7 research outputs found

    Reproducibility of the airway response to an exercise protocol standardized for intensity, duration, and inspired air conditions, in subjects with symptoms suggestive of asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exercise testing to aid diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is commonly performed. Reproducibility of the airway response to a standardized exercise protocol has not been reported in subjects being evaluated with mild symptoms suggestive of asthma but without a definite diagnosis. This study examined reproducibility of % fall in FEV<sub>1 </sub>and area under the FEV<sub>1 </sub>time curve for 30 minutes in response to two exercise tests performed with the same intensity and duration of exercise, and inspired air conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Subjects with mild symptoms of asthma exercised twice within approximately 4 days by running for 8 minutes on a motorized treadmill breathing dry air at an intensity to induce a heart rate between 80-90% predicted maximum; reproducibility of the airway response was expressed as the 95% probability interval.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 373 subjects challenged twice 161 were positive (≥10% fall FEV<sub>1 </sub>on at least one challenge). The EIB was mild and 77% of subjects had <15% fall on both challenges. Agreement between results was 76.1% with 56.8% (212) negative (< 10% fall FEV<sub>1</sub>) and 19.3% (72) positive on both challenges. The remaining 23.9% of subjects had only one positive test. The 95% probability interval for reproducibility of the % fall in FEV<sub>1 </sub>and AUC<sub>0-30 </sub>min was ± 9.7% and ± 251% for all 278 adults and ± 13.4% and ± 279% for all 95 children. The 95% probability interval for reproducibility of % fall in FEV<sub>1 </sub>and AUC<sub>0-30 min </sub>for the 72 subjects with two tests ≥10% fall FEV<sub>1 </sub>was ± 14.6% and ± 373% and for the 34 subjects with two tests ≥15% fall FEV<sub>1 </sub>it was ± 12.2% and ± 411%. Heart rate and estimated ventilation achieved were not significantly different either on the two test days or when one test result was positive and one was negative.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Under standardized, well controlled conditions for exercise challenge, the majority of subjects with mild symptoms of asthma demonstrated agreement in test results. Performing two tests may need to be considered when using exercise to exclude or diagnose EIB, when prescribing prophylactic treatment to prevent EIB and when designing protocols for clinical trials.</p

    Determinantes individuales y sociales del estado de salud subjetivo y bienestar de la población de la tercera edad de Portugal

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    This article aims to identify the main determinants of self-rated health and well-being in the elderly Portuguese population, using a set of dimensions including demographic and socioeconomic indicators, characteristics of interpersonal networks and social activities, health, sexual activity, representations of aging, and feeling of happiness. Taking socioeconomic, behavioral, and attitudinal predictors into account to analyze the explanatory value of the interrelated dimensions and weights for each factor, the author argues that social capital, activities associated with active aging, and greater optimism towards aging can contribute greatly to better self-rated health and wellbeing among the elderly, partially offsetting the effect of socioeconomic factors and illness associated with age.Neste artigo pretende-se identificar os principais determinantes da autoavaliação do estado de saúde e do bem-estar da população sênior, tendo em conta um conjunto de dimensões que reúnem indicadores demográficos e socioeconômicos, características das redes interpessoais e atividades sociais praticadas, de saúde, atividade sexual, de representações sobre o envelhecimento e sentimento de felicidade. A equação em simultâneo de preditores socioeconômicos e de caráter comportamental e atitudinal dessas várias vertentes, com o intuito de analisar o valor explicativo de cada uma das dimensões inter-relacionadas e o peso de cada um dos fatores, permite concluir que o social capital, a prática de atividades associadas ao envelhecimento ativo e um maior otimismo em relação ao envelhecimento podem contribuir em grande medida para uma melhor autoavaliação do estado de saúde e do bemestar dos mais velhos, compensando, em parte, o efeito de fatores socioeconômicos e de doença associados à idade

    The Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta (Rarb) Region of Mmu14 Is Associated with Prion Disease Incubation Time in Mouse

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    In neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and prion disease it has been shown that host genetic background can have a significant effect on susceptibility. Indeed, human genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated several candidate genes. Understanding such genetic susceptibility is relevant to risks of developing variant CJD (vCJD) in populations exposed to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and understanding mechanisms of neurodegeneration. In mice, aspects of prion disease susceptibility can be modelled by examining the incubation period following experimental inoculation. Quantitative trait linkage studies have already identified multiple candidate genes; however, it is also possible to take an individual candidate gene approach. Rarb and Stmn2 were selected as candidates based on the known association with vCJD. Because of the increasing overlap described between prion and Alzheimer's diseases we also chose Clu, Picalm and Cr1, which were identified as part of Alzheimer's disease GWAS. Clusterin (Clu) was considered to be of particular interest as it has already been implicated in prion disease. Approximately 1,000 heterogeneous stock (HS) mice were inoculated intra-cerebrally with Chandler/RML prions and incubation times were recorded. Candidate genes were evaluated by sequencing the whole transcript including exon-intron boundaries and potential promoters in the parental lines of the HS mice. Representative SNPs were genotyped in the HS mice. No SNPs were identified in Cr1 and no statistical association with incubation time was seen for Clu (P=0.96) and Picalm (P=0.91). Significant associations were seen for both Stmn2 (P=0.04) and Rarb (P=0.0005), however, this was only highly significant for Rarb. This data provides significant further support for a role for the Rarb region of Mmu14 and Stmn2 in prion disease

