516 research outputs found

    Necesidades educativas de pacientes ambulatorios con diabetes tipo II atendidos en una Policlínica.

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    Introducción: La educación al diabéticoes una medida urgente para superar los altos índices de morbimortalidad asociados a la diabetes que enfrenta el mundo actualmente, siendo la caracterización sociodemográfica, clínica y farmacoterapéutica de este tipo de paciente un elemento importante para el éxito de estas actividades. Objetivo: Caracterizar desde el punto de vista sociodemográfico, clínico y farmacoterapéutico pacientes diabéticos ambulatorios atendidos en una Policlínica de Atención Farmacéutica Integral. Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal y observacional, en 32 pacientes con diabetes tipo I y II, que acudían a los servicios de una Policlínica entre febrero del 2016 y diciembre del 2017. La muestra fue estimada por muestreo simple. El dato primario se obtuvo de entrevista estructurada, test de conocimiento y test de Morinsky-Green y procesado estadísticamente utilizando cálculo y comparación de porcentajes y test chi cuadrado (x2) para un nivel de significación de p≤0,05. Resultados: En la muestra prevaleció el sexo femenino (65.6%) entre 40 y 60 años (84.4%); el café fue el hábito más frecuente (62.5%), el consumo de carbohidratos (93.8%) el hábito dietético más común. Prevalecieron los pacientes con sobrepeso alto (65.6%) y niveles de glicemia (53.1%), colesterol (37.5%) y triglicéridos (46.9%) elevados. El 68.8% conocía poco sobre su enfermedad y tratamiento, así como el 53.1% fue no adherente a su tratamiento. Conclusiones: La caracterización sociodemográfica, clínica y farmacoterapéutica realizada apunta hacia la necesidad de brindar educación sanitaria a este grupo de pacientes para evitar complicaciones y mejorar su calidad de vida.

    Necesidades educativas de pacientes ambulatorios con diabetes tipo II atendidos en una Policlínica.

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    Introducción: La educación al diabéticoes una medida urgente para superar los altos índices de morbimortalidad asociados a la diabetes que enfrenta el mundo actualmente, siendo la caracterización sociodemográfica, clínica y farmacoterapéutica de este tipo de paciente un elemento importante para el éxito de estas actividades. Objetivo: Caracterizar desde el punto de vista sociodemográfico, clínico y farmacoterapéutico pacientes diabéticos ambulatorios atendidos en una Policlínica de Atención Farmacéutica Integral. Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal y observacional, en 32 pacientes con diabetes tipo I y II, que acudían a los servicios de una Policlínica entre febrero del 2016 y diciembre del 2017. La muestra fue estimada por muestreo simple. El dato primario se obtuvo de entrevista estructurada, test de conocimiento y test de Morinsky-Green y procesado estadísticamente utilizando cálculo y comparación de porcentajes y test chi cuadrado (x2) para un nivel de significación de p≤0,05. Resultados: En la muestra prevaleció el sexo femenino (65.6%) entre 40 y 60 años (84.4%); el café fue el hábito más frecuente (62.5%), el consumo de carbohidratos (93.8%) el hábito dietético más común. Prevalecieron los pacientes con sobrepeso alto (65.6%) y niveles de glicemia (53.1%), colesterol (37.5%) y triglicéridos (46.9%) elevados. El 68.8% conocía poco sobre su enfermedad y tratamiento, así como el 53.1% fue no adherente a su tratamiento. Conclusiones: La caracterización sociodemográfica, clínica y farmacoterapéutica realizada apunta hacia la necesidad de brindar educación sanitaria a este grupo de pacientes para evitar complicaciones y mejorar su calidad de vida.


