81 research outputs found

    Perjanjian Bagi Hasil Tanah Pertanian Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1960 Di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali (Studi Kasus Di Desa Bau)

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    Di kehidupan manusia peranan tanah sangat penting, selain sebagai tempat tinggal tanah juga sebagai objek dalam perjanjian. pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian banyak dilakukan pada masyarakat pedesaan karena mayoritas penduduk bekerja sebagai petani, begitu juga dengan pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali. Sampai saat ini perjanjian bagi hasil tanah pertanian masih digunakan oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali tepatnya di Desa Bau. Desa Bau merupakan salah satu Desa yang ada di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali yang berpotensial di bidang pertanian itu semua karena didukung dengan persediaan lahan pertanian yang cukup luas begitu pula dengan irigasinya sehingga dapat berpotensial sebagai lahan pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa sistem perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian yang berlaku di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali, yakni Desa Bau baik bentuk, jangka waktu dan pembagiannya. Dari hasil penelitian yang saya peroleh bahwa pelaksanaan perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian di Kecamatan Soyo Jaya Kabupaten Morowali khususnya masyarakat di Desa Bau tidak menggunakan perjanjian Bagi Hasil menurut Undang-Undang No 2 tahun 1960 tentang perjanjian Bagi Hasil tanah pertanian tapi mereka melakukan perjanjian Bagi Hasil yang mendasarkan pada kebiasaan yang sudah turun temurun dilakukan yakni perjanjian berdasarkan pada persetujuan dan kesepakatan antara pihak pemilik tanah dan calon penggarap yang dilakukan secara Lisan dengan dasar kepercayaan. Mengenai Hak dan Kewajiban serta Imbangan pembagian hasil juga berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua pihak saja,Kemudian hapusnya atau putusnya hubungan kerja kedua belah pihak terjadi pada saat jangka waktu yang telah disepakati bersama sudah berakhir pada saat musim panen berakhir. Selain perjanjian bagi hasil di atas ada pula kebiasaan masyarakat di Desa Bau yang sering dilakukan sampai sekarang yaitu sistem Ijon

    Karakteristik Geodinamika Periodik Di Provinsi Lampung Dari Pengukuran GNSS Kontinu Selama Satu Bulan Pada Tahun 2018

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    Geodinamika periodik merupakan fenomena yang diamati untuk mempelajari perilaku bumi. GNSS dapat digunakan untuk mengamati fenomena periodik tersebut. Fenomena periodik diteliti karena memiliki kegunaan dalam hal sistem referensi dan menjadi koreksi agar dapat memperoleh pergerakan fenomena sekuler dan episodik yang lebih akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik geodinamika periodik di Provinsi Lampung. Data GNSS yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data kontinu selama satu bulan pada Januari 2018 pada titik TJKG di Natar dan titik KRUI di Krui yang berada pada pesisir yang menghadap samudra. Pengolahan data GNSS menghasilkan solusi koordinat titik untuk setiap menit dengan strategi Precise Point Positioning (PPP) dan metode absolut kinematik dengan tidak menggunakan model geodinamika periodik. Hasil pengolahan dilakukan analisis data 24 jam dan analisis data 31 hari, serta analisis pada domain frekuensi yang didapatkan dari hasil transformasi Fourier. Kekuatan fenomena periodik di KRUI lebih besar dibandingkan titik TJKG yang disebabkan posisi titik KRUI yang lebih dekat dengan samudra. Fenomena geodinamika periodik yang teridentifikasi pada kedua titik tersebut adalah fenomena diurnal dengan periode 24 jam, fenomena semidiurnal dengan periode 12 jam, dan fenomena fortnightly dengan periode 15 hari

    Analysis of Sharia Investment Gallery’s Innovative Strategy in Increasing Millennial Investors’ Interests Through AS-SALAM Programs

