338 research outputs found

    Alotransplante de tejido compuesto : bases anatómico- experimentales y aplicación a nuevos modelos de conocimiento para reconstrucción de extremidades superiores.

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    Las manos son esenciales para cualquier actividad de nuestra vida diaria. Su pérdida supone la total dependencia de una persona. El alotrasplante de tejido compuesto (ATC) de extremidad superior no está destinado a salvar vidas, sino que tiene como objetivo fundamental la recuperación funcional. Supone una alternativa terapéutica para defectos estructurales, funcionales y estéticos que no puedan ser abordados de otro modo, y representa el escalón más alto de la escalera reconstructiva. Es el fruto de los avances en los campos de la microcirugía, reimplantes, trasplante de órganos e inmunosupresión, pero aún a día de hoy se considera un procedimiento experimental. El primer ATC de extremidad superior exitoso se realizó en 1998. Existen dos indicaciones con consenso entre la comunidad científica: amputados bilaterales y amputados unilaterales de extremidad dominante, ambos con mala adaptación a prótesis. Tras dos décadas de experiencia y más de 100 extremidades trasplantadas, los resultados mundiales han demostrado que el ATC de extremidad superior es técnicamente posible y que permite obtener buenos resultados funcionales. La tasa de supervivencia de las extremidades ronda el 80%, siendo la principal causa de pérdida el rechazo crónico por mal cumplimiento de la inmunosupresión. No existe un protocolo universalmente aceptado, por lo que los criterios de selección de donantes y receptores varían entre unos centros y otros. La selección de un receptor apropiado es un proceso complejo y multidisciplinar, en el que los factores psicosociales son los más importantes para el éxito, y los más difíciles de evaluar. La selección de donantes, por su parte, se hace en base a criterios fundamentalmente antropométricos, cumpliendo también criterios de inclusión y exclusión de carácter inmunológico, serológico y microbiológico. Esta cirugía es de gran complejidad y precisa de un equipo multidisciplinar. Asimismo, es de gran ayuda conocer la anatomía tanto del receptor como del donante antes de la cirugía. Para ello se dispone de técnicas de imagen clásicas, y cada vez más, de la realidad virtual. El Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (HUVR) lleva utilizando el software VirSSPA más de diez años, herramienta que genera modelos 3D virtuales a partir de imágenes convencionales 2D. Con él se ha realizado la planificación prequirúrgica de numerosas microcirugías reconstructivas, incluido un caso de ATC facial. Poder emplear técnicas de reconstrucción virtual 3D como esta, u otras como el escaneado de superficie, como herramienta para la selección óptima de donantes de extremidad superior y para planificación quirúrgica, facilitaría en gran medida diferentes etapas del proceso y ayudaría al equipo quirúrgico en su ejecución, pudiendo seleccionar extremidades donantes apropiadas para cada receptor y permitiendo practicar la cirugía en un entorno sin riesgo. La impresión 3D es una tecnología que se basa en modelos 3D virtuales informáticos para la creación de modelos 3D físicos mediante la adición sucesiva de capas de material. Por primera vez los cirujanos pueden tener a su disposición antes de la cirugía modelos a escala real de las áreas a intervenir. Como etapa final del proceso de donación, esta tecnología también podría utilizarse para la fabricación a medida de epítesis reconstructivas de extremidad superior

    Comparison of the viscoelastic properties of human abdominal and breast adipose tissue and its incidence on breast reconstruction surgery. A pilot study

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    Background: Breast cancer is the leading malignant tumor in women in the world. Reconstruction after mastectomy plays a key role in the physical and psychological recuperation, being the abdominal skin and adipose tissue the best current option for the DIEP surgery. The aim of the surgery is to obtain a reconstructed breast which looks and behaves naturally. Therefore, it would be useful to characterize the mechanical behaviour of the adipose tissue in the abdomen and breast to compare their mechanical properties, also investigating possible regional differences. Methods: Experimental tests have been carried out in breast and abdominal adipose tissue samples, obtaining their viscoelastic properties. The specimens have been subjected to uniaxial compression relaxation tests and a mechanical behaviour model has been fitted to the experimental curves. Afterwards, statistical analyses have been used to detect differences between different individuals' abdominal fat tissue and finally between different areas of the same individual's breast and abdominal adipose tissue. Findings: Several conclusions could be extracted from the results: 1) inter-individual differences may exist in the abdominal adipose tissue; 2) the breast fat could be regarded as a unique tissue from the mechanical point of view; 3) significant differences were detected between the superficial breast and all the locations of the abdomen, except for the superficial lateral one and 4) the mechanical properties of the abdominal adipose tissue seem to change with the depth. These conclusions can be of great value for DIEP surgeries and other surgeries in which the adipose tissue is involved.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2011-2808

    The role of promoters on the catalytic performance of MxV2O5 bronzes for the selective partial oxidation of H2S

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    [EN] Metal-containing vanadium oxide bronzes (MxV2O5; M= Cu, Ag and Ca) have been prepared, characterized (before and after reaction) by various physicochemical techniques, and tested in the partial oxidation of H2S. The catalysts were prepared hydrothermally at 175 ¿C (from gels containing M/V molar ratios of 0.17 or 0.33) and heat-treated at 500 ¿C/2 h in N2. The most effective catalysts, showing a sulfur selectivity greater than 95 % for a H2S conversion beyond 90 %, were those presenting vanadium oxide bronze (ß-Cu0.261V2O5 or Ag0.333V2O5) as the main crystalline phase. Cu- and Ag-containing vanadium oxide bronzes were stable under reaction conditions. For calcium containing materials (mainly presenting the Ca0.17V2O5 bronze phase), the formation of CaSO4 has been observed during the reaction, which resulted in a negative effect on both activity and selectivity. The nature of active and selective sites in this type of catalysts, as well as the role of promoters, are also discussed.The authors would like to acknowledge the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain (TED2021-130756B-C31, TED2021-130756B-C32 and MAT2017-84118-C2-1-R projects) . Authors from ITQ also thank Project SEV-2016-0683 for supporting this research. A.A. acknowledges Severo Ochoa Excellence Program for his fellowship (BES-2017-080329) and Dr. Ferran Sabate from ITQ for his assistance with the EPR data treatment.Ruiz-Rodríguez, L.; De Arriba-Mateos, A.; Vidal Moya, JA.; Blasco Lanzuela, T.; Rodríguez-Castellón, E.; López Nieto, JM. (2022). The role of promoters on the catalytic performance of MxV2O5 bronzes for the selective partial oxidation of H2S. Applied Catalysis A General. 647:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2022.11890011164

    Botanical diversity, structure and composition in cocoa agroforest systems in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

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    The tree composition in cocoa agroforestry systems (CAFS) in Guatemala is valued for providing a number of ecosystem services. Despite the importance of the trees in these systems, little is known about the tree species richness and its contribution to the conservation of diversity. We studied the botanical composition of CAFS of different ages in the Alta Verapaz department of Guatemala. In total, 70 survey plots with a size of 2500 m2 were established. An inventory was carried out in each sampling unit, recording the tree species present and measuring the diameter at breast height (DBH 1.30 m) and the height of each tree. The Importance Value Index (IVI) was calculated and species richness and the similarity between sites were evaluated. A total of 2519 trees, belonging to 59 species and 34 families were identified. The species with the highest IVI was Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth. The CAFSs with the highest and lowest species richness were those of 9-12 and 27 years old, respectively (H´=1.99, H´=0.34). This behavior can be explained by the fact that growers work to enrich the agroforestry systems with a broad diversity of species in the first years which they then begin to harvest at around 16 years of age. A discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) and the Jaccard Similarity Index were used to show that several AFS were similar in terms of composition and botanical diversity. Given the tree diversity within the CAFS, these can be acknowledged as areas with good potential for the conservation of overall biodiversity. We recommend education programs for local growers about the benefits of shade management during the production cycle of cocoa to preserve the botanical composition and structural complexity of the AFS

    Novel insights and mechanisms of diet-induced obesity: Mid-term versus long-term effects on hepatic transcriptome and antioxidant capacity in Sprague-Dawley rats

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2023.121746Aims The study of molecular mechanisms related to obesity and associated pathologies like type 2-diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease requires animal experimental models in which the type of obesogenic diet and length of the experimental period to induce obesity deeply affect the metabolic alterations. Therefore, this study aimed to test the influence of aging along a rat model of diet-induced obesity in gene expression of the hepatic transcriptome. Main methods A high-fat/high-fructose diet to induce obesity was used. Mid- (13 weeks) and long-term (21 weeks) periods were established. Caloric intake, bodyweight, hepatic fat, fatty acid profile, histological changes, antioxidant activity, and complete transcriptome were analyzed. Key findings Excess bodyweight, hepatic steatosis and altered lipid histology, modifications in liver antioxidant activity, and dysregulated expression of transcripts related to cell structure, glucose & lipid metabolism, antioxidant & detoxifying capacity were found. Modifications in obese and control rats were accounted for by the different lengths of the experimental period studied. Significance Main mechanisms of hepatic fat accumulation were de novo lipogenesis or altered fatty acid catabolism for mid- or long-term study, respectively. Therefore, the choice of obesity-induction length is a key factor in the model of obesity used as a control for each specific experimental design.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the European Union through projects B-AGR-662-UGR20, RTI-2018-100934-B-I00, and the FEDER program, respectivel

    Functional consequences of microbial shifts in the human gastrointestinal tract linked to antibiotic treatment and obesity

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    The microbiomes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of individuals receiving antibiotics and those in obese subjects undergo compositional shifts, the metabolic effects and linkages of which are not clearly understood. Herein, we set to gain insight into these effects, particularly with regard to carbohydrate metabolism, and to contribute to unravel the underlying mechanisms and consequences for health conditions. We measured the activity level of GIT carbohydrate-active enzymes toward 23 distinct sugars in adults patients (n = 2) receiving 14-d β-lactam therapy and in obese (n = 7) and lean (n = 5) adolescents. We observed that both 14 d antibiotic-treated and obese subjects showed higher and less balanced sugar anabolic capacities, with 40% carbohydrates being preferentially processed as compared with non-treated and lean patients. Metaproteome-wide metabolic reconstructions confirmed that the impaired utilization of sugars propagated throughout the pentose phosphate metabolism, which had adverse consequences for the metabolic status of the GIT microbiota. The results point to an age-independent positive association between GIT glycosidase activity and the body mass index, fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance (r2 ≥ 0.95). Moreover, antibiotics altered the active fraction of enzymes controlling the thickness, composition and consistency of the mucin glycans. Our data and analyses provide biochemical insights into the effects of antibiotic usage on the dynamics of the GIT microbiota and pin-point presumptive links to obesity. The knowledge and the hypotheses generated herein lay a foundation for subsequent, systematic research that will be paramount for the design of “smart” dietary and therapeutic interventions to modulate host-microbe metabolic co-regulation in intestinal homeostasis

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    Gestión de la comunicación aplicada

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    La gestión de proyectos aplicados se refiere al enfoque práctico y sistemático utilizado para planificar, organizar y controlar el trabajo necesario para completar un proyecto de manera eficiente y efectiva. Esto implica identificar los objetivos, definir las tareas y actividades necesarias para completar la propuesta, asignar recursos y establecer un cronograma para el trabajo. Además, monitorear y controlar el progreso del proyecto para asegurarse de que se está avanzando de acuerdo con el plan y tomar medidas para solucionar posibles problemas o desafíos que puedan surgir