285 research outputs found

    Integrating sustainability in the architectural design education process - taxonomy of challenges and guidelines

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    The last decade have seen substantial calls and increasing pressure for developing an integrated design teaching framework, where sustainability is an imperative priority. This paper focuses on presenting a taxonomy of the main challenges encountered within the educational domain, in the attempt to reach an effective integration. The paper also presents a set guidelines to address and try to resolve the noted challenges. As the use of Building Performance Simulation (BPS) applications is a central approach in this process aiming to reach energy efficient buildings, the paper focuses on the shortcomings noted as a result of the use of these applications in the design studios, with particular emphasis on the thermal and lighting aspects of the simulation. The taxonomy presented is a summary of the findings from literature review, as well as the surveys results which were part of the author's research project discussed in the paper

    Social entrepreneurship in the era of digitalization and disruptive technology

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    (Galvanauskaite, 2014) mentioned that, “Social entrepreneurship is an emerging phenomenon and an important field that tackles the social problems of today’s world (Mair & Marti, 2006; Nicholls, 2008)”. (MORTENSEN, 2021) in her dissertation mentioned that, “Business models in all industries are being disrupted by advanced technology (Morrar et al., 2017).”. This thesis is aimed at exploring the role of technology in social entrepreneurship. (Holmes, n.d.) mentioned that, “Social constructivism, a social learning theory developed by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, posits that individuals are active participants in the creation of their own knowledge (Schreiber & Valle, 2013).”. Through social constructivist and actor-network theory, existing literature covering the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship and the technology’s role in social enterprises has been reviewed. Interviewing the founders of several organizations that lie across the spectrum of social enterprises has been the source of this research’s empirical data, which was then analyzed according to grounded theory. Results showed that by utilizing technological capabilities, social organizations managed to do the job that other sectors failed to do, besides improving both economic and social conditions. Technology use breaks a lot of barriers and facilitates peoples’ lives and helps eradicate the endless loop of social injustice these people live in. in the field of social entrepreneurship, the use of technology enables anyone at any level to have a social impact. How technologies are utilized in social enterprises to serve unprivileged communities, especially in developing countries, how they are implemented, and the role of technology in disrupting the market by creating social impact. In addition to breaking trade hurdles, social organizations tend to co-operate on an inter-organizational level to overcome this. According to social constructivist theory, the findings of this research can be an interest to other researchers in this field, it will provide a clearer understanding of the technology’s role in SE. Policymakers can look for insights on technology means, such as an open-source model, that can be applied to ensure a better life. Nascent social enterprises, governments, and businesses can learn a lesson on using technology to create a social impact instead of using it to extend the gap between the rich and the poor. Finally, this thesis isn’t conclusive; there are still broader questions to be asked and more research opportunities to be taken and hopefully, these findings can define a wider scope for upcoming research on the technology utilization in social entrepreneurship(Galvanauskaite, 2014) mencionó que “el emprendimiento social es un fenómeno emergente y un campo importante que aborda los problemas sociales del mundo actual (Mair & Marti, 2006; Nicholls, 2008)”. (MORTENSEN, 2021) en su disertación mencionó que “los modelos de negocios en todas las industrias están siendo interrumpidos por la tecnología avanzada (Morrar et al., 2017)”. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo explorar el papel de la tecnología en el emprendimiento social. (Holmes, s.f.) mencionó que “el constructivismo social, una teoría del aprendizaje social desarrollada por el psicólogo ruso Lev Vygotsky, postula que los individuos son participantes activos en la creación de su propio conocimiento (Schreiber & Valle, 2013)”. A través de la teoría del constructivista social y de la red de actores, se ha revisado la literatura existente que cubre el fenómeno del emprendimiento social y el papel de la tecnología en las empresas sociales. Entrevistar a los fundadores de varias organizaciones que se encuentran en el espectro de las empresas sociales ha sido la fuente de los datos empíricos de esta investigación, que luego se analizaron de acuerdo con la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados mostraron que al utilizar las capacidades tecnológicas, las organizaciones sociales lograron hacer el trabajo que otros sectores no lograron, además de mejorar las condiciones económicas y sociales. Los usos de la tecnología rompen muchas barreras y facilitan la vida de las personas y ayudan a erradicar el ciclo interminable de injusticia social en el que viven estas personas. En el campo del emprendimiento social, el uso de la tecnología permite que cualquier persona en cualquier nivel tenga un impacto social. Cómo se utilizan las tecnologías en las empresas sociales para servir a las comunidades desfavorecidas, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, cómo se implementan y el papel de la tecnología en la disrupción del mercado al generar un impacto social. Para superar esto, además de romper los obstáculos comerciales, las organizaciones sociales tienden a cooperar a nivel interorganizacional. De acuerdo con la teoría constructivista social, los hallazgos de esta investigación pueden ser de interés para otros investigadores en este campo, ya que proporcionarán una comprensión más clara del papel de la tecnología en la SE. Los formuladores de políticas pueden buscar información sobre medios tecnológicos, como: modelo de código abierto, que se puede aplicar para garantizar una vida mejor. Las empresas sociales nacientes, los gobiernos y las empresas pueden aprender una lección sobre el uso de la tecnología para crear un impacto social en lugar de usarla para ampliar la brecha entre ricos y pobres. Finalmente, esta tesis no es concluyente; Todavía hay preguntas más amplias por hacer y más oportunidades de investigación por aprovechar y, con suerte, estos hallazgos pueden definir un alcance más amplio para la próxima investigación sobre el uso de la tecnología en el emprendimiento social