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    Sharia capital market is a capital market that is related to its activities, regarding issuers, types of securities traded and their trading mechanism conducted based on sharia principles. UINSA Sharia Investment Gallery and UINSA Sharia Trash Bank collaborating to spark AS-SALAM investment products. The AS-SALAM product is a form of investment product for saving capital junk stocks. This research aims to study the innovative strategies adopted by GIS in increasing millennial investors’ interests through the AS-SALAM program. The method used in this research is descriptive method through qualitative research. The results of this study indicate how saving capital stock can increase the interests of millennial investors to start learning to invest. This is because the price of shares is low compared to shares on the outside and only with garbage.Pasar modal syariah merupakan pasar modal yang seluruh mekanisme kegiatannya terutama mengenai emiten, jenis efek yang diperdagangkan dan mekanisme perdagangannya dilakukan berdasarkan dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Galeri Investasi Syariah UINSA dan Bank Sampah Syariah UINSA berkolaborasi untuk mencetuskan produk investasi AS-SALAM. Produk AS-SALAM merupakan bentuk produk investasi nabung saham modal sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi inovatif yang dilakukan GIS dalam meningkatkan minat investor millenial melalui program AS-SALAM. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa menabung saham modal saham dapat meningkatkan minat para investor millenial untuk mulai belajar berinvestasi. Hal ini dikarenakan harga saham yang rendah dibandingkan dengan saham di luaran dan hanya bermodalkan sampah


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    Komunikasi massa merupakan komunikasi yang ditujukan ke masyarakat umum yang berisi sebuah informasi atau pesan. Dalam menunjang komunikasi tersebut dibentuklah berbagai macam media massa. Media komunikasi massa salah satunya adalah radio. Berdasarkan fungsinya, radio menjadi tempat untuk mendapatkan berbagai macam informasi yang memiliki cara penyampaiannya yang berbeda dari media massa lainnya. Radio juga bisa menjadi sarana hiburan dimana dapat mendengarkan musik dalam genre apapun. Radio merupakan salah satu media yang memiliki kekuatan terbesar sebagai media imajinasi sehingga memainkan theatre of mind pendengarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis semiotika yang ada pada insert budaya “Tanampo” yang ada di Sriwjaya Radio berdasarkan teori Ferdinand de Saussure dimana adanya aspek penanda dan petanda. Pada penelitian ini disajikan analisa mengenai tanda tersebut di setiap scene berdasarkan teori semiotika yang dikemukakan oleh Ferdinand de Saussure. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif guna mendeskripsikan keadaan yang akan diamati dnegan lebih spesifik dan mendalam dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dari data primer dan sekunder serta menggunakan metode reception analysis approach dan focus group discussion. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang telah dilakukan secara keseluruhan pada setiap scene dikembangkanlah aspek-aspek yang ada pada insert tersebut sehingga peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pesan yang disampaikan melalui insert budaya “Tanampo” di Sriwijaya Radio dapat diterima dengan baik oleh pendengar.Mass communication is communication that aimed to the general public that contains information or messages. To support this communication, various kinds of mass media were formed. One of mass communication media is radio. Based on its function, radio is a place to get various kinds of information that has a different way of delivery from other mass media. Radio can also be a means of entertainment where you can listen to music of any genre. Radio is one of the media that has the greatest power as a medium of imagination so that it plays the theatre of mind. This research aims to analyze the semiotics that exist in the cultural insert "Tanampo" in Sriwjaya Radio based on Ferdinand de Saussures theory, there are aspects of the signifier and the signified. In this research, an analysis of the sign in each scene is presented based on Ferdinand de Saussure theory. The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the situation to be observed more specifically and in depth with data sources obtained from primary and secondary data and using the reception analysis approach and focus group discussion methods. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out as a whole in each scene, aspects of the insert are developed so that researchers can conclude that the message conveyed through the cultural insert "Tanampo" on Sriwijaya Radio can be well received by listeners

    Reliability of the tools used to examine psychological distress, fear of COVID-19 and coping amongst migrants and non-migrants in Australia

