2,325 research outputs found

    Adaptation and Factorial Validation of the Attitudes Toward Gender Roles Scale

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    Las actitudes hacia los roles de género son resultado de un proceso de construcción social, con implicaciones para la forma en que definen los roles sociales que se consideran adecuados para los hombres y las mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validación fatorial de una escala que evalúa las actitudes hacia los roles de género. Para validar la estructura fatorial se efectuo análisis fatorial exploratorio y confirmatório con 746 estudiantes universitarios y jóvenes profesionales. A estructura fatorial de la escala esta compuesta por dos fatores correlacionados: división tradicional de roles de género y reparto equitativo de los roles de género. Un estudio preliminar del instrumento se realizó com 101 tríadas de la familia (padre, madre y adultos jóvenes con título universitario). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la importancia del instrumento para la evaluación de los roles de género en diferentes generaciones.Attitudes toward gender roles result from a social construction process that has implications for the accepted gender role models for men and women. This study aims at the adaptation and factorial validation of a measurement scale for attitudes toward gender roles. The sample consisted of 746 college students and young professionals. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to check the scale's structure. A two-factor structure was found for the Attitudes toward Gender Roles Scale: the first factor reflects a traditional division of gender roles, and the second factor reflects an egalitarian division of gender roles. A preliminary study using the scale was conducted on 101 families with adult children (each family included a father, a mother, and an adult child with a university degree). The results revealed the importance of the scale in assessing the attitudes of different generations toward gender roles.As atitudes relativas aos papéis de gênero resultam de um processo de construção social com implicações no modo como se definem os papéis sociais considerados adequados para homens e mulheres. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação e a validação fatorial de uma escala que avalia as atitudes em relação aos papéis de gênero. No estudo participaram 746 estudantes universitários e jovens profissionais. Para validar a estrutura fatorial vários modelos foram testados recorrendo a análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias. A estrutura fatorial obtida é composta por dois fatores correlacionados: o primeiro refere-se à divisão tradicional dos papéis de gênero e o segundo aponta para uma divisão igualitária dos papéis de gênero. Um estudo preliminar com o instrumento foi efetuado junto de 101 tríades familiares (pai, mãe e jovem adulto com diploma universitário), permitindo evidenciar a importância do instrumento para a avaliação dos papéis de gênero em diferentes gerações

    Towards A Narrativity Model: Mikhail Bakhtin Y Northrop Frye Dialoging

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    Indexación: Revista UNABEl siguiente trabajo presenta una reflexión en torno a las problemáticas actuales de la narratividad, entendida dentro de las teorías de la discursividad que conciben la literatura como un complejo sistema discursivo que se construye en la interacción entre sujetos, constituyéndose en un espacio de encuentro de la otredad. Dentro de este contexto teórico-crítico, se propondrá un modelo de la narratividad que considere tanto lo micro narrativo (estudio de la diégesis, el cronotopo y el héroe) como lo macro narrativo (estudio de los géneros, en particular, y lo interdiscursivo, en general). En este sentido, se pondrán en relación dos modelos de la narratividad que, a pesar de su distancia geográfica y temporal, presentan una mirada similar en torno a los estudios narratológicos: la del ruso Mikhail Bakhtin y la del canadiense Northrop Frye.The following paper presents a reflection on current problems of narrativity, seen within theories of discursivity, which conceive literature as a complex discursive system that builds up in the inter-action of subjects within a dimension of otherness. In both theoretical and critical contexts, it will propose a narrativity model, which considers, on the one hand, micro narrativity (diegesis studies, chronotope and hero) and, on the other hand, macro narrativity (genre studies, in particular, and interdiscursivity, in general). In this sense, it will connect two narrativity models which, in spite of the fact that both are geographically and temporary apart, present a similar view on narratology studies: Mikhail Bakhtin (Russian) and Northrop Frye (Canadian).http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/5.-ANDRADE.pd

    In-situ monitoring of laser powder bed fusion applied to defect detection

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    Additive manufacturing technologies, particularly laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), have received much attention recently due to their numerous advantages over conventional manufacturing methods. However, the use of LPBF is still quite restricted, mainly due to two factors: its typically low productivity, which makes the technology less competitive in applications with moderate to high production volumes, and its limited reliability, particularly relevant for applications where high performance is required from the materials.The issue of low productivity is addressed in this thesis by adjusting the main LPBF process parameters. An equation for the build rate was formulated based on these parameters, determining their contributions and enabling strategies for build rate maximization. The changes in microstructure and defect populations associated with increasing productivity were determined.The reliability issue was explored by investigating defect formation, detectability and mitigation, since a major factor compromising reliability and materials’ performance is the presence of defects. Internal defects were deliberately created in LPBF-manufactured material to assess their detectability via in-situ monitoring. Two main routes of deliberate defect formation have been identified while preserving defect formation mechanisms; therefore, this thesis can be divided into two parts according to the approach employed to create defects.Defects are generated systematically if suboptimal process parameters are employed. The types, quantities, and sizes of defects in nickel-based alloy Hastelloy X resulting from varying processing conditions were thoroughly characterized. Analyzing data obtained from in-situ monitoring made it possible to distinguish virtually defect-free material from defective material.Defects are generated stochastically due to the redeposition of process by-products on the powder bed. With the aid of in-situ monitoring data, the presence of these defects can be inferred from the detection of the process by-products responsible for their formation. The comparison of data obtained in-situ with data obtained through ex-situ material characterization allowed determining how precisely detections corresponded to actual defects. The impact of these defects on the mechanical properties of Hastelloy X was assessed. A couple of in-process mitigation strategies were investigated, and their performances were evaluated. By establishing means to use LPBF process monitoring to distinguish high-quality from defective material and detect random, unavoidable defects, this thesis enables the prediction of LPBF material quality. It creates conditions necessary for the first-time-right production of defect-free material at increased build rates