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    Objective: To know the satisfaction of UCAM nursing students regarding the clinical training included in the practical training they attended during the undergraduate program. Method: A descriptive, observational and transversal study was carried out with nursing students of the Catholic University of San Antonio during the academic years 2004/05 and 2007/08. The studied sample consisted of all the nursing students registered in courses of second and third year with clinical training credits. A closed specific questionnaire of multiple choice was elaborated for the accomplishment of the study. Results:  More than 90% of the students state that seminars improve the clinical training and that the theoretical study of practice seminars is helpful for improving nursing techniques. Techniques learned at seminars meet real assistance. Students of both academic years describe the relation with nurses and clinical mentors at hospitals and health centers as good and very good in more than 90% of the cases. More than 80% of the students consider that clinical mentors have facilitated its integration in working team. Conclusions: It is important that the student satisfaction in internal and external practice training is good and that the relation with clinical mentors is adequate. Regarding the opinion of the students about the clinical mentor management in the Unit of Nursing Practical Training, it was concluded that there are aspects to be improved in which we have already begun to work.Objetivo. Conocer la satisfacción de los alumnos de enfermería de la Universidad Católica San Antonio sobre las prácticas que desarrollan durante su formación de pregrado. Método. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional trasversal realizado en la Diplomatura de Enfermería de la Universidad Católica San Antonio durante los cursos académicos 2004/05 y 2007/08. La población objeto de estudio son todos los alumnos de enfermería matriculados en asignaturas de segundo y tercer curso con créditos prácticos. Para la realización del estudio se elaboró un cuestionario específico cerrado de respuesta múltiple. Resultados. Más del 90% de los alumnos afirman que los seminarios mejoran el inicio de las prácticas clínicas, y que el estudio teórico de los seminarios prácticos es de gran ayuda para mejorar la técnica. Las técnicas aprendidas en los seminarios se corresponden con la realidad asistencial. Los alumnos de ambos cursos académicos califican la relación con los profesionales de los centros sanitarios y socio-sanitarios como buena y muy buena en más de un 90% de los casos. Más del 80% de los alumnos consideran que el profesional – tutor ha facilitado su integración en el equipo de trabajo. Conclusiones. Se puede subrayar que la satisfacción de los alumnos tanto en las prácticas internas y externas es buena y que la relación con los profesionales – tutores es adecuada. En cuanto a la opinión de los alumnos sobre las gestiones que se llevan a cabo desde la Unidad de Prácticas de Enfermería, concluimos que existen aspectos mejorables sobre los que ya hemos comenzado a trabajar.

    Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models

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    n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used

    Unifying approaches to Functional Marine Connectivity for improved marine resource management: the European SEA-UNICORN COST Action

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    Truly sustainable development in a human-altered, fragmented marine environment subject to unprecedented climate change, demands informed planning strategies in order to be successful. Beyond a simple understanding of the distribution of marine species, data describing how variations in spatio-temporal dynamics impact ecosystem functioning and the evolution of species are required. Marine Functional Connectivity (MFC) characterizes the flows of matter, genes and energy produced by organism movements and migrations across the seascape. As such, MFC determines the ecological and evolutionary interdependency of populations, and ultimately the fate of species and ecosystems. Gathering effective MFC knowledge can therefore improve predictions of the impacts of environmental change and help to refine management and conservation strategies for the seas and oceans. Gathering these data are challenging however, as access to, and survey of marine ecosystems still presents significant challenge. Over 50 European institutions currently investigate aspects of MFC using complementary methods across multiple research fields, to understand the ecology and evolution of marine species. The aim of SEA-UNICORN, a COST Action supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), is to bring together this research effort, unite the multiple approaches to MFC, and to integrate these under a common conceptual and analytical framework. The consortium brings together a diverse group of scientists to collate existing MFC data, to identify knowledge gaps, to enhance complementarity among disciplines, and to devise common approaches to MFC. SEA-UNICORN will promote co-working between connectivity practitioners and ecosystem modelers to facilitate the incorporation of MFC data into the predictive models used to identify marine conservation priorities. Ultimately, SEA-UNICORN will forge strong forward-working links between scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders to facilitate the integration of MFC knowledge into decision support tools for marine management and environmental policies

    Immigration, work and health in Spain: the influence of legal status and employment contract on reported health indicators

