18 research outputs found

    Morpho-physiological diversity and its implications for improving drought tolerance in grain sorghum at different growth stages

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    Abstract Sorghum grown under rain-fed conditions is usually affected by drought stress at different stages resulting in negative effect on yield. The assessment and quantification of morpho-physiological diversity for the traits contributing towards drought tolerance at these stages is of vital importance. For this purpose, drought stress was imposed on 44 sorghum accessions at seedling stage and natural incidence of water stress at post anthesis stage. The data of 21 different morpho-physiological traits were subjected to different multivariate techniques, including correlation, principal component (PC) and cluster analysis to assess the diversity for drought tolerance in sorghum. The correlation analysis revealed that selection for long roots; higher root/shoot ratio, leaf area and leaf dry matter could be performed simultaneously. There was positive association between relative water contents and cell membrane stability but both of these traits were negatively correlated with residual transpiration and excised leaf weight loss. Principal component (PC) analysis showed first 7 PCs having Eigen value >1 explaining 77.653% of the total variation with head width, head weight, grain yield per plant, fresh and dry shoot weight being the most important characters in PC1. Cluster analysis classified 44 accessions into four divergent groups. The members of first two clusters exhibited adequate degree of drought tolerance on the basis of majority of morpho-physiological traits, whereas, cluster 3 and 4 included genotypes with lower level of drought tolerance. The D 2 statistics revealed the highest distances between 2 nd and 3 rd clusters, while 3 rd and 4 th clusters displayed maximum similarity. Scatter plot and tree diagrams demonstrated sufficient diversity among the sorghum accession for various traits and some extent of association between different clusters. The results concluded that morpho-physiological diversity in the studied material is structured by genotypes and this diversity could be utilized for cultivar breeding and germplasm conservation programs aimed at improving drought tolerance in sorghum

    Effects of handling and short-term captivity: a multi-behaviour approach using red sea urchins, Mesocentrotus franciscanus

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    Understanding the effects of captivity-induced stress on wild-caught animals after their release back into the wild is critical for the long-term success of relocation and reintroduction programs. To date, most of the research on captivity stress has focused on vertebrates, with far less attention paid to invertebrates. Here, we examine the effect of short-term captivity (i.e., up to four days) on self-righting, aggregation, and predator-escape behaviours in wild-caught red sea urchins, Mesocentrotus franciscanus, after their release back into the wild. Aggregation behaviour, which has been linked to feeding in sea urchins, was not affected by handling or captivity. In contrast, the sea urchins that had been handled and released immediately, as well as those that were handled and held captive, took longer to right themselves and were poorer at fleeing from predators than wild, unhandled sea urchins. These results indicate that handling rather than captivity impaired these behaviours in the short term. The duration of captivity did not influence the sea urchin behaviours examined. Longer-term monitoring is needed to establish what the fitness consequences of these short-term behavioural changes might be. Our study nevertheless highlights the importance of considering a suite of responses when examining the effects of capture and captivity. Our findings, which are based on a locally abundant species, can inform translocation efforts aimed at bolstering populations of ecologically similar but depleted invertebrate species to retain or restore important ecosystem functions

    Leipä ja viini ortodoksisessa traditiossa

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    Põdra populatsiooni struktuurist ja jahindusliku kasutamise alustest Eestis

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    Organised hiking by the Estonian nature-based tourism enterprises in the protected areas

