999 research outputs found

    Estudio de factibilidad para la comercialización de abono orgánico a base de pulpa de café en la ciudad de Pereira

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    El mercado agrícola en Pereira siempre ha sido uno de las plazas más importantes de la región andina, dada su ubicación estratégica, hace que sea un sector potencial para la comercialización de productos agrícolas y agropecuarios.1 Con el actual gobierno y el recién firmado tratado de paz con el grupo guerrillero de las FARC, el agro será uno de los objetivos principales para emplear a los reinsertados a la sociedad, esto hace que sea un punto a favor para proyectar una organización dedicada a la comercialización de productos que influirán con el desarrollo de esta economía. Se planteó el diseño de una organización, basado en los modelos actuales de administración, dedicada a la distribución y comercialización de abono orgánico a base de pulpa de café en la ciudad de Pereira. Se investigó el mercado objetivo a partir de encuestas y entrevistas, se analizó dicha información para llevar a cabo un perfil del consumidor objetivo. Se determinó qué tan viable sería la implementación de esta empresa a partir de un presupuesto inicial y una proyección de los primeros tres años de operación en esta región

    Does urinary peptide content differ between COPD patients with and without inherited alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?

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    Differentiating between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with normal (PiMM) or deficient (PiZZ) genetic variants of alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) is important not only for understanding the pathobiology of disease progression but also for improving personalized therapies. This pilot study aimed to investigate whether urinary peptides reflect the A1AT-related phenotypes of COPD. Urine samples from 19 clinically stable COPD cases (7 PiMM and 12 PiZZ A1AT) were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry. We identified 66 peptides (corresponding to 36 unique proteins) that differed between PiZZ and PiMM COPD. Among these, peptides from the collagen family were the most abundant and divergent. A logistic regression model based on COL1A1 or COL5A3 peptides enabled differentiation between PiMM and PiZZ groups, with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 85.71% for COL1A1 and a sensitivity of 91.67% and specificity of 85.71% for COL5A3. Furthermore, patients with PiZZ presented low levels of urinary peptides involved in lipoproteins/lipids and retinoic acid metabolism, such as apolipoprotein A-I and C4, retinol-binding protein 4 and prostaglandin-H2 d-isomerase. However, peptides of MDS1 and EVII complex locus, gelsolin and hemoglobin alpha were found in the urine of COPD cases with PiZZ, but not with PiMM. These capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry-based results provide the first evidence that urinary peptide content differs between PiMM and PiZZ patients with COPD

    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological wooden elements from ship wrecks using 3D digital imaging

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    In marine archaeology, many artifacts made of metallic or organic material are found in different state of conservation depending of the environment in which they are discovered. Once brought to the surface for study or display purposes, the artifacts need to be treated properly otherwise they deteriorate in a short lapse of time. The fragility of organic artifacts and the volumetric variation caused by the marine life on or surrounding them and water lead to the need for measuring the physical dimensions soon after an artifact is extracted from the sea. In an ideal context, it would be appropriate to preserve and restore the archaeological elements rapidly and with the latest methods but due to the large number of artifacts, the cost of complete restoration activities becomes prohibitive for the funding available in public institutions. For this reason, many public laboratories are resorting to digital technologies for documentation, restoration, display and conservation. In this paper, we illustrate the experience of the University of Salento in this area of archaeology using 3D imaging technology. The interest sprang from the need to develop a protocol for documentation and digital restoration of archaeological finds discovered along the coast of Torre S. Sabina (BR) Italy

    Sexual Violence: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of an unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the southern division the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    Italian Society and Gender Role Stereotypes. How Stereotypical Beliefs Concerning Males and Females are Still Present in Italian People at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

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    There are many forms of discrimination in our society. Why is more attention being paid to discrimination against women with awareness-raising debates, public demonstrations, and more? Women’s discrimination against men is discrimination, too!  To cope with this growing phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the roots from which it originates and is fed. Gender role stereotypes may be responsible for this (Ostuni, 2017).  In this work, thanks to a survey carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the male and female Italian population aged between 18 and 74 years old, it will be explained if and how our society is "trapped" in stereotypical beliefs. The results obtained show that Italy is divided into two parts and that in the north-central regions stereotypes are less rooted than in the southern ones. The phenomenon is less widespread, for both sexes, both as they grow in age and when they have a higher educational degree. In this context, as far as family society, and the economy is concerned, the role of women aissubordinate to men, especially in the South. As stereotypes are responsible for different forms of discrimination against women, a possible way to establish fair gender equality can be obtained by eliminating them and bringing down the prevailing patriarchal culture

    Sexual Violence in Italy: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male, and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the Southern division, the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    Sexual Violence: Are Women Victims or Responsible?

