326 research outputs found

    Forager abundance and dietary relationships in a Namib Desert ant community

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    Thirteen ant species coexist on a barren gravel plain habitat in the central Namib Desert. Numerical density of foragers of all species fluctuated considerably over a 17-month period. Peaks in abundance correlated to rainfall events and hence primary production pulses. The majority of foragers were nocturnal in summer and diurnal in winter. The community was dominated in terms of species, forager abundance and biomass by myrmicine, seed-harvesting ants. There was considerable intra-and interspecific variation in diet through time and no consistent patterns were apparent. Diet niche breadth and overlap also exhibited considerable variation between species at any one time and within a species through time. There was no consistent relationship between ant size and the size of food particle utilized. Namib Desert ants are highly opportunistic and the lack of consistent patterns suggests that interspecific competition for food is not likely to be of major importance in this community

    Output power limitations and improvements in passively mode locked GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well lasers

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    We report a novel approach for increasing the output power in passively mode locked semiconductor lasers. Our approach uses epitaxial structures with an optical trap in the bottom cladding that enlarges the vertical mode size to scale the pulse saturation energy. With this approach we demonstrate a very high peak power of 9.8 W per facet, at a repetition rate of 6.8 GHz and with pulse duration of 0.71 ps. In particular, we compare two GaAs/AlGaAs epilayer designs, a double quantum well design operating at 830 nm and a single quantum well design operating at 795 nm, with vertical mode sizes of 0.5 and 0.75 ÎŒm, respectively. We show that a larger mode size not only shifts the mode locking regime of operation toward higher powers, but also produces other improvements with respect to two main failure mechanisms that limit the output power, catastrophic optical mirror damage and catastrophic optical saturable absorber damage. For the 830-nm material structure, we also investigate the effect of nonabsorbing mirrors on output power and mode locked operation of colliding pulse mode locked lasers

    Short-term impacts of enhanced Greenland freshwater fluxes in an eddy-permitting ocean model

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    In a sensitivity experiment, an eddy-permitting ocean general circulation model is forced with realistic freshwater fluxes from the Greenland Ice Sheet, averaged for the period 1991–2000. The fluxes are obtained with a mass balance model for the ice sheet, forced with the ERA-40 reanalysis dataset. The freshwater flux is distributed around Greenland as an additional term in prescribed runoff, representing seasonal melting of the ice sheet and a fixed year-round iceberg calving flux, for 8.5 model years. By adding Greenland freshwater fluxes with realistic geographical distribution and seasonality, the experiment is designed to investigate the oceanic response to a sudden and spatially/temporally uniform amplification of ice sheet melting and discharge, rather than localized or gradual changes in freshwater flux. The impacts on regional hydrography and circulation are investigated by comparing the sensitivity experiment to a control experiment, without additional fluxes. By the end of the sensitivity experiment, the majority of additional fresh water has accumulated in Baffin Bay, and only a small fraction has reached the interior of the Labrador Sea, where winter mixed layer depth is sensitive to small changes in salinity. As a consequence, the impact on large-scale circulation is very slight. An indirect impact of strong freshening off the west coast of Greenland is a small anti-cyclonic component to the circulation around Greenland, which opposes the wind-driven cyclonic circulation and reduces net southward flow through the Canadian Archipelago by ~10%. Implications for the post-2000 acceleration of Greenland mass loss are discussed

    NEMO-ICB (v1.0): interactive icebergs in the NEMO ocean model globally configured at eddy-permitting resolution

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    An established iceberg module, ICB, is used interactively with the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) ocean model in a new implementation, NEMO–ICB (v1.0). A 30-year hindcast (1976–2005) simulation with an eddy-permitting (0.25°) global configuration of NEMO–ICB is undertaken to evaluate the influence of icebergs on sea ice, hydrography, mixed layer depths (MLDs), and ocean currents, through comparison with a control simulation in which the equivalent iceberg mass flux is applied as coastal runoff, a common forcing in ocean models. In the Southern Hemisphere (SH), drift and melting of icebergs are in balance after around 5 years, whereas the equilibration timescale for the Northern Hemisphere (NH) is 15–20 years. Iceberg drift patterns, and Southern Ocean iceberg mass, compare favourably with available observations. Freshwater forcing due to iceberg melting is most pronounced very locally, in the coastal zone around much of Antarctica, where it often exceeds in magnitude and opposes the negative freshwater fluxes associated with sea ice freezing. However, at most locations in the polar Southern Ocean, the annual-mean freshwater flux due to icebergs, if present, is typically an order of magnitude smaller than the contribution of sea ice melting and precipitation. A notable exception is the southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, where iceberg melting reaches around 50% of net precipitation over a large area. Including icebergs in place of coastal runoff, sea ice concentration and thickness are notably decreased at most locations around Antarctica, by up to ~ 20% in the eastern Weddell Sea, with more limited increases, of up to ~ 10% in the Bellingshausen Sea. Antarctic sea ice mass decreases by 2.9%, overall. As a consequence of changes in net freshwater forcing and sea ice, salinity and temperature distributions are also substantially altered. Surface salinity increases by ~ 0.1 psu around much of Antarctica, due to suppressed coastal runoff, with extensive freshening at depth, extending to the greatest depths in the polar Southern Ocean where discernible effects on both salinity and temperature reach 2500 m in the Weddell Sea by the last pentad of the simulation. Substantial physical and dynamical responses to icebergs, throughout the global ocean, are explained by rapid propagation of density anomalies from high-to-low latitudes. Complementary to the baseline model used here, three prototype modifications to NEMO–ICB are also introduced and discussed

