklat, rancangan transfer pembelajaran belum dibuat, beberapa hasil diklat belum diterapkan dalam pekerjaan, serta belum ada indikator kinerja auditor. The purpose of this study is to determine, describe, analyze, and interpret the effectiveness of education and training arrangement for Auditor Functional Position, which includes planning, implementation, evaluation of the training program, transfer of training, and the conclusion by providing recommendation how to arrange Education and Training for Auditor Functional Position effectively. The research used a qualitative approach through interview, observation, and documentary study methods. The results of research showed conclusions that Diklat JFA is less effective because training needs analysis has not been done comprehensively yet. In designing the training objectives, has not been specific, difficult to measure, and has not had time period. Curriculum development, training material, and training guidance have not been adjusted with the demands of the users needs. Some learning tools were less functioned. Trainers has not been selected as their competencies, and participants selection was not been done. In implementing training, some trainers were less creativity to attract participants attention, and learning methods had less variety. Evaluation to training participants have not been done. According to training results application, training transfer design has not been made, some training results have not been able to implemented in workplace, and there have not been auditor performance indicators yet

    Performance comparison of hydraulic and gravitation HybridICE filters in freeze desalination of mine waters

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    HybridICE is an emerging freeze desalination technology for treating complex mine wastewaters. The technology works on the principle that growing ice crystals reject impurities during freezing. The bottleneck in the freeze desalination processes may be the separation of ice from the ice slurry generated in the freeze engine. Two types of HybridICE filter have been developed to effect ice separation from ice slurry. The two types differ in the design of the filter elements, mode of feeding the slurry into the filter, and the mechanism of separation of ice from the slurry. In both types of filter, an extruded continuous ice column is formed around the filtering element, which has some openings to allow excess concentrated process water to flow out of the filter. However, the driving force in the gravitation filter is buoyancy, while in the hydraulic filter the ice column is driven by the pressure generated from the flow of the slurry. Salt removal and ice yield from each of the filter types was evaluated when a solution of approximately 4% m/m NaCl solution, prepared by dissolving 25.1 kg of NaCl in 674 litres of water, was treated in a HybridICE freeze crystallisation pilot plant. The objective was to describe the operation of the two types of filter and compare their performance. Salt removal and ice yield were found to be higher with the gravitation filter than the hydraulic filter.Keywords: freeze, desalination, filter, yield, salt removal, ic

    Studi Kasus Lingusql: Aplikasi Transaksi Perdagangan Saham

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    Proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yang ideal selalu mensyaratkan pengujian yang menyeluruh untuk memperoleh hasil perangkat lunak yang memiliki tingkat kebenaran tertentu. Namun pada prakteknya pengujian secara menyeluruh sangat jarang dilakukan karena membutuhkan sumber daya waktu dan biaya yang banyak. LinguSQL adalah sebuah tool pengembangan eksperimen yang mengintegrasikan proses pengujian secara whitebox dan blackbox ke dalam aktifitas pembuatan kodenya. Paper ini memaparkan penerapan LinguSQL dalam pengembangan studi kasus sebuah aplikasi transaksi perdagangan saham. Penerapan LinguSQL pada studi kasus yang cukup kompleks diharapkan akan menampilkan keuntungan konsep pengujian secara menyeluruh serta, dalam konteks implementasi tool, menunjukkan bagian-bagian yang masih perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut. The ideal process software development always requires thorough testing to obtain the software that has a certain degree of truth. However, in practice very rarely thorough testing done because it requires so much resources of time and cost. LinguSQL is an experimental tool that integrates the development process is whitebox and blackbox testing in manufacturing activity code. This paper describes the implementastion of LinguSQL in the development of a stock trading application case study. Implementation of LinguSQL on a complex case study will show the expected benefit of testing the concept a thorough and in the context of the implementation tool, showing the parts that still need to be developed further

    Web Service Discovery in a Semantically Extended UDDI Registry: the Case of FUSION