    Detection and classification of internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion: application of in-situ monitoring for quality control of Hastelloy X builds

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    Additive manufacturing technologies, in particular laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), have received much attention in recent years due to their multiple advantages over traditional manufacturing. Yet, the usage of additively manufactured products is still quite limited, mainly due to two factors: the low repeatability, which is particularly relevant for applications where high performance is required from the materials, and the typically low productivity, particularly relevant for products with a substantial production volume.The main factor that affects repeatability and compromises the performance of the materials is the presence of flaws. Hence, to assess the quality of a product and to predict its performance, it is crucial to recognize which flaws are present and ensure their detectability. Moreover, if the flaws can be detected during the manufacturing process, corrective actions can be taken. In this thesis, internal flaws were deliberately created in LPBF manufactured material to assess their detectability via in-situ monitoring. Two main routes of deliberate flaw formation have been identified while preserving flaw formation mechanisms; therefore, this thesis is split into two parts, according to the approach employed to create flaws.Flaws are generated systematically if inadequate process parameters are employed. By varying the processing conditions, different types, amounts and sizes of flaws are created. By monitoring the manufacturing process with long-exposure near-infrared imaging and applying supervised machine learning, it was possible to distinguish process conditions that generate the different flaw categories with accuracy, precision and recall of at least 96%.Flaws are created stochastically as a result of the redeposition of process by-products on the build area. It was found that substantial amounts of flaws can be provoked through this route when increasing the nominal layer thickness in the build, thus enabling the validation of the monitoring system in their detection. After applying an image analysis algorithm to all the images output from in-situ monitoring in three builds, it was possible to identify trends in the spatial distribution of spatter redeposits. Ex-situ inspection and material characterization provided cross-check for the distribution of flaws.The low productivity of LPBF makes it less competitive in applications with moderate to high production volumes. This issue is briefly addressed in this thesis. Even though one of the main approaches to increase productivity is to tune the main process parameters, dissimilar strategies were identified in the literature towards this goal. Thus, parametrization of build rates was done and applied to the processing conditions deemed to provide material with acceptable quality, based on the quantity and types of flaws present. The material manufactured in these conditions was characterized, and it was found that substantially different microstructures can be achieved within the process window, depending on the build rate

    Teaching to write the academic text: the multiple functions of the advisor

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    O presente estudo toma as observações de um orientador de mestrado em uma área das ciências humanas que foram encontradas em rascunhos produzidos por duas informantes ao longo de 36 meses de trabalho como objeto de análise. Seu objetivo principal é estudar como a ação de ensinar a escrever o texto acadêmico se configura. Para tal fim, partilhamos a hipótese de trabalho de Pommier (1993), segundo a qual os modos pelos quais alguém aprende a escrever atualizam, de forma metafórica, os caminhos por meio dos quais sua subjetivação se deu. Tendo a psicanálise de orientação lacaniana como campo em que trabalhamos, inserimo-nos na continuidade dos trabalhos que vêm defendendo a possibilidade do agenciamento da singularidade de quem escreve em direção a uma universidade produtiva. A partir da análise dos dados, foi possível depreender cinco diferentes funções exercidas pelo orientador para ensinar suas alunas a escrever um texto acadêmico, a saber: 1) diretor de trabalhos, 2) leitor, 3) coautor, 4) revisor e 5) agente do real. Dessa forma, pudemos ratificar a alegada dificuldade para orientar um trabalho. Pudemos, também, ter uma visão mais detalhada da complexidade de escrever um texto acadêmico.This article focuses on the remarks of an academic advisor of humanity students that have been found in drafts produced by two young women along 36 months. Its main objective is to study how the action of teaching how to write the academic text takes along. To do so, we use Pommier's hypothesis (1993), to whom the manners adopted by someone as he/she learns how to write follow, metaphorically, the ways by which his/her subjectivation has happened. We work in the field of lacanian psychoanalysis, following those works that defend that it is necessary to administrate the singularity of the one who writes academic papers in order to construct a productive university. After data analysis, it was possible to verify that the academic advisor had to adopt five different functions to teach his students how to write academic texts: 1) advisor, 2) reader, 3) co-author, 4) reviser, and 5) agent of the real. Thus, we could confirm the so said difficulty of supervising writing works, and we also could have a more detailed understanding of the academic writing complexity

    Bolivia after the 2020 general elections: despite the return to power of the MAS, a new political era could be about to begin

