382 research outputs found

    Molecular clouds and star formation in the Inner Galaxy

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    A detailed understanding of the process of star formation is crucial for modern astrophysics. Stars form from the gravitational collapse of molecular gas clouds; it is the process by which cold molecular gas is transformed into the stars and planets that make up the many billions of galaxies in the observable Universe. However, there are a number of open questions that have yet to be answered and a comprehensive theory that explains and predicts how, where and why stars and their clusters form proves elusive. One such open question is how does the environment, on both local scales and galactic scales, influence star formation? The enormous radiative and mechanical outputs of high-mass stars (M > 8M_sol ) are known to have a strong impact on their surroundings and are able to erode their natal molecular clouds via their stellar winds, ionizing radiation and supernovae. It has been proposed that the shock fronts at the edges of expanding HII regions might trigger subsequent generations of star formation (e.g. Elmegreen & Lada, 1977; Bertoldi, 1989), and there are observational studies to support this (e.g. Thompson et al., 2012). It has also been proposed that large-scale effects such as the spiral structure of galaxies like the Milky Way might trigger the formation of stars in otherwise quiescent gas (e.g. Dobbs et al., 2008), though observations within the Galaxy appear to suggest that spiral arms are playing only a minor role, if any, in the triggering of star formation (e.g. Moore et al., 2012; Eden et al., 2015). To answer this question, and others concerning star formation, large samples of imminently and currently star-forming regions are required, and surveys of the plane of the Milky Way in various tracers are providing the data to acquire these. Molecular clouds are the initial conditions for star formation, and a complete theory of star formation must necessarily involve a detailed understanding of molecular clouds. In this thesis a survey of molecular gas in the Inner Galaxy known as CHIMPS is presented; these data provide measurements of denser and more optically thin molecular gas at a higher angular resolution than preceding surveys and over a significant area of the first quadrant of the Galactic plane. The combination of CHIMPS data with data from other surveys, such as Hi-GAL, allows the star-forming content of clumps of dense molecular gas to be studied. The clumps of molecular emission identified within CHIMPS appear to be highly turbulent in nature, and are over-pressurized with respect to the encompassing neutral gas. This would appear to suggest that they are transient features in a highly dynamic interstellar medium. The efficiency of star formation within the CHIMPS clumps is not found to vary significantly on kiloparsec scales between the spiral arms and their inter-arm regions, with the exception of the Scutum-Centaurus arm, within which the current level of star formation per unit gas mass appears to be somewhat suppressed. On a clump-to-clump basis, the distribution of star formation efficiency is log-normal, indicating that the efficiency is determined by many random processes, with no single dominant agent. The conclusion is that it is turbulence that controls the star formation efficiency, which is powered on a wide range of scales from the feedback of high-mass stars to the shear induced by the rotation of the entire Galaxy

    Identification of molecular clouds in emission maps: a comparison between methods in the 13CO/C18O (J = 3–2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey

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    The growing range of automated algorithms for the identification of molecular clouds and clumps in large observational data sets has prompted the need for the direct comparison of these procedures. However, these methods are complex and testing for biases is often problematic: only a few of them have been applied to the same data set or calibrated against a common standard. We compare the FELLWALKER method, a widely used watershed algorithm, to the more recent Spectral Clustering for Interstellar Molecular Emission Segmentation (SCIMES). SCIMES overcomes sensitivity and resolution biases that plague many friends-of-friends algorithms by recasting cloud segmentation as a clustering problem. Considering the 13CO/C18O (J = 3–2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey (CHIMPS) and the CO High-Resolution Survey (COHRS), we investigate how these two different approaches influence the final cloud decomposition. Although the two methods produce largely similar statistical results over the CHIMPS dataset, FW appears prone to oversegmentation, especially in crowded fields where gas envelopes around dense cores are identified as adjacent, distinct objects. FW catalogue also includes a number of fragmented clouds that appear as different objects in a line-of-sight projection. In addition, cross-correlating the physical properties of individual sources between catalogues is complicated by different definitions, numerical implementations, and design choices within each method, which make it very difficult to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the sources

    High cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate may reduce the burden of the symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chocolate is rich in flavonoids that have been shown to be of benefit in disparate conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer. The effect of polyphenol rich chocolate in subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has not been studied previously.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a double blinded, randomised, clinical pilot crossover study comparing high cocoa liquor/polyphenol rich chocolate (HCL/PR) in comparison to simulated iso-calorific chocolate (cocoa liquor free/low polyphenols(CLF/LP)) on fatigue and residual function in subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome. Subjects with CFS having severe fatigue of at least 10 out of 11 on the Chalder Fatigue Scale were enrolled. Subjects had either 8 weeks of intervention in the form of HCL/PR or CLF/LP, with a 2 week wash out period followed by 8 weeks of intervention with the other chocolate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ten subjects were enrolled in the study. The Chalder Fatigue Scale score improved significantly after 8 weeks of the HCL/PR chocolate arm [median (range) Exact Sig. (2-tailed)] [33 (25 - 38) vs. 21.5 (6 - 35) 0.01], but that deteriorated significantly when subjects were given simulated iso-calorific chocolate (CLF/CP) [ 28.5 (17 - 20) vs. 34.5 (13-26) 0.03]. The residual function, as assessed by the London Handicap scale, also improved significantly after the HCL/PR arm [0.49 (0.33 - 0.62) vs. 0.64 (0.44 - 0.83) 0.01] and deteriorated after iso-calorific chocolate [00.44 (0.43 - 0.68) vs. 0.36 (0.33 - 0.62)0.03]. Likewise the Hospital Anxiety and Depression score also improved after the HCL/PR arm, but deteriorated after CLF/CP. Mean weight remained unchanged throughout the trial.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that HCL/PR chocolate may improve symptoms in subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome.</p

    ATLASGAL - star forming efficiencies and the Galactic star formation rate

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    The ATLASGAL survey has characterized the properties of approximately 1000 embedded H ii regions and found an empirical relationship between the clump mass and bolometric luminosity that covers 3-4 orders of magnitude. Comparing this relation with simulated clusters drawn from an initial mass function and using different star formation efficiencies we find that a single value is unable to fit the observed luminosity to mass (L/M) relation. We have used a Monte Carlo simulation to generate 200 000 clusters using the L/M-ratio as a constraint to investigate how the star formation efficiency changes as a function of clump mass. This has revealed that the star formation efficiency decreases with increasing clump mass with a value of 0.2 for clumps with masses of a few hundred solar masses and dropping to 0.08 for clumps with masses of a few thousand solar masses. We find good agreement between our results and star formation efficiencies determined from counts of embedded objects in nearby molecular clouds. Using the star formation efficiency relationship and the infrared excess time for embedded star formation of 2 ± 1 Myr we estimate the Galactic star formation rate to be approximately 0.9 ± 0.45 M· yr-1, which is in good agreement with previously reported values. This model has the advantage of providing a direct means of determining the star formation rate and avoids the difficulties encountered in converting infrared luminosities to stellar mass that affect previous galactic and extragalactic studies

    CHIMPS: Physical properties of molecular clumps across the inner Galaxy

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    The latest generation of high-angular-resolution unbiased Galactic plane surveys in molecular-gas tracers are enabling the interiors of molecular clouds to be studied across a range of environments. The CO Heterodyne Inner MilkyWay Plane Survey (CHIMPS) simultaneously mapped a sector of the inner Galactic plane, within 27:8 . 46:2 and jbj 0: 5, in 13CO (3-2) and C18O (3-2) at an angular resolution of 15 arcsec. The combination of the CHIMPS data with 12CO (3-2) data from the CO High Resolution Survey (COHRS) has enabled us to perform a voxel-by-voxel local-thermodynamic-equilibrium (LTE) analysis, determining the excitation temperature, optical depth, and column density of 13CO at each; b; v position. Distances to discrete sources identified by FELLWALKER in the 13CO (3-2) emission maps were determined, allowing the calculation of numerous physical properties of the sources, and we present the first source catalogues in this paper.We find that, in terms of size and density, the CHIMPS sources represent an intermediate population between large-scale molecular clouds identified by CO and dense clumps seen in thermal dust continuum emission, and therefore represent the bulk transition from the diffuse to the dense phase of molecular gas.We do not find any significant systematic variations in the masses, column densities, virial parameters, mean excitation temperature, or the turbulent pressure over the range of Galactocentric distance probed, but we do find a shallow increase in the mean volume density with increasing Galactocentric distance. We find that inter-arm clumps have significantly narrower linewidths, and lower virial parameters and excitation temperatures than clumps located in spiral arms. When considering the most reliable distance-limited subsamples, the largest variations occur on the clump-to-clump scale, echoing similar recent studies that suggest that the star-forming process is largely insensitive to the Galactic-scale environment, at least within the inner disc

