140 research outputs found

    The Distribution of Income of Self-employed, Entrepreneurs and Professions as Revealed from Micro Income Tax Statistics in Germany

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    As simple as it is, results describing the world are heavily dependent on the quality of the underlying data. One of the very crucial variables in microanalytical analyses of well-being and human resources is income. The more, when the situation of the self-employed is regarded. This paper focus on the distribution of income based on very sound data: the German Income Tax Statistic (Einkommensteuerstatistik) 1992. New is the actual possibility to use for the first time such a sound microdatabase to analyze the self-employed in particular: a 100.000 microdata sample of the population wide German Income Tax Statistic. New is the comparison between income from dependent and self-employed work with emphasis on the entrepreneurs and professions, and new is the indepth decomposition inequality analysis of the aggregated groups and of the single professions based on an inequality generalized entropy decomposition approach. One overall striking result is: the occupational status as an employee, entrepreneur or as a profession with its connected low between inequality share is by far not the overall driving factor to ‘explain’ the overall income distribution and inequality picture of the re-unified Germany; it is the within group inequality which counts in particular

    Does Income Mobility Equalize Longer-term Incomes? New Measures of an Old Concept

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    This paper develops a new class of measures of mobility as an equalizer of longer-term incomes – a concept different from other notions such as mobility as time-independence, positional movement, share movement, income flux, and directional income movement. A number of properties are specified leading to a class of indices, one easily-implementable member of which is applied to data for the United States and France. Using this index, income mobility is found to have equalized longer-term earnings among U.S. men in the 1970s but not in the 1980s or 1990s. In France, though, income mobility was equalizing throughout, and it has attained its maximum in the most recent period

    Rank-based poverty measures and poverty ordering with an application to Tunisia

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    Using the normative approach, we develop a class of poverty measures that is function of a weighting system. Each particular weighting function corresponds to a particular social judgment. This offers the decision-maker a large selection of social preferences functions, and he can choose the one that best represents his social judgment. We also develop new concepts of a-extended TIP curves. They are used to establish the conditions of the robust and unanimous poverty ranking of our measures. These conditions are in terms of second-and higher-degree TIP dominance. Finally, we provide an empirical illustration using Tunisian data on the 2005–2010 period.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is there a crisis in nursing retention in New South Wales?

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    Background: There is a severe shortage of nurses in Australia. Policy makers and researchers are especially concerned that retention levels of nurses in the health workforce have worsened over the last decade. There are also concerns that rapidly growing private sector hospitals are attracting qualified nurses away from the public sector. To date no systematic analysis of trends in nursing retention rates over time has been conducted due to the lack of consistent panel data. Results: A 1.4 percentage point improvement in retention has led to a 10% increase in the overall supply of nurses in NSW. There has also been a substantial aging of the workforce, due to greater retention and an increase in mature age entrants. The improvement in retention is found in all types of premises and is largest in nursing homes. There is a substantial amount of year to year movement in and out of the workforce and across premises. The shortage of nurses in public hospitals is due to a slowdown in entry rather than competition from the rapidly growing private sector hospitals. Policy Implications: The finding of an improvement (rather than a worsening) in retention suggests that additional improvements may be difficult to achieve as further retention must involve individuals more and more dissatisfied with nursing relative to other opportunities. Hence policies targeting entry such as increased places in nursing programs and additional subsidies for training costs may be more effective in dealing with the workforce shortage. This is also the case for shortages in public sector hospitals as retention in nursing is found to be relatively high in this sector. However, the large amount of year to year movements across nursing jobs, especially among the younger nurses, also suggests that policies aimed at reducing job switches and increasing the number who return to nursing should also be pursued. More research is needed in understanding the relative importance of detailed working conditions and the problems associated with combining family responsibilities and nursing jobs. © 2008 Doiron et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Gender Based Within-Household Inequality in Childhood Immunization in India: Changes over Time and across Regions

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    Background and Objectives: Despite India’s substantial economic growth in the past two decades, girls in India are discriminated against in access to preventive healthcare including immunizations. Surprisingly, no study has assessed the contribution of gender based within-household discrimination to the overall inequality in immunization status of Indian children. This study therefore has two objectives: to estimate the gender based within-household inequality (GWHI) in immunization status of Indian children and to examine the inter-regional and inter-temporal variations in the GWHI. Data and Methods: The present study used households with a pair of male-female siblings (aged 1–5 years) from two rounds of National Family Health Survey (NFHS, 1992–93 and 2005–06). The overall inequality in the immunization status (after controlling for age and birth order) of children was decomposed into within-households and between-households components using Mean log deviation to obtain the GWHI component. The analysis was conducted at the all-India level as well as for six specified geographical regions and at two time points (1992–93 and 2005–06). Household fixed-effects models for immunization status of children were also estimated. Results and Conclusions: Findings from household fixed effects analysis indicated that the immunization scores of girls were significantly lower than that of boys. The inequality decompositions revealed that, at the all-India level, the absolute level of GWHI in immunization status decreased from 0.035 in 1992–93 to 0.023 in 2005–06. However, as a percentage o