    Nuclear Structure Functions in the Large x Large Q^2 Kinematic Region in Neutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    Data from the CCFR E770 Neutrino Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) experiment at Fermilab contain events with large Bjorken x (x>0.7) and high momentum transfer (Q^2>50 (GeV/c)^2). A comparison of the data with a model based on no nuclear effects at large x, shows a significant excess of events in the data. Addition of Fermi gas motion of the nucleons in the nucleus to the model does not explain the excess. Adding a higher momentum tail due to the formation of ``quasi-deuterons'' makes some improvement. An exponentially falling F_2 \propto e^-s(x-x_0) at large x, predicted by ``multi-quark clusters'' and ``few-nucleon correlations'', can describe the data. A value of s=8.3 \pm 0.7(stat.)\pm 0.7(sys.) yields the best agreement with the data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Sibmitted to PR

    Determination of the Strange Quark Content of the Nucleon from a Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Analysis of Neutrino Charm Production

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    We present the first next-to-leading-order QCD analysis of neutrino charm production, using a sample of 6090 ΜΌ\nu_\mu- and ΜˉΌ\bar\nu_\mu-induced opposite-sign dimuon events observed in the CCFR detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find that the nucleon strange quark content is suppressed with respect to the non-strange sea quarks by a factor \kappa = 0.477 \: ^{+\:0.063}_{-\:0.053}, where the error includes statistical, systematic and QCD scale uncertainties. In contrast to previous leading order analyses, we find that the strange sea xx-dependence is similar to that of the non-strange sea, and that the measured charm quark mass, mc=1.70±0.19 GeV/c2m_c = 1.70 \pm 0.19 \:{\rm GeV/c}^2, is larger and consistent with that determined in other processes. Further analysis finds that the difference in xx-distributions between xs(x)xs(x) and xsˉ(x)x\bar s(x) is small. A measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element ∣Vcd∣=0.232− 0.020+ 0.018|V_{cd}|=0.232 ^{+\:0.018}_{-\:0.020} is also presented. uufile containing compressed postscript files of five Figures is appended at the end of the LaTeX source.Comment: Nevis R#150

    Editorial: Advancing our commitment to antiracist scholarship

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    Social work prides itself as a profession committed to improving the lives of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. Achieving this mission requires candid conversations about racism as a social justice and public health issue and the role of social work in dismantling white supremacy and promoting racial justice. At its core, research on social work practice and policy should focus on examining how racism and inequality undermine the health, well-being, and social mobility of diverse and marginalized populations. We write this statement as a call to social work researchers to prioritize pursuits that will surface and motivate action to address the causes and consequences of racism. We also call on researchers to renew their commitment to scholarship that alleviates the suffering in Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color

    Drug-Resistance and population structure of plasmodium falciparum across the democratic Republic of Congo using high-Throughput molecular inversion probes

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    A better understanding of the drivers of the spread of malaria parasites and drug resistance across space and time is needed. These drivers can be elucidated using genetic tools. Here, a novel molecular inversion probe (MIP) panel targeting all major drug-resistance mutations and a set of microsatellites was used to genotype Plasmodium falciparum infections of 552 children from the 2013–2014 Demographic and Health Survey conducted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Microsatellite-based analysis of population structure suggests that parasites within the DRC form a homogeneous population. In contrast, sulfadoxine-resistance markers in dihydropteroate synthase show marked spatial structure with ongoing spread of double and triple mutants compared with 2007. These findings suggest that parasites in the DRC remain panmictic despite rapidly spreading antimalarial-resistance mutations. Moreover, highly multiplexed targeted sequencing using MIPs emerges as a cost-effective method for elucidating pathogen genetics in complex infections in large cohorts