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    Objective To analyze the relationship of legal status and employment conditions with health indicators in foreign-born and Spanish-born workers in Spain. Methods Cross-sectional study of 1,849 foreign-born and 509 Spanish-born workers (2008–2009, ITSAL Project). Considered employment conditions: permanent, temporary and no contract (foreign-born and Spanish-born); considered legal statuses: documented and undocumented (foreign-born). Joint relationships with self-rated health (SRH) and mental health (MH) were analyzed via logistical regression. Results When compared with male permanently contracted Spanish-born workers, worse health is seen in undocumented foreign-born, time in Spain ≤3 years (SRH aOR 2.68, 95% CI 1.09–6.56; MH aOR 2.26, 95% CI 1.15–4.42); in Spanish-born, temporary contracts (SRH aOR 2.40, 95% CI 1.04–5.53); and in foreign-born, temporary contracts, time in Spain >3 years (MH: aOR 1.96, 95% CI 1.13–3.38). In females, highest self-rated health risks are in foreign-born, temporary contracts (aOR 2.36, 95% CI 1.13–4.91) and without contracts, time in Spain >3 years (aOR 4.63, 95% CI 1.95–10.97). Conclusions Contract type is a health determinant in both foreign-born and Spanish-born workers. This study offers an uncommon exploration of undocumented migration and raises methodological issues to consider in future research.The study was funded partially by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias [Spanish Fund for Health Research] grant numbers FIS PI050497, PI052334, PI061701

    Facing others’ misfortune: Personal distress mediates the association between maladaptive emotion regulation and social avoidance

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    Previous research has linked the use of certain emotion regulation strategies to the vicarious experience of personal distress (PD) and empathic concern (EC). However, it has not been tested yet whether (1) vicarious PD is positively associated with maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, (2) vicarious EC is positively associated with adaptive emotion regulation strategies and whether (3) PD and EC mediate the link between emotion regulation and reports of approach/avoidance in response to a person in distress. To that aim, we assessed people’s reports of PD (i.e., anxious, troubled, and upset) and EC (i.e., concerned, sympathetic, and soft-hearted) in response to a video depicting a person in a threatening situation (n = 78). Afterwards, we assessed participants’ reports of avoidance and approach in regards to the character and their disposition to use maladaptive and adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Results showed that PD as well as EC were positively related to maladaptive strategies and negatively related to adaptive strategies, and that the association between maladaptive regulation strategies (i.e., rumination) and the willingness to avoid the person in distress was mediated by greater reports of PD. This study thus expands previous evidence on the relationship between maladaptive regulation strategies and affective empathy and provides novel insights about the main role that personal distress played in the association between maladaptive strategies and social avoidance

    Reproductive medicine in northwest Argentina: traditional and institutional systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The state of conservation of the traditional cultures of Northwest Argentina is variable and somewhat problematic but to a lesser or a greater extent all the peoples are related to an hegemonic culture. We present a case study carried out in the rural communities of the Yungas biome (Salta) where the extent of isolation varies as does the type of access to public health services. The use of medicinal plants in the area is ordinary and widely spread.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data can be organized in two categories, as medical systems public records (for the regional hospital at Los Toldos), and as ethnobotanical sets. A total of 59 surveys to 40 interviewees were undertaken using a semi structured questionnaire. We present an analysis of the relative importance of the medicinal herbs used in reproductive medicine considering the plants used in the traditional medical system and the factors that can affect the relationship between formal medicine and patients. We further analized how the degree of accessibility to the local hospital influences the diversity of use of plant species used to assist deliveries and to decrease infant mortality in children minor than one year of age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In reproductive medicine, 13 ailments and/or different physiological states are locally identified and treated. Local population uses 108 ethnospecies for this kind of illnesses. According to the local conception the hot/cold imbalance could be the principal cause for reproductive illnesses; pregnancy may have natural or supernatural origin, post partum and menstruation involve similar sanitary risks, and neonatal care has a strong magic connotation. In relation with the formal medicine, the more accessible is the health center the more women assist to it. We have not found a relation between accessibility and infant mortality.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the local reproductive medicine, most of the practices are concerned with the hot/cold balance. According to their importance the factors involved are: the family medicine, the midwife, and the formal doctors. Plants have an important role; however there is a lack of total agreement among the families who use them. Reluctance to institutional deliveries may be due to the weak relationship between patients and doctors, and the lack of logistic assistance to delivering mothers coming from far away locations.</p