    Wage Inequality

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    This chapter considers wage inequality in India at a point in time (2011–12) with particular reference to inequality in wages between male and female workers and between workers from different social groups — the Scheduled Tribes, the Scheduled Cates, the non-Muslim Other Backward Classes, Muslims, and the Forward Castes. The thrust of the analysis in this chapter is to decompose the difference in wages between men and women, and between the Forward Castes and the other social groups, into a part that can be “explained” by employer bias and that which is due to differences in employee attributes. The analysis of this chapter extends earlier analyses of wage inequality in India to include social groups; methodologically, it seeks an explanation for inter-group inequality in terms of employer bias and (differences in) employee attributes. The analysis in this chapter uses data from two independent sources to analyse the phenomenon of inter-group wage inequality: the 68th round of the National Sample Survey pertaining to the period July 2011–June 2012 and the Indian Human Development Survey pertaining to 2011

    Correlation and Inequality in Weighted Majority Voting Games

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    In a weighted majority voting game, the weights of the players are determined based on some socio-economic parameter. A number of measures have been proposed to measure the voting powers of the different players. A basic question in this area is to what extent does the variation in the voting powers reflect the variation in the weights? The voting powers depend on the winning threshold. So, a second question is what is the appropriate value of the winning threshold? In this work, we propose two simple ideas to address these and related questions in a quantifiable manner. The first idea is to use Pearson's Correlation Coefficient between the weight vector and the power profile to measure the similarity between weight and power. The second idea is to use standard inequality measures to quantify the inequality in the weight vector as well as in the power profile. These two ideas answer the first question. Both the weight-power similarity and inequality scores of voting power profiles depend on the value of the winning threshold. For situations of practical interest, it turns out that it is possible to choose a value of the winning threshold which maximises the similarity score and also minimises the difference in the inequality scores of the weight vector and the power profile. This provides an answer to the second question. Using the above formalisation, we are able to quantitatively argue that it is sufficient to consider only the vector of swings for the players as the power measure. We apply our methodology to the voting games arising in the decision making processes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU). In the case of IMF, we provide quantitative evidence that the actual winning threshold that is currently used is sub-optimal and instead propose a winning threshold which has a firm analytical backing. On the other hand, in the case of EU, we provide quantitative evidence that the presently used threshold is very close to the optimal

    Caste Gender and Occupational Outcomes

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    This chapter discusses an important concern of public policy in India which is to ensure that all persons, regardless of gender, caste, or religion, are treated fairly in the jobs market. A key aspect of this relates to inter-group differences in the likelihood of attaining different levels of occupational success. The issue here is whether these differences in likelihood are justified by differences in the distribution of employee attributes or whether they are, wholly or in part, due to employer bias. This chapter attempts to answer these questions using unit record data from the Indian Human Development Survey relating to the period 2011–12. Of particular interest to this chapter is that the Survey provides details about the occupations of approximately 62,500 persons by placing them in one or more of 99 occupations; these are aggregated in chapter 4 into six broad occupational categories. Using these data, the chapter (focusing on men and women between the ages of 21 and 60) employs the methods of multinomial logit to estimate the probabilities of persons being in these occupational categories, after controlling for their gender/caste/religion and their employment-related attributes. The main focus is the issue of differences between men and women, and differences between persons belonging to different social groups, in their likelihood of being in the different employment categories. Data on these men and women were used to decompose the observed difference between the groups, in their average proportions in the different occupations, into an “employer bias” and an “employee attributes” effect

    Non-CO2 generating energy shares in the world : cross-country differences and polarization.

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the spatial distribution of non-CO2 generating energy sources in the world for the period 1990–2009, paying special attention to the evolution of cross-country disparities. To this end, after carrying out a classical convergence analysis, a more thorough investigation of the entire distribution is presented by examining its external shape, the intra-distribution dynamics and the long-run equilibrium distribution. This analysis reveals the existence of a weak, rather insignificant, convergence process and that large crosscountry differences are likely to persist in the long-run. Next, as polarization indicators are a proper way of appraising potential conflict in international environmental negotiations, we test whether, or not, the distribution dynamics concurs with the presence of polarization. Our results indicate that two poles can be clearly differentiated, one with high and other with low non-CO2 generating energy shares. In view of these findings, and to ensure a fair transition to a sustainable energy system, the paper calls for the development of an ambitious clean energy agenda, especially in countries with low non-CO2 generating energy shares