262 research outputs found

    Using Capital Budgeting Method to Solve Financial Problems in Natural Perfume Business: A Case Study from Adem Fresh

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    The purpose of this research is to solve financial problems that exist in Adem Fresh. Adem fresh is a business that provides natural products in the form of perfume, by using fermentation Adem Fresh can process fruits and vegetables into perfume seeds. Based on the analysis problems that have been carried out, the main problems for Adem Fresh are limited funds and resources. Therefore the use of capital budgeting and risk analysis is used to solve existing problems. Risk analysis is used to determine risk priorities and to reduce losses if such risks occur, while capital budgeting is used to assess whether the business is financially feasible or not. This research is structured using descriptive quantitative method, where in this study it does not prove a hypothesis but the researcher focuses on solving problems by describing solution based on existing data. The data taken in this study include financial data from Adem Fresh in 2020 and 2021, journals and books, expert opinions and also previous studies. With this research, it is hoped that it will have implications for the Adem Fresh business. First, the results of the feasibility analysis can be used as a consideration for owners regarding the Adem Fresh business. Second, with the existence of risk analysis, it can reduce the losses incurred because there is already a prepared mitigation and finally in this study an implementation plan is also prepared to answer the problems experienced by the Adem Fresh business


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    A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the total population. Up until now, total number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only reaches 3.31% of the total population and more than 99% of them are Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises while the rests are big corporations. SMEs give a significant contribution to the country’s economies. They contributed 58.65% to the national gross domestic product and fashion industry is awarded as the second largest contribution to the national GDP. They contribute up to 166,135.30 million rupiah to the national gross domestic product. However, starting a new business is a difficult process, especially when it comes to financing constraints. Most SMEs have limited sources to run and scaling their business. This circumstance occurs because entrepreneurs do not really know what to be concerned in deciding the financing source for their business, while financial planning and management are the important things of survival for SMEs. Other than that, most entrepreneurs did less exploration about various financing sources. This research purposes is to examine the factors of that influence SMEs’ intention to used internal or external financing source. This research also provides short explanation about various types of financing sources. There are two options for the financing sources in this research, either from internal or external. This research used quantitative approach by spreading a questionnaire to SMEs that run in fashion industry and domiciled in Jakarta and Bandung. Collected data was analyse using Ordinal Logistic Regression. From 192 respondents, the result of this research is that there are several factors that influence entrepreneurs’ intention in deciding their financing source to run their business. Access to financing is significantly affects SMEs in deciding to use internal financing source, while gender is the only one that significantly influence SMEs in deciding to use external financing source. In conclusion, access to financing and gender are two significant factors that influence SMEs in making financing source decision.  Keywords: 1 SMEs · 2 Financial literacy · 3 Financial behaviour · 4 Access to financing · 5 Financing source decisio

    Revitalizing The Role of Pangeran Jaya Cooperative In Strengthening The Economy of The Community of Ogan Komering Ilir District

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    This community service aimed to increase the understanding of the management, members and the community about the importance of the role of Pangeran Jaya Cooperative in strengthening the economy by choosing and running a business in accordance with the wants and needs of the members and the community of Ogan Komering Ilir District. The service activities were carried out at Pangeran Jaya Cooperative, Talang Pangeran Village, Teluk Gelam Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir District. The location of the study was selected purposively. The method used counseling and interactive discussions with all participants to increase their understanding on the important role of Pangeran Jaya Cooperative both as business partners and partners in meeting family needs. The study found out that during its establishment from 2015 to 2022, Pangeran Jaya Cooperative did not carry out the role and function of its cooperative business (category E/inactive), lack of knowledge and understanding of the management and members. The business run by the cooperative was not in accordance with the needs of members and the lack of accountability and transparency of the management showed that it never held an annual member meeting (RAT) resulting in the non-running of the cooperative. In an effort to revitalize the Cooperative, capacity building is needed for both cooperative institutions and human resources to increase the service capacity and develop partnership cooperation with other institutions/business entities.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pengurus, anggota dan masyarakat tentang pentingnya peran Koperasi Pangeran Jaya dalam memperkuat ekonomi dengan memilih dan menjalankan usaha sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan anggota dan masyarakat di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Koperasi Pangeran Jaya Desa Talang Pangeran Kecamatan Teluk Gelam Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara sengaja (purposive). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian melalui penyuluhan dan diskusi interaktif dengan seluruh peserta sehingga terjadi peningkatan pemahaman terkait peran penting Koperasi Pangeran Jaya baik sebagai mitra usaha maupun  mitra dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan keluarga. Terdapat beberapa temuan selama kegiatan pengabdian diantaranya sejak didirikan pada tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2022, Koperasi Pangeran Jaya tidak menjalankan peran dan fungsi usaha koperasinya (kategori E/non aktif), kurangnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman pengurus dan anggota, usaha yang dijalankan koperasi belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan anggota dan kurangnya akuntabilitas dan transparansi pengurus yang ditunjukkan belum pernah diselenggarakannya rapat anggota tahunan (RAT), menjadi penyebab tidak berjalannya koperasi. Dalam upaya revitalisasi, diperlukan penataan kapasitas baik kelembagaan koperasi maupun sumberdaya manusia, peningkatan kapasitas pelayanan dan pengembangan kerjasama kemitraan dengan lembaga/badan usaha lainnya