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    Magistritöö Loodusturismi õppekavalKaitsealad on olulised vaba aja veetmise ja turismiobjektid ning paljudes piirkondades on matkamine tunnistatud üheks olulisemaks vabaaja veetmise viisiks. Puutumatu loodus pakub huvi paljudele huvitegevustele sh. jalgsimatkamine ning on peamine eesmärk looduskaitsealade külastamisel. Külastajate arv enamusel kaitsealadel üle maailma tõuseb ning väga kiiresti kasvab nõudlus puhke- ja vabaaja veetmise võimaluste järele. Seetõttu on oluline ka, et jalgsimatkasid organiseerivad loodusturismi ettevõtjad ja kaitsealade valitseja vahel oleks koostöö ning kehtestatud reeglid ja piirangud oleksid läbimõeldud ja tegevused kaitsealadel planeeritud vastavalt nendele. Antud töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada kuidas suhtuvad jalgsimatku korraldavad ettevõtted kaitsealadel kehtivatesse looduskaitselistesse piirangutesse ja kas need seavad tegevustes takistusi ning kas mõjutavad nende tegevusi. Magistritöö eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutati kvantitatiivse meetodina ankeetküsitlust Eesti loodusturismi ettevõtjatega. Andmete analüüsimisel kasutati nii statistilist kui ka sisuanalüüsi. Töö tulemustest selgus, et loodusturismi ettevõttete poolt jalgsimatkade pakkumine on koondunud Harjumaale ja Lääne-Virumaale ning on tihedalt seotud omavahel loodusradade esinemisega neis piirkondades. Kaitsealadel viivad jalgsimatku läbi kõik loodusturismi ettevõtjad ning ala piirangute ja regulatsioonide kohta teeb uurimust enne matka suur osa jalgsimatkade läbiviijatest. Samuti tuli välja, et pigem on loodusturismi ettevõtjad kaitsealadele kehtestatud piirangutega nõus ja peavad nendest kinni ning soovivad ka konkreetsemaid (nt grupi suurused) piiranguid. Takistavaid asjaolusid oma tegevustes ei nähta ning juhindutakse kehtivatest piirangutest. Töös saadud tulemused aitavad kaasa loodusturismialaste otsuste tegemisel kaitsealadel ning samuti külastuskorralduslike soovituste väljatöötamisel.Protected areas are important leisure and tourist attractions.. In many areas, one of the most important activities is organized hiking. Untouched nature is interest to many leisure activities, including hikes with the main goal of nature reserve visitation. Globally increasing visitation numbers in protected areas correlate with the need for leisure opportunities in those areas. Therefore the collaboration of organized hiking between Estonian nature-based tourism enterprises and protected area supervisors isimportant. Activities in protected areas should be planed according to established rules and limitations. The purpose of this study was to find out the attitude of nature-based tourism entrepreneurs torwards to organized hike limitations in protected areas. Moreover wheater these limitations create obstacles or affect their activities. In order to achieve the goal of the theses, a questionaire survey with Estonian nature tourism entrepreneurs was used as a quantitative method. Based on the results, Estonian nature-based tourism on organized hikes has mostly gathered in Harju County and Lääne-Virumaa County. This is densely related to interconnecting hiking trails in the area. Hiking in protected areas is organized by all nature-based tourism enterprises. The majority of the enterprises research the set rules and limitations before organizing the hikes. Furthermore, nature-based businesses agree that the rules are needed and feel that more concrete (eg. group sizes) limitations are required. No hindering factors are seen and actions related to organizing hikes takes into consideration protected area limitations. The collected data will help the decision-making process of nature-based tourism as well with recommendations regarding visitation management in protected areas

    Platelet Rich Fibrin in double lateral sliding bridge flap procedure for gingival recession coverage: An original study

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    Background: Gingival recession is a common occurrence in periodontal disease leading to an unaesthetic appearance of the gingiva. The effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), when used along with double lateral sliding bridge flap (DLSBF), remains unknown. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of PRF in conjunction with DLSBF for multiple gingival recessions. Materials and Methods: Twenty systemically healthy individuals exhibiting Grade II gingival recession on their mandibular central incisors were recruited in this study. These patients were randomly assigned into two groups: DLSBF and PRF + DLSBF. The clinical parameters that were evaluated in this study were gingiva recession height, gingiva recession width, width of keratinized gingiva, clinical attachment level, and probing depth. PRF was procured from the patient's blood at the time of the surgery and used for the procedure. The follow-up was performed at 12 and 24 weeks postsurgery. Results: Statistically significant difference was observed between the clinical parameters at baseline and 12 and 24 weeks within the groups. There was no statistically significant difference, between the groups. Mean root coverage (RC) was 80% ±29.1% in the DLSBF group and 78.8% ±37.6% in the DLSBF + PRF group with no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: From the results obtained in this study, the addition of PRF to DLSBF gives no additional benefits to the clinical parameters measured in RC

    Letter to the Editor

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    Relationship Between Professional Identity Levels with the Forming Factors Among Students from General Practice Nursing Studies at Lithuanian Colleges

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    Vocational training at Colleges is grounded with the integration of the theory and practice. Training of students from the general practie nursing study programmes is directed not only by the documentation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, but by the guidelines and directives of the European Union, where is indicated that practice should const not less than 50 percent of the general study length. Researchers, who study the processes of professional identity (self)development and the factors, which infleunce this development, accentuate the imortne of the integration between theory and practice and indicate that in theoretical and practical studies students develop their professional identity. Research subject is the professional identity levels among students from General practic study nursing programmes at Lithuanian Colleges. Aim is to highlight the relationship between the professional identity levels and their forming factors among students from general practice study programmes at Lithuanian Colleges. Research questins are the following:What are the factors, which form the (self)development of professional identity? In which levels of professional identity are students from general practice study programmes at Lithuanian Colleges. In research participated 246 students, who represent the second study year students from General practic study nursing programmes at Lithuanian Colleges. Sampling was purposeful. The research had been performed on March-April 2013, when thee students completed the part of the special study subjects, and had study practices in the first study year. Results highlighted that the bigest part of the sample are in strong position of the professional identity moratorium. The most important factors, which influence positively the development of the professional (self)identity, according to research participants, are the professional readiness of teachers in nursing, their relationships with patients and the health care personnel. The strength of the professional (self)identity of students is colsely related with the nursing experience of teachers, their cooperatoin with patients and health care personnel