2,996 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui kondisi kepatuhan warga terhadap aturan hukum penanggulangan pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum dengan fokus pada penelitian normatif empiris. Hasil penelitian ini adalah setelah pemerintah memberlakukan regulasi dan kebijakan penanganan pandemik COVID-19, dampak yang ditimbulkan selama pandemi cukup signifikan dalam bidang kesehatan, sosial, dan ekonomi. Berbagai langkah telah ditempuh untuk mencegah, mengendalikan dan menanggulangi pandemi COVID-1

    Peran Orang Tua sebagai Pendidik Anak dalam Keluarga

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang peran orang tua sebagai pendidik anak dalam rumah tangga. Para sarjana Muslim banyak menukil ayat-ayat qur\u27an dan hadis sebagai dasar petingnya pendidikan anak dalam keluarga. Keluarga sebagai instrumen terkecil  dalam masyarakat dan sebagai peletak dasar sekaligus tempat pendidikan awal bagi setiap anak. Peran orang tua sangatlah pentingdalam pendidikan anak. Orang tua yang mampu memposisikan diri sebagai pelindung, pengayom, dan pendidik anak tentunya akan koheren dengan harapan agar mendapat calon generasi penerus yang baik, karena sifat dasar anak adalah membutuhkan kasih sayang dan rhatian dari orang tuanya. Wasiat Lukman al-Hakim dalam Q.S. Luqman ayat 13-19 merupakan manifestasi dari pentingnya pendidikan anak oleh orang tua dalam keluarga. Pendidikan dalam keluarga bukan hanya dibatasi dalam pendidikan agama saja, namun juga memberikan pendidikan akhlaq, kepribadian, dan sosial. Orang tua sepantasnya mampu melaksanakan pendidikan holistik kepada anak dalam keluarga sehingga mampu mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan yaitu menjadikan insan paripurna yang seimbang antara emosi, intelektual, dan spiritual

    Semiotic Analysis of Humanity Contained in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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    This study focuses on how to open the allegory about the values of Humanism contained in the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. According to Saul Mcleod, the value of Humanism used in this research is Humanism with its Hierarchy of Needs. This research is interesting because Humanism is an ideology about how to be a human being who has human nature. The things reviewed are always about the shift in the meaning of Humanism from time to time. The shift in Humanism is interpreted by the presence of signs or symbols that appear in the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. This study aims to determine the meaning of the myth of humanism values implied in the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.  This study also uses the Semiotic Analysis research method from Roland Barthes as a research method for reading films. The researcher intends to reveal the meaning behind the signs in the research object. The object used in this study is the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The paradigm used in this research is the constructivism paradigm. The results of this study found three conditions which are the value of Humanism, the attitude of needing parental guidance as a manifestation of the myth of parental love throughout time, this myth is a manifestation of the need for recognition and affection of Maslow's hierarchy and the last is self-sacrifice as an allegory of heroism and attitude. Patriotism is a manifestation of the need for self-actualization in Maslow's hierarchy. Keywords: Semiotic, Humanity, Film, Superman, Hierarch


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    ABSTRACT Menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, is a problem that practically all women, regardless of age, suffer during their menstrual cycle. However, the adolescent age group has the highest prevalence of women experiencing this. The symptoms of dysmenorrhea include pain in the lower abdomen extending to the waist that typically begins 2-3 days before menstruation and lasts for 1-2 days throughout menstruation, along with certain associated symptoms such as heartburn, pains, or prickles.1 The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of turmeric stew on the pain scale used to diagnose dysmenorrhea in students attending Senior High School 1 East Pamona, Poso Regency. With a total of 34 respondents, this study used the Quasy Experiment method with a non-randomized control group pre-posttest design and a purposive sampling strategy. The study's data were gathered utilizing general data collection sheets and NRS pain scale measurement sheets (Numeric Rating Scale). The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and the Mann Whitney U-Test were used to analyze the data. Before drinking turmeric stew, both the treatment and control groups had moderate pain. Meanwhile, the average pain intensity after drinking the turmeric stew was 68.8 % mild pain and 31.2 % no pain in the treatment group, and 37.5% mild discomfort and 62.5 % moderate pain in the control group. Following statistical analysis with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, a p-value of 0,000 ≤ α 0,05was achieved, showing that turmeric stew affected both groups. Additionally, a statistical test utilizing the Mann-Whitney U-Test yielded a value of 0,000 ≤ α 0,05, showing a significant difference in pain scale reduction between the treatment and control groups. To summarize, ingesting turmeric stew has a substantial effect on lowering the pain scale for dysmenorrhea in students. Keywords: Turmeric stew, Dysmenorrhea, High school student