    Cellular prion protein binds laminin and mediates neuritogenesis

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    Laminin (LN) plays a major role in neuronal differentiation, migration and survival. Here, we show that the cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a saturable, specific, high-affinity receptor for LN. the PrPc-LN interaction is involved in the neuritogenesis induced by NGF plus LN in the PC-12 cell line and the binding site resides in a carboxy-terminal decapeptide from the gamma-1 LN chain. Neuritogenesis induced by LN or its gamma-1-derived peptide in primary cultures from rat or either wild type or PrP null mice hippocampal neurons, indicated that PrPc is the main cellular receptor for that particular LN domain. These results point out to the importance of the PrPc-LN interaction for the neuronal plasticity mechanism. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Ludwig Inst Canc Res, São Paulo Branch, BR-01509010 São Paulo, BrazilUSP, Fac Med, Inst Psiquiatria, Lab Invest Med LIM 27, BR-09500900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, INFAR, São Paulo, BrazilUFRGS, Inst Ciencias Basicas Saude, Dept Bioquim, BR-90035003 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilCtr Tratamento, BR-01509010 São Paulo, BrazilPesquisa Hosp Canc, BR-01509010 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, INFAR, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Asma induzida pelo exercício: aspectos atuais e recomendações Asma inducido por el ejercicio: aspectos actuales y recomendaciones Exercise-induced asthma: current aspects and recommendations

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever os mecanismos da asma induzida pelo exercício (AIE), bem como os efeitos de diferentes tipos de treinamento físico na função pulmonar e nas capacidades aeróbia e anaeróbia. Destaca-se a importância de um diagnóstico correto mediante o teste de exercício e, no manejo, o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas e anticolinérgicas. FONTE DOS DADOS: Os artigos foram criteriosamente escolhidos utilizando as bases de dados PubMed e Scielo pelo ano de publicação e dando preferência a ensaios clínicos randomizados, com critérios de seleção da amostra bem definidos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os mecanismos para explicar a AIE permanecem sem conclusão, mas parece haver uma interação fisiológica entre as hipóteses aqui apresentadas. O uso de medicamentos e as freqüentes crises durante o exercício aparecem como fatores limitantes para a prática de exercícios físicos, conduzindo para um estilo de vida sedentário. CONCLUSÃO: Deve-se incentivar a prática de exercícios devidamente prescritos e minimizar as restrições aos sujeitos com AIE.<br>OBJETIVO: Describir los mecanismos del asma inducido por el ejercicio (AIE), así como los efectos de diferentes tipos de entrenamiento físico sobre la función pulmonar y las capacidades aeróbica y anaeróbica. Se destaca la importancia de un diagnóstico correcto mediante el test de ejercicio y el manejo o uso de drogas beta-adrenérgicas y anticolinérgicas. FUENTES: Los artículos fueron cuidadosamente escogidos utilizando las bases de dados de PubMed y Scielo por el año de publicación, dando preferencia a ensayos clínicos randomizados, con criterios de selección de muestra bien definidos. SÍNTESES DE DATOS: Los mecanismos para explicar la AIE permanecen sin conclusión, pero parece haber una interacción fisiológica entre las hipótesis aquí presentadas. El uso de medicamentos y las frecuentes crisis durante el ejercicio aparecen como factores limitantes para la práctica de ejercicios físicos, conduciendo esto a un estilo de vida sedentario. CONCLUSIÓN: Se debe incentivar la práctica de ejercicios debidamente prescritos y minimizar las restricciones a los individuos con AIE.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the mechanisms of Exercise-Induced Asthma (EIA) as well as the effect of different kinds of physical training on pulmonary function, anaerobic fitness, and aerobic fitness. We highlighted the importance of a correct diagnostic through exercise testing and, concerning treatment, the utilization of drugs such as beta-adrenergics and anticholinergics. DATA SOURCE: The articles were chosen using the PubMed and Scielo databases, considering the year of publication and giving preference to clinical randomized trials with well-defined inclusion criteria. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: The medication used and the frequent symptoms during and after exercise appear as a limiting factor to the practice of exercises among subjects with EIA. This may result in a sedentary lifestyle. CONCLUSION: Subjects with EIA should be allowed to do exercise if well prescribed