    An ALMA study of hub-filament systems – I. On the clump mass concentration within the most massive cores

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    The physical processes behind the transfer of mass from parsec-scale clumps to massive star-forming cores remain elusive. We investigate the relation between the clump morphology and the mass fraction that ends up in its most massive core (MMC) as a function of infrared brightness, i.e. a clump evolutionary tracer. Using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 12 m and Atacama Compact Array, we surveyed six infrared dark hubs in 2.9 mm continuum at ∼3 arcsec resolution. To put our sample into context, we also re-analysed published ALMA data from a sample of 29 high-mass surface density ATLASGAL sources. We characterize the size, mass, morphology, and infrared brightness of the clumps using Herschel and Spitzer data. Within the six newly observed hubs, we identify 67 cores, and find that the MMCs have masses between 15 and 911 M⊙ within a radius of 0.018–0.156 pc. The MMC of each hub contains 3–24 per cent of the clump mass (fMMC), becoming 5–36 per cent once core masses are normalized to the median core radius. Across the 35 clumps, we find no significant difference in the median fMMC values of hub and non-hub systems, likely the consequence of a sample bias. However, we find that fMMC is ∼7.9 times larger for infrared dark clumps compared to infrared bright ones. This factor increases up to ∼14.5 when comparing our sample of six infrared dark hubs to infrared bright clumps. We speculate that hub-filament systems efficiently concentrate mass within their MMC early on during its evolution. As clumps evolve, they grow in mass, but such growth does not lead to the formation of more massive MMCs

    Lack of phenotypic and evolutionary cross-resistance against parasitoids and pathogens in Drosophila melanogaster

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    BackgroundWhen organisms are attacked by multiple natural enemies, the evolution of a resistance mechanism to one natural enemy will be influenced by the degree of cross-resistance to another natural enemy. Cross-resistance can be positive, when a resistance mechanism against one natural enemy also offers resistance to another; or negative, in the form of a trade-off, when an increase in resistance against one natural enemy results in a decrease in resistance against another. Using Drosophila melanogaster, an important model system for the evolution of invertebrate immunity, we test for the existence of cross-resistance against parasites and pathogens, at both a phenotypic and evolutionary level.MethodsWe used a field strain of D. melanogaster to test whether surviving parasitism by the parasitoid Asobara tabida has an effect on the resistance against Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus; and whether infection with the microsporidian Tubulinosema kingi has an effect on the resistance against A. tabida. We used lines selected for increased resistance to A. tabida to test whether increased parasitoid resistance has an effect on resistance against B. bassiana and T. kingi. We used lines selected for increased tolerance against B. bassiana to test whether increased fungal resistance has an effect on resistance against A. tabida.Results/ConclusionsWe found no positive cross-resistance or trade-offs in the resistance to parasites and pathogens. This is an important finding, given the use of D. melanogaster as a model system for the evolution of invertebrate immunity. The lack of any cross-resistance to parasites and pathogens, at both the phenotypic and the evolutionary level, suggests that evolution of resistance against one class of natural enemies is largely independent of evolution of resistance against the other

    Identification of novel subgroup a variants with enhanced receptor binding and replicative capacity in primary isolates of anaemogenic strains of feline leukaemia virus

