15 research outputs found
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang Pengaruh Stres Kerja Dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Kantor Cabang Pembantu Pasar Pagi Jakarta Utara. (dibimbing oleh Ermyati AM,. SE,. MM.) Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor stres kerja dan faktor kepemimpinan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Kantor Cabang Pembantu Pasar Pagi Jakarta Utara; dan mengetahui faktor yang paling signifikan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Kantor Cabang Pembantu Pasar Pagi Jakarta Utara. Sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu dengan memilih langsung semua karyawan sebanyak 60 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah Kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan software SPSS 19.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor stres kerja dan faktor kepemimpinan secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Kantor Cabang Pembatu Pasar Pagi Jakarta Utara sebesar 76.5%. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Kantor Cabang Pembatu Pasar Pagi Jakarta Utara adalah faktor Organisasi sebesar 58.5%. Kata Kunci : Stres kerja, Kepemimpinan dan Kinerja karyawan ABSTRACT This research is about The Effect Of Work Stress and Leadership On employee’s job Performance in PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Pasar Pagi Branch Office in North Jakarta. (guided with Ermyati AM,. SE,. MM.). This research aims analyzing the Work Stress factors and Leadership factors altogether influence employee’s job performance significantly in PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Pasar Pagi Branch Office in North Jakarta. Samples are chosen by using purposive sampling method that all employees are chosen directly amount to 60 people. Data collection method used are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data are analyzed by multiple linear regression with the help of statistical software SPSS 19.0 for windows. Results showed that Work Stress factors and Leadership factors altogether influence employee’s job performance in PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Pasar Pagi Branch Office in North Jakarta amount to 76.5%. the Factors that most significantly influences employee’s job performance in PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbuka Pasar Pagi Branch Office in North Jakarta is the organizational factor amounts up 58.5% Keywords : Work Stress, Leadership, and employee’s job performance
Elvindo Acbar Yolindo, 2019, NIT : 52155597.N “Penanggulangan terbakarnya
muatan batubara saat melaksanakan bongkar muatan di MV. DK 01 ”,
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Pembimbing : (I) Capt. Dodik
Widarbowo, M.T,M.Mar (II) Capt. Tri Kismantoro, MM. M.Mar
Batubara merupakan komoditi ekpor yang cukup menjanjikan dan
menguntungkan di masa sekarang ini. Hal ini dikarenakan batubara merupakan
sumberdaya alam alternatif yang tidak akan habis hingga puluhan tahun kedepan
dan mulai dipergunakan dalam menunjang kebutuhan akan pentingnya sumber daya
listrik yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Batubara itu sendiri memerlukan
penanganan muatan yang tepat, tidak tepatnya penanganan muatan terhadap
batubara atau terlalu lama dalam penyimpanan di dalam ruang muat selama
perjalanan menuju pelabuhan tujuan dapat menimbulkan terbakarnya muatan.
Pengawasan dan perawatan terhadap muatan adalah hal yang paling penting dalam
muatan batubara, karena kebakaran batubara dapat menimbulkan bahaya lain yang
lebih besar seperti kebakaran pada kapal itu sendiri dan dapat menyebabkan
kerugian yang lebih besar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor apa yang paling berpengaruh
terhadap terbakarnya muatan batubara dan mencari tindakan yang paling efektif
jika terjadi kebakaran muatan saat bongkar muat di MV. DK 01. Jenis metode yang
penulis gunakan adalah kualitatif, Untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan dalam
penelitian ini maka metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penelitian
lapangan. Dalam melakukan analisis terhadap bongkar muatan batubara yang
terbakar di MV.DK 01 diperlukan pembahasan yang mendalam.
Dalam penulisan skripsi ini peneliti menggunakan metode analisis data USG
(urgency, seriousnes, and growth).
Dengan upaya menemukan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap
kebakaran muatan dan cara efektif untuk menanggulangi kebakaran tersebut maka
akan terciptanya rasa aman agar tidak terjadi lagi kesalahan dalam menangani
muatan batubara yang terbakar sehingga bisa merugikan semua pihak.
Elvindo Acbar Yolindo, 2019, NIT: 52155597.N "Counter measures against
burning coal loads while loading and unloading in the MV. DK 01 ", Semarang
Shipping Science Polytechnic. Advisor: (I) Capt. Dodik Widarbowo, M.T, M.Mar
(II) Capt. Tri Kismantoro, MM. M.Mar
Coal is an export commodity that is promising and profitable in the present.
This is because coal is an alternative natural resource that will not run out for
decades to come and is beginning to be used to support the need for the importance
of electricity resources which continue to increase every year. Coal itself requires
proper handling of cargo, improper handling of cargo against coal or too long in
storage in the cargo hold during the trip to the destination port can cause burning of
the cargo. Oversight and maintenance of cargo is the most important thing in coal
loading, because coal fires can cause other hazards that are greater such as fire on
the ship itself and can cause greater losses.
This study aims to find out what factors most influence the burning of coal
loads and look for the most effective action in the event of a charge fire when
loading and unloading in the MV. DK 01. The type of method I use is qualitative.
To get the data needed in this study, the method of data collection is done by means
of field research. In carrying out an analysis of coal loading and unloading of
burning in MV.DK 01, in-depth discussion is required.
In writing this thesis the researcher uses the method of USG data analysis
(urgency, seriousness, and growth).
