13 research outputs found

    Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterial populations trapped from soils under agroforestry systems in the Western Amazon

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an important grain-producing legume that can forego nitrogen fertilization by establishing an efficient symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Although inoculating strains have already been selected for this species, little is known about the genotypic and symbiotic diversity of native rhizobia. Recently, Bradyrhizobium has been shown to be the genus most frequently trapped by cowpea in agricultural soils of the Amazon region. We investigated the genetic and symbiotic diversity of 148 bacterial strains with different phenotypic and cultural properties isolated from the nodules of the trap species cowpea, which was inoculated with samples from soils under agroforestry systems from the western Amazon. Sixty non-nodulating strains indicated a high frequency of endophytic strains in the nodules. The 88 authenticated strains had varying symbiotic efficiency. The SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) index (indirect measurement of chlorophyll content) was more efficient at evaluating the contribution of symbiotic N2-fixation than shoot dry matter under axenic conditions. Cowpea-nodulating bacteria exhibited a high level of genetic diversity, with 68 genotypes identified by BOX-PCR. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene showed a predominance of the genus Bradyrhizobium, which accounted for 70 % of all strains sequenced. Other genera identified were Rhizobium, Ochrobactrum, Paenibacillus, Bosea, Bacillus, Enterobacter, and Stenotrophomonas. These results support the promiscuity of cowpea and demonstrate the high genetic and symbiotic diversity of rhizobia in soils under agroforestry systems, with some strains exhibiting potential for use as inoculants. The predominance of Bradyrhizobium in land uses with different plant communities and soil characteristics reflects the adaptation of this genus to the Amazon region

    Bagaço de mandioca na ensilagem do capim-elefante: qualidade das silagens e digestibilidade dos nutrientes Cassava bagasse in elephant grass ensilage: quality of the silage and digestibility of the nutrients

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    Utilizaram-se 16 novilhas ¾ Holandês-Zebu com idade média de 15 meses e peso médio inicial de 144kg, para avaliar o efeito da adição de diferentes níveis (5; 10; 15 e 20%) de bagaço de mandioca na ensilagem do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum) sobre a qualidade e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da dieta. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro dietas contendo, como volumoso, silagem de capim-elefante com quatro diferentes níveis de bagaço de mandioca, mais concentrado balanceado, com quatro repetições por tratamento. Avaliou-se a qualidade das silagens, os consumos de nutrientes das dietas e as digestibilidades dos nutrientes das silagens e das dietas totais. O bagaço de mandioca elevou o teor de matéria seca (MS) da silagem, preservando-a com o pH que variou de 3,85 a 4,07 e a relação N-NH3/NT de 6,2 a 7,85. Os consumos médios diários de MS e proteína bruta (PB) não diferiram entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). Os consumos médios de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) apresentaram comportamento linear decrescente (P<0,05) com o aumento dos níveis de bagaço de mandioca. Não foi detectada diferença entre os tratamentos (P>0,05) na digestibilidade da MS (DMS), da FDN (DFDN) e da FDA (DFDA) das silagens. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) das silagens foram semelhantes em todos os tratamentos. A digestibilidade da PB (DPB), do extrato etéreo (DEE) e dos carboidratos não-fibrosos (DCNF) das silagens decresceu linearmente (P<0,05) com o aumento do nível do bagaço de mandioca nas silagens. Constatou-se que não houve diferença (P>0,05) na DMS, DPB, DFDN, DFDA, DEE, DCNF e NDT entre as dietas experimentais. O nível de adição de 5% de bagaço de mandioca à silagem de capim-elefante é satisfatório para sua preservação, propiciando boa digestibilidade.<br>Sixteen ¾ Holstein-Zebu heifers aging 15 month-old averaging 144kg were used to evaluate the effect of the additions of different levels of cassava bagasse (5; 10; 15 and 20%) to elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum) ensilage on the diet quality and nutrients digestibility. The treatments consisted of four diets containing, as roughage, elephant grass silage with four different levels of cassava bagasse plus balanced concentrate, with four repetitions per treatment. Silages quality, diet nutrients intake and nutrients digestibility of the silages and total diets were evaluated. Cassava bagasse increased the dry matter (DM) content, of the silages preserving them with a pH varying from 3.85 to 4.07 and N-NH3/NT ratio from 6.2 to 7.85. Daily dry matter and crude protein (CP) mean intakes did not differ among the treatments (P>0.05). Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) mean intakes showed a decreasing linear behavior (P<0.05) with the increase of cassava bagasse levels. There was no detected difference among the treatments (P>0.05) for DM (DMD), NDF (NDFD) and ADF digestibility (ADFD). The total digestible nutrients (TDN) of the silages were similar in all the treatments. The CP (CPD), ether extract (EED) and non-fiber carbohydrates digestibility (NFCD) of the silages decreased linearly (P<0.05) with the increase of cassava bagasse levels. There was no difference (P>0.05) in DMD, CPD, NDFD, ADFD, EED, NFCD and TDN among the experimental diets. The 5% cassava bagasse addition to its elephant grass silage was satisfactory to preservation resulting in good digestibility of the elephant grass silage