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    Abstract This research was conducted to analyzeweather inflation and rupiah exchange rate have an influence on the NAV Islamic mutual funds. Data used in this research is monthly statistical data ranged from 2015 until 2017. This research used multiple linear resgression analysis with T-test, F-test and R Square. The result of this research shows that partially, inflation has a relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds and rupiah exchange hasn’t a relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds. While simultaneously, inflation and rupiah exchange hasn’t relevant influence towards NAV Islamic mutual funds. Keywords : Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate, NAV, Islamic mutual funds

    Tindakan Medis Dokter terhadap Pasien Tanpa Informed Consent Dalam Perspektif Hukum Progresif

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    Persetujuan atas tindakan kedokteran atau biasa disebut Informed Consent, sangatlah penting dikarenakan pasien mempunyai hak untuk menerima maupun menolak atas tindakan medis yang akan diterimanya. Masalahnya adalah ada dalam situasi dan kondisi tertentu informed consent tidak dapat dilaksanakan bagi pasien yang sedang gawat darurat. Jika melihat fenomena ini dalam pandangan positivistik, tindakan medis tanpa disertai adanya informed consent merupakan tindakan yang tidak dapat dibenarkan. Hal tersebut justru dianggap sudah merusak marwah dari konsep hukum di Indonesia yang mengedepankan kepada aspek hukum tertulis. Makna tertinggi dalam pandangan ini bahwa legalitas tidak hanya dipandang melalui suatu perbuatan atau tindakan masyarakat sudah dijalankan sesuai dengan teks yang tertulis dalam peraturan perundang – perundangan. Tidak semua di dalam realitas sosial masyarakat semuanya dapat dijawab dengan cukup membaca aturannya saja. Dalam hal tertentu, adakalanya teks aturan tersebut harus dilawan dan didobrak. Teori expressed consent dan zaakwarneming, pada hakekatnya mempunyai korelasi dari hukum progresif. Hukum tidak hanya dipahami secara tersurat, akan tetapi harus dapat ditemukan secara tersirat. 

    Perbandingan Metode Klasifikasi Random Forest dan SVM Pada Analisis Sentimen PSBB

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    COVID-19 in Indonesia, has made the local government not remain silent. Several local governments in Indonesia have enacted regulations to reduce the growth of COVID-19 victims by limiting public meetings with Large-Scale Social Restrictions or LSSR. However, the implementation of this LSSR has received many comments from social media users, especially from Twitter. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the sentiment of implementing the LSSR with media tweets on the Twitter social media platform. The data that were successfully extracted were 466 tweet data with training data and test data having a ratio of 7 to 3. Then the data was calculated into 2 different algorithms to be compared, the first algorithm used was the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and Random Forest with the aim get the most accurate sentiment analysis results

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014)

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    The government administrative services which often occurs in the Population Bureau and Logging Civil Pekanbaru was problems caused one of these ability to work the apparatus and quality of human resources in providing in implementing the administrative public service, So that population writer formulate or this ability to work that is How and the Recording apparatus Population Service Civil Pekanbaru in implementing the administrative in 2014 population? How quality of public services In the Population Bureau and Logging Civil Pekanbaru in implementing the administrative in 2014 population? If there is influence ability to work apparatus to quality of public services and Logging in the Population Bureau Civil Pekanbaru in 2014?Types of research that used in this research is quantitative research. Location in this research is in office Population Service and Pecatatan Pekanbaru, the number of civilian populations in this research 117 people, on the number of samples as respondents in this study authors set as many as 75 people (64%) and techniques for withdrawal samples in this study authors use incidental sampling techniques that respondents that I choose when he was at the location in March -April 2015 . To know the image problems that can be discussed, it is done penganalisaan data. In this case I use analysis of correlation Spearmans Rho trial Ooal Reserves Spearman.Based on the results of research capacity apparatus and quality of public services in the Population Bureau and Logging Civil Pekanbaru in 2014 it can be said that population administration both in the event. And the analysis SPSS using correlation Ooal Reserves Spearmans ability Rho apparatus in the knowledge, skills and experience significant effect is very strong to quality of public services.Key words : The influence, ability to work , quality of Public Services, the Administratio

    Neural Network Reduction with Guided Regularizers

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    Regularization techniques such as L1\mathcal{L}_1 and L2\mathcal{L}_2 regularizers are effective in sparsifying neural networks (NNs). However, to remove a certain neuron or channel in NNs, all weight elements related to that neuron or channel need to be prunable, which is not guaranteed by traditional regularization. This paper proposes a simple new approach named "Guided Regularization" that prioritizes the weights of certain NN units more than others during training, which renders some of the units less important and thus, prunable. This is different from the scattered sparsification of L1\mathcal{L}_1 and L2\mathcal{L}_2 regularizers where the the components of a weight matrix that are zeroed out can be located anywhere. The proposed approach offers a natural reduction of NN in the sense that a model is being trained while also neutralizing unnecessary units. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed method is effective in pruning NNs while maintaining performance
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