85 research outputs found

    Compósitos de colagénio/apatite de origem marinha para aplicação em engenharia de tecidos mineralizados

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    Devido ao aumento de lesões associadas ao envelhecimento da população, a regeneração do tecido ósseo tem sido alvo de estudo. Apesar da vasta investigação neste sentido, os auto-enxertos continuam a prevalecer como tratamento de primeira linha, apesar das suas limitações. A extração de compostos de recursos marinhos para uso em abordagens de engenharia de tecidos emerge como uma alternativa promissora para regeneração de lesões ósseas. Neste capítulo apresenta-se um biomaterial promissor para aplicação em engenharia de tecidos duros tendo como base uma estratégia de valorização de sub-produtos marinhos, nomeadamente pele e dentes de tubarão.Os autores agradecem o apoio financeiro recebido da União Europeia através do Programa INTERREG—POCTEP, no âmbito dos Projetos 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P e 0245_IBEROS_1_E, através do Programa de cooperação transnacional Espaço Atlântico, no âmbito do Projeto MARMED (2011-1/164) e através do 7º Programa-Quadro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (FP7), através do Projeto POLARIS (REGPOT-CT2012-316331). Os autores gostariam de agradecer também ao Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR, Vigo, Espanha) e COPEMAR SA (Espanha) pelo fornecimento dos subprodutos de tubarão. G.S.D agradece ao Programa Norte2020 (Portugal2020) pela bolsa de doutoramento (NORTE-08-5369-F SE-000044) e R.P. agradece à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia pelo contrato IF/00347/2015

    Evaluación de la calidad del aceite de palma crudo comercializado en Bahía, Brasil

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    The characteristics of the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) and crude palm olein (CPOL) produced in the states of Bahia and Pará were investigated. Twelve oil samples were analyzed; 2 (CPO) were from Pará (produced industrially), while the other 10 were from Bahia (3 CPOs and 3 CPOLs produced industrially, while 1 CPOL and 3 CPOs were traditionally processed). The chemical analyses included the determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), free fatty acids (FFA%), peroxide value (PV), induction time (IT), total carotenoids (TC) and total polar compounds (TPC). The major saturated fatty acids in these samples were palmitic (34.79-42.89 g 100 g–1) and stearic (4.49-5.84 g 100 g–1) acid, and the main unsaturated fatty acids were oleic (37.31-43.69 g 100 g–1) and linoleic (9.04- 12.74 g100 g–1) acid. All samples produced in Bahia exhibited higher FFA (6.77-13.49%) and TPC (13.71-19.50%) levels than permitted in the international quality standards, unlike the samples produced in Pará. TC, PV and IT ranged from 422.1 to 584.2 mg g–1, 1.32 to 3.7 meq O2 kg–1 oil and 1.72 to 4.66 h, respectively. PV, FFA and TPC were inversely correlated with TC and IT. The use of inappropriate oil extraction processes in Bahia is clearly becoming a food safety problem.Las características de calidad del aceite de palma crudo (CPO) y oleína de palma cruda (CPOL) producidos en los estados de Bahía y Pará fueron investigados. Se analizaron doce muestras de aceites; 2 (CPO) eran de Pará (producido industrialmente), mientras que las otras 10 procedían de Bahía (3 CPOs y 3 CPOLs producidos industrialmente, mientras que 1 CPOL y 3 CPOs fueron procesadas tradicionalmente). El análisis químico incluyó la determinación de ésteres metílicos de ácidos grasos (FAME), ácidos grasos libres (FFA%), índice de peróxido (PV), el tiempo de inducción (TI), los carotenoides totales (TC) y el total de compuestos polares (TPC). Los principales ácidos grasos saturados en estas muestras fueron palmítico (34,79 a 42,89 g 100 g–1) y esteárico (4.49 a 5.84 g 100 g–1), y los principales ácidos grasos insaturados fueron oleico (37.31-43.69 g 100 g–1) y linoleico (9,04-12,74 g 100 g–1). Todas las muestras producidas en Bahía muestran valores de FFA (6,77-13,49%) y TPC (13,71 a 19,50%), por encima de los niveles de los estándares internacionales de calidad, a diferencia de las muestras producidas en Pará. TC, PV y TPC oscilaron entre 422,1 a 584,2 mg g–1, 1,32 a 3,7 meq O2 kg–1 y 1,72 a 4,66 h, respectivamente. PV, FFA y TPC se correlacionan inversamente con TC y IT. El uso de procesos inadecuados de extracción de aceites en Bahía se está convirtiendo claramente en un problema de seguridad alimentaria

    Sugar-based bactericides targeting phosphatidylethanolamine-enriched membranes

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6242839/Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bioterrorism agent that develops resistance to clinically used antibiotics. Therefore, alternative mechanisms of action remain a challenge. Herein, we disclose deoxy glycosides responsible for specific carbohydrate-phospholipid interactions, causing phosphatidylethanolamine lamellar-to-inverted hexagonal phase transition and acting over B. anthracis and Bacillus cereus as potent and selective bactericides. Biological studies of the synthesized compound series differing in the anomeric atom, glycone configuration and deoxygenation pattern show that the latter is indeed a key modulator of efficacy and selectivity. Biomolecular simulations show no tendency to pore formation, whereas differential metabolomics and genomics rule out proteins as targets. Complete bacteria cell death in 10 min and cellular envelope disruption corroborate an effect over lipid polymorphism. Biophysical approaches show monolayer and bilayer reorganization with fast and high permeabilizing activity toward phosphatidylethanolamine membranes. Absence of bacterial resistance further supports this mechanism, triggering innovation on membrane-targeting antimicrobials.The European Union is gratefully acknowledged for the support of the project “Diagnostic and Drug Discovery Initiative for Alzheimer’s Disease” (D3i4AD), FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP, GA 612347. We thank the Management Authorities of the European Regional Development Fund and the National Strategic Reference Framework for the support of the Incentive System - Research and Technological Development Co-Promotion FACIB Project number 21457. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia is also acknowledged for the support of projects UID/Multi/00612/2013, FCT/UID/ Multi/04046/2013, IF/00808/2013/CP1159/CT0003, PTDC/BBBBQB/6071/2014, as well as for the post-doc grant SFRH/BPD/42567/2007 (A.M.), the Ph.D. grants SFRH/BDE/51998/2012 (C.D.), and SFRH/BDE/51957/2012 (J.P.P.), both co-sponsored by CIPAN, and also for the Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/116614/2016 (R.N.).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An in vitro assessment of type, position and incidence of isthmus in human permanent molars

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    Root canal anatomical complexities, such as isthmus, may limit the action of the endodontic instruments, irrigant solutions and intracanal medications, leading to endodontic treatment failure. Objectives: This in vitro study assessed the type, position and incidence of isthmus in human permanent molars. Material and Methods: One hundred roots were embedded in transparent resin, and then split at different distances from the apex (1.0–2.5–4.0–5.5–7.0 mm). Following the sample examination in stereomicroscope, ! The highest isthmus incidence was at 7.0 mm from the root apex in all samples, except the distal root of lower molars (at 5.5 mm). In upper and lower molars, type V (complete isthmus with a continuous opening between the two main root canals) was the most " #$% % & ' " molars, type IV had the highest incidence (36% and 23.9%, respectively). Conclusion: It " + - close to the apex. In upper and lower molars, these structures were most frequently found at 7 mm from the apex