135 research outputs found

    Use of the international classification of diseases (ICD)-11 method applied to veterinary forensic pathology for coding the cause and manner of death in wildlife

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    The growth of human population has led, in recent years, to increasingly frequent contacts with the wild animals with which we share the territory, sometimes leading to negative interactions with them. The purpose of the study is to apply the codes contained in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) method to investigate the cause and the manner of death, also to entrust the veterinarian with the task of recognizing and describing a suspected animal abuse as a sentinel indicator of violence toward humans and non-humans, thus expanding the concept of “One Health” from a forensic investigation perspective. The subjects recruited are wild mammals submitted for autopsy to the Pathology Unit of the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Parma, Italy, from 2015 to 2018. The manner and the cause of death of 167 wild animals of 16 different species have been investigated. When possible, an on-site inspection where the corpse was found was performed. Injuries were classified according to the on-line 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases method. Section 22 (Injury, poisoning or certain other consequences of external causes) was used to record the “immediate cause of death” (cause of death) and Section 23 (External causes of morbidity or mortality) was used to record the “underlying cause of death” (manner of death) for each animal. In most cases, death occurred as a result of road trauma but in some cases, abuse and voluntary killing were investigated. The recognition of non-accidental injuries is particularly important for both the defense in court of animals and for the connection between crimes committed against animals and against humans, known as “The Link”. The use of the ICD-11 method, as a sort of summary of the autopsy report, was confirmed to be of great value for the clarity and simplicity of processing the data collected also by veterinary pathologists. The veterinary pathologists can use this evidence-based method with the aim of creating a national register and therefore, to understand the real extent of the human impact on wildlife and document it in a scientific and statistically usable way

    Clinical, genetic, and pathological features of male pseudohermaphroditism in dog

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    Male pseudohermaphroditism is a sex differentiation disorder in which the gonads are testes and the genital ducts are incompletely masculinized. An 8 years old dog with normal male karyotype was referred for examination of external genitalia abnormalities. Adjacent to the vulva subcutaneous undescended testes were observed. The histology of the gonads revealed a Leydig and Sertoli cell neoplasia. The contemporaneous presence of testicular tissue, vulva, male karyotype were compatible with a male pseudohermaphrodite (MPH) condition

    TMS for staging and predicting functional decline in frontotemporal dementia.

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate if transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures correlate with disease severity and predict functional decline in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) phenotypes. Methods Paired-pulse TMS was used to investigate the activity of different intracortical circuits in 171 FTD patients (122 bvFTD, 31 avPPA, 18 svPPA) and 74 healthy controls. Pearson's correlations were used to analyze the association between TMS measures and disease severity, while multiple regression analysis was used to identify the best clinical or neurophysiological measure to predict functional decline at 12 months. Results We observed significant strong correlations between TMS measures [short interval intracortical inhibition-facilitation (SICI-ICF) and long interval intracortical inhibition (LICI)], and disease severity (evaluated with the FTLD-CDR) (all r > 0.5, p SICI-ICF, short interval intracortical facilitation (SICF) and LICI were also significant predictors of functional decline, evaluated as the change in FTLD-CDR scores at 12 months (all p Conclusions The present study has shown that the dysfunction of inhibitory and facilitatory intracortical circuits, evaluated with TMS, correlates with disease severity and progression, accurately predicting functional decline at 12 months, better than any other investigated marker

    Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 alleviates intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    Mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion is a clinical emergency with high morbidity and mortality due to the transient reduction of blood supply to the bowel. In recent years, the critical contribution of gut microbiome to human health and proper gastrointestinal functions has gradually emerged. In the current study, we investigated the protective effects of five days supplementation with Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010 in a murine model of gut ischemia/reperfusion. Our findings indicate that animals pretreated with B. bifidum PRL2010 showed lower neutrophil recruitment in the lungs, remarkably reduced bacterial translocation and decreased transcription levels of TNFalpha and IL-10 both in liver and kidneys, at the same time increasing those of IL-12 in kidneys. Inhibiting the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria and boosting host innate immunity responses are among the possible protective mechanisms enacted by the probiotic. These results demonstrate that short-period treatment with B. bifidum PRL2010 is a potential strategy to dampen remote organ injury due to mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion

    MEK1/2 regulate normal BCR and ABL1 tumor-suppressor functions to dictate ATO response in TKI-resistant Ph+ leukemia

