18 research outputs found

    Filtering Sinyal Menggunakan Band Pass Filter

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    In our daily lives we find many filters, filters from the word itself are filters. Filters vary, there are air filters to filter dirty air to be clean, filters / filters for coffee and tea to filter coffee or tea pulp, and so on. All of them try to filter something to get what we want. The filter here is a frequency filter, from which the filter will filter the frequency. The existing frequency we filter so get the frequency as we want. In this research, signal filtering will be carried out using Band Pass. The band-pass filter will pass signals with frequencies in a certain range and reduce the signal with other frequencies. The sound sample used is the sound of a cat with just one sample. In this sample signal screening is carried out with 5 different frequencies, namely at frequencies of 8000, 16000, 32000, 48000 and 96000. Data retrieval and processing of voice signals are carried out with the help of audacity and Matlab R2010b software. Sound data in the .wav format is filtered to remove noise and filter using a band pass filter. Sounds issued that are received are destructive which eliminate the sound information that is carried. This of course requires that the sound quality received is not good, so it requires sound signal processing to eliminate noise. Then the voice data is processed by voice signal using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method. The results of this study are the output of sound signals that are clean from noise

    Finger Tracker Untuk Penerjemahan Bahasa Isyarat Angka 1-10 Untuk Tunawicara Menggunakan Webcam Dengan Metode Centroid

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    Visual sensing or machine vision is a process of image data manipulation. The data can be used to interpret many things, one of which is the introduction of gesture. Gesture recognition is an interface that can recognize the gestures of a human being and translate these movements as instructions that can be understood by a computer. Gesture recognition can be used to translate sign language into speech people. This is because there are many people who do not understand the language of the hands of the speechless. So, people with disabilities have difficulty interacting in society. In this final assignment the introduction of gesture for the translation of sign language leads more to hand recognition, namely the detection of changes in hand motion, by using a laptop as its device. Laptops have cameras to capture the image of people who are speechless when communicating using sign language in the form of hand movements. Furthermore, the image is processed by the laptop processing unit to carry out the process of hand recognition. After the process is complete, the display screen will display the number of changes in the position of the hand movements performed by the speech person in front of the camera


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    In the face of technological and societal transformations, new challenges emerge in the form of gender disparities and the imperative of inclusion. Schools have become a pivotal pillar in ensuring the realization of these missions within education. Era Society 5.0, a fusion of technology and society, presents collaborative opportunities. However, challenges related to inclusion and gender equality persist. Schools play a vital role in addressing gender disparities and fostering an inclusive environment, as underscored through the curriculum and daily interactions. The implementation of gender equality and social inclusion is executed through socialization, lectures, and the utilization of instructional media. The socialization efforts at SMPN 5 Kampar Kiri Hilir were successful and highlight the indispensable role of schools in driving positive social change. The significance of schools as primary drivers in shaping a generation that comprehends and applies gender equality and social inclusion in daily life is emphasized. Schools assume a central role in steering society towards positive change in Era Society 5.

    Analysis of the Effectivenesss of Bicycle Lanes in Metro City

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    AbstractBicycles are an sustainable mode of transportation because they do not produce exhaust gas. Motor vehicle exhaust gas is one of the causes of global warming. The bicycle lane facilities in Metro City aim to get Metro City as an friendly city to cyclists. This study aims to find out the level of effectiveness of bicycle lanes in Metro City. The research methods used for the effectiveness of bicycle lanes are the BCI (Bicycle Compatibility Index) method which refers to the reference (Harkey et al., 1998), the BLOS (Bicycle Level Of Service) method which refers to the reference (Sprinkle Consulting Inc., 2007) and the Guttman method which refers to the reference (Guttman, 1944). The BCI and BLOS model methods result for bicycle lanes in metro city on average get a C rating which means the road conditions are quite suitable (quite safe and comfortable) for cyclists. The obtained of C rank is inseparable from the high volume of traffic and inadequate road body width in some roads. Guttman's method for bike lanes in Metro City resulted in a percentage of 55,55% which means it is suitable for use. Although it is appropriate, but there is still something that needs to be improved on the facilities and there needs to be a policy related to the use of bicycles and bicycle lanes.Keywords: effectiveness, bicycle lane, Metro City, Bicycle Compatibility Index, Bicycle Level of Service, Guttma