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    Sexual violence is the imposition of an unwanted physical contact obtained by force, manipulation, or coercion. This kind of violence, which is detrimental to the dignity of the person who suffers it, causes deep psychic as well as physical wounds in the victim and is the most widespread violation of human rights in all countries and cultures. This paper tries to investigate whether the stereotype of women being responsible for the sexual violence they suffered is dominant in our society. The study of this stereotype has been addressed through the survey "Gender roles stereotypes and the social image of sexual violence" carried out by ISTAT in 2019 (referred to 2018) on the adult, male and female, population aged between 18 and 74. With regard to the stereotypes proposed in the survey, the results have shown that there is a clear contrast between young and older women and between women with a higher educational qualification and those with an elementary school degree. At the regional level, however, the contrast is between Central-Northern regions and Southern Italy: in five of the eight regions belonging to the southern division the most widespread stereotype is that the responsibility for sexual violence is attributable to women

    Fortalecimiento de la interculturalidad y reivindicación de la mujer mediante la poesía hispanoamericana en un material de ELE

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    Son pocos los manuales de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) que recurren a la literatura, y especialmente, a la poesía, para potenciar todas las competencias del aprendiz. Dos posibles razones que explican esta situación son, por un lado, considerar el lenguaje poético como un accesorio de la lengua con cierto grado de complejidad y, por otro lado, la limitación de habilidades del aprendiz que se potencian gracias a un acercamiento al género lírico. A lo anterior, se suma que los manuales de ELE citan, principalmente, poetas mencionados en los libros de texto de español como lengua materna para enseñar cultura y literatura. Algunos de los ejemplos más comunes son Federico García Lorca y Antonio Machado (en el caso de la variación peninsular), y Rubén Darío y Mario Benedetti (en el caso de Hispanoamérica), desplazando a otros autores que gozan de una gran trayectoria literaria. Otra de las dificultades que implica la selección de autores líricos es la ausencia de poetas femeninas de España e Hispanoamérica, quizá porque la literatura ha sido un oficio principalmente construido por hombres, reto al que se adhiere el escaso repertorio de habilidades de lengua trabajadas en el aula, ya que por medio de los textos líricos se potencia mayormente la comprensión de lectura y el aprendizaje de nuevo vocabulario. Con el fin de lograr la inclusión de poemas escritos por mujeres y el desarrollo de la competencia intercultural, se realizó un análisis de necesidades con base en algunos manuales de ELE, a partir del que se diseñó y validó una cartilla que articula la competencia intercultural y la reivindicación de escritoras hispanoamericanas. La selección de poemas y autoras está respaldada por un marco conceptual que vincula la importancia de la poesía en literatura y en las aulas de ELE, el papel de la mujer en la producción de escritura y conocimiento, y finalmente, el reconocimiento de otras formas de cultura para hallar puntos de encuentro y desencuentro en las aulas de lengua extranjera.Nowadays, there are few Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) textbooks that use literature (especially, poetry) in order to develop the student’s language skills. There are two possible causes that explain this phenomenon: on one side, SFL teachers assume literature is only an accessory of language that has a remarkable degree of complexity. On the other hand, teachers consider that using poetry in foreign language teaching may improve reading comprehension and vocabulary learning only. Textbooks frequently include cannonic writers’ literary pieces, mentioned in Spanish as a Mother Language (SML) textbooks to teach culture and literature. Some of the most well-known writers that appear in SML and SFL textbooks are Federico Garcia Lorca, Antonio Machado (in the case of Spain), and Ruben Dario and Mario Benedetti (in the case of Hispanic America), ousting many other male and, especially, female writers who have an established literature career. Most of the activities proposed with literary texts usually work on reading comprehension and new vocabulary learning. In order to achieve the development of intercultural competence and the inclusion of Hispanic women poetry, a SFL booklet that gathers intercultural competence and the role of Hispanic women in poetry was designed and evaluated. The selected group of female writers and poems is justified through a conceptual framework that binds the importance of poetry in literature and SFL classes, the role of women in the writing and knowledge production and finally, the recognition of other cultural expression in Spanish language that allow the convergence of different points of view that contribute to an intercultural encounter in the SFL classroom.Magíster en Lingüística Aplicada del Español como Lengua ExtranjeraMaestrí