117 research outputs found

    Caracterización petromineralógica y geoquímica del Skarn de Marmol de Quiquijana (provincia de Quispicanchi – Cusco)

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    La zona de estudio se encuentra ubicada en el cerro Curi, al sur de la ciudad del Cusco, en el distrito de Quiquijana, provincia de Quispicanchi, Región Cusco – Perú. Allí se formó un Skarn como consecuencia de la intrusión de un cuerpo intrusivo de composición granodiorita – diorita en rocas caliza originando un metasomatismo que dio como resultado la formación de depósitos de hierro, magnetita y mármol. Las unidades estratigráficas que están involucradas en la formación del skarn corresponden al Grupo Copacabana que está compuesta por una litología de calizas, la formación Cay cay en su nivel volcánico de litología basalto espilítico y el cuerpo intrusivo que tiene una litología que varía de granodiorita a diorita, en la parte distal tenemos afloramientos de Areniscas, con intercalaciones de lutitas correspondientes a las formaciones Puquin, Quilque y Kayra, así como pizarras de la formación Ananea. Las rocas caliza sufrieron un metamorfismo por lo que se formaron depósitos de mármol que en la actualidad son explotadas de manera artesanal por los pobladores del lugar. En el contacto entre la roca intrusiva y la caliza se formaron una vetas de hierro, pudiéndose encontrar mineralización de magnetita y hematita. La caracterización petromineralógica y geoquímica se realizaron a muestras de rocas que afloran en el cerro Curi, habiéndose recolectado muestras representativas de cada unidad litológica las cuales fueron descritas macroscópicamente y microscópicamente utilizando el microscopio petrográfico de luz transmitida y luz reflejada. Dos muestras de la roca volcánica y una del intrusivo fueron analizados mediante los métodos Plasma Acoplado por Inducción ICP-MS para su caracterización geoquímica y Fluorescencia de rayos X. La caracterización petromineralógica en las rocas clásticas como areniscas nos muestra una presencia de minerales de hematita, en las rocas calizas, también vemos presencia de mineralización de hierro en las fracturas, la presencia de pirolusita en el mármol, la presencia de hematita en las rocas intrusivas y bastante calicita en la roca volcánica. La presencia de estos minerales evidencia que la formación del skarn de Fe afectó a las rocas existentes en el lugar. La asociación mineral del skarn de Fe presenta mineralización de diópsido, anfibol, epidota y clorita en la roca diorita y granate grosularia en la roca intrusiva y volcánica. Evidenciándose así que presenta la asociación mineralógica característica de un skarn de Fe. La caracterización geoquímica nos muestra que la roca volcánica corresponde a una composición traquita a traquiandesita, corresponde a un magma alcalinas y de un ambiente tectónico de subducción. La roca intrusiva la clasificaríamos como una monzonita y el magma es toleítico

    lima organizacional y Satisfacción Laboral de los colaboradores de la I.E.P María Montessori, Av. Wiesse paradero 5 san juan de Lurigancho – 2018

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación existente entre el Clima Organizacional y la Satisfacción Laboral de los colaboradores de la I.E.P María Montessori, Av. Wiesse Paradero 5 San Juan de Lurigancho - 2018. El tipo de investigación a realizar fue aplicada, el diseño de investigación no experimental, correlacional. Se utilizó como población a 30 colaboradores de la I.E.P María Montessori entre ellos conformados por: (30 docentes). establecidos todos ellos en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, la confiabilidad del instrumento se obtuvo con el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach obteniendo resultados tales como ,801 para la variable Clima organizacional y ,709 para la variable Satisfacción Laboral. La recolección de los datos se obtuvo a través de 2 cuestionarios con 50 ítems para la primera dimensión y 27 ítems para la segunda dimensión con la famosa escala de Likert. El análisis de los datos se obtuvo un resultado sig. Bilateral de (p= 0,000 menor que 0,05) y una correlacional Rho Spearman de ,991 utilizando el programa SPSS versión 22, llegando a evidenciar los objetivos planteado

    Reusability and Flexibility in Parametric Surface-based Models: A Review of Modelling Strategies

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    CAD systems are indispensable tools in the product design and development process. Through the creation of parametric 3D models,they increase productivity, enable the design of highly complex parts, improve collaboration between different work teams and reduce time to launch. Nevertheless, during the design process there are many different modelling solutions to generate any one part, and the robustness and flexibility of a model depends to a great extent on the experience of the designer. This dependence on individuals rather than methodologies has a negative impact on downstream engineering activities,as many models are not easily editable. Developing a methodology to produce flexibleand reusable 3D models is therefore key to reducing the design time of the product development process. In this paper,we review the state of the art with regardtoflexibility and reusability in parametric surface-based models. We identify gaps in the field and determine the principle aspects in CAD development workflows which influence flexibility and reusability. We aim to expand the field of knowledge and establish a foundation for future research into the development of a surface-based modelling methodology