    Dynamic Analysis of Gough Stewart Robot Manipulator by Using Lagrange Formulation in Matlab Software

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    في هذا البحث، استخدم الروبوت المتوازي كووف ستيوورت له ست درجات من الحرية كنموذج لاشتقاق معادلات الكينماتك المعكوسة والمعادلات الديناميكية العكسية. إن اشتقاق التحليل الكينماتيك العكسي بسيط جداً الذي يستخدم لحساب مصفوفة جاكوبيان وأطوال الارجل لتحديد مسار المنصة المتحركة. المعادلة الديناميكية اشتقت بطريقة لاكرانج من خلال حساب الطاقة الحركية والكامنة للنموذج. المعادلة الديناميكية تم ادخالها في قالب السميولنك كملف ماتلاب تؤدي إلى حساب قوى الارجل في أي وقت من المحاكاة ويمكن استخدامها لبيان ما إذا كان المسار يحتوي على شذوذ حيث تتزايد القوى بسرعة كبيرة في نقطة الشذوذ مقارنة بالنقاط الأخرى أثناء مسار المنصة المتحركة. أخيرا يمكن استخدام هذه القالب في النماذج الأخرى مع مدخلات مختلفة.In this paper, Gough Stewart parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom used as a model to derived the inverse kinematics equations and inverse dynamic equations. The inverse kinematic problem is very simple to derive then used to computed the jacobian matrix and the lengths of the linkages to determine the path trajectory of the moving platform. The dynamic equation based on the Lagrange method by calculated the kinetic and potential energies for the model. The dynamic equation inserted in Simulink block as Matlab file lead to computed the forces of the linkages at any time of simulation and can be used to explain if the path contain a singularities where the forces increasing very quickly in singular point compare with other points during the path of the moving platform. Finally, these blocks can be used in the other models with different parameters inputs

    Jordanian Intellectual Production From 2002 – 2011: A Bibliomatric Analysis

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    This study aims to trace the numerical and topical trends of the production of Jordanian books that are deposited in the Jordanian National Library during a ten-year span  starting 2002 until 2011; in order to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses and provide guidance for future productions and publishing; the study uses bibliometric studies as a methodology by data analysis and bibliographical information that were published in the National Jordanian Bibliographies editions during the years between 2002-2011 in which it was the main tool for data collection. the most important findings of the study is that there is no correlation between the size or quantity of production and the chronology of years in general, and that the annual production rate in Jordan of books is (1106.2) books; where Arabic Language books dominates the larger percentage, with the total of Arabic books produced is 10563 calculated as 95.49%. Also, the general trend of publishing in Jordan focuses on topics related to humanities and social sciences at the expense of other sciences; and there is a lack in the printing and publishing movement in the governorates and cities as it is concentrated in the capital, Amman. The study has concluded many important recommendations: Supporting the publishing movement in Jordan, providing licenses for publishing and printing services as well as intellectual property rights in other governorates outside the capital Amman, and encouraging authors and writers to publish in the subjects that did not get enough interest before. Conducting bibliometric cumulative studies similar to this study and more detailed in terms of throughout analysis and the publishing prioritization in accord with an objective coverage by the National Library Department to these studies of such importance in determining national priorities in copyright. To provide and make sources of information in libraries, information centers and academic libraries available for free to all citizens in universities to encourage the intellectual and publishing movement. Keywords: Bibliographical studies, Bibliometric studies, the Jordanian National Bibliography, intellectual production and the Jordanian Publishing Trends

