358 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression among primary care attenders with non-communicable diseases in the Western Cape, South Africa:Cohort study within a randomised trial

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    Background: Socioeconomic predictors and consequences of depression and its treatment were investigated in 4393 adults with specified non-communicable diseases attending 38 public sector primary care clinics in the Eden and Overberg districts of the Western Cape, South Africa.   Methods: Participants were interviewed at baseline in 2011 and 14 months later, as part of a randomised controlled trial of a guideline-based intervention to improve diagnosis and management of chronic diseases. The 10-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD-10) was used to assess depression symptoms, with higher scores representing more depressed mood. Results: Higher CESD-10 scores at baseline were independently associated with being less educated (p=0.004) and having lower income (p=0.003). CESD-10 scores at follow-up were higher in participants with less education (p=0.010) or receiving welfare grants (p=0.007) independent of their baseline scores. Participants with CESD-10 scores of 10 or more at baseline (56% of all participants) had 25% higher odds of being unemployed at follow-up (p=0.016), independently of baseline CESD-10 score and treatment status. Among participants with baseline CESD-10 scores of 10 or more, antidepressant medication at baseline was independently more likely in participants who had more education (p=0.002), higher income (p<0.001), or were unemployed (p=0.001). Antidepressant medication at follow up was independently more likely in participants with higher income (p=0.023), and in clinics with better access to pharmacists (p=0.053) and off-site drug delivery (p=0.013).  Conclusions: Socioeconomic disadvantage appears to be both a cause and consequence of depression, and may also be a barrier to treatment. There are opportunities for improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of depression in primary care in inequitable middle income countries like South Africa.  Trial registration: The trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials (ISRCTN20283604) and the Office for Human Research Protections Database (IRB00001938, FWA00001637)

    Integrating evolution into ecological modelling: accommodating phenotypic changes in agent based models.

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    PMCID: PMC3733718This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Evolutionary change is a characteristic of living organisms and forms one of the ways in which species adapt to changed conditions. However, most ecological models do not incorporate this ubiquitous phenomenon. We have developed a model that takes a 'phenotypic gambit' approach and focuses on changes in the frequency of phenotypes (which differ in timing of breeding and fecundity) within a population, using, as an example, seasonal breeding. Fitness per phenotype calculated as the individual's contribution to population growth on an annual basis coincide with the population dynamics per phenotype. Simplified model variants were explored to examine whether the complexity included in the model is justified. Outputs from the spatially implicit model underestimated the number of individuals across all phenotypes. When no phenotype transitions are included (i.e. offspring always inherit their parent's phenotype) numbers of all individuals are always underestimated. We conclude that by using a phenotypic gambit approach evolutionary dynamics can be incorporated into individual based models, and that all that is required is an understanding of the probability of offspring inheriting the parental phenotype

    Stakeholder perceptions of mental health stigma and poverty in Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>World wide, there is plentiful evidence regarding the role of stigma in mental illness, as well as the association between poverty and mental illness. The experiences of stigma catalyzed by poverty revolve around experiences of devaluation, exclusion, and disadvantage. Although the relationship between poverty, stigma and mental illness has been documented in high income countries, little has been written on this relationship in low and middle income countries.</p> <p>The paper describes the opinions of a range of mental health stakeholders regarding poverty, stigma, mental illness and their relationship in the Ugandan context, as part of a wider study, aimed at exploring policy interventions required to address the vicious cycle of mental ill-health and poverty.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with purposefully selected mental health stakeholders from various sectors. The interviews and FGDs were audio-recorded, and transcriptions were coded on the basis of a pre-determined coding frame. Thematic analysis of the data was conducted using NVivo7, adopting a framework analysis approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most participants identified a reciprocal relationship between poverty and mental illness. The stigma attached to mental illness was perceived as a common phenomenon, mostly associated with local belief systems regarding the causes of mental illness. Stigma associated with both poverty and mental illness serves to reinforce the vicious cycle of poverty and mental ill-health. Most participants emphasized a relationship between poverty and internalized stigma among people with mental illness in Uganda.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>According to a range of mental health stakeholders in Uganda, there is a strong interrelationship between poverty, stigma and mental illness. These findings re-affirm the need to recognize material resources as a central element in the fight against stigma of mental illness, and the importance of stigma reduction programmes in protecting the mentally ill from social isolation, particularly in conditions of poverty.</p

    Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field

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    The aim of this study is to prove the feasibility of a system able to apply local mechanical loading on cells seeded in a hydrogel for tissue engineering applications. This experimental study is based on a previously developed artificial cartilage model with different concentrations of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) that simulates the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM). Poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres with dispersed magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were produced with an emulsion method. These microspheres were embedded in aqueous PVA solutions with varying concentration to resemble increased viscosity of growing tissue during regeneration. The ability to induce a local deformation in the ECM was assessed by applying a steady or an oscillatory magnetic field gradient to different PVA solutions containing the magnetic microparticles, similarly as in ferrogels. PLLA microparticle motion was recorded, and the images were analyzed. Besides, PVA gels and PLLA microparticles were introduced into the pores of a polycaprolactone scaffold, and the microparticle distribution and the mechanical properties of the construct were evaluated. The results of this experimental model show that the dispersion of PLLA microparticles containing MNPs, together with cells in a supporting gel, will allow applying local mechanical stimuli to cells during tissue regeneration. This local stimulation can have a positive effect on the differentiation of seeded cells and improve tissue regeneration.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MAT2013-46467-C4-1-R project, including the Feder funds. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors thank "Servicio de Microscopia Electronica" of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their invaluable help. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Vikingsson, L.; Vinals Guitart, Á.; Valera Martínez, A.; Riera Guasp, J.; Vidaurre Garayo, AJ.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; Gómez Ribelles, JL. (2016). Local deformation in a hydrogel induced by an external magnetic field. Journal of Materials Science. 51(22):9979-9990. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-0226-8S997999905122Eyre D (2002) Collagen of articular cartilage. Arthritis Res 4:30–35Roughley PJ, Lee ER (1994) Cartilage proteoglycans: structure and potential functions. Microsc Res Tech 28:385–397Gillard GC, Reilly HC, Bell-Booth PG, Flint MH (1979) The influence of mechanical forces on the glycosaminoglycan content of the rabbit flexor digitorum profundus tendon. 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Biophys J 80:2649–2657Li L, Yang G, Li J, Ding S, Zhou S (2014) Cell behaviors on magnetic electrospun poly-d, l-lactide nano fibers. Mater Sci Eng, C 34:252–261Fuhrer R, Hofmann S, Hild N, Vetsch JR, Herrmann IK, Grass RN, Stark WJ (2013) Pressureless mechanical induction of stem cell differentiation is dose and frequency dependent. PLoS One 8:e81362Cezar CA, Roche ET, Vandenburgh HH, Duda GN, Walsh CJ, Mooney DJ (2016) Biologic-free mechanically induced muscle regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113:1534–1539Vikingsson L, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gómez Ribelles JL (2014) An in vitro experimental model to predict the mechanical behaviour of macroporous scaffolds implanted in articular cartilage. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 32:125–131Vikingsson L, Gomez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gomez Ribelles JL (2015) An experimental fatigue study of a porous scaffold for the regeneration of articular cartilage. J Biomech 48:1310–1317Vikingsson L, Claessens B, Gómez-Tejedor JA, Gallego Ferrer G, Gómez Ribelles JL (2015) Relationship between micro-porosity, water permeability and mechanical behavior in scaffolds for cartilage engineering. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 48:60–69Li F, Su YL, Shi DF, Wang CT (2010) Comparison of human articular cartilage and polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel as artificial cartilage in microstructure analysis and unconfined compression. Adv Mater Res Trans Tech Publ 87:188–193Grant C, Twigg P, Egan A, Moody A, Eagland D, Crowther N, Britland S (2006) Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel as a biocompatible viscoelastic mimetic for articular cartilage. Biotechnol Prog 22:1400–1406Weeber R, Kantorovich S, Holm C (2015) Ferrogels cross-linked by magnetic nanoparticles—Deformation mechanisms in two and three dimensions studied by means of computer simulations. 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    Predation Danger Can Explain Changes in Timing of Migration: The Case of the Barnacle Goose