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    &lt;b&gt;BACKGROUND:&lt;/b&gt; The development of anaemia in feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)-infected cats is associated with the emergence of a novel viral subgroup, FeLV-C. FeLV-C arises from the subgroup that is transmitted, FeLV-A, through alterations in the amino acid sequence of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the envelope glycoprotein that result in a shift in the receptor usage and the cell tropism of the virus. The factors that influence the transition from subgroup A to subgroup C remain unclear, one possibility is that a selective pressure in the host drives the acquisition of mutations in the RBD, creating A/C intermediates with enhanced abilities to interact with the FeLV-C receptor, FLVCR. In order to understand further the emergence of FeLV-C in the infected cat, we examined primary isolates of FeLV-C for evidence of FeLV-A variants that bore mutations consistent with a gradual evolution from FeLV-A to FeLV-C.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;RESULTS:&lt;/b&gt; Within each isolate of FeLV-C, we identified variants that were ostensibly subgroup A by nucleic acid sequence comparisons, but which bore mutations in the RBD. One such mutation, N91D, was present in multiple isolates and when engineered into a molecular clone of the prototypic FeLV-A (Glasgow-1), enhanced replication was noted in feline cells. Expression of the N91D Env on murine leukaemia virus (MLV) pseudotypes enhanced viral entry mediated by the FeLV-A receptor THTR1 while soluble FeLV-A Env bearing the N91D mutation bound more efficiently to mouse or guinea pig cells bearing the FeLV-A and -C receptors. Long-term in vitro culture of variants bearing the N91D substitution in the presence of anti-FeLV gp70 antibodies did not result in the emergence of FeLV-C variants, suggesting that additional selective pressures in the infected cat may drive the subsequent evolution from subgroup A to subgroup C.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;CONCLUSIONS:&lt;/b&gt; Our data support a model in which variants of FeLV-A, bearing subtle differences in the RBD of Env, may be predisposed towards enhanced replication in vivo and subsequent conversion to FeLV-C. The selection pressures in vivo that drive the emergence of FeLV-C in a proportion of infected cats remain to be established

    Generalised joint regression for count data: a penalty extension for competitive settings

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    We propose a versatile joint regression framework for count responses. The method is implemented in the R add-on package GJRM and allows for modelling linear and non-linear dependence through the use of several copulae. Moreover, the parameters of the marginal distributions of the count responses and of the copula can be specified as flexible functions of covariates. Motivated by competitive settings, we also discuss an extension which forces the regression coefficients of the marginal (linear) predictors to be equal via a suitable penalisation. Model fitting is based on a trust region algorithm which estimates simultaneously all the parameters of the joint models. We investigate the proposal’s empirical performance in two simulation studies, the first one designed for arbitrary count data, the other one reflecting competitive settings. Finally, the method is applied to football data, showing its benefits compared to the standard approach with regard to predictive performance

    CHIMPS: the 13^{13}CO/C18^{18}O (J=3-2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey

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    We present the 13^{13}CO/C18^{18}O (J=3-2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey (CHIMPS) which has been carried out using the Heterodyne Array Receiver Program on the 15 m James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) in Hawaii. The high-resolution spectral survey currently covers |b| < 0.5 deg and 28 < l < 46 deg, with an angular resolution of 15 arcsec in 0.5 km/s velocity channels. The spectra have a median rms of ∼\sim 0.6 K at this resolution, and for optically thin gas at an excitation temperature of 10 K, this sensitivity corresponds to column densities of NH2∼3×1020 N_{\mathrm{H}_{2}} \sim 3 \times 10^{20}\,cm−2^{-2} and NH2∼4×1021 N_{\mathrm{H}_{2}} \sim 4 \times 10^{21}\,cm−2^{-2} for 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O, respectively. The molecular gas that CHIMPS traces is at higher column densities and is also more optically thin than in other publicly available CO surveys due to its rarer isotopologues, and thus more representative of the three-dimensional structure of the clouds. The critical density of the J=3-2 transition of CO is ≳104\gtrsim 10^{4} cm−3^{-3} at temperatures of ≤20\leq 20 K, and so the higher density gas associated with star formation is well traced. These data complement other existing Galactic plane surveys, especially the JCMT Galactic Plane Survey which has similar spatial resolution and column density sensitivity, and the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey. In this paper, we discuss the observations, data reduction and characteristics of the survey, presenting integrated emission maps for the region covered. Position-velocity diagrams allow comparison with Galactic structure models of the Milky Way, and while we find good agreement with a particular four arm model, there are some significant deviations
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