14 research outputs found

    Konceptualna promjena i uključenost učenika u nastavu matematike

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    Cilj diplomskog rada bio je odrediti učeničku uključenost prilikom usvajanja koncepata vezanih uz parabolu. Osim o uključenosti, u ovome radu razmotrit ćemo još jedan problem vezan uz učenje matematike, odnosno problem konceptualne promjene. Provjerili smo učeničku predodžbu parabole kao krivulje, sposobnost prepoznavanja parabole, prepoznavanje tangente na parabolu i sposobnost opisa iste. Nadalje, ispitali smo kako učenici definiraju asimptote, te znaju li odrediti ima li parabola asimptotu ili ne. Istražili smo uključenost učenika prilikom obrade nastavnog sadržaja vezanog uz koncept parabole. Povezali smo uključenost s postignućima u matematici. Rezultati pokazuju očekivano, učenici su postigli bolje rezultate u posttestu, odnosno nakon obrade nastavnog sadržaja učenici imaju veće znanje. Temeljem rezultata ankete možemo vidjeti da učenici imaju visoke procjene samoefikasnosti, bihevioralne i kognitivne uključenosti kako u matematici općenito, tako i specifično, vezano uz temu krivulja drugog reda te da razumiju ulogu kvalitete uključenosti učenika pri učenju matematičkih sadržaja. Na samom kraju ovog rada opisane su aktivnosti koje pokrivaju problematična područja koja se mogu pojaviti prilikom obrade parabole.The aim of thesis was to determine students' involvement in the adoption of concepts related to the parabola. In addition to the inclusion, in this paper we will consider another issue related to the teaching of mathematics, the problem of conceptual change. We examined the students' perception of the parabola as the curve, the ability to recognize the parabola, the identification of the tangent to the parabola, and the ability of description of the tangent to the parabola. Furthermore, we examined how students define asymptote, and do they know to determine whether the parabola has asymptote or not. We investigated the involvement of students in the processing of the content related to the concept of a parabola. We connected with the involvement of achievements in mathematics. Based on results of the survey we can see that students have high selfefficacy assessment, behavioral and cognitive involvement both in mathematics in general, and specifically, regarding to the subject of the curve of the second order and to understand the role of quality of students' involvement in learning mathematics. At the end of this paper we described the activities that cover the problem areas that may arise during the teaching process of the parabola


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    Financijski je sustav jedan od najjače reguliranih sektora u svakoj nacionalnoj ekonomiji. Financije imaju ključnu ulogu u alokaciji resursa, odnosno procesu transformacije štednje u ulaganja, a time i u rastu gospodarstva te povećanju opće razine društvenog blagostanja te je stoga ključni element stabilnosti regulacija i supervizija. Danas Hrvatska primjenjuje financijsku superviziju na temelju djelomične sektorske integracije; odnosno postoje dva zasebna supervizora od kojih jedan nadzire bankarski sektor (Hrvatska narodna banka – HNB) a drugi integriranim pristupom nadzire osiguravajuća društva i tržište vrijednosnih papira (Hrvatska agencija za nadzor fi nancijskih usluga – Hanfa).The financial system is one of the most regulated sectors in each national economy. Finance plays a key role in resource allocation, that is the process of transforming savings into investment, and with that affects the growth of the economy and the increase of the general level of social welfare and because of that it is a key element of stability of regulation and supervision. Today, Croatia applies financial supervision based on partial sector integration; there are two separate supervisors, one of them is supervised by the banking sector (Croatian National Bank - CNB) and the second integrated approach is supervised by insurance companies and the securities market (Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency - Hanfa)

    Current state and the structural analysis of the mixed even-aged pedunculate oak and common hornbeam forests in Croatia

