474 research outputs found

    Scalar Representation and Conjugation of Set-Valued Functions

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    To a function with values in the power set of a pre-ordered, separated locally convex space a family of scalarizations is given which completely characterizes the original function. A concept of a Legendre-Fenchel conjugate for set-valued functions is introduced and identified with the conjugates of the scalarizations. Using this conjugate, weak and strong duality results are proven.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1012.435

    Set-optimization meets variational inequalities

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    We study necessary and sufficient conditions to attain solutions of set-optimization problems in therms of variational inequalities of Stampacchia and Minty type. The notion of a solution we deal with has been introduced Heyde and Loehne, for convex set-valued objective functions. To define the set-valued variational inequality, we introduce a set-valued directional derivative and we relate it to the Dini derivatives of a family of linearly scalarized problems. The optimality conditions are given by Stampacchia and Minty type Variational inequalities, defined both by the set valued directional derivative and by the Dini derivatives of the scalarizations. The main results allow to obtain known variational characterizations for vector valued optimization problems

    Set optimization - a rather short introduction

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    Recent developments in set optimization are surveyed and extended including various set relations as well as fundamental constructions of a convex analysis for set- and vector-valued functions, and duality for set optimization problems. Extensive sections with bibliographical comments summarize the state of the art. Applications to vector optimization and financial risk measures are discussed along with algorithmic approaches to set optimization problems

    Foot kinematics in patients with two patterns of pathological plantar hyperkeratosis

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    Background: The Root paradigm of foot function continues to underpin the majority of clinical foot biomechanics practice and foot orthotic therapy. There are great number of assumptions in this popular paradigm, most of which have not been thoroughly tested. One component supposes that patterns of plantar pressure and associated hyperkeratosis lesions should be associated with distinct rearfoot, mid foot, first metatarsal and hallux kinematic patterns. Our aim was to investigate the extent to which this was true. Methods: Twenty-seven subjects with planter pathological hyperkeratosis were recruited into one of two groups. Group 1 displayed pathological plantar hyperkeratosis only under metatarsal heads 2, 3 and 4 (n = 14). Group 2 displayed pathological plantar hyperkeratosis only under the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads (n = 13). Foot kinematics were measured using reflective markers on the leg, heel, midfoot, first metatarsal and hallux. Results: The kinematic data failed to identify distinct differences between these two groups of subjects, however there were several subtle (generally <3°) differences in kinematic data between these groups. Group 1 displayed a less everted heel, a less abducted heel and a more plantarflexed heel compared to group 2, which is contrary to the Root paradigm. Conclusions: There was some evidence of small differences between planter pathological hyperkeratosis groups. Nevertheless, there was too much similarity between the kinematic data displayed in each group to classify them as distinct foot types as the current clinical paradigm proposes

    Development of a multiplexed bead-based immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to 17 pneumococcal proteins

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    Presently, several pneumococcal proteins are being evaluated as potential vaccine candidates. Here, we gather novel insights in the immunogenicity of PLY, PsaA, PspA, PspC, NanA, Hyl, PpmA, SlrA, Eno, IgA1-protease, PdBD, BVH-3, SP1003, SP1633, SP1651, SP0189 and SP0376. We developed a multiplex bead-based immunoassay (xMAP® Technology, Luminex Corporation) to simultaneously quantify antibodies against these 17 pneumococcal proteins in serum. The median fluorescence intensity (MFI) values obtained for human pooled serum with the multiplex assay were between 82% and 111% (median 94%) of those obtained with the singleplex assays. For IgG, the coefficient of variation (CV) in serum ranged from 2% to 9%, for IgA, the CV ranged from 3% to 14% and for IgM, the CV ranged from 11% to 15%. Using this immunoassay, we showed that anti-pneumococcal antibody levels exhibited extensive inter-individual variability in young children suffering from invasive pneumococcal disease. All proteins, including the proteins with, as yet, unknown function, were immunogenic. In conclusion, the multiplex Streptococcus pneumoniae immunoassay based on proteins is reproducible. This assay can be used to monitor anti-S. pneumoniae antibody responses in a material- and time-saving manner