    Kinematics Simulation of Gough-Stewart Parallel Manipulator by Using Simulink Package in Matlab Software

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    كووف ستيوورت هو مناور متوازي ذو ست درجات من الحرية، وله ست معادلات كينماتك(معكوس وامامي) مع ست متغيرات (اطوال, موقع, واتجاه).  في هذا العمل تم اشتقاق معادلات الكينماتك المعكوسة، التي تستخدم لحساب اطوال الاذرع والتغير بالطول لها بالاعتماد على موقع واتجاه مركز القاعدة المتحركة، بعد ذلك تم اشتقاق معدلات الكينماتك الامامية التي تستخدم لحساب موقع واتجاه القاعدة العليا المتحركة بدلالة الاطوال. هذا النموذج الرياضي للتحليلي الكينماتيكي للكووف ستيوورت تم استخدامه في حزمة السميولنك في برنامج الماتلاب لحساب الاطوال، الموقع، والاتجاه للمناور عند أي زمن للحركة. المتغيرات المدخلة (الموقع والاتجاه) في المعادلات المعكوسة بالسميولنك قورنت مع المتغيرات الخارجة من المعادلات الامامية بالسميولنك واظهرت نتائج جيدة.The Gough Stewart Robotic manipulator is a parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom, which has six equations of Kinematics (Inverse and forward), with six variables (Lengths, Position, and Orientation). In this work derived the inverse equations, which used to compute the lengths of the linkages and its changes depended on the position and orientation of the platform's center, then derived the forward equations to calculate the position and orientation of the moving platform in terms of the lengths. This theoretical model of the kinematics analysis of the Gough Stewart has been built into the Simulink package in Matlab to obtain the lengths, position, and orientation for the manipulator at any time of motion. The input parameters (Position and Orientation) in inverse blocks compared with the output parameters (Position and Orientation) in the forward blocks, which show good results

    Modeling of Gough Stewart Robot Manipulator Inverse Kinematics by Using MSC ADAMS Software

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    كووف ستيوورت هو روبوت متوازي له ست درجات حرية، وله ست معادلات كينماتك مع ست متغيرات. في هذا البحث تم نمذجة معادلاته باستخدام البرنامج ((MSC ADAMSبالاعتماد على المعادلات الكينيماتكية له. في هذا البحث تم بناء نموذج للستيوورت وتم تحركيه بالاعتماد على معادلات الحركة العكسية له. وبعد ذلك يتم مقارنة النتائج المحصلة من البرنامج مع النتائج النظرية والتي تم احتسابها.The Gough Stewart Robotic manipulator is a parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom, which has six equations of inverse and forward with six variables. This paper model of the Gough Stewart has been built into the MSC ADAMS software and its motion based on the inverse equations of the Stewart. Then compare the obtained results from the software with the results, which obtained from theoretical model

    The utilisation of games technology for environmental design education

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    In recent years, the architectural design process has witnessed a mounting demand for qualified practitioners who can resolve the highly complex social, cultural, technological, and economical issues associated with ‘Sustainability’. Designers are thus faced with wider pallet of challenges, developing conceptual designs that are sustainably effective. Pressure is mounting on educational institutions to prepare architects that are well accustomed to the environmental design concepts and parameters, aiming to reduce the impact on the environment and preserve valuable natural resources to bring the building’s interior to comfortable living conditions. However, architectural education has been notably slow to respond effectively to the requirements introduced by sustainability. Evidently there are a number of pedagogical challenges that clearly impede the consistent endorsement of sustainability in the design curricula and thus hinder any potential values and opportunities that can result from its effective integration. This research project examines these challenges and investigates more into their nature and attributes. Accordingly, it proposes a method that endeavours to overcome the noted challenge and attempts to improve the design students' motivation and acceptance to incorporate sustainability. In essence, this method aims to mould the technical nature of Building Performance Simulation applications into the cognitive design process. In order to achieve this, the proposed method utilizes 3D games technology, incorporating Multi-Agent System and Data Mining techniques, to assist design students in achieving higher levels of motivation, engagement, and comprehension of the environmental design concepts. The research discusses the rationale for electing the employed technologies and discusses the methodology for developing the proposed tool. Following its development, the tool is presented to number of stakeholders for evaluating the pedagogical and conceptual basis. The recorded results and the provided feedback from these sessions are presented to assess the potential effectiveness of this method for improving students' understanding of various concepts surrounding sustainable design