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    On 8 November Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca took office as the new president and vice-president of Bolivia, respectively. Less than a month earlier, they had won the elections in the first round with more than 55 per cent of the vote. Thus, the Move­ment towards Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo or MAS) was returned to power and obtained an absolute majority in the parliament after a one-year interregnum follow­ing the fraudulent ballot in 2019. This outcome can be attributed not only to the desire of the people for economic and political stability as well as social peace but also to the poor performance of the transitional government of Jeanine Áñez and the oppo­sition’s fragmentation and polarizing campaign. The dethronement of Evo Morales and the current adverse conditions - not least Covid-19 - are among those factors that will make it impossible for the MAS to conduct business as usual. (author's abstract

    Rutas pedagógicas en la formación de licenciados en matemáticas

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    Esta investigación, que se adelanta desde comienzos de este año, tiene como intención develar las rutas pedagógicas adoptadas en la formación de licenciados en matemáticas. El análisis de las rutas busca destacar aspectos del conocimiento y elementos metodológicos, pedagógicos y de formación ciudadana que se ponen en juego en las clases de los respectivos espacios académicos, y que son relevantes para el proyecto curricular Licenciatura en Matemáticas

    Linking in situ melt pool monitoring to melt pool size distributions and internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion

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    In situ monitoring of the melt pools in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) has enabled the elucidation of process phenomena. There has been an increasing interest in also using melt pool monitoring to identify process anomalies and control the quality of the manufactured parts. However, a better understanding of the variability of melt pools and the relation to the incidence of internal flaws are necessary to achieve this goal. This study aims to link distributions of melt pool dimensions to internal flaws and signal characteristics obtained from melt pool monitoring. A process mapping approach is employed in the manufacturing of Hastelloy X, comprising a vast portion of the process space. Ex situ measurements of melt pool dimensions and analysis of internal flaws are correlated to the signal obtained through in situ melt pool monitoring in the visible and near-infrared spectra. It is found that the variability in melt pool dimensions is related to the presence of internal flaws, but scatter in melt pool dimensions is not detectable by the monitoring system employed in this study. The signal intensities are proportional to melt pool dimensions, and the signal is increasingly dynamic following process conditions that increase the generation of spatter

    A neural network for identification and classification of systematic internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion

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    Quality control of mechanical components is crucial to ensure their expected performance and prevent their failure. For components manufactured additively, quality control performed in-process is particularly interesting, as the sequential deposition and remelting of layers represent a possibility to mitigate existing flaws. The first step towards closed-loop control is to ensure that the monitoring setup and the data analytics approach can flag and discriminate flaws. This study aims to assess the potential of a layerwise monitoring system associated with a supervised machine learning approach to identify and classify internal flaws in laser powder bed fusion of Hastelloy X. For that, systematically generated internal flaws were mapped ex-situ in 72 distinct process conditions. The outputs of the near-infrared long-exposure acquisition system were labeled according to the ex-situ characterization and used to train a fully convolutional neural network. The network was then used to classify previously unseen monitoring images into three classes, according to the predominant flaw type expected, lack of fusion, keyhole porosity, or residual porosity. Accuracy, precision and recall over 96% are obtained, indicating that the monitoring system combined with this supervised machine learning approach successfully identifies and classifies internal flaws

    First results from SAM-FP: Fabry-Perot observations with ground-layer adaptive optics - the structure and kinematics of the core of 30 Doradus

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    The aim of this paper is to present the first data set obtained with SOAR Adaptive Module-Fabry-Parot (SAM-FP), a Fabry-Perot instrument mounted inside the SOAR telescope Adaptive-Optics Module. This is the only existing imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer using laser-assisted ground-layer adaptive optics. SAM-FP was used to observe the ionized gas, traced by Halpha, in the centre of the 30 Doradus starburst (the Tarantula Nebula) in the Large Magellanic Cloud, with high spatial (~0.6" or 0.15 pc) and spectral (R=11200) resolution. Radial velocity, velocity dispersion and monochromatic maps were derived. The region displays a mix of narrow, sigma ~ 20 km/s profiles and multiple broader profiles with sigma ~ 70-80 km/s, indicating the complex nature of the nebula kinematics. A comparison with previously obtained VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy demonstrates that the data agree well in the regions of overlap, but the Fabry-Perot data are superior in spatial coverage. A preliminary analysis of the observations finds a new expanding bubble south of R136, with a projected radius of r=5.6 pc and an expansion velocity of 29 +/- 4 km/s. In addition, the first-time detailed kinematic maps derived here for several complexes and filaments of 30 Doradus allow identification of kinematically independent structures. These data exemplify the power of the combination of a high-order Fabry-Perot with a wide-field imager (3' x 3' GLAO-corrected field of view) for high-resolution spatial and spectral studies. In particular, SAM-FP data cubes are highly advantageous over multifibre or long-slit data sets for nebula structure studies and to search for small-scale bubbles, given their greatly improved spatial coverage. For reference, this paper also presents two appendices with detailed descriptions of the usage of Fabry-Perot devices, including formulae and explanations for understanding Fabry-Perot observations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl