574 research outputs found

    Degradation and hydrate phase equilibria measurement methods of monoethylene glycol

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    Monoethylene glycol (MEG), a common chemical used for the inhibition of gas hydrate formation may undergo degradation in the regeneration/reclamation process. Limited research exists on the effect of degradation of MEG on hydrate formation, production facilities and equipment especially in the presence of other chemical additives. The proposed method allows for streamlining the process of preparing, degrading and analysis of MEG solutions for hydrate testing and degradation products. • Procedure to prepare accurate MEG solutions avoiding oxidative degradation of MEG (i.e., controlling oxygen ingress).• Two methods are suggested to mimic field-like degradation of MEG solutions (i.e., degradation by reclamation and autoclave).• Adoption of the isochoric hydrate testing method while using a high pressure cell with the aid of a computer script to accurately evaluate hydrate phase equilibria conditions

    On the Calibration of Full-polarization 86GHz Global VLBI Observations

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    We report the development of a semi-automatic pipeline for the calibration of 86 GHz full-polarization observations performed with the Global Millimeter-VLBI array (GMVA) and describe the calibration strategy followed in the data reduction. Our calibration pipeline involves non-standard procedures, since VLBI polarimetry at frequencies above 43 GHz is not yet well established. We also present, for the first time, a full-polarization global-VLBI image at 86 GHz (source 3C 345), as an example of the final product of our calibration pipeline, and discuss the effect of instrumental limitations on the fidelity of the polarization images. Our calibration strategy is not exclusive for the GMVA, and could be applied on other VLBI arrays at millimeter wavelengths. The use of this pipeline will allow GMVA observers to get fully-calibrated datasets shortly after the data correlation.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    X-Ray flares in Orion Young Stars. II. Flares, Magnetospheres, and Protoplanetary Disks

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    We study the properties of powerful X-ray flares from 161 pre-main sequence (PMS) stars observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory in the Orion Nebula region. Relationships between flare properties, protoplanetary disks and accretion are examined in detail to test models of star-disk interactions at the inner edge of the accretion disks. Previous studies had found no differences in flaring between diskfree and accreting systems other than a small overall diminution of X-ray luminosity in accreting systems. The most important finding is that X-ray coronal extents in fast-rotating diskfree stars can significantly exceed the Keplerian corotation radius, whereas X-ray loop sizes in disky and accreting systems do not exceed the corotation radius. This is consistent with models of star-disk magnetic interaction where the inner disk truncates and confines the PMS stellar magnetosphere. We also find two differences between flares in accreting and diskfree PMS stars. First, a subclass of super-hot flares with peak plasma temperatures exceeding 100 MK are preferentially present in accreting systems. Second, we tentatively find that accreting stars produce flares with shorter durations. Both results may be consequences of the distortion and destabilization of the stellar magnetosphere by the interacting disk. Finally, we find no evidence that any flare types, even slow-rise flat-top flares are produced in star-disk magnetic loops. All are consistent with enhanced solar long-duration events with both footprints anchored in the stellar surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (07/17/08); 46 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    Structure of the Accretion Flow in Broad-Line Radio Galaxies: The Case of 3C390.3

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    We present XMM and Suzaku observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C390.3. The Fe Ka line has a width FWHM ~ 8,800 km/s, consistent within a factor two with the width of the double-peaked H_alpha line, suggesting an origin from the Broad Line Region. The data show for the first time a weak, broad bump extending from 5 to 7 keV. When fitted with a Gaussian, its centroid energy is 6.6 keV in the source's rest-frame with FWHM of 43,000 km/s and EW of 50 eV; its most likely interpretation is emission from He-like Fe (Fe XXV), suggesting the presence of an ionized medium in the inner regions of 3C390.3. The broad-band 0.5-100 keV continuum is well described by a single power law with photon index Gamma=1.6 and cutoff energy 157 keV, plus cold reflection with strength R=0.5. In addition, ionized reflection is required to account for the 6.6 keV bump in the broad-band continuum, yielding an ionization parameter xi ~ 2700 ergs cm s^-1; the inner radius of the ionized reflector is constrained to be larger than 20 r_G, although this result depends on the assumed emissivity profile of the disk. If true, we argue that the lack of broad Fe K emission from within 20 r_G indicates that the innermost regions of the disk in 3C390.3 are obscured and/or poorly illuminated. While the SED of 3C390.3 is generally dominated by accretion-related continuum, during accretion low states the jet can significantly contribute in the optical to X-ray bands via synchrotron self-Compton emission. (Abridged)Comment: 7 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    AGN and starbursts at high redshift: High resolution EVN radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field

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    We present deep, wide-field European VLBI Network (EVN) 1.6 GHz observations of the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) region with a resolution of 0.025 arcseconds. Above the 210 microJy/beam (5sigma) detection level, the EVN clearly detects two radio sources in a field that encompasses the HDF and part of the Hubble Flanking Fields (HFF). The sources detected are: VLA J123644+621133 (a z=1.013, low-luminosity FR-I radio source located within the HDF itself) and VLA J123642+621331 (a dust enshrouded, optically faint, z=4.424 starburst system). A third radio source, J123646+621404, is detected at the 4sigma level. The VLBI detections of all three sources suggest that most of the radio emission of these particular sources (including the dusty starburst) is generated by an embedded AGN.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; Accepted by Astron. & Astrophys Letters ... See http://www.nfra.nl/~mag/hdf_evn.htm

    Zooming towards the Event Horizon - mm-VLBI today and tomorrow

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    Global VLBI imaging at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength overcomes the opacity barrier of synchrotron self-absorption in AGN and opens the direct view into sub-pc scale regions not accessible before. Since AGN variability is more pronounced at short millimeter wavelength, mm-VLBI can reveal structural changes in very early stages after outbursts. When combined with observations at longer wavelength, global 3mm and 1mm VLBI adds very detailed information. This helps to determine fundamental physical properties at the jet base, and in the vicinity of super-massive black holes at the center of AGN. Here we present new results from multi-frequency mm-VLBI imaging of OJ287 during a major outburst. We also report on a successful 1.3mm VLBI experiment with the APEX telescope in Chile. This observation sets a new record in angular resolution. It also opens the path towards future mm-VLBI with ALMA, which aims at the mapping of the black hole event horizon in nearby galaxies, and the study of the roots of jets in AGN.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in 11th European VLBI Network Symposium, ed. P. Charlot et al., Bordeaux (France), October 9-12, 201

    First 230 GHz VLBI Fringes on 3C 279 using the APEX Telescope

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    We report about a 230 GHz very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) fringe finder observation of blazar 3C 279 with the APEX telescope in Chile, the phased submillimeter array (SMA), and the SMT of the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO). We installed VLBI equipment and measured the APEX station position to 1 cm accuracy (1 sigma). We then observed 3C 279 on 2012 May 7 in a 5 hour 230 GHz VLBI track with baseline lengths of 2800 Mλ\lambda to 7200 Mλ\lambda and a finest fringe spacing of 28.6 micro-arcseconds. Fringes were detected on all baselines with SNRs of 12 to 55 in 420 s. The correlated flux density on the longest baseline was ~0.3 Jy/beam, out of a total flux density of 19.8 Jy. Visibility data suggest an emission region <38 uas in size, and at least two components, possibly polarized. We find a lower limit of the brightness temperature of the inner jet region of about 10^10 K. Lastly, we find an upper limit of 20% on the linear polarization fraction at a fringe spacing of ~38 uas. With APEX the angular resolution of 230 GHz VLBI improves to 28.6 uas. This allows one to resolve the last-photon ring around the Galactic Center black hole event horizon, expected to be 40 uas in diameter, and probe radio jet launching at unprecedented resolution, down to a few gravitational radii in galaxies like M 87. To probe the structure in the inner parsecs of 3C 279 in detail, follow-up observations with APEX and five other mm-VLBI stations have been conducted (March 2013) and are being analyzed.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Mineralization of sheep manure and its influence on lettuce production