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    Wisata kuliner di Yogyakarta makin beragam jenisnya seiring dengan persaingan dan keinginan para wisatawan yang kebutuhannya makin bermacam-macam. Namun kendala yang yang selalu dikeluhkan oleh wisatawan adalah minimnya informasi dan caranya menuju ke lokasi. Aplikasi location based service wisata kuliner berbasis android ini adalah solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Aplikasi dapat mengetahui posisi user serta lokasi-lokasi kuliner yang ada dalam radius 2 km, dan selanjutnya user akan dibantu bernavigasi melalui Map menuju ke lokasi yang dimaksud. Data-data yang berupa lokasi kuliner memegang peranan yang sangat penting, karena jika tidak ada data-data tersebut adalah hal yang mustahil untuk dapat membuat suatu layanan aplikasi yang berbasis lokasi. Kata Kunci : Android, Google Map, Kuliner, LBS, Smartphone

    The Instrumental Variable Method to Study Self-Selection Mechanism: A Case of Influenza Vaccination

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    ABSTRACTObjectiveTo assess whether estimates of the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing rates of hospitalizations and all-cause mortality derived from cross-sectional data could be improved by applying the instrumental variable (IV) method to data representing the community-dwelling elderly population in the United States in order to adjust for self-selection bias.MethodsSecondary data analysis, using the 1996–97 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey data. First, using single-equation probit regressions this study analyzed influenza-related hospitalization and death due to all causes predicted by vaccination status, which was measured by claims or survey data. Second, to adjust for potential self-selection of the vaccine receipt, for example, higher vaccination rates among high-risk individuals, bivariate probit (BVP) models and two-stage least squares (2SLS) models were employed. The IV was having either arthritis or gout.ResultsIn single-equation probit models, vaccination appeared to be ineffective or even to increase the probability of adverse outcomes. Based on BVP and 2SLS models, vaccination was demonstrated to be effective in reducing influenza-related hospitalization by at least 31%. The BVP model results implied significant self-selection in the single-equation probit models.ConclusionsAdjusting for self-selection, BVP analyses yielded vaccine effectiveness estimates for a nationally representative cross-sectional sample of the community-dwelling elderly population that are consistent with previous estimates based on randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, and meta-analyses. This result suggests that analyses with 2SLS and BVP in particular may be useful for the analysis of observational data regarding prevention in which self-selection is an important potential source of bias

    Penguatan Koperasi Syariah Al Murabby melalui Kelembagaan dan Digitalisasi Bisnis

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    Abstract. The Covid 19 pandemic forced the government to issue a large-scale social restriction policy (PSBB) that has a very serious impact on the business activities of the Al Murabby Islamic Cooperative MAN 1 Bandung  in the form of obstruction of the cooperative business process and a decrease in sales. Efforts are needed to improve cooperative business performance. The LPPM ITB Community Service Team is engaged in conducting training and mentoring tostrengthen the Al Murabby Sharia Cooperative through institutional improvements and business digitalization. The activity stages consist of preparation, problem diagnosis, design, and implementation of training and mentoring. The training and mentoring activities were attended by 22 participants consisting of the management and supervisory bodies of the Al Murabby Sharia Cooperative, teacher representatives, employees, and alumni of MAN 1 Bandung. The participants attended  the activity with great enthusiasm to gain knowledge and understanding of institutional aspects, cooperative accounting and e-commerce. The results of the activities showed an increase in the knowledge, understanding and skills of the participants before and after the training. Given that the training is still basic training , after the mentoring is complete, further training is needed. Abstrak. Pandemi covid 19 yang melanda negeri memaksa pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan pembatasan sosial bersekala besar (PSBB) dan berdampak sangat serius pada aktivitas bisnis Koperasi Syariah Al Murabby MAN 1 Kota Bandungberupa terhambatnya proses bisnis koperasi dan penurunan omset penjualan. Perlu upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan kembali kinerja bisnis koperasi. Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM ITB bergerak melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam rangka penguatan Koperasi Syariah Al Murabby  melaluipenyempurnaan kelembagaan dan digitalisasi bisnis. Tahapan kegiatan terdiri dari persiapan, diagnosa permasalahan, perancangan, dan implementasi pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan diikuti oleh 22 orang peserta yang terdiri dari para pengurus dan badan pengawasKoperasi Syariah Al Murabby, wakil guru, karyawan, dan alumni MAN 1 Kota Bandung. Kegiatan berjalan dengan sangat antusiastik, para peserta mengikuti kegiatan dengan penuh semangat demi mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai aspek kelembagaan, akuntansi koperasidan e-commerce.Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan keterampilan para peserta antara sebelum dan setelah pelatihan. Mengingat pelatihan masih berupa pelatihan dasar, maka setelah pendampingan selesai perlu diadakan pelatihan lanjutan

    The Seroconversion Rate of Hepatitis A Virus Vaccination among Patients with Hepatitis B Virus-Related Chronic Liver Disease in Korea

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    Asymptomatic cardiac ischemia pilot (ACIP) study: Effects of coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass graft surgery on recurrent angina and ischemia

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    ObjectivesThe Asymptomatic Cardiac Ischemia Pilot (ACIP) study showed that revascularization is more effective than medical therapy in suppressing cardiac ischemia at 12 weeks. This report compares the relative efficacy of coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft surgery in suppressing ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) and treadmill exercise cardiac ischemia between 2 and 3 months after revascularization in the ACIP study.BackgroundPrevious studies have shown that coronary angioplasty and bypass surgery relieve angina early after the procedure in a high proportion of selected patients. However, alleviation of ischemia on the ambulatory ECG and treadmill exercise test have not been adequately studied prospectively after revascularization.MethodsIn patients randomly assigned to revascularization in the ACIP study, the choice of coronary angioplasty or bypass surgery was made by the clinical unit staff and the patient.ResultsPatients assigned to bypass surgery (n = 78) had more severe coronary disease (p = 0.001) and more ischemic episodes (p = 0.01) at baseline than those assigned to angioplasty (n = 92). Ambulatory ECG ischemia was no longer present 8 weeks after revascularization (12 weeks after enrollment) in 70% of the bypass surgery group versus 46% of the angioplasty group (p = 0.002). ST segment depression on the exercise ECG was no longer present in 46% of the bypass surgery group versus 23% of the angioplasty group (p = 0.005). Total exercise time in minutes on the treadmill exercise test increased by 2.4 min after bypass surgery and by 1.4 min after angioplasty (p = 0.02). Only 10% of the bypass surgery group versus 32% of the angioplasty group still reported angina in the 4 weeks before the 12-week visit (p = 0.001).ConclusionsAngina and ambulatory ECG ischemia are relieved in a high proportion of patients early after revascularization. However, ischemia can still be induced on the treadmill exercise test, albeit at higher levels of exercise, in many patients. Bypass surgery was superior to coronary angioplasty in suppressing cardiac ischemia despite the finding that patients who underwent bypass surgery had more severe coronary artery disease

    Pandemic A/H1N1v influenza 2009 in hospitalized children: a multicenter Belgian survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the 2009 influenza A/H1N1v pandemic, children were identified as a specific "at risk" group. We conducted a multicentric study to describe pattern of influenza A/H1N1v infection among hospitalized children in Brussels, Belgium.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From July 1, 2009, to January 31, 2010, we collected epidemiological and clinical data of all proven (positive H1N1v PCR) and probable (positive influenza A antigen or culture) pediatric cases of influenza A/H1N1v infections, hospitalized in four tertiary centers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the epidemic period, an excess of 18% of pediatric outpatients and emergency department visits was registered. 215 children were hospitalized with proven/probable influenza A/H1N1v infection. Median age was 31 months. 47% had ≥ 1 comorbid conditions. Febrile respiratory illness was the most common presentation. 36% presented with initial gastrointestinal symptoms and 10% with neurological manifestations. 34% had pneumonia. Only 24% of the patients received oseltamivir but 57% received antibiotics. 10% of children were admitted to PICU, seven of whom with ARDS. Case fatality-rate was 5/215 (2%), concerning only children suffering from chronic neurological disorders. Children over 2 years of age showed a higher propensity to be admitted to PICU (16% vs 1%, p = 0.002) and a higher mortality rate (4% vs 0%, p = 0.06). Infants less than 3 months old showed a milder course of infection, with few respiratory and neurological complications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although influenza A/H1N1v infections were generally self-limited, pediatric burden of disease was significant. Compared to other countries experiencing different health care systems, our Belgian cohort was younger and received less frequently antiviral therapy; disease course and mortality were however similar.</p
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