135 research outputs found

    Factorizing the motion sensitivity function into equivalent input noise and calculation efficiency

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    The photopic motion sensitivity function of the energybased motion system is band-pass peaking around 8 Hz. Using an external noise paradigm to factorize the sensitivity into equivalent input noise and calculation efficiency, the present study investigated if the variation in photopic motion sensitivity as a function of the temporal frequency is due to a variation of equivalent input noise (e.g., early temporal filtering) or calculation efficiency (ability to select and integrate motion). For various temporal frequencies, contrast thresholds for a direction discrimination task were measured in presence and absence of noise. Up to 15 Hz, the sensitivity variation was mainly due to a variation of equivalent input noise and little variation in calculation efficiency was observed. The sensitivity fall-off at very high temporal frequencies (from 15 to 30 Hz) was due to a combination of a drop of calculation efficiency and a rise of equivalent input noise. A control experiment in which an artificial temporal integration was applied to the stimulus showed that an early temporal filter (generally assumed to affect equivalent input noise, not calculation efficiency) could impair both the calculation efficiency and equivalent input noise at very high temporal frequencies. We conclude that at the photopic luminance intensity tested, the variation of motion sensitivity as a function of the temporal frequency was mainly due to early temporal filtering, not to the ability to select and integrate motion. More specifically, we conclude that photopic motion sensitivity at high temporal frequencies is limited by internal noise occurring after the transduction process (i.e., neural noise), not by quantal noise resulting from the probabilistic absorption of photons by the photoreceptors as previously suggested

    Integration of sensory quanta in cuneate nucleus neurons in vivo.

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    Discriminative touch relies on afferent information carried to the central nervous system by action potentials (spikes) in ensembles of primary afferents bundled in peripheral nerves. These sensory quanta are first processed by the cuneate nucleus before the afferent information is transmitted to brain networks serving specific perceptual and sensorimotor functions. Here we report data on the integration of primary afferent synaptic inputs obtained with in vivo whole cell patch clamp recordings from the neurons of this nucleus. We find that the synaptic integration in individual cuneate neurons is dominated by 4-8 primary afferent inputs with large synaptic weights. In a simulation we show that the arrangement with a low number of primary afferent inputs can maximize transfer over the cuneate nucleus of information encoded in the spatiotemporal patterns of spikes generated when a human fingertip contact objects. Hence, the observed distributions of synaptic weights support high fidelity transfer of signals from ensembles of tactile afferents. Various anatomical estimates suggest that a cuneate neuron may receive hundreds of primary afferents rather than 4-8. Therefore, we discuss the possibility that adaptation of synaptic weight distribution, possibly involving silent synapses, may function to maximize information transfer in somatosensory pathways

    Spike burst-pause dynamics of Purkinje cells regulate sensorimotor adaptation

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    Cerebellar Purkinje cells mediate accurate eye movement coordination. However, it remains unclear how oculomotor adaptation depends on the interplay between the characteristic Purkinje cell response patterns, namely tonic, bursting, and spike pauses. Here, a spiking cerebellar model assesses the role of Purkinje cell firing patterns in vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) adaptation. The model captures the cerebellar microcircuit properties and it incorporates spike-based synaptic plasticity at multiple cerebellar sites. A detailed Purkinje cell model reproduces the three spike-firing patterns that are shown to regulate the cerebellar output. Our results suggest that pauses following Purkinje complex spikes (bursts) encode transient disinhibition of target medial vestibular nuclei, critically gating the vestibular signals conveyed by mossy fibres. This gating mechanism accounts for early and coarse VOR acquisition, prior to the late reflex consolidation. In addition, properly timed and sized Purkinje cell bursts allow the ratio between long-term depression and potentiation (LTD/LTP) to be finely shaped at mossy fibre-medial vestibular nuclei synapses, which optimises VOR consolidation. Tonic Purkinje cell firing maintains the consolidated VOR through time. Importantly, pauses are crucial to facilitate VOR phase-reversal learning, by reshaping previously learnt synaptic weight distributions. Altogether, these results predict that Purkinje spike burst-pause dynamics are instrumental to VOR learning and reversal adaptation.This work was supported by the European Union (www.europa.eu), Project SpikeControl 658479 (recipient NL), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacio´n and European Regional Development Fund (www.ciencia.gob.es/ portal/site/MICINN/aei), Project CEREBROT TIN2016-81041-R (recipient ER), and the French National Research Agency (www.agence-nationalerecherche. fr) – Essilor International (www.essilor. com), Chair SilverSight ANR-14-CHIN-0001 (recipient AA)

    Age-Related Differences in Functional and Structural Connectivity in the Spatial Navigation Brain Network