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    Diversos resíduos orgânicos são utilizados na agricultura sem o adequado conhecimento da sua dinâmica de mineralização. Avaliou-se a mineralização de esterco de ovinos e sua influência na produção de alface. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Foram utilizadas 25 t ha-1 como dose de esterco para cada um dos seguintes tratamentos: 1) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de feno de mandioca (PAM); 2) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de subproduto de ervilha (ERV); 3) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de feno de capim coast-cross (FCC); 4) esterco de ovinos que se alimentaram de subproduto de saccharina (SAC) e 5) solo sem aplicação de esterco (testemunha). Foi determinada semanalmente a respiração basal do solo, utilizada como indicador de mineralização da matéria orgânica. A massa fresca de alface foi avaliada como medida de produção. Os tratamentos ERV, FCC e SAC apresentaram ganhos de massa fresca na ordem de 68, 65 e 62% em relação à testemunha e de 43, 39 e 33% em relação ao PAM, respectivamente. A produção menor promovida pelo PAM, em relação às demais, pode ser explicada pela forma de mineralização da matéria orgânica que apresentou elevada respiração microbiana cinco dias após o transplantio, com acentuado declínio, nas medições subseqüentes, ao longo do ciclo da cultura. Os demais tratamentos apresentaram mineralização sincronizada com conseqüente aumento na produção de massa fresca. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSeveral organic wastes are used in agriculture with no precise knowledge about the mineralization dynamics of these materials. In this study the sheep manure mineralization and its influence on the lettuce production was evaluated. A randomized block design with three replications was used. Five treatments were studied using 25 t ha-1 as dose of manure: 1) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with cassava straw (PAM); 2) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with residue of pea crop (ERV); 3) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with Coast-Cross hay (FCC), 4) sheep manure obtained from animals fed with saccharin residue (SAC) and 5) soil without application of manure (control). Weekly the basal respiration was determined and used as an indicator of organic matter mineralization. Lettuce fresh mass was evaluated as a measure of production. Treatments ERV, FCC and SAC showed superior weight gains of 68, 65 and 62% compared to the control and 43, 39 and 33% compared to MAP, respectively. Lower production promoted by the MAP in relation to the other treatments can be explained by organic matter mineralization that showed a high microbial respiration five days after transplanting, with marked decline in subsequent measurements during the crop cycle. The other systems showed mineralization synchronized with the production increase of lettuce fresh mass

    A sample of weak blazars at milli-arcsecond resolution

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    Aims. We started a follow up investigation on the 'Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey' objects with declination > -10 deg for a better understanding of the blazar phenomenon. We undertook a survey with the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network at 5 GHz to make the first images of a complete sample of weak blazars, aiming at a follow-up comparison between high- and low-power samples of blazars. Methods. We observed 87 sources with the EVN at 5 GHz along the period October 2009-May 2013. The observations were correlated at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie and at the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe. The correlator output was analysed using both the AIPS and DIFMAP software packages. Results. All of the sources observed were detected. Point-like sources on milli-arcsecond scale are found in 39 cases, 45 show core-jet structure, and 3 are triples. The total ux density distribution at 5 GHz has a median value =44+23-10 mJy. A total flux density ~150 mJy is observed in 68 out of 87 sources. Their brightness temperature Tb ranges between 10^7 K and 10^12 K. According to the spectral indices previously obtained with multi-frequency observations, 58 sources show a at spectral index, 29 sources show a steep spectrum or a spectrum peaking at a frequency around 1-2 GHz. 14 flat spectrum plus 1 steep spectrum sources are associated to gamma-ray emitters detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Conclusions. We performed the first milli-arcsecond resolution observations of a sample of suggested blazars. We found that among the 87 objects under investigation, 56 can be considered blazars. We also detected 2 Flat spectrum Narrow Line Radio Galaxies. 14 blazars plus a Steep Spectrum Radio Quasars, adding those observed with the EVN to those with ATCA oservations, are associated to gamma-ray objects. About 50% of them are BLLacs confirming they are more preferably detected among blazars gamma-emitters. We confirm the correlation found between the source core flux density and the gamma-ray photon fluxes down to fainter flux densities. We also found that weak blazars are also weaker gamma-ray emitters compared to bright blazars. 22 sources are SSRQs or Compact Steep-spectrum Sources and 7 are GigaHz Peaked Sources. The available X-ray ROSAT observations allowed us to suggest that CSS GPS quasars are not obscured by large column of cold gas surrounding the nuclei. We did not find any significant difference in X-ray luminosity between CSS and GPS quasars