656 research outputs found

    Объективные ограничения по увеличению количества доноров для трансплантации сердца

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    Cardiac transplantation is an established therapy for end-stage heart failure. The number of heart transplant procedures performed worldwide has remained relatively unchanged in recent years. Although mortality rates on the waiting list have improved due to improved ventricular assist devices and rhythm correction techniques, it remains imperative to maximize use of all potential donor hearts. The recipient now presents with multiple complexities. The continued divergence between the rising number of transplant candidates added to the transplant waiting list and the number of suitable organ donors has increased pressure on clinicians to maximize the use of available thoracic organs for transplantation.Трансплантация сердца признана методом выбора лечения терминальной сердечной недостаточности. В последние годы число таких операций остается неизменным во всем мире. Несмотря на снижение смертности в листе ожидания, благодаря применению различных методов вспомогательного кровообращения остается актуальным максимальное использование всего донорского потенциала. Реципиенты донорского сердца имеют все больше сопутствующей патологии. Сохраняющаяся диспропорция между увеличением числа кандидатов на трансплантацию сердца и количеством доступных органов требует максимального использования торакальных органов для трансплантации

    Mechanical coupling in flashing ratchets

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    We consider the transport of rigid objects with internal structure in a flashing ratchet potential by investigating the overdamped behavior of a rod-like chain of evenly spaced point particles. In 1D, analytical arguments show that the velocity can reverse direction multiple times in response to changing the size of the chain or the temperature of the heat bath. The physical reason is that the effective potential experienced by the mechanically coupled objects can have a different symmetry than that of individual objects. All analytical predictions are confirmed by Brownian dynamics simulations. These results may provide a route to simple, coarse-grained models of molecular motor transport that incorporate an object's size and rotational degrees of freedom into the mechanism of transport.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Magnetoresistance of Granular Ferromagnets - Observation of a Magnetic Proximity Effect?

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    We have observed a superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in films of isolated Ni grains covered by non-magnetic overlayers. The magnetoresistance (MR) of the films was measured as a function of the overlayer thickness. Initially, the granular Ni films exhibited negative MR curves peaked at H=0. As different materials were deposited onto the grains hysteresis developed in the MR. This behavior is ascribed to an increase of the typical domain size due to magnetic coupling between grains. The strength of the inter-grain coupling is found to correlate with the magnetic susceptibility of the overlayer material. We discuss possible mechanisms for this coupling and suggest that the data may reflect the existence of a magnetic proximity effect (analogous to the well-known effect in superconductivity) in which a ferromagnetic moment is induced in the metallic non-magnetic medium.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Theortetical Models of Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    The recent discoveries of giant planets around nearby stars have galvanized the planetary science community, astronomers, and the public at large. Since {\it direct} detection is now feasible, and is suggested by the recent acquisition of Gl229 B, it is crucial for the future of extrasolar planet searches that the fluxes, evolution, and physical structure of objects from Saturn's mass to 15 Juipter masses be theoretically investigated. We discuss our first attempts to explore the characteristics of extrasolar giant planets (EGPs), in aid of both NASA's and ESA's recent plans to search for such planets around nearby stars.Comment: LaTeX, using espcrc2.sty style files from Elsevier, 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on "Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe," ed. by D. Sanders et al. (Nuclear Physics B Supplement), 199

    Discovery of Stable and Selective Antibody Mimetics from Combinatorial Libraries of Polyvalent, Loop-Functionalized Peptoid Nanosheets.

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    The ability of antibodies to bind a wide variety of analytes with high specificity and high affinity makes them ideal candidates for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. However, the poor stability and high production cost of antibodies have prompted exploration of a variety of synthetic materials capable of specific molecular recognition. Unfortunately, it remains a fundamental challenge to create a chemically diverse population of protein-like, folded synthetic nanostructures with defined molecular conformations in water. Here we report the synthesis and screening of combinatorial libraries of sequence-defined peptoid polymers engineered to fold into ordered, supramolecular nanosheets displaying a high spatial density of diverse, conformationally constrained peptoid loops on their surface. These polyvalent, loop-functionalized nanosheets were screened using a homogeneous Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay for binding to a variety of protein targets. Peptoid sequences were identified that bound to the heptameric protein, anthrax protective antigen, with high avidity and selectivity. These nanosheets were shown to be resistant to proteolytic degradation, and the binding was shown to be dependent on the loop display density. This work demonstrates that key aspects of antibody structure and function-the creation of multivalent, combinatorial chemical diversity within a well-defined folded structure-can be realized with completely synthetic materials. This approach enables the rapid discovery of biomimetic affinity reagents that combine the durability of synthetic materials with the specificity of biomolecular materials

    Evaluation of antigens for the serodiagnosis of kala-azar and oriental sores by means of the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT)

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    Antigens and corresponding sera were collected from travellers with leishmaniasis returning to Germany from different endemic areas of the old world. The antigenicity of these Leishmania strains, which were maintained in Syrian hamsters, was compared by indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). Antigenicity was demonstrated by antibody titres in 18 sera from 11 patients. The amastigotic stages of nine strains of Leishmania donovani and four strains of Leishmania tropica were compared with each other and with the culture forms of insