2,484 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto Dalam Pemilihan Siswa Teladan di Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Mazroatul Ulum di Tangerang. Sekolah ini berusaha untuk meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing dari siswa-siswi agar dapat bersaing dengan sekolah lainnya. Salah satu cara yang diambil adalah dengan menerapkan pemilihan murid teladan berdasarkan penilaian yang diperoleh. Proses untuk menentukan predikat siswa teladan di SMP Mazro’atul Ulum saat ini dengan mempertimbangkan 4 kriteria yaitu data rata-rata rapor, total absensi berdasarkan alpha, nilai kepribadian, dan nilai ekstrakurikuler. Sebelumnya, sekolah ini belum memiliki aturan yang valid mengenai kriteria terhadap pemilihan siswa teladan. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dikembangkan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) dengan metode Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Metode tersebut merupakan pilihan yang tepat dalam menangani masalah pengambilan sebuah keputusan yang menggunakan beberapa kriteria hingga menghasilkan dua keputusan yaitu teladan dan tidak teladan. Jika nilai probabilitas siswa lebih besar sama dengan 70 maka masuk ke rekomendasi teladan dan jika di bawah 70 maka tidak teladan. Dalam pengujian yang dilakukan pada data siswa kelas 7, 8, dan 9 pada tahun ajaran 2018/2019, bahwa sistem ini dapat menentukan siswa yang berhak mendapatkan predikat teladan dan memberikan penilaian dari hasil keputusan dengan tepat dan efisien


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    In this article the one-dimensional, overdamped motion of a classical particle is considered, which is coupled to a thermal bath and is drifting in a quenched disorder potential. The mobility of the particle is examined as a function of temperature and driving force acting on the particle. A framework is presented, which reveals the dependence of mobility on spatial correlations of the disorder potential. Mobility is then calculated explicitly for new models of disorder, in particular with spatial correlations. It exhibits interesting dynamical phenomena. Most markedly, the temperature dependence of mobility may deviate qualitatively from Arrhenius formula and a localization transition from zero to finite mobility may occur at finite temperature. Examples show a suppression of this transition by disorder correlations.Comment: 10 pages, latex, with 3 figures, to be published in Z. Phys.

    Anomalous diffusion, Localization, Aging and Sub-aging effects in trap models at very low temperature

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    We study in details the dynamics of the one dimensional symmetric trap model, via a real-space renormalization procedure which becomes exact in the limit of zero temperature. In this limit, the diffusion front in each sample consists in two delta peaks, which are completely out of equilibrium with each other. The statistics of the positions and weights of these delta peaks over the samples allows to obtain explicit results for all observables in the limit T→0T \to 0. We first compute disorder averages of one-time observables, such as the diffusion front, the thermal width, the localization parameters, the two-particle correlation function, and the generating function of thermal cumulants of the position. We then study aging and sub-aging effects : our approach reproduces very simply the two different aging exponents and yields explicit forms for scaling functions of the various two-time correlations. We also extend the RSRG method to include systematic corrections to the previous zero temperature procedure via a series expansion in TT. We then consider the generalized trap model with parameter α∈[0,1]\alpha \in [0,1] and obtain that the large scale effective model at low temperature does not depend on α\alpha in any dimension, so that the only observables sensitive to α\alpha are those that measure the `local persistence', such as the probability to remain exactly in the same trap during a time interval. Finally, we extend our approach at a scaling level for the trap model in d=2d=2 and obtain the two relevant time scales for aging properties.Comment: 33 pages, 3 eps figure

    Non-linear Response of the trap model in the aging regime : Exact results in the strong disorder limit

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    We study the dynamics of the one dimensional disordered trap model presenting a broad distribution of trapping times p(τ)∼1/τ1+μp(\tau) \sim 1/\tau^{1+\mu}, when an external force is applied from the very beginning at t=0t=0, or only after a waiting time twt_w, in the linear as well as in the non-linear response regime. Using a real-space renormalization procedure that becomes exact in the limit of strong disorder μ→0\mu \to 0, we obtain explicit results for many observables, such as the diffusion front, the mean position, the thermal width, the localization parameters and the two-particle correlation function. In particular, the scaling functions for these observables give access to the complete interpolation between the unbiased case and the directed case. Finally, we discuss in details the various regimes that exist for the averaged position in terms of the two times and the external field.Comment: 27 pages, 1 eps figur