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    Background and Purpose: Mixed forests of pedunculate oak and common hornbeamare among the most important and most recognizable forest ecosystems in Croatiawith exceptional ecological, economical and sociological significance. Stand structure of these forests can be very complex, and their development highly dynamic due to the relationships between the add-mixed tree species aswell as vertical and horizontal stand structural elements. In the contemporary management of oak-hornbeam forests in Croatia growth and yield tables of domestic authors are used. Aimof this research is to give an overview of the current state of mixed forest stands of pedunculate oak and common hornbeam in Croatia through the analysis of available information on the area extent and basic stand structural features. Furthermore, the information obtained in the research are compared with the data from the growth and yield tables of domestic authors. Materials andMethods:Database used in this research is maintained by the state-owned forest management company Croatian Forests Ltd., and is comprised of the data collected within the regular forest management. In total, 5,060 forest stands (sub-compartments) with total area of 75,948.76 ha from whole area extent of pedunculate oak in Croatia were included in the analysis. Record for each stand included: phytocoenological community, forest area, stand age and age class. Width of the age classes is 20 years. Analyzed stand structural attributes were grouped for each stand by tree species (pedunculate oak, common hornbeam and other species) and as a whole, and included: stand density, basal area, volume, quadratic mean diameter and height. Finally, the shares of pedunculate oak and common hornbeam in the total basal area of each stand were calculated. Results and discussion: Total area of mixed pedunculate oak and common hornbeam forests in Croatia, according to the results of this research, amounts to 98,364.43 ha. Age structure of these forests is irregular, both by area, and by the number of forest stands with stands older than 80 years (5th age class and older) dominate in the total area. Most of the stands (> 68%) grow on 1st site class, i.e. the best site class. Structural elements of forest stands on 1st site class, show a large variation of the analyzed structural elements throughout the development of the stands (2nd to 8th age class). Highest variation is established in the shares of tree species in the total basal area of the stand. These values are under the direct influence of the growth and development of diameters at breast heights of trees of different species and of the corresponding diameter distributions. Basal area shares are also highly influenced by the silvicultural measures applied during the life-time of each particular stand. Comparison of actual stand structural attributes with the values indicated as optimal in the growth and yield tables of domestic authors revealed a high degree of discrepancy. Conclusion: As a general conclusion, it can be said that the currently used growth and yield tables only very rarely correspond with the actual state of forest stands in the field. New and improved methods of forest management planning are highly desirable at this moment in Croatian forestry


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    Tupa trauma abdomena kod djece je vodeći uzrok mortaliteta, morbiditeta i trajne invalidnosti. Najčešće ozlijeđeni organi zbog tupe traume abdomena su slezena, jetra, bubrezi, gušterača, dok su ozljede crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura rjeđe. Dijagnostika tupe traume abdomena kod djece otežana je te bi bez primjene radioloških metoda bila nepouzdana. Najčešće korištene radiološke metode su kompjuterizirana tomografi ja (CT) i ultrazvuk. Kod hemodinamski stabilne djece metoda izbora u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je CT. Ako postoji potreba za brzom slikovnom dijagnostikom hemodinamski nestabilne djece primjenjuje se ultrazvuk uz krevet djeteta. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je ograničena.Blunt abdominal trauma in children is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability. Most commonly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma are spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Injuries of bowels and bladder are not so common. Diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children is a challenging task where diagnostic imaging plays a signifi cant role. The most commonly used imaging modalities are computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. CT is a method of choice for hemodynamically stable children. Ultrasonography can be performed in hemodynamically unstable patients at their bedside. Ultrasonography has a limited use in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children


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    Tupa trauma abdomena kod djece je vodeći uzrok mortaliteta, morbiditeta i trajne invalidnosti. Najčešće ozlijeđeni organi zbog tupe traume abdomena su slezena, jetra, bubrezi, gušterača, dok su ozljede crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura rjeđe. Dijagnostika tupe traume abdomena kod djece otežana je te bi bez primjene radioloških metoda bila nepouzdana. Najčešće korištene radiološke metode su kompjuterizirana tomografi ja (CT) i ultrazvuk. Kod hemodinamski stabilne djece metoda izbora u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je CT. Ako postoji potreba za brzom slikovnom dijagnostikom hemodinamski nestabilne djece primjenjuje se ultrazvuk uz krevet djeteta. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je ograničena.Blunt abdominal trauma in children is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability. Most commonly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma are spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Injuries of bowels and bladder are not so common. Diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children is a challenging task where diagnostic imaging plays a signifi cant role. The most commonly used imaging modalities are computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. CT is a method of choice for hemodynamically stable children. Ultrasonography can be performed in hemodynamically unstable patients at their bedside. Ultrasonography has a limited use in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children

    Precision of Structure Elements’ Estimation in a Beech – Fir Stand Depending on Circular Sample Plot Size

