4,457 research outputs found

    El poder papal en el De renuntiatione papae de Pedro de Juan Olivi

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    The article analyses the first scholarly quaestio on Papal resignation. In this question it was discussed not only the problem of the Papal resignation, but also the grounds of that decision, namely, the Papal sovereignty, a polemic topic for scholars devoted to Medieval political thinking. The author of that quaestio was Peter John of Olivi. The goal of the article is to examine its author’s conception of the pontifical plenitudo potestatis, that is, to evaluate the kind of power the Papal authority had and its influence on the ecclesiastical environment, a topic that up to that date had been mainly discussed by canonists and considered only tangentially by the majority of theologians.Este artículo analiza la primera quaestio escolar sobre la renuncia papal. En esta cuestión se discute no solo el problema de la renuncia papal sino también los fundamentos de esta decision, a saber, la soberanía papal, un tópico polémico para los estudiosos dedicados al pensamiento político medieval. El autor de esta quaestio es Pedro de Juan Olivi. El objeto de este artículo es examinar la concepción del autor de la plenitudo potestatis pontificia, esto es, evaluar el tipo de poder que la autoridad papal tenía y su influencia sobre el ambiente eclesiástico, un tema que, hasta la fecha, había sido principalmente discutido por canonistas y era trabajado solo tangencialmente por la mayoría de los teólogos


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar a quantificação dos tributos inerentes aos insumos agrícolas utilizados na cultura da uva. O resultado desse artigo demonstra que para os insumos agrícolas utilizados na cultura da uva ter uma menor carga tributária, seria necessário que os Estados e a União concedessem benefícios fiscais a todos esses produtos, pois hoje apenas Adubos/Fertilizantes e Defensivos gozam desses benefícios. O Estado de Pernambuco concede o benefício fiscal de isenção do ICMS aos Adubos e Defensivos para as saídas internas e uma redução em sua base de cálculo de 30% e 60% respectivamente nas saídas interestaduais e os Tributos Federais do PIS e COFINS, tem as suas alíquotas reduzidas a 0,00% (zero), benefício concedido pela União. Os dados foram levantados a partir das Notas Fiscais de Entrada e Saída da empresa Verdão Comércio e Representação de Produtos Agrícolas Ltda; de pesquisas feitas na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – EMBRAPA, bem como, consultas e informações coletadas nas Receitas Federal e Estadual com relação à fundamentação da Lei para a aplicabilidade das alíquotas e base de cálculo do ICMS como também do PIS e COFINS. Os produtos agropecuários, em sua maioria, são alimentos ou bens essenciais, então o ideal seria que todos os insumos utilizados para produzirem esses produtos tivessem uma tributação diferenciada, devendo merecer, portanto as menores alíquotas ou o benefício de isenção. Se os Estados e a União adotassem essas medidas, com certeza daria um incentivo maior a esse segmento e proporcionaria uma melhor situação para os produtores agrícolas. -------------------------------------------------------------This work aims do demonstrate the qualification of the taxes inherent to the agricultural products used in the grapes plantation. The result of this article demonstrates that to the agricultural products used in the grapes plantation to have a little tributary tax, would be necessary that the States and the Union give tax benefits to all theses products, because, nowadays, only dung/fertilizer and defensives have this benefit. Pernambuco State gives tributary tax of ICMS freedom to dung and defensives to internal exits and a reduction in its data calculation of 30% and 60% respectively in interstate exits and the Federal Taxes of PIS and COFINS, have their tax decreased to 0,00% (zero), benefit given by the Union. The data were researched from the input and output invoices from Verdão Comércio e Representação de Produtos Agrícolas Ltda; from researches done at Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – EMBRAPA, and also, collected conversation and information at Receita Federal and Estadual in relation to law basis to appliance of taxes and calculation base of ICMS and also PIS and CONFINS. The agrocattleman products, in majority, are food or essential things, then the solutions would be that all of products used to produce these products have a different tax, deserving, therefore, the lowest tax or the freedom benefit. If the States or the Union used the suggestions, certainly, would giver a bigger incentive to this segment and would give a better situation to agricultural producers.Tributos, Insumos Agrícolas, Cultura da Uva, taxes, agricultural products, grapes plantation, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries,

    Limitation of electron mobility in modulation-doped In0.53Ga0.47As/InP quantum wells at low temperatures

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    The low-temperature electron mobility is investigated here for electrons confined in modulation-doped In0.53Ga0.47As/InP single symmetric quantum wells. The subband structure calculation is developed via variational method, both Schrodinger and Poisson equations being solved simultaneously with adequate heterointer- ¨ face matching conditions. With this in hands, the main electron scattering rates are computed, namely alloy disorder, remote ionized impurity, and interface roughness. As a result, interesting interchanges in these scattering rates were found by varying the well width and the spacer width, which show that some scattering mechanisms can surpass the alloy disorder scattering rate and come to limit the electron mobility, a behavior not reported in the literature

    Lyapunov exponent in the Vicsek model

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    The well-known Vicsek model describes the flock dynamics of self-propelled agents. Surprisingly, a direct measure of the chaotic behavior of such systems is missing. Here, we discuss the kinetic phase transition present in Vicsek systems in light of the largest Lyapunov exponent, which is numerically computed by following the dynamical evolution in tangent space. As discontinuities in the neighbors weighting factor hinder the computations, we propose a continuous form of the model. Our results about chaotic regime reinforce the idea that the Lyapunov exponent is also a phase transition indicator.Comment: 7 pages, 16 equations, 6 figure

    Serological Monitoring Of A Toxoplasma Infection After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.

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    We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.52225-

    Monitoramento sorológico de uma infecção toxoplásmica após transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas

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    We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.Esse relato de caso descreve uma resposta primária ao Toxoplasma gondii após transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas em paciente com mieloma múltiplo. A resposta primária para o T. gondii foi evidenciada pela soroconversão observada na resposta de anticorpos IgM, IgG e IgA. O paciente foi prontamente tratado e complicações relacionadas à toxoplasmose não foram observadas nos meses subseqüentes

    Gr\"uneisen parameter as an entanglement compass

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    The Gr\"uneisen ratio Γ\Gamma, i.e., the singular part of the ratio of thermal expansion to the specific heat, has been broadly employed to explore both finite-TT and quantum critical points (QCPs). For a genuine quantum phase transition (QPT), thermal fluctuations are absent and thus the thermodynamic Γ\Gamma cannot be employed. We propose a quantum analogue to Γ\Gamma that computes entanglement as a function of a tuning parameter and show that QPTs take place only for quadratic non-diagonal Hamiltonians. We showcase our approach using the quantum 1D Ising model with transverse field and Kane's quantum computer. The slowing down of the dynamics and thus the ``creation of mass'' close to any QCP/QPT is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, comments are wellcome