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    Investasi dalam bidang teknologi informasi menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam strategi organisasi saat ini.Organisasi harus mampu mengambil keputusan investasi teknologi informasi secara tepat.Namun keuntungan dari hasil investasi teknologi informasi menjadi sulit ditentukan karena adanya biaya dan manfaat yang sulit diberi penilaian.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesuksesan investasi Sistem informasi Rumah Sakit (SIRS) yang telah diimplementasi oleh Rumah Sakit Vita Insani Pematangsiantar dengan menggunakan metode Information Economics (IE).Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kepustakaan, wawancara, kuesioner, dan metode analisis.Dari hasil penelitian, investasi yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan sangat bermanfaat karena SIRS yang sedang berjalan dapat mendukung rencana strategik perusahaan sekaligus meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan berpredikat baik dalam investasi teknologi informasi.Kata Kunci: Information Economics, Investasi, Sistem Informasi Rumah Saki

    Programmed assembly of polymer-DNA conjugate nanoparticles with optical readout and sequence-specific activation of biorecognition

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    Soft micellar nanoparticles can be prepared from DNA conjugates designed to assemble via base pairing such that strands containing a polymer corona and a cholesterol tail generate controlled supramolecular architecture. Functionalization of one DNA conjugate strand with a biorecognition ligand results in shielding of the ligand when in the micelle, while encoding of the DNA sequences with overhangs allows supramolecular unpacking by addition of a complementary strand and sequence-specific unshielding of the ligand. The molecular assembly/disassembly and ‘on–off’ switch of the recognition signal is visualized by FRET pair signalling, PAGE and a facile turbidimetric binding assay, allowing direct and amplified readout of nucleic acid sequence recognition

    An integrated approach to modelling the fluid-structure interaction of a collapsible tube

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    The well known collapsible tube experiment was conducted to obtain flow, pressure and materials property data for steady state conditions. These were then used as the boundary conditions for a fully coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model using a propriety computer code, LS-DYNA. The shape profiles for the tube were also recorded. In order to obtain similar collapse modes to the experiment, it was necessary to model the tube flat, and then inflate it into a circular profile, leaving residual stresses in the walls. The profile shape then agreed well with the experimental ones. Two departures from the physical properties were required to reduce computer time to an acceptable level. One of these was the lowering of the speed of sound by two orders of magnitude which, due to the low velocities involved, still left the mach number below 0.2. The other was to increase the thickness of the tube to prevent the numerical collapse of elements. A compensation for this was made by lowering the Young's modulus for the tube material. Overall the results are qualitatively good. They give an indication of the power of the current FSI algorithms and the need to combine experiment and computer models in order to maximise the information that can be extracted both in terms of quantity and quality

    Ambient betatron motion and its excitation by ghost lines in Tevatron

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    Transverse betatron motion of the Tevatron proton beam is measured and analyzed. It is shown that the motion is coherent and excited by external sources of unknown origins. Observations of the time varying ghost lines in the betatron spectra are reported.Comment: 9 p

    Implementasi Augmented Reality Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Mengenal Bangun Ruang Dengan Metode Marked Based Tracking Berbasis Android

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    Bangun Ruang merupakan salah satu dari bagian pelajaran matematika yang memiliki bentuk dan jenis yang beragam. Dalam keberagaman bentuk tersebut, bangun ruang memiliki rumus luas dan volume sehingga dapat diketahui jumlah sisi dan luas yang ada. Pada proses pembelajaran di sekolah, ditemukan adanya kesulitan yang dialami siswa/i dalam memvisualisasikan bangun ruang ke dalam bentuk yang nyata. Fasilitas alat peraga bangun ruang terbatas hanya dapat digunakan di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan membuat aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis Augmented Reality dimana siswa/i dimampukan untuk belajar dengan mudah memanfaatkan smartphone berbasis Android dalam memvisualisasikan dan menghitung luas dan volume bangun ruang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi yaitu dengan Marked Based Tracking. Sementara pengembangan aplikasi Augmented Reality menggunakan Vuforia SDK (Software Development Kit). Dari hasil yang didapatkan, Augmented Reality Camera dapat memindai gambar di dalam  pencahayaan yang sangat minim, dapat memindai dan mengeluarkan objek 3D hingga kejauhan 50cm jarak dari kamera menuju image target, dan juga dapat menghitung volume bangun ruang dengan cepat. Kata Kunci – augmented reality, bangun ruang, vuforia, volume, Marked Based Trackin
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