    Desenvolvimento e produtividade de algodoeiros sob efeito de reguladores vegetais

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    Neste trabalho efetuaram-se estudos para determinar os efeitos de reguladores vegetais em algodoeiro Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. IAC-17, através da análise de crescimento e produtividade em plantas submetidas a diferentes dosagens e épocas de aplicação de reguladores vegetais. Para conhecimento do desenvolvimento, produção, características agronômicas dos algodoeiros e características tecnológicas das fibras, sob ação de reguladores vegetais, realizou-se em Piracicaba (SP) na safra 1978/79 um experimento sob condições de campo, em uma área de 1700 m², onde foi implantada a cultura. Trataram-se os algodoeiros com: cloreto -1,1 - dimetil piperidíneo (DPC) nas concentrações de 84, 167 e 250 ppm; cloreto (2-cloroetil) trimetilamônio (CCC) nas concentrações de 250, 350 e 450 ppm e ácido (2 - cloroetil) fosfônico (CEPA) nas concentrações 1670, 3340 e 6680 ppm, sendo cada substância aplicada a 51, 65 e 143 dias após a germinação, respectivamente. Realizaram-se os tratos culturais normais recomendados para a cultura. Os resultados indicam que DPC e CCC tendem a reduzir a altura das plantas e o diâmetro da copa. Aplicações de DPC não afetaram os parâmetros da análise de crescimento do algodoeiro, sendo que CCC 25O ppm reduziu a área foliar e o peso da matéria seca. O índice de área foliar foi diminuído por 28 dias com aplicações de CCC 250 e 350 ppm, sendo que a menor concentração reduziu a eficiência fotossintética nas plantas e as concentrações mais elevadas de CEPA e CCC tenderam a diminuir o número de capulhos e o peso de algodão em caroço. CCC 350 ppm aparentemente aumentou o peso médio do algodão por capulho, enquanto CEPA 6680 ppm tendeu a reduzi-lo. Em cada tratamento, o peso das sementes e a porcentagem de fibras amostradas em 50 g de algodão em caroço,bem como o peso de 100 sementes, não foram afetados pela aplicação de CCC, DPC e CEPA. Também as características tecnológicas das fibras não foram afetadas pela aplicação dos reguladores vegetais.In this work effects of plant regulators on cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. IAC-17 were studied, through growth analysis and productivity measures in plants subjected to different dosages of plant regulators applied at various stages of growth. To discover the growth, production and agronomic characteristics of the cotton plant and the technological characteristics of the fibers, under the effect of plant regulators, an experiment, under field conditions was carried out in Piracicaba (SP) on the 1978/79 crop. Cotton was treated with 84, 167 and 250 ppm DPC; 250, 350 and 450 ppm CCC and 1670, 3340 and 6680 ppm CEPA, at respectively 5, 65 and 143 days after germination. The results show that DPC and CCC tended to reduce plant height and crown diameter. DPC applications did not affect growth analysis parameters while 250 ppm CCC reduced foliar area and the" dry matter weight of cotton. The leaf area index was reduced during 28 days, with 250 ppm and 350 ppm applications; the lowest concentrations reduced the photosynthetic efficiency of the plants and the highest concentration of CEPA and CCC tended to reduce the number of boll number of seeds and wool weight. CCC 350 ppm apparently increased the average bool weight while CEPA 6680 ppm tended to reduce it. With each treatment the seed weight and fiber percentage sampled in 50 g of seed as well as the weight of seeds were not affected by CCC, DPC and CEPA applications. The technological characteristics of the fibers were not affected by plant regulators