By trying to find the factors that have the most influence on fire content and
how to effectively cope with these fires, a sense of security will be created so that
there will be no more errors in handling burning coal so that it can harm all parties
Inflation might be caused by the right
We show that the scalar field that drives inflation can have a dynamical
origin, being a strongly coupled right handed neutrino condensate. The
resulting model is phenomenologically tightly constrained, and can be
experimentally (dis)probed in the near future. The mass of the right handed
neutrino obtained this way (a crucial ingredient to obtain the right light
neutrino spectrum within the see-saw mechanism in a complete three generation
framework) is related to that of the inflaton and both completely determine the
inflation features that can be tested by current and planned experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
Primordial fluctuations and cosmological inflation after WMAP 1.0
The observational constraints on the primordial power spectrum have tightened
considerably with the release of the first year analysis of the WMAP
observations, especially when combined with the results from other CMB
experiments and galaxy redshift surveys. These observations allow us to
constrain the physics of cosmological inflation: (i) The data show that the
Hubble distance is almost constant during inflation. While observable modes
cross the Hubble scale, it changes by less than 3% during one e-folding:
d(d_H)/dt < 0.032 at 2 sigma. The distance scale of inflation itself remains
poorly constrained: 1.2 x 10^{-28} cm < d_H < 1 cm. (ii) We present a new
classification of single-field inflationary scenarios (including scenarios
beyond slow-roll inflation), based on physical criteria, namely the behaviour
of the kinetic and total energy densities of the inflaton field. The current
data show no preference for any of the scenarios. (iii) For the first time the
slow-roll assumption could be dropped from the data analysis and replaced by
the more general assumption that the Hubble scale is (almost) constant during
the observable part of inflation. We present simple analytic expressions for
the scalar and tensor power spectra for this very general class of inflation
models and test their accuracy.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures; section on the classification of models in the
plane of tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio added, references adde
Brane inflation revisited after WMAP five-year results
In this paper, we revisit brane inflation models with the WMAP five-year
results. The WMAP five-year data favor a red-tilted power spectrum of
primordial fluctuations at the level of two standard deviations, which is the
same as the WMAP three-year result qualitatively, but quantitatively the
spectral index is slightly greater than the three-year value. This result can
bring impacts on brane inflation models. According to the WMAP five-year data,
we find that the KKLMMT model can survive at the level of one standard
deviation, and the fine-tuning of the parameter can be alleviated to a
certain extent at the level of two standard deviations.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure
Design, development and verification of the 30 and 44 GHz front-end modules for the Planck Low Frequency Instrument
We give a description of the design, construction and testing of the 30 and
44 GHz Front End Modules (FEMs) for the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) of the
Planck mission to be launched in 2009. The scientific requirements of the
mission determine the performance parameters to be met by the FEMs, including
their linear polarization characteristics.
The FEM design is that of a differential pseudo-correlation radiometer in
which the signal from the sky is compared with a 4-K blackbody load. The Low
Noise Amplifier (LNA) at the heart of the FEM is based on indium phosphide High
Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs). The radiometer incorporates a novel
phase-switch design which gives excellent amplitude and phase match across the
The noise temperature requirements are met within the measurement errors at
the two frequencies. For the most sensitive LNAs, the noise temperature at the
band centre is 3 and 5 times the quantum limit at 30 and 44 GHz respectively.
For some of the FEMs, the noise temperature is still falling as the ambient
temperature is reduced to 20 K. Stability tests of the FEMs, including a
measurement of the 1/f knee frequency, also meet mission requirements.
The 30 and 44 GHz FEMs have met or bettered the mission requirements in all
critical aspects. The most sensitive LNAs have reached new limits of noise
temperature for HEMTs at their band centres. The FEMs have well-defined linear
polarization characteristcs.Comment: 39 pages, 33 figures (33 EPS files), 12 tables. Planck LFI technical
papers published by JINST:
A See-Saw model for fermion masses and mixings
We present a supersymmetric see-saw model giving rise to the most
general neutrino mass matrix compatible with Tri-Bimaximal mixing. We adopt the
flavour symmetry, broken by suitable vacuum expectation values
of a small number of flavon fields. We show that the vacuum alignment is a
natural solution of the most general superpotential allowed by the flavour
symmetry, without introducing any soft breaking terms. In the charged lepton
sector, mass hierarchies are controlled by the spontaneous breaking of the
flavour symmetry caused by the vevs of one doublet and one triplet flavon
fields instead of using the Froggatt-Nielsen U(1) mechanism. The next to
leading order corrections to both charged lepton mass matrix and flavon vevs
generate corrections to the mixing angles as large as .
Applied to the quark sector, the symmetry group can give a
leading order proportional to the identity as well as a matrix with
coefficients in the Cabibbo submatrix. Higher order
corrections produce non vanishing entries in the other entries which
are generically of .Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, minor changes to match the published versio
Penanggulangan Terbakarnya Batu Bara di MV. DK 01
Abstraksi, Batubara merupakan komoditi ekpor yang
cukup menjanjikan dan menguntungkan di masa sekarang
ini. Hal ini dikarenakan batubara merupakan sumberdaya
alam alternatif yang tidak akan habis hingga puluhan tahun
kedepan dan mulai dipergunakan dalam menunjang
kebutuhan akan pentingnya sumber daya listrik yang terus
meningkat setiap tahunnya. Batubara itu sendiri
memerlukan penanganan muatan yang tepat, tidak
tepatnya penanganan muatan terhadap batubara atau
terlalu lama dalam penyimpanan di dalam ruang muat
selama perjalanan menuju pelabuhan tujuan dapat
menimbulkan terbakarnya muatan. Pengawasan dan
perawatan terhadap muatan adalah hal yang paling penting
dalam muatan batubara, karena kebakaran batubara dapat
menimbulkan bahaya lain yang lebih besar seperti
kebakaran pada kapal itu sendiri dan dapat menyebabkan
kerugian yang lebih besar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor apa yang
paling berpengaruh terhadap terbakarnya muatan
batubara dan mencari tindakan yang paling efektif jika
terjadi kebakaran muatan saat bongkar muat di MV. DK
01. Jenis metode yang penulis gunakan adalah kualitatif