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    International audienceSpatial navigation involves multiple cognitive processes including multisensory integration, visuospatial coding, memory, and decision-making. These functions are mediated by the interplay of cerebral structures that can be broadly separated into a posterior network (subserving visual and spatial processing) and an anterior network (dedicated to memory and navigation planning). Within these networks, areas such as the hippocampus (HC) are known to be affected by aging and to be associated with cognitive decline and navigation impairments. However, age-related changes in brain connectivity within the spatial navigation network remain to be investigated. For this purpose, we performed a neuroimaging study combining functional and structural connectivity analyses between cerebral regions involved in spatial navigation. Nineteen young (μ = 27 years, σ = 4.3; 10 F) and 22 older (μ = 73 years, σ = 4.1; 10 F) participants were examined in this study. Our analyses focused on the parahippocampal place area (PPA), the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), the occipital place area (OPA), and the projections into the visual cortex of central and peripheral visual fields, delineated from independent functional localizers. In addition, we segmented the HC and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) from anatomical images. Our results show an age-related decrease in functional connectivity between low-visual areas and the HC, associated with an increase in functional connectivity between OPA and PPA in older participants compared to young subjects. Concerning the structural connectivity, we found age-related differences in white matter integrity within the navigation brain network, with the exception of the OPA. The OPA is known to be involved in egocentric navigation, as opposed to allocentric strategies which are more related to the hippocampal region. The increase in functional connectivity between the OPA and PPA may thus reflect a compensatory mechanism for the age-related alterations around the HC, favoring the use of the preserved structural network mediating egocentric navigation. Overall, these findings on age-related differences of functional and structural connectivity may help to elucidate the cerebral bases of spatial navigation deficits in healthy and pathological aging

    Mobile brain/body imaging of landmark‐based navigation with high‐density EEG

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    Coupling behavioral measures and brain imaging in naturalistic, ecological conditions is key to comprehend the neural bases of spatial navigation. This highly integrative function encompasses sensorimotor, cognitive, and executive processes that jointly mediate active exploration and spatial learning. However, most neuroimaging approaches in humans are based on static, motion-constrained paradigms and they do not account for all these processes, in particular multisensory integration. Following the Mobile Brain/Body Imaging approach, we aimed to explore the cortical correlates of landmark-based navigation in actively behaving young adults, solving a Y-maze task in immersive virtual reality. EEG analysis identified a set of brain areas matching state-of-the-art brain imaging literature of landmark-based navigation. Spatial behavior in mobile conditions additionally involved sensorimotor areas related to motor execution and proprioception usually overlooked in static fMRI paradigms. Expectedly, we located a cortical source in or near the posterior cingulate, in line with the engagement of the retrosplenial complex in spatial reorientation. Consistent with its role in visuo-spatial processing and coding, we observed an alpha-power desynchronization while participants gathered visual information. We also hypothesized behavior-dependent modulations of the cortical signal during navigation. Despite finding few differences between the encoding and retrieval phases of the task, we identified transient time-frequency patterns attributed, for instance, to attentional demand, as reflected in the alpha/gamma range, or memory workload in the delta/theta range. We confirmed that combining mobile high-density EEG and biometric measures can help unravel the brain structures and the neural modulations subtending ecological landmark-based navigation

    Contribution of Cerebellar Sensorimotor Adaptation to Hippocampal Spatial Memory

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    Complementing its primary role in motor control, cerebellar learning has also a bottom-up influence on cognitive functions, where high-level representations build up from elementary sensorimotor memories. In this paper we examine the cerebellar contribution to both procedural and declarative components of spatial cognition. To do so, we model a functional interplay between the cerebellum and the hippocampal formation during goal-oriented navigation. We reinterpret and complete existing genetic behavioural observations by means of quantitative accounts that cross-link synaptic plasticity mechanisms, single cell and population coding properties, and behavioural responses. In contrast to earlier hypotheses positing only a purely procedural impact of cerebellar adaptation deficits, our results suggest a cerebellar involvement in high-level aspects of behaviour. In particular, we propose that cerebellar learning mechanisms may influence hippocampal place fields, by contributing to the path integration process. Our simulations predict differences in place-cell discharge properties between normal mice and L7-PKCI mutant mice lacking long-term depression at cerebellar parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses. On the behavioural level, these results suggest that, by influencing the accuracy of hippocampal spatial codes, cerebellar deficits may impact the exploration-exploitation balance during spatial navigation

    Spatial Learning and Action Planning in a Prefrontal Cortical Network Model

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    The interplay between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) is fundamental to spatial cognition. Complementing hippocampal place coding, prefrontal representations provide more abstract and hierarchically organized memories suitable for decision making. We model a prefrontal network mediating distributed information processing for spatial learning and action planning. Specific connectivity and synaptic adaptation principles shape the recurrent dynamics of the network arranged in cortical minicolumns. We show how the PFC columnar organization is suitable for learning sparse topological-metrical representations from redundant hippocampal inputs. The recurrent nature of the network supports multilevel spatial processing, allowing structural features of the environment to be encoded. An activation diffusion mechanism spreads the neural activity through the column population leading to trajectory planning. The model provides a functional framework for interpreting the activity of PFC neurons recorded during navigation tasks. We illustrate the link from single unit activity to behavioral responses. The results suggest plausible neural mechanisms subserving the cognitive “insight” capability originally attributed to rodents by Tolman & Honzik. Our time course analysis of neural responses shows how the interaction between hippocampus and PFC can yield the encoding of manifold information pertinent to spatial planning, including prospective coding and distance-to-goal correlates

    Spatial navigation impairment in mice lacking cerebellar LTD: a motor adaptation deficit?

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    L7-PKCI transgenic mice, having a specific lack of parallel fiber-Purkinje cell LTD, were tested with two different mazes to dissociate the relative importance of declarative and procedural components of spatial navigation. Our data bring evidence for a deficit of L7-PKCI mice in the acquisition of an adapted goal-oriented behavior, i.e. in the procedural component of the task. This finding supports the hypothesis that cerebellar LTD may subserve a general sensory-motor adaptation process shared by motor and spatial learning functions