    Cosmic-muon characterization and annual modulation measurement with Double Chooz detectors

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    A study on cosmic muons has been performed for the two identical near and far neutrino detectors of the Double Chooz experiment, placed at ∼120 and ∼300 m.w.e. underground respectively, including the corresponding simulations using the MUSIC simulation package. This characterization has allowed us to measure the muon flux reaching both detectors to be (3.64 ± 0.04) × 10-4 cm-2s-1 for the near detector and (7.00 ± 0.05) × 10-5 cm-2s-1 for the far one. The seasonal modulation of the signal has also been studied observing a positive correlation with the atmospheric temperature, leading to an effective temperature coefficient of αT = 0.212 ± 0.024 and 0.355 ± 0.019 for the near and far detectors respectively. These measurements, in good agreement with expectations based on theoretical models, represent one of the first measurements of this coefficient in shallow depth installations

    The Double Chooz antineutrino detectors

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    This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron antineutrinos of the Chooz nuclear power plant were measured in two identically designed detectors with different average baselines of about 400 m and 1050 m from the two reactor cores. Over many years of data taking the neutrino signals were extracted from interactions in the detectors with the goal of measuring a fundamental parameter in the context of neutrino oscillation, the mixing angle θ13. The central part of the Double Chooz detectors was a main detector comprising four cylindrical volumes filled with organic liquids. From the inside towards the outside there were volumes containing gadolinium-loaded scintillator, gadolinium-free scintillator, a buffer oil and, optically separated, another liquid scintillator acting as veto system. Above this main detector an additional outer veto system using plastic scintillator strips was installed. The technologies developed in Double Chooz were inspiration for several other antineutrino detectors in the field. The detector design allowed implementation of efficient background rejection techniques including use of pulse shape information provided by the data acquisition system. The Double Chooz detectors featured remarkable stability, in particular for the detected photons, as well as high radiopurity of the detector components

    The Double Chooz antineutrino detectors

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    International audienceThis article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron antineutrinos of the Chooz nuclear power plant were measured in two identically designed detectors with different average baselines of about 400 m and 1050 m from the two reactor cores. Over many years of data taking the neutrino signals were extracted from interactions in the detectors with the goal of measuring a fundamental parameter in the context of neutrino oscillation, the mixing angle θ13\theta _{13}. The central part of the Double Chooz detectors was a main detector comprising four cylindrical volumes filled with organic liquids. From the inside towards the outside there were volumes containing gadolinium-loaded scintillator, gadolinium-free scintillator, a buffer oil and, optically separated, another liquid scintillator acting as veto system. Above this main detector an additional outer veto system using plastic scintillator strips was installed. The technologies developed in Double Chooz were inspiration for several other antineutrino detectors in the field. The detector design allowed implementation of efficient background rejection techniques including use of pulse shape information provided by the data acquisition system. The Double Chooz detectors featured remarkable stability, in particular for the detected photons, as well as high radiopurity of the detector components