
Tupa trauma abdomena kod djece je vodeći uzrok mortaliteta, morbiditeta i trajne invalidnosti. Najčešće ozlijeđeni organi zbog tupe traume abdomena su slezena, jetra, bubrezi, gušterača, dok su ozljede crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura rjeđe. Dijagnostika tupe traume abdomena kod djece otežana je te bi bez primjene radioloških metoda bila nepouzdana. Najčešće korištene radiološke metode su kompjuterizirana tomografi ja (CT) i ultrazvuk. Kod hemodinamski stabilne djece metoda izbora u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je CT. Ako postoji potreba za brzom slikovnom dijagnostikom hemodinamski nestabilne djece primjenjuje se ultrazvuk uz krevet djeteta. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je ograničena.Blunt abdominal trauma in children is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability. Most commonly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma are spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Injuries of bowels and bladder are not so common. Diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children is a challenging task where diagnostic imaging plays a signifi cant role. The most commonly used imaging modalities are computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. CT is a method of choice for hemodynamically stable children. Ultrasonography can be performed in hemodynamically unstable patients at their bedside. Ultrasonography has a limited use in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children

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