    The Islamic Law in the Historical Study

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    Dalam kajian tentang sejarah awal Islam dan agama di dunia Barat, Islam dipandang sebagai agama \u27\u27dalam sejarab". Melaiui pandangan ini, para sarjana mempelajari sejarah awal Islam, di antaranya, dengan menggunakan meiode analisa kritik terbadap sumber-sumber sejarah termasuk kepusiakaan selain Islam dijadikan sebagai sumber dan bukti sejarah. Sejak itu pula hukum Islam dikaji melaiui pendekatan yang sama. Melaiui pendekatan ini diyakini bahwa hukum Islam mengandung tradisi-tradisi keagamaan khususnya di wilayab limur dekat yang ada sebeium Islam, dan dipandang sebagai suatu perkembangan yang berkelanjutan. Sebagaimana hasii kajian daripada Patricia Crone dan Gordon D. Newby menunjukkan bahwa di antara tradisi-tradisi keagamaan dimaksud, saiah satunya, adalab hukum Yahudi. Crone memberikan contoh qasama khususnya yang ada pada mazhab Maiiki dan mengktaim bahwa qasama dimaksud merupakan salah satu tradisi hukum yang ada pada orang-orang Yahudi. Sedangkan Newby memberikan contoh tentang penentuan orang band sebagai laki-iaki atau sebagai perempuan dalam hubungannya dengan pembagian kewarisan yang ada pada catatan \u27Amirb. Zarib di daiam sirah Ibnu Ishaq, dan mengktaim juga bahwa catatan tersebut berasai dari hukum Yahudi. Sebaliknya, pendekatan ini merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang ada dalam kajian hukum Islam dan sangat baik dipakai untuk mencari keseimhangan dan menunjukkan bahwa walaupun terdapat kesamaan antara hukum Islam dengan hukum-hukum yang lain, proses sejarab perkembangan hukum Islam itu sendiri sangat berbeda dan mempunyai karakteryang khusu

    Exploring the interpersonal-, organization-, and system-level factors that influence the implementation and use of an innovation-synoptic reporting-in cancer care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dominant method of reporting findings from diagnostic and surgical procedures is the narrative report. In cancer care, this report inconsistently provides the information required to understand the cancer and make informed patient care decisions. Another method of reporting, the synoptic report, captures specific data items in a structured manner and contains only items critical for patient care. Research demonstrates that synoptic reports vastly improve the quality of reporting. However, synoptic reporting represents a complex innovation in cancer care, with implementation and use requiring fundamental shifts in physician behaviour and practice, and support from the organization and larger system. The objective of this study is to examine the key interpersonal, organizational, and system-level factors that influence the implementation and use of synoptic reporting in cancer care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study involves three initiatives in Nova Scotia, Canada, that have implemented synoptic reporting within their departments/programs. Case study methodology will be used to study these initiatives (the cases) in-depth, explore which factors were barriers or facilitators of implementation and use, examine relationships amongst factors, and uncover which factors appear to be similar and distinct across cases. The cases were selected as they converge and differ with respect to factors that are likely to influence the implementation and use of an innovation in practice. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, document analysis, observation of training sessions, and examination/use of the synoptic reporting tools. An audit will be performed to determine/quantify use. Analysis will involve production of a case record/history for each case, in-depth analysis of each case, and cross-case analysis, where findings will be compared and contrasted across cases to develop theoretically informed, generalisable knowledge that can be applied to other settings/contexts. Ethical approval was granted for this study.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will contribute to our knowledge base on the multi-level factors, and the relationships amongst factors in specific contexts, that influence implementation and use of innovations such as synoptic reporting in healthcare. Such knowledge is critical to improving our understanding of implementation processes in clinical settings, and to helping researchers, clinicians, and managers/administrators develop and implement ways to more effectively integrate innovations into routine clinical care.</p