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    Osnovni elementi strukture sastojine (broj stabala, temeljnica i volumen) procjenjuju se na temelju uzorka primjernih ploha. Cilj ovog istraži vanja je usporediti rezultate procjene strukturnih elemenata sastojine dobive ne na primjernim plohama različite veličine, te posredno ocijeniti učinkovitost iz mjere glede veličine ploha. Mjerenja su provedena u bukovo-jelovoj sastojini Nastavno-pokusnoga šumskog objekta “Zalesina” na području prebornih šuma Gorskoga kotara u Hrvatskoj. Na sistematskom uzorku 17 koncentričnih kruž nih primjernih ploha izmjereni su prsni promjeri stabala te njihov položaj (azi mut i udaljenost) u odnosu na središte plohe. Pri tome su stabla iznad 10 cm promjera mjerena na krugovima radijusa 13 m, stabla iznad 30 cm promjera na krugovima radijusa 19 m, te samo stabla deblja od 50 cm na krugovima radi jusa 26 m. Načinjen je računalni program za izračun strukturnih elemenata sa­stojine te njihovu simulaciju i obračun po plohama radijusa različitih od onih izmjerenih. Uspoređeno je osam veličina kružnih ploha – osim mjerenih ploha (radijusi 13, 19 i 26 m) uzete su plohe radijusa korištenih u uređajnoj inventuri (7,98 m; 12,62 m; 5 i 12 m), nacionalnoj inventuri (7, 13 i 20 m)i nekoliko po kus nih veličina krugova (9,77 m; 11,28 m te 7 i 13 m). Na svim stajalištima su za svaku veličinu plohe izračunate prosječne vrijednosti broja stabala, temelj nice i volumena po hektaru. Razlike u procjeni strukturnih elemenata na ra zini sastojine između ploha različitih veličina nisu statistički značajne, uz ra zinu značajnosti 0,05. Za rezultate procjene izračunata je preciznost procje ne uz 95 % pouzdanosti koja izravno ovisi o odabranoj veličini ploha. Bolja preciznost procjene strukturnih elemenata dobivena je na većim plohama, gdje je zbog većeg broja uključenih stabala dobivena manja prostorna varija bilnost. Primjenom koncentričnih krugova posebice je kod procjene broja sta bala zbog manje mjerenih stabala povećana varijabilnost i pogreška uzorka. Preciznost procjene temeljnice i volumena na koncentričnim krugovima nije znatno pogoršana, što upućuje na opravdanost njihove primjene zbog moguće uštede pri izmjeri. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju odabir željene veličine ploha uzorka na temelju omjera broja mjerenih stabala na plohama i kakvoće (pre ciz nosti) procjene strukturnih elemenata. Prije praktične primjene potrebno je istraživanje provesti na većem uzorku ploha u više sastojina različitog pro stornog rasporeda stabala te analizirati razdiobe broja stabala, temeljnice i volumena po debljinskim razredima. Mjerenje vremena potrebnog za izmjeru ploha omogućilo bi točniji izračun učinkovitost izmjere na plohama različite veličine.Stand structure estimate is based on data from sample plots. The aim of this research was to compare the stand structure estimates based on sample of circular plots with different radii. Through this influence of plot size on structure estimate and efficiency of stand measurement was also indi rectly assessed. Measurements were made in beech-fir selection stand in the Educational and experimental forest site “Zalesina” in Gorski kotar region, Croatia. Stand size is 20,63 ha, it is situated from 790 to 850 m above sea level, and belongs to site class II. Stand exposition is south to east, terrain slope is 5–10°. Tree breast height diameters (DBH) were measured on syste matic sample of 17 concentric circular sample plots. Tree location from plot centre was recorded by azimuth and distance. All trees of DBH 10 cm or more were measured on 13 meter radius plot, trees of DBH 30 cm and more were measured on 19 m radius plot and trees of DBH 50 cm and more on 26 m ra dius plot. Computer programme CirCon for calculation of stand parameters based on measured plots and simulated plots, with radii different from measu red ones, has been developed. Plots based on real measurements were simula ted according to ones used in forest management practice (singular and concentric circle plots). We simulated 8 methods: K7,98 (7.98 m radius plots), K9,77 (9.77 m radius plots), K11,28 (11.28 m radius plots), K12,62 (12.62 m radius plots); K5-12 (concentric circle plots with radii 5 and 12 m), K7-13 (concentric plots with radii 7 and 13 m), K7-13-20 (concentric plots with radii 7, 13 and 20 m) and K13-19-26 (three concentric circles of 13, 19 and 26 m radius). Calculated estimates for number of trees, basal area and volume on the same standing points differed between methods depending on spatial tree distribution and size of plots. Descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, stan dard deviation, standard error) was made for each variable (number of trees, basal area and volume) on stand level. Sample error with 95 % confidence (SE/mean*t0.05,) was also calculated to express the precision of estimates. Different estimates by methods depending on plot size were compared by repeated measures ANOVA, due to lack of independence between methods (plot sizes) on the same standpoints. Estimates of number of trees by methods (Figure 2) ranged between 275.4 and 303.5 per hectare, although differences were not statistically significant at 0.05 confidence level (Repeated measures ANOVA: F = 0.6027, df = 7, p = 0.7526). Precision expressed by relative sample error varied from 13.58 % (K13-19-26) to 28.34 % (K5-12). Better results (lesser sample error) were ob tained on bigger plots, though concentric circles (K5-12, K7-13 and K7-13-20) have considerably greater sample error due to fewer trees per plot. Basal area estimates by methods ranged from 34.80 to 37.76 m2per hec tare (Figure 3), making no statistically significant differences (Repeated mea sures ANOVA: F = 0.2948, df = 7, p = 0.9547). Relative precision ranged from 10.13 % (K13-19-26) to 26.96 % on smallest plots (K7,98). Sample error of basal area estimate on concentric circles was just slightly bigger in spite of fewer trees per plot. Reason for that is stability of basal area on plots regardless to fewer trees: concentric circles include fewer trees but have great share of bigger ones that contribute to basal area more than smaller ones. Estimate of stand volume by methods ranged from 457.93 to 496.47 m3per hectare (Figure 4). There was no statistical difference in volume estimates bet­ween analysed methods (Repeated measures ANOVA: F = 0.2650, df = 7, p = 0.9661). Relative precision ranged between 10.14 % (K7-13-20) and 30.36%(K7,98). Better precision was obtained with bigger plots, due to more trees per plot. Concentric circles produce just slight increase in sample error while lowering the cost of measurement by reducing the number of trees per plot. Number of measured trees per plot was computed as an indicator of plot ef ficiency. Differences in number of trees per plot between plot sizes were stati­stically significant at 0.05 level (Repeated measures ANOVA: F = 187.621, df = 7, p = 0.0000), except for: K7,98 and K5-12; K7-13 and K9,77; K7-13-20 and K12,62 (Fisher LSD Post-hoc test). Evident increasing trend of number of trees per plot by increasing of plot size is the main cause of better precision. Although concentric circles reduce number of trees per plot, loss of precision for basal area and volume are mini mal (Figure 5). Therefore plots K5-12 are acceptable for use in this kind of stands, with remark that they require well trained staff and modern instru ments. Plots K7-13 do not improve precision while increasing number of trees per plot (9), therefore are not recommended. Triple concentric circles K7-13-20 reduce sample error almost by 10 %, although by significant increase of mea sured trees per plot. Plots K11,28 reduce number of trees per plot with minimal increase in sample error compared to K12,62 plots. That fact makes them acceptable choice for gain in efficiency. However, K11,28 sample should be adjusted with more plots to satisfy required sampling intensity (5 % of stand), which would increase costs. In order to simplify the sampling plan, legislation does not re quire precision rather sampling intensity (5 % of stand area), which restricts opportunity to optimize sample size. The choice of plot size is based on inventory goals and should depend on cost of measurements and expected precision. This kind of research can pro vide useful base for determining plot size by costs and precision of data. Exact ratio of cost and precision could be computed by including time measurement per plots of different sizes

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Coronary Artery Disease

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the seroprevalence of H. pylori in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Patients with coronary artery disease (n=90) and control group (n=90) were enrolled into this randomized, multi-centre study. CAD risk factors analyzed included age, male gender, diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, cigarette smoking, hypercholesterolemia and socioeconomic status. The results of this study showed a higher seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with CAD compared to controls (78,8% versus 58,3%, p<0.05). However, Helicobacter pylori seropositivity was not associated with coronary artery risk factors (smoking, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, total cholesterol and socioeconomic status) either in the whole study population or in the patients and control subjects analyzed separately (P>0.05). Further study are needed to clarify the precise role of Helicobacter pylori infection on the development of coronary artery disease


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    Svrha ovog rada bila je pojasniti pojam i važnost društveno odgovornog poslovanja, kao i GRI smjernice u sve izazovnijim vremenima uzrokovanim klimatskim promjenama, političkim nesigurnostima i pandemijom. Iako izvještavanje o društveno odgovornom poslovanju nije obavezno, ni u potpunosti zakonski regulirano, zbog viših očekivanja društva sve ge više poduzeća uvodi u svoju poslovnu praksu te mijenja standarde poslovanja u koje uključuju brigu o društvenim i ekonomskim potrebama svih dionika, kao i za okoliš. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi usklađenost Izvještaja o održivosti poduzeća Valamar Riviera s GRI smjernicama. Iako je turizam kao djelatnost bio najviše pogođen pandemijom COVID-19 prošle godine, što je rezultiralo 69% manjim prihodima u 2020. godini, Valamar Riviera je uspjela sačuvati zaposlenost i stabilnost poslovanja, te izdvojiti 23 milijuna kuna u projekte društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Osvojenom glavnom nagradom Indeksa DOP-a i mnogim drugim nagradama i certifikatima, kako za kvalitetu usluge i destinacije, tako i za održivost poslovanja i odgovornosti prema okolišu, služe kao primjer ostalim poduzećima u Republici Hrvatskoj, a pogotovo onima koji se bave turističkom djelatnošću.The purpose of this paper was to clarify the concept and importance of corporate social responsibility, as well as GRI guidelines in increasingly challenging times caused by climate changes, political insecurity and pandemic. Although reporting on corporate social responsibility is not mandatory or fully regulated by law, due to the company's growing expectations, more and more companies are introducing it into their business practice and changing business standards that now take into account the social and economic needs of all stakeholders and the environment. The aim of this paper was to determine the extent to which the Valamar Riviera Sustainability Report is in line with the GRI guidelines. Although tourism as an activity was most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic last year, which resulted in 69% lower revenues in 2020, Valamar Riviera managed to preserve employment and business stability, and allocated HRK 23 million in socially responsible business projects. With the main award of the CSR Index and many other awards and certificates for the quality of service and destination and for sustainability of business and environmental responsibility, they serve as an example to other companies in the Croatia, especially those engaged in tourism


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    Financijski je sustav jedan od najjače reguliranih sektora u svakoj nacionalnoj ekonomiji. Financije imaju ključnu ulogu u alokaciji resursa, odnosno procesu transformacije štednje u ulaganja, a time i u rastu gospodarstva te povećanju opće razine društvenog blagostanja te je stoga ključni element stabilnosti regulacija i supervizija. Danas Hrvatska primjenjuje financijsku superviziju na temelju djelomične sektorske integracije; odnosno postoje dva zasebna supervizora od kojih jedan nadzire bankarski sektor (Hrvatska narodna banka – HNB) a drugi integriranim pristupom nadzire osiguravajuća društva i tržište vrijednosnih papira (Hrvatska agencija za nadzor fi nancijskih usluga – Hanfa).The financial system is one of the most regulated sectors in each national economy. Finance plays a key role in resource allocation, that is the process of transforming savings into investment, and with that affects the growth of the economy and the increase of the general level of social welfare and because of that it is a key element of stability of regulation and supervision. Today, Croatia applies financial supervision based on partial sector integration; there are two separate supervisors, one of them is supervised by the banking sector (Croatian National Bank - CNB) and the second integrated approach is supervised by insurance companies and the securities market (Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency - Hanfa)


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    Svrha ovog rada bila je pojasniti pojam i važnost društveno odgovornog poslovanja, kao i GRI smjernice u sve izazovnijim vremenima uzrokovanim klimatskim promjenama, političkim nesigurnostima i pandemijom. Iako izvještavanje o društveno odgovornom poslovanju nije obavezno, ni u potpunosti zakonski regulirano, zbog viših očekivanja društva sve ge više poduzeća uvodi u svoju poslovnu praksu te mijenja standarde poslovanja u koje uključuju brigu o društvenim i ekonomskim potrebama svih dionika, kao i za okoliš. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi usklađenost Izvještaja o održivosti poduzeća Valamar Riviera s GRI smjernicama. Iako je turizam kao djelatnost bio najviše pogođen pandemijom COVID-19 prošle godine, što je rezultiralo 69% manjim prihodima u 2020. godini, Valamar Riviera je uspjela sačuvati zaposlenost i stabilnost poslovanja, te izdvojiti 23 milijuna kuna u projekte društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Osvojenom glavnom nagradom Indeksa DOP-a i mnogim drugim nagradama i certifikatima, kako za kvalitetu usluge i destinacije, tako i za održivost poslovanja i odgovornosti prema okolišu, služe kao primjer ostalim poduzećima u Republici Hrvatskoj, a pogotovo onima koji se bave turističkom djelatnošću.The purpose of this paper was to clarify the concept and importance of corporate social responsibility, as well as GRI guidelines in increasingly challenging times caused by climate changes, political insecurity and pandemic. Although reporting on corporate social responsibility is not mandatory or fully regulated by law, due to the company's growing expectations, more and more companies are introducing it into their business practice and changing business standards that now take into account the social and economic needs of all stakeholders and the environment. The aim of this paper was to determine the extent to which the Valamar Riviera Sustainability Report is in line with the GRI guidelines. Although tourism as an activity was most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic last year, which resulted in 69% lower revenues in 2020, Valamar Riviera managed to preserve employment and business stability, and allocated HRK 23 million in socially responsible business projects. With the main award of the CSR Index and many other awards and certificates for the quality of service and destination and for sustainability of business and environmental responsibility, they serve as an example to other companies in the Croatia, especially those engaged in tourism