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    Study tools examining psychological distress, fear of COVID-19 and coping amongst migrants and non-migrants in Australia are very limited. The aim of this research was to assess the psychometric properties and correlation of the English version of Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10), Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCSV-19S), and Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) tools during the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Australia. Data from a cross-sectional survey (n = 516) were utilized to examine reliability; 299 (57.9%) were migrants. High internal consistency, as evidenced by Cronbach’s alpha, was found for the K-10 (0.92), FCV-19S (0.87) and BRCS (0.66) tools. The corresponding values for migrants and non-migrants were (0.92, 0.87, 0.67) and (0.92, 0.86, 0.63), respectively. Item-total correlations ranged 0.57-0.78 for K-10, 0.62–0.69 for FCV-19S, and 0.39–0.50 for BRCS tools. EFA retained a single factor for each tool with adequate factor loadings. The scoring of K-10 was significantly predicted by the scoring of FCV-19S (r = 0.284, P < 0.001) and BRCS tool (r = 0.132, P < 0.01). Therefore, these tools can be used reliably amongst both migrant and non-migrant population in Australia. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 5 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Muhammad Aziz Rahman and Wendy Cross" is provided in this record*

    Analisis Tata Niaga Rotan di Kelurahan Batu Kecamatan Pitu Riase Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang

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    This study have purpose to determine the rattan trading channel and rattan trading functions, to know the interests of actors who play a role in every channel of rattan commerce and to know the power relations of each actor in the rattan trading channel. The research was conducted in February 2017 with the research location in Batu Village Pitu Riase Sub-District Sidenreng Rappang Regency. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with farmer sample as many as 5 samples. For the involved trading institutions are determined by a search method in which 3 collectors sample sample and 1 sample of wholesalers. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Method of data analysis used is descriptive analysis to analyze farmer selling price and buying price of intermediary trader and to know the interest and relation of actor who play role in rattan trading channel. The results conclude that there is one trade channel in the research area, namely: farmers - collectors traders - wholesalers. The results of operational efficiency analysis show that the trading system channel is not efficient yet. The reason is the farmers still play a role as the recipient of the price. The level of importance between the actors on the rattan trading channel in Batu Village is different. Of the three elements of power (trust, incentive and coercion) can be concluded that the actors are influential and have the highest power of traders (industry)

    Characterization of flow rate and Heat Loss in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Duct System for Office Building

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    A building is an assemblage that is firmly attached to the ground and provides the performance of human activities and need to be considered in the daily operation in that building. The improvements in building performance are focused on improving the energy efficiency of buildings. This is approach by designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) duct system due to one of the most utilized energy in maintaining building performance and environment. The objectives of this research is to calculate the air (CFM) supply in office building, to characterize the velocity and head loss in a round and rectangular HVAC ducting system at various duct thickness and to optimize the thickness of the duct in HVAC system according to ASHRAE Standard. The increasing of velocity in duct system shows the increasing of head loss. The round duct design gives the lowest velocity and head loss in HVAC system approximately around 9.35% as compared to rectangular duct at 0.06 inches thickness. Hence, the trends of the head loss and duct thickness has influenced in reducing noise in HVAC duct system in order to select the best design concepts which is round shape design

    Pembuatan Website Biro Pendidikan Nurul Jadid dengan Sistem Framework sebagai Media Informasi Pendidikan di Pesantren

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    The Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School Education Bureau is one of the bureaus in charge of implementing education for Elementary Secondary Schools (DASMIN), which is fully responsible to the head of the pesantren. The work program carried out by the education bureau includes: (1) making the Annual Budget Needs Plan (RKAT) for primary to secondary schools, the work programs of all schools will be discussed at the beginning of each year to be used as a reference as the education bureau policy. (2) Take full responsibility for the implementation of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) of all formal schools in Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School. (3) As an evaluation and monitoring agency for Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in formal schools at the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School Foundation. The Framework-based Education Bureau Web Application as an information medium in the Education Bureau needs and must be understood by all stakeholders in the Education Bureau, so there is a need for socialization and training of web applications at the Education Bureau. The training is very helpful in understanding the functions and benefits of the information web application at the Education Bureau. The targets of the training are all elements in the Education Bureau, school principals, school operators and IT managers in all schools in the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School Foundation area
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