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    Service-oriented computing is being adopted at an unprecedented rate, making the effectiveness of automated service discovery an increasingly important challenge. UDDI has emerged as a de facto industry standard and fundamental building block within SOA infrastructures. Nevertheless, conventional UDDI registries lack means to provide unambiguous, semantically rich representations of Web service capabilities, and the logic inference power required for facilitating automated service discovery. To overcome this important limitation, a number of approaches have been proposed towards augmenting Web service discovery with semantics. This paper discusses the benefits of semantically extending Web service descriptions and UDDI registries, and presents an overview of the approach put forward in project FUSION, towards semantically-enhanced publication and discovery of services based on SAWSDL

    Effect of WO3 Nanoparticle Loading on the Microstructural, Mechanical and Corrosion Resistance of Zn Matrix/TiO2-WO3 Nanocomposite Coatings for Marine Application

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    In this study, for marine application purposes, we evaluated the effect of process parameter and particle loading on the microstructure, mechanical reinforcement and corrosion resistance properties of a Zn-TiO2-WO3 nanocomposite produced via electrodeposition. We characterized the morphological properties of the composite coatings with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). We carried out mechanical examination using a Dura Scan hardness tester and a CERT UMT-2 multi-functional tribological tester. We evaluated the corrosion properties by linear polarization in 3.5% NaCl. The results show that the coatings exhibited good stability and the quantitative particle loading greatly enhanced the structural and morphological properties, hardness behavior and corrosion resistance of the coatings. We observed the precipitation of this alloy on steel is greatly influenced by the composite characteristics

    Surface modification, strengthening effect and electrochemical comparative study of Zn-Al2O3-CeO3 and Zn-TiO2-CeO3 coating on mild steel

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    Surface enhancement of engineering materials is necessary for preventing service failure and corrosion attacks industrially. The surface modification, strengthening effect and electrochemical comparative study of Zn-Al2O3-CeO3 and Zn-TiO2-CeO3 coating on mild steel was investigated. Deposition was performed to obtain a better surface adherent coating using the electrodeposition technique. Co-deposition of mild steel resulted into surface modification attributes to the complex alloys that were developed. Films of mild steel were electrodeposited on zinc electrodes using the chloride bath solutions. The effect of deposition potentials was systematically studied using a focus ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) and an atomic force microscope (AFM) to observe the surface morphology, topography and the surface adherent properties of the coatings. The elemental composition and the phases evolved in composite coatings were measured by means of the energy dispersed spectrometer (EDS). The microhardness measurements and corrosion behaviours of the deposits were investigated. Weight loss measurement was conducted on the plated samples to observe the rate of corrosion and it was observed that there was severe corrosion on the controlled sample in comparison to the plated samples and that Zn-TiO2-CeO3 resisted more corrosion attacks

    The impact of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on AMH and ovarian reserve: a meta-analysis

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    Laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) has been widely used as an effective treatment of anovulatory women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). However, there has been a growing concern over a possible damaging effect of this procedure on ovarian reserve. The objective of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that LOD compromises ovarian reserve as measured by post-operative changes in circulating anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). This meta-analysis included all cohort studies as well as randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating serum AMH concentrations and other ovarian reserve markers in women with PCOS undergoing LOD. Various databases were searched including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Dynamed Plus, ScienceDirect, TRIP database, ClinicalTrials.gov and Cochrane Library from January 2000 to December 2016. Sixty studies were identified, of which seven were deemed eligible for this review. AMH data were extracted from each study and entered into the RevMan software to calculate the weighted mean difference (WMD) between pre- and post-operative values. Pooled analysis of all studies (n = 442) revealed a statistically significant decline in serum AMH concentration after LOD (WMD −2.13 ng/mL; 95% confidence interval (CI) −2.97 to −1.30). Subgroup analysis based on duration of follow-up, AMH kit, laterality of surgery and amount of energy applied during LOD consistently showed a statistically significant fall in serum AMH concentration. In conclusion, although LOD seems to markedly reduce circulating AMH, it remains uncertain whether this reflects a real damage to ovarian reserve or normalisation of the high pre-operative serum AMH levels. Further long-term studies on ovarian reserve after LOD are required to address this uncertainty
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