    Reducción del precio CIF mediante el apalancamiento operativo-financiero de la empresa Permex International Commerce SRL periodo 2016-2017

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    RESUMEN La carnaza es un subproducto obtenido de forma residual de la industria del cuero. El incremento de su oferta internacional impulsada por países como México, Brasil y China ha propiciado un escenario de alta competencia presionando el precio a la baja en mercados como EEUU. En consecuencia, productos de carnaza como los juguetes masticables caninos que fabrica PERMEX en Perú, han sufrido una baja en su precio de mercado. Dado esto, LENNOX su único cliente mayorista en EEUU, le ha pedido a PERMEX negociar el precio CIF por kg de sus chips de carnaza para el 2018, indicándole que necesitará una reducción del 10% para mantener la relación comercial. Este escenario ha obligado a PERMEX a repasar su estructura de costos para determinar si es factible alcanzar su margen operativo meta asumiendo una reducción del 10% del precio CIF, utilizando su capacidad operativa actual, considerando que PERMEX no posee liquidez suficiente para realizar inversiones en activos fijos, infraestructura o maquinaria en el corto plazo. La forma en que se ha abordado este problema es mediante la utilización del apalancamiento operativo-financiero que implica un incremento en la producción y en el uso de su capacidad efectiva actual para reducir el costo unitario posibilitando una reducción del precio CIF; esto sin requerir una inversión extensa, solo un incremento en el capital de trabajo en relación con el nivel de actividad. La presente investigación busca demostrar, describir y explicar el mecanismo mediante el cual, aprovechar el efecto del apalancamiento operativo-financiero permite que se obtengan rendimientos marginales por unidad adicional de producción los cuales se utilizarán para reducir el precio CIF manteniendo el margen operativo. Esto implicará analizar los componentes del apalancamiento, como el nivel de producción y ventas, y la estructura de costos de PERMEX, partiendo de su relación con el precio CIF. La presente investigación utilizará la información cuantitativa presente en los de registros contables y financieros de PERMEX para calcular las dimensiones de dichas variables y analizar a detalle su comportamiento en distintos escenarios, contrastándolo con las bases teóricas y la información cualitativa recopilada en la entrevista aplicada a su Gerente General y al conocimiento obtenido en el área de operaciones, los cuales acompañarán la interpretación de los resultados con forme se vayan desarrollando y obteniendo. ABSTRACT The raw-hide is a sub-product obtained in a residual way from the leather industry. The increase of its international offer driven by countries such as Mexico, Brazil and China, has led to a scenario of high competition pushing the price down in markets such as the US. Consequently, raw-hide products such as the canine chew toys manufactured by PERMEX in Peru have suffered a decrease in their market price. Given this, LENNOX, its only wholesale customer in the US, asked PERMEX to negotiate the CIF price per kg of its raw-hide chips for 2018, seeking a 10% reduction to maintain their commercial relationship. This scenario has forced PERMEX to review its cost structure to determine if it is feasible to reach its target operating while reducing its CIF price by 10%, using its real operating capacity, considering that PERMEX does not have enough liquidity to make investments in fixed assets, infrastructure or machinery in the short term. The way in which this problem have been addressed is through the use of operational-financial leverage that implies an increase in production and the use of its current effective capacity to reduce the unit cost, enabling a reduction in the CIF price; this without requiring an extensive investment, only an increase in working capital in relation to the level of activity. The present investigation seeks to demonstrate, describe and explain the mechanism by which taking advantage of the effect of operating-financial leverage allows marginal profits to be obtained per additional unit of production which will be used to reduce the CIF price while maintaining the operating margin. This will involve analyzing the components of leverage, such as the level of production and sales, and the cost structure of PERMEX, based on its relationship with the CIF price. The present investigation will use the quantitative information present in the accounting and financial records of PERMEX to calculate the dimensions of these variables and analyze in detail their behavior in different scenarios, contrasting it with the theoretical bases and the qualitative information collected in the interview applied to its General Manager and the knowledge acquired in the area of operations, which will enhance the interpretation of the results as they are obtained from the data.ABSTRACT The raw-hide is a sub-product obtained in a residual way from the leather industry. The increase of its international offer driven by countries such as Mexico, Brazil and China, has led to a scenario of high competition pushing the price down in markets such as the US. Consequently, raw-hide products such as the canine chew toys manufactured by PERMEX in Peru have suffered a decrease in their market price. Given this, LENNOX, its only wholesale customer in the US, asked PERMEX to negotiate the CIF price per kg of its raw-hide chips for 2018, seeking a 10% reduction to maintain their commercial relationship. This scenario has forced PERMEX to review its cost structure to determine if it is feasible to reach its target operating while reducing its CIF price by 10%, using its real operating capacity, considering that PERMEX does not have enough liquidity to make investments in fixed assets, infrastructure or machinery in the short term. The way in which this problem have been addressed is through the use of operational-financial leverage that implies an increase in production and the use of its current effective capacity to reduce the unit cost, enabling a reduction in the CIF price; this without requiring an extensive investment, only an increase in working capital in relation to the level of activity. The present investigation seeks to demonstrate, describe and explain the mechanism by which taking advantage of the effect of operating-financial leverage allows marginal profits to be obtained per additional unit of production which will be used to reduce the CIF price while maintaining the operating margin. This will involve analyzing the components of leverage, such as the level of production and sales, and the cost structure of PERMEX, based on its relationship with the CIF price. The present investigation will use the quantitative information present in the accounting and financial records of PERMEX to calculate the dimensions of these variables and analyze in detail their behavior in different scenarios, contrasting it with the theoretical bases and the qualitative information collected in the interview applied to its General Manager and the knowledge acquired in the area of operations, which will enhance the interpretation of the results as they are obtained from the data

    Método de Estimativa e Previsão de Movimento em Séries Temporais de Imagens

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    Dada uma série temporal de imagens adquiridas em tempos igualmente espaçados, obtém-se uma imagem de tempo futuro, podendo o método ser aplicado a séries temporais de imagens de objetos sólidos e/ou fluidos, proporcionando uma modelagem de variações dos níveis de cinza, deslocamentos, de crescimentos e decrescimentos de regiões nas imagens, ainda que ocorram todos esses eventos simultaneamente na mesma série temporal.UER

    Determinação da sobrecarga de ferro na talassemia pela IRM hepática e ferritina

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    Accumulation of iron in thalassemia causes organ damage and reduces patient survival due to heart lesions in the second decade of life. Iron deposits are monitored by direct (biopsy) and indirect methods (ferritin) with sequential data being better than isolated measurements. This paper compares two indirect measurements of iron overload; a single hepatic iron concentration (HIC) by magnetic resonance and mean ferritin levels over four years. A retrospective study of 25 patients from the Centro Regional de Hemoterapia in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil was carried out. High HIC (above 7 mg per gram of dry weight) was found in 20 patients and high mean serum ferritin (above 2500 μg/L) in 10 patients. Stratification into three levels (low, moderate and high) of iron overload gave similar results in both tests. Many other factors influence de degree of iron overload in thalassemia. No correlation was found using a non-parametric statistical test between HIC and mean serum ferritin. Both methods provide better planning of chelation therapy.O acúmulo de ferro na talassemia causa lesões orgânicas e reduz a sobrevida do paciente por lesão cardíaca na segunda década da vida, e tem sido avaliado por medidas diretas (biópsia) e indiretas (ferritina). As medidas isoladas carecem de valor, sendo preferidas as sequenciais. Este trabalho pretende comparar medidas indiretas de sobrecarga de ferro, uma medida da concentração de ferro hepático por ressonância magnética, e a ferritina sérica média dos últimos quatro anos. Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo de 25 pacientes do Centro Regional de Hemoterapia, em Ribeirão Preto, Brasil. Encontrou-se em vinte pacientes ferro hepático acima de 7 mg/g peso seco e ferritina média elevada acima de 2.500 ug/l em dez. Estratificação em três níveis de sobrecarga (leve, moderada e grave) produziu resultados semelhantes em ambos os testes. Vários outros fatores influenciam o grau de sobrecarga de ferro na talassemia. Não houve correlação significativa com aplicação de testes não-paramétricos. Ambos os métodos usados concomitantemente levarão a um melhor planejamento da terapia quelante.FapespCNPqCapes and Fundação Hemocentr

    Neonatal Screening Program at the University Hospital of the Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, São Paulo University, Brazil

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    O Programa de Triagem Neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, instituído em 1994 diagnosticou, até 2005, 76 crianças com hipotireoidismo congênito, 10 com fenilcetonúria e 25 com hemoglobinopatias, o que representou uma incidência de 1:2.595, 1:19.409, 1:4.120, respectivamente. Foram diagnosticadas 2.747 crianças com traço falciforme (1:37,5 nascidos vivos). A cobertura média do programa foi de 94,5%. Houve uma considerável melhora nos parâmetros de avaliação da qualidade do programa no período, porém, sem atingir os índices ideais. Campanhas visando à maior divulgação da importância da triagem neonatal são necessárias para aumentar a cobertura e a instituição do 3º dia de vida do recém-nascido como sendo o Dia do Teste do Pezinho poderia contribuir para que idades mais precoces de tratamento fossem atingidas, melhorando o prognóstico das crianças acometidas.The Neonatal Screening Program at the University Hospital of the Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, São Paulo University, Brazil, was introduced in 1994. As of December 2005, congenital hypothyroidism had been diagnosed in 76 infants, phenylketonuria in 10, and hemoglobinopathies in 25, representing incidence rates of 1:2,595, 1:19,409, and 1:4,120, respectively. A total of 2,747 newborns had the sickle cell trait, i.e., were heterozygous for the sickle mutation (1:37.5 live births). The program's mean coverage during this period was 94.5%. There was major improvement in the parameters for evaluating the program's quality, although they were still far from ideal. Public-awareness campaigns on the importance of neonatal screening are needed to increase the program's coverage. Setting postnatal day 3 as the standard Day for the Heel Stick Test would help ensure treatment at earlier ages, thus improving prognosis for affected infants

    Genesis of submerged sandstones in Paraná State continental shelf, Southern Brazil, based on cementation patterns, ages and stable isotopes

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    Beachrocks are a common feature along the Brazilian coast and although their occurrence in intertidal zones is concentrated in tropical regions, similar formations have been described submerged on the continental shelf in subtropical regions. In the state of Paraná, submerged sandstones are present on the continental shelf and their formation could be associated with the cementation of beach sediments. This would provide an excellent indicator of the stabilization of the coastline during lower sea-level periods. In this study, samples were identified and collected in Paraná State, Southern Brazil, at depths between 18 and 33 meters in the continental shelf and at 6 meters depth in the Paranaguá Bay inlet. As in situ observations proved problematic, analysis relied mainly on their petrography, mineralogy, ages and isotopic values (δ13C and δ18O). Whole rock dating demonstrated that the oldest acquired sample was formed 28109-26406 cal. years BP, being exposed to atmospheric conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum. This exposure is reflected in its cements, composed uniquely of microcrystalline and spar calcite, and on its δ18O/δ13C values, which indicates formation on a fresh water environment. Contrarily to most carbonate cemented products described along Brazilian coastline, δ13C values ranged between -26.36 and -51.07‰ on all other samples, interpreted as a result of cement precipitation prompted by methane, either: in a paleo-estuarine/ paleo-lagunar to transgressive environment buried under a pile of coarser material or; after transgression and drowning of organic-rich sediments by coarser sediments, and due to upward migration of methane on the sedimentary column. Both processes would result in cements identified on these samples, apart from the one collected closer to shore which indicates some freshwater influence. Two of the samples separated by 15km distance perpendicularly to the actual coastline and 11m depth difference yielded max and minimum ages of 7913 and 7452 cal. years BP. Such a short time span between these samples could be either the result of their formation on a linked environment or older carbon signature from drowned environments being present on younger cements

    Response of layer hens to different densities in cages and dietary energy levels

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    Harco Sex Link layers were used to evaluate the effects of three population densities in cages (DPJ; 600, 480, and 450 cm 2/hen) using cages of three sizes (30 x 40, 36 x 40, and 45 x 30 cm), in which were housed 2, 3, and 3 birds/cage, resulting in 15, 12, and 15 cm of lineal feeder space per bird, respectively; and two levels of dietary energy (NED; 2 600 and 2 800 kcal ME/kg) and their interaction, on feed consumption (ConA), laying percentage (PP), weight per egg (PH), and feed conversion (CA), in a 12-wk trial conducted at La Tuquerena Farm. A completely randomized design was used, with a factorial arrangement (3 x 2) and six replications per treatment. DPJ exerted effects (P < 0.05) on ConA and PP, the highest values (128.9 g/day and 65.4%) corresponding to the 600 cm2 density, whereas PH and CA were not affected. NED did not affect (P < 0.05) ConA (although trend was to higher consumption at the lower NED) nor PP and PH; the higher NED gave better (P < 0.05) efficiency in CA (expressed as 2.36 vs. 2.59 kg feed/dozen eggs or 1.91 vs. 1.96 kg/kg). The DPJ–NED interaction affected (P < 0.05) ConA, PP and CA, but not PH (treatment means of which varied only between 64.2 and 62.3 g). Highest ConA (130.4 g/day) and PP (64.6%) were obtained with the combination 600 cm 2/bird and 2 600 kcal/kg, lowest ConA (114.5 g) with 480–2 800 and lowest PP (52.1%) with 480–2 600. The best CA (kg/dozen) were 2.30 for 450–2 800 and 2.34 for 480–2 800 and the worst 2.67 (480–2 600) and 2.64 (450–2 600). The 2 600 energy level was satisfactory for use with the 600 cm 2/hen density, but at the higher densities its use resulted in lower PP and poorer CA than the 2 800 kcal/kg level
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