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    Understanding stopover decisions of long-distance migratory birds is crucial for conservation and management of these species along their migratory flyway. Recently, an increasing number of Barnacle geese breeding in the Russian Arctic have delayed their departure from their wintering site in the Netherlands by approximately one month and have reduced their staging duration at stopover sites in the Baltic accordingly. Consequently, this extended stay increases agricultural damage in the Netherlands. Using a dynamic state variable approach we explored three hypotheses about the underlying causes of these changes in migratory behavior, possibly related to changes in (i) onset of spring, (ii) potential intake rates and (iii) predation danger at wintering and stopover sites. Our simulations showed that the observed advance in onset of spring contradicts the observed delay of departure, whereas both increased predation danger and decreased intake rates in the Baltic can explain the delay. Decreased intake rates are expected as a result of increased competition for food in the growing Barnacle goose population. However, the effect of predation danger in the model was particularly strong, and we hypothesize that Barnacle geese avoid Baltic stopover sites as a response to the rapidly increasing number of avian predators in the area. Therefore, danger should be considered as an important factor influencing Barnacle goose migratory behavior, and receive more attention in empirical studies

    Duality in Binocular Rivalry: Distinct Sensitivity of Percept Sequence and Percept Duration to Imbalance between Monocular Stimuli

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    Visual perception is usually stable and accurate. However, when the two eyes are simultaneously presented with conflicting stimuli, perception falls into a sequence of spontaneous alternations, switching between one stimulus and the other every few seconds. Known as binocular rivalry, this visual illusion decouples subjective experience from physical stimulation and provides a unique opportunity to study the neural correlates of consciousness. The temporal properties of this alternating perception have been intensively investigated for decades, yet the relationship between two fundamental properties - the sequence of percepts and the duration of each percept - remains largely unexplored

    Multiple M. tuberculosis Phenotypes in Mouse and Guinea Pig Lung Tissue Revealed by a Dual-Staining Approach

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    A unique hallmark of tuberculosis is the granulomatous lesions formed in the lung. Granulomas can be heterogeneous in nature and can develop a necrotic, hypoxic core which is surrounded by an acellular, fibrotic rim. Studying bacilli in this in vivo microenvironment is problematic as Mycobacterium tuberculosis can change its phenotype and also become acid-fast negative. Under in vitro models of differing environments, M. tuberculosis alters its metabolism, transcriptional profile and rate of replication. In this study, we investigated whether these phenotypic adaptations of M. tuberculosis are unique for certain environmental conditions and if they could therefore be used as differential markers. Bacilli were studied using fluorescent acid-fast auramine-rhodamine targeting the mycolic acid containing cell wall, and immunofluorescence targeting bacterial proteins using an anti-M. tuberculosis whole cell lysate polyclonal antibody. These techniques were combined and simultaneously applied to M. tuberculosis in vitro culture samples and to lung sections of M. tuberculosis infected mice and guinea pigs. Two phenotypically different subpopulations of M. tuberculosis were found in stationary culture whilst three subpopulations were found in hypoxic culture and in lung sections. Bacilli were either exclusively acid-fast positive, exclusively immunofluorescent positive or acid-fast and immunofluorescent positive. These results suggest that M. tuberculosis exists as multiple populations in most conditions, even within seemingly a single microenvironment. This is relevant information for approaches that study bacillary characteristics in pooled samples (using lipidomics and proteomics) as well as in M. tuberculosis drug development

    Mental health policy process: a comparative study of Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mental illnesses are increasingly recognised as a leading cause of disability worldwide, yet many countries lack a mental health policy or have an outdated, inappropriate policy. This paper explores the development of appropriate mental health policies and their effective implementation. It reports comparative findings on the processes for developing and implementing mental health policies in Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia as part of the Mental Health and Poverty Project.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study countries and respondents were purposively selected to represent different levels of mental health policy and system development to allow comparative analysis of the factors underlying the different forms of mental health policy development and implementation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Data analysis was guided by conceptual framework that was developed for this purpose. A framework approach to analysis was used, incorporating themes that emerged from the data and from the conceptual framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mental health policies in Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia are weak, in draft form or non-existent. Mental health remained low on the policy agenda due to stigma and a lack of information, as well as low prioritisation by donors, low political priority and grassroots demand. Progress with mental health policy development varied and respondents noted a lack of consultation and insufficient evidence to inform policy development. Furthermore, policies were poorly implemented, due to factors including insufficient dissemination and operationalisation of policies and a lack of resources.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Mental health policy processes in all four countries were inadequate, leading to either weak or non-existent policies, with an impact on mental health services. Recommendations are provided to strengthen mental health policy processes in these and other African countries.</p