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    Resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) remains a clinical challenge in Ph-positive variants of chronic myeloid leukemia. We provide mechanistic insights into a previously undisclosed MEK1/2/BCR::ABL1/BCR/ABL1-driven signaling loop that may determine the efficacy of arsenic trioxide (ATO) in TKI-resistant leukemic patients. We find that activated MEK1/2 assemble into a pentameric complex with BCR::ABL1, BCR and ABL1 to induce phosphorylation of BCR and BCR::ABL1 at Tyr360 and Tyr177, and ABL1, at Thr735 and Tyr412 residues thus provoking loss of BCR's tumor-suppression functions, enhanced oncogenic activity of BCR::ABL1, cytoplasmic retention of ABL1 and consequently drug resistance. Coherently, pharmacological blockade of MEK1/2 induces dissociation of the pentameric MEK1/2/BCR::ABL1/BCR/ABL1 complex and causes a concurrent BCRY360/Y177, BCR::ABL1Y360/Y177 and cytoplasmic ABL1Y412/T735 dephosphorylation thereby provoking the rescue of the BCR's anti-oncogenic activities, nuclear accumulation of ABL1 with tumor-suppressive functions and consequently, growth inhibition of the leukemic cells and an ATO sensitization via BCR-MYC and ABL1-p73 signaling axes activation. Additionally, the allosteric activation of nuclear ABL1 was consistently found to enhance the anti-leukemic effects of the MEK1/2 inhibitor Mirdametinib, which when combined with ATO, significantly prolonged the survival of mice bearing BCR::ABL1-T315I-induced leukemia. These findings highlight the therapeutic potential of MEK1/2-inhibitors/ATO combination for the treatment of TKI-resistant leukemia

    Prospective individual patient data meta-analysis of two randomized trials on convalescent plasma for COVID-19 outpatients

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    Data on convalescent plasma (CP) treatment in COVID-19 outpatients are scarce. We aimed to assess whether CP administered during the first week of symptoms reduced the disease progression or risk of hospitalization of outpatients. Two multicenter, double-blind randomized trials (NCT04621123, NCT04589949) were merged with data pooling starting when = 50 years and symptomatic for <= 7days were included. The intervention consisted of 200-300mL of CP with a predefined minimum level of antibodies. Primary endpoints were a 5-point disease severity scale and a composite of hospitalization or death by 28 days. Amongst the 797 patients included, 390 received CP and 392 placebo; they had a median age of 58 years, 1 comorbidity, 5 days symptoms and 93% had negative IgG antibody-test. Seventy-four patients were hospitalized, 6 required mechanical ventilation and 3 died. The odds ratio (OR) of CP for improved disease severity scale was 0.936 (credible interval (CI) 0.667-1.311); OR for hospitalization or death was 0.919 (CI 0.592-1.416). CP effect on hospital admission or death was largest in patients with <= 5 days of symptoms (OR 0.658, 95%CI 0.394-1.085). CP did not decrease the time to full symptom resolution

    Structural MRI predicts clinical progression in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia: findings from the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) cohort

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    Abstract Biomarkers that can predict disease progression in individuals with genetic frontotemporal dementia are urgently needed. We aimed to identify whether baseline MRI-based grey and white matter abnormalities are associated with different clinical progression profiles in presymptomatic mutation carriers in the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative. 387 mutation carriers were included (160 GRN, 160 C9orf72, 67 MAPT), together with 240 non-carrier cognitively normal controls. Cortical and subcortical grey matter volumes were generated using automated parcellation methods on volumetric 3 T T1-weighted MRI scans, while white matter characteristics were estimated using diffusion tensor imaging. Mutation carriers were divided into two disease stages based on their global CDR¼+NACC-FTLD score: presymptomatic (0 or 0.5) and fully symptomatic (1 or greater). W-scores in each grey matter volumes and white matter diffusion measures were computed to quantify the degree of abnormality compared to controls for each presymptomatic carrier, adjusting for their age, sex, total intracranial volume, and scanner type. Presymptomatic carriers were classified as “normal” or “abnormal” based on whether their grey matter volume and white matter diffusion measure w-scores were above or below the cut point corresponding to the 10th percentile of the controls. We then compared the change in disease severity between baseline and one year later in both the “normal” and “abnormal” groups within each genetic subtype, as measured by the CDR¼+NACC-FTLD sum-of-boxes score and revised Cambridge Behavioural Inventory total score. Overall, presymptomatic carriers with normal regional w-scores at baseline did not progress clinically as much as those with abnormal regional w-scores. Having abnormal grey or white matter measures at baseline was associated with a statistically significant increase in the CDR¼+NACC-FTLD of up to 4 points in C9orf72 expansion carriers, and 5 points in the GRN group as well as a statistically significant increase in the revised Cambridge Behavioural Inventory of up to 11 points in MAPT, 10 points in GRN, and 8 points in C9orf72 mutation carriers. Baseline regional brain abnormalities on MRI in presymptomatic mutation carriers are associated with different profiles of clinical progression over time. These results may be helpful to inform stratification of participants in future trials