    Comparison between spiral and serpentine flow solar water heater

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    هناك تصميمات مختلفة للمجمعات ذات الألواح المسطحة ولكل منها أداء حراري مختلف. يتضمن العمل الحالي مجمعات الحلزوني و المتعرج. أجريت التجربة في مدينة دهوك في العراق. تم استخدام نفس المواد والأبعاد للمجمعات . كانت مساحة اللوح الممتص 1 م 2 وطول الأنبوب النحاسي 7.8 م. تم استخدام الصفيحة الفولاذية المجلفنة مع أنبوب نحاسي بطلاء أسود لامتصاص أكبر قدر من الحرارة. تم استخدام مخترع أوتوديسك لتصميم شكل حلزوني و متعرج ليكون بنفس الطول. أعطى كلا المجمعين أداءً جيدًا ، حيث قام المجمع الحلزوني برفع درجة حرارة خزان المياه من 32 درجة مئوية إلى 56 درجة مئوية بينما قام المجمع المتعرج برفع درجة حرارة خزان المياه من 32 درجة مئوية إلى 60.5 درجة مئوية. كانت الكفاءة الحرارية للمجمع المتعرج أعلى من المجمع الحلزوني. يعرض الورق جميع العوامل التي تؤثر على المجمع مثل سرعة الرياح والإشعاع الشمسي ودرجة الحرارة المحيطة والمواد المستخدمة.There are different designs of the flat plate collector and each one performs a different thermal performance. The present work includes the serpentine and spiral collectors. The experiment was conducted in Duhok city in Iraq. The same material and dimension were used for the serpentine and spiral collectors. The absorber plate area was 1 m2 and the copper tube length was 7.8 m. The galvanized steel plate was used with a copper tube and a black coating to absorb the highest amount of heat. Autodesk inventor was used to designing the shape of the serpentine and spiral to be the same length. Both of the collectors gave a good performance, the spiral collector raised the water tank temperature from 32 – 560C while the serpentine collector raised the water tank temperature from 32 - 60.50C. The thermal efficiency of the serpentine collector was higher than the spiral collector. The paper displays all factors that affect the collector such as wind speed, solar radiation, ambient temperature, and used material

    Design Blocks in Simulink to Detection Singularity in the Workspace of Gough-Stewart Robot Manipulator

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    هذه البحث يتعامل مع الروبوت كووف ستيوورت، الذي يحتوي على ست درجات من الحرية، وست مشغلات، وقاعدة ثابتة، ومنصة متحركة. هنا، اشتقت مصفوفة جاكوبيان للكشف عن نقطة الشذوذ في مساحة العمل للروبوت حيث ان محدد مصفوفة جاكوبيان تساوي الصفر ثم اشتقت معادلة الحركة من التحليل الديناميكي بواسطة طريقة لاكرانج للتحقق من نقاط الشذوذ تتطابق مع نقاط الجاكوبيان حيث تزيد القوى بسرعة في هذه النقطة. وأخيرًا، يتضمن البحث تصميم برنامج في السميولنك لمصفوفة الجاكوبيان ومعادلات الحركة للكشف عن الشذوذ في أي زمن للمدخلات الحالية (X, Y, Z, α, β, γ)، حيث يساوي المحدد للجاكوبيان يساوي الصفر عند اقصى قيمة للقوى.This work deals with Gough-Stewart robot manipulator, which has six degrees of freedom, six actuators, fixed base, and moving platforms. Here, the Jacobian matrix derived to detect the singular point in the workspace for manipulator at determinant of Jacobian matrix equal to zero, then derived the equation of motion from the dynamic analysis by Lagrange method to verify the singular points with Jacobian where the forces increase rapidly at this point. Finally, design blocks in Simulink include the Jacobian matrix and the equations of motion to detection the singularities at any time for current input parameters (X, Y, Z, α, β, γ), where the determinant of the Jacobian equal to zero at maximum forces