397 research outputs found

    Mafic dykes of the southeastern Gawler Craton: ca 1564 Ma magmatism with an enriched mantle source

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    Published online: 20 Jan 2022This study investigates the age and composition of a suite of mafic dykes in the southeastern Gawler Craton. Mafic dykes intrude the gneissic fabric of the ca 1850 Ma Donington Suite and were previously interpreted to have been emplaced at ca 1845 Ma. However, sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb dating of zircon within one of these mafic dykes shows it was emplaced at 1564 ± 4 Ma. The sampled dyke also contains a population of inherited zircon cores with an age of 1770 ± 6 Ma, and one grain with an age of ca 1860 Ma, likely derived from country rock. Whole-rock geochemistry from this dyke and nearby dykes with similar structural and mineralogical features show that there is a suite of dykes in the region with gabbroic, low SiO2 and TiO2 contents and tholeiitic characteristics. The dykes are enriched in Ba, K and Rb, with low to moderate MgO, Ni and Cr contents, and moderate light rare earth element enrichment. Negative Nb and Ta anomalies with subtle negative Ti anomalies suggest some interaction with continental crust. Sm–Nd isotopic data have εNd(1560 Ma) between −6.8 and −2.9, and depleted mantle model ages >2.5 Ga. Th/Nb ratios are 0.21–0.73 consistent with a metasomatised, subduction modified lithospheric mantle source. The relatively primitive nature of the tholeiites suggests the crustal-like signatures are inherited from the source region, which likely represents an enriched continental lithospheric mantle in the eastern Gawler Craton. This ca 1564 Ma mafic magmatism is newly named the Daly Head Metadolerite. In addition, narrow high-strain zones overprint the dated mafic dyke and locally the Donington Suite wall rocks. A syn-kinematic granitic dyke intrusion within one high-strain zone has been dated via laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb zircon methods and was emplaced at ca 1555 Ma. This localised ca 1555 Ma deformation is a previously unrecognised tectonic event in the southern Gawler Craton. This study adds to the growing database showing magmatism and deformation in the Gawler Craton continued after the voluminous Gawler Range Volcanics and Hiltaba Suite magmatism (ca 1596–1575 Ma). These younger tectono-magmatic events typically occur around the margins of the Gawler Craton, suggesting the internal ‘core’ of the craton may have been substantially less fertile for melting during these younger thermal/structural events, likely because of the high-temperature nature of the early Mesoproterozoic Gawler Range Volcanics and Hiltaba Suite magmatism.A. J. Reid, C. E. Wade and E. A. Jagodzinsk

    Nano-scale composition of commercial white powders for development of latent fingerprints on adhesives

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    This is the post-print version of the article - Copyright @ 2010 Elsevier.Titanium dioxide based powders are regularly used in the development of latent fingerprints on dark surfaces. For analysis of prints on adhesive tapes, the titanium dioxide can be suspended in a surfactant and used in the form of a powder suspension. Commercially available products, whilst having nominally similar composition, show varying levels of effectiveness of print development, with some powders adhering to the background as well as the print. X-ray fluorescence (XRF), analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and laser particle sizing of the fingerprint powders show TiO2 particles with a surrounding coating, tens of nanometres thick, consisting of Al and Si rich material, with traces of sodium and sulphur. Such aluminosilicates are commonly used as anti-caking agents and to aid adhesion or functionality of some fingerprint powders; however, the morphology, thickness, coverage and composition of the aluminosilicates are the primary differences between the white powder formulations and could be related to variation in the efficacy of print development.This work is part funded by the Home Office Scientific Development Branch, UK

    Neural correlates of subjective arousal and valence in health and panic disorder

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    Aberrant emotion processing is a core characteristic of panic disorder (PD). Findings concerning the underlying neural pathways remain inconsistent. We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the context of a task based on the circumplex model of affect. This model links affective states to two underlying neurophysiological systems: arousal and valence. Twenty-two healthy participants and 20 participants with PD rated arousal and valence in response to affective faces during fMRI. In healthy controls, we found that arousal modulated the hemodynamic response in the parahippocampus, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the cuneus during face perception. Valence and extreme ratings of valence modulated the hemodynamic response in temporal, parietal, somatosensory, premotor and cerebellar regions. Comparing healthy controls to participants with PD, we found that healthy controls showed a stronger modulation of the hemodynamic response during face perception associated with extreme ratings of valence in the parahippocampus and the supplementary motor area. This suggests parahippocampal dysfunction in the processing of highly valenced affective faces in PD, which may underlie aberrant contextualization of strong affective stimuli. Our findings need to be interpreted with care as they were adjusted for multiple comparisons using a liberal correction procedure

    Suitability of aircraft wastewater for pathogen detection and public health surveillance

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    International air travel is now widely recognised as one of the primary mechanisms responsible for the transnational movement and global spread of SARS-CoV-2. Monitoring the viral load and novel lineages within human-derived wastewater collected from aircraft and at air transport hubs has been proposed as an effective way to monitor the importation frequency of viral pathogens. The success of this approach, however, is highly dependent on the bathroom and defecation habits of air passengers during their journey. In this study of UK adults (n = 2103), we quantified the likelihood of defecation prior to departure, on the aircraft and upon arrival on both short- and long-haul flights. The results were then used to assess the likelihood of capturing the signal from infected individuals at UK travel hubs. To obtain a representative cross-section of the population, the survey was stratified by geographical region, gender, age, parenting status, and social class. We found that an individual's likelihood to defecate on short-haul flights ( 6 h in duration). This behaviour pattern was higher among males and younger age groups. The maximum likelihood of defecation was prior to departure (< 39 %). Based on known SARS-CoV-2 faecal shedding rates (30–60 %) and an equal probability of infected individuals being on short- (71 % of inbound flights) and long-haul flights (29 %), we estimate that aircraft wastewater is likely to capture ca. 8–14 % of SARS-CoV-2 cases entering the UK. Monte Carlo simulations predicted that SARS-CoV-2 would be present in wastewater on 14 % of short-haul flights and 62 % of long-haul flights under current pandemic conditions. We conclude that aircraft wastewater alone is insufficient to effectively monitor all the transboundary entries of faecal-borne pathogens but can form part of a wider strategy for public heath surveillance at national borders

    Uptake of silicon in barley under contrasting drought regimes

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    Purpose Silicon (Si) accumulation in plant tissues plays a vital role in alleviating biotic and abiotic stresses, including drought. Temperate regions are predicted to experience reductions in the quantity and frequency of rainfall events, potentially impacting plant Si uptake via the transpiration stream. Despite the importance for predicting plant responses to Si amendments, the effects of changes in rainfall patterns on Si uptake in cereals have not been characterised. Methods Five watering regimes were applied based on predicted precipitation scenarios, varying the quantity of water delivered (ambient, 40% or 60% reduction) and watering frequency (40% reduction in quantity, applied 50% or 25% of ambient frequency), and the effects on growth and leaf Si concentrations of a barley landrace and cultivar were determined. Results Reductions in the quantity of water reduced plant growth and yield, whereas reducing the watering frequency had little impact on growth, and in some cases partially ameliorated the negative effects of drought. Reductions in quantity of water lowered leaf Si concentrations in both the cultivar and landrace, although this effect was alleviated under the drought/deluge watering regime. The landrace had greater leaf Si concentration than the cultivar regardless of watering regime, and under ambient watering deposited Si in all cells between trichomes, whereas the cultivar exhibited gaps in Si deposition. Conclusion The impact of future reductions in rainfall on barley productivity will depend upon how the water is delivered, with drought/deluge events likely to have smaller effects on yield and on Si uptake than continuous drought

    Volume stabilization in a warped flux compactification model

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    We investigate the stability of the extra dimensions in a warped, codimension two braneworld that is based upon an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory with a non-vanishing scalar field potential. The braneworld solution has two 3-branes, which are located at the positions of the conical singularities. For this type of brane solution the relative positions of the branes (the shape modulus) is determined via the tension-deficit relations, if the brane tensions are fixed. However, the volume of the extra dimensions (the volume modulus) is not fixed in the context of the classical theory, implying we should take quantum corrections into account. Hence, we discuss the one-loop effective potential of the volume modulus for a massless, minimally coupled scalar field.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, typos correcte

    Economic crisis and the construction of a neo-liberal regulatory regime in Korea

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    A consistent theme of the literature on the ontology of the 1997 South Korean crisis is the key role played by regulatory failures and the growing weakness of the state. This paper seeks to briefly highlight both the insights and the limitations of this approach to understanding the crisis. Having done so, we shall set out the argument that the crisis created an opportunity for reformist Korean élites to advance their longstanding, but previously frustrated, project to create a comprehensive unambiguously neo-liberal regulatory regime. This paper will also seek to highlight the implications of our reading of the development of the Korean political economy for broader debates on economic liberalisation, crisis and the future of the developmental state

    Blood glucose self-monitoring in type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine whether self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), either alone or with additional instruction in incorporating the results into self-care, is more effective than usual care in improving glycaemic control in non-insulin-treated diabetes. DESIGN: An open, parallel group randomised controlled trial. SETTING: 24 general practices in Oxfordshire and 24 in South Yorkshire, UK. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, aged &gt; or = 25 years and with glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) &gt; or = 6.2%. INTERVENTIONS: A total of 453 patients were individually randomised to one of: (1) standardised usual care with 3-monthly HbA1c (control, n = 152); (2) blood glucose self-testing with patient training focused on clinician interpretation of results in addition to usual care (less intensive self-monitoring, n = 150); (3) SMBG with additional training of patients in interpretation and application of the results to enhance motivation and maintain adherence to a healthy lifestyle (more intensive self-monitoring, n = 151). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was HBA1c at 12 months, and an intention-to-treat analysis, including all patients, was undertaken. Blood pressure, lipids, episodes of hypoglycaemia and quality of life, measured with the EuroQol 5 dimensions (EQ-5D), were secondary measures. An economic analysis was also carried out, and questionnaires were used to measure well-being, beliefs about use of SMBG and self-reports of medication taking, dietary and physical activities, and health-care resource use. RESULTS: The differences in 12-month HbA1c between the three groups (adjusted for baseline HbA1c) were not statistically significant (p = 0.12). The difference in unadjusted mean change in HbA1c from baseline to 12 months between the control and less intensive self-monitoring groups was -0.14% [95% confidence interval (CI) -0.35 to 0.07] and between the control and more intensive self-monitoring groups was -0.17% (95% CI -0.37 to 0.03). There was no evidence of a significantly different impact of self-monitoring on glycaemic control when comparing subgroups of patients defined by duration of diabetes, therapy, diabetes-related complications and EQ-5D score. The economic analysis suggested that SMBG resulted in extra health-care costs and was unlikely to be cost-effective if used routinely. There appeared to be an initial negative impact of SMBG on quality of life measured on the EQ-5D, and the potential additional lifetime gains in quality-adjusted life-years, resulting from the lower levels of risk factors achieved at the end of trial follow-up, were outweighed by these initial impacts for both SMBG groups compared with control. Some patients felt that SMBG was helpful, and there was evidence that those using more intensive self-monitoring perceived diabetes as having more serious consequences. Patients using SMBG were often not clear about the relationship between their behaviour and the test results. CONCLUSIONS: While the data do not exclude the possibility of a clinically important benefit for specific subgroups of patients in initiating good glycaemic control, SMBG by non-insulin-treated patients, with or without instruction in incorporating findings into self-care, did not lead to a significant improvement in glycaemic control compared with usual care monitored by HbA1c levels. There was no convincing evidence to support a recommendation for routine self-monitoring of all patients and no evidence of improved glycaemic control in predefined subgroups of patients

    The molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in six cities in Britain and Ireland

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    The authors sequenced the p17 coding regions of the gag gene from 211 patients infected either through injecting drug use (IDU) or by sexual intercourse between men from six cities in Scotland, N. England, N. Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. All sequences were of subtype 5. Phylogenetic analysis revealed substantial heterogeneity in the sequences from homosexual men. In contrast, sequence from over 80% of IDUs formed a relatively tight cluster, distinct both from those of published isolates and of the gay men. There was no large-scale clustering of sequences by city in either risk group, although a number of close associations between pairs of individuals were observed. From the known date of the HIV-1 epidemic among IDUs in Edinburgh, the rate of sequence divergence at synonymous sites is estimated to be about 0.8%. On this basis it has been estimated that the date of divergence of the sequences among homosexual men to be about 1975, which may correspond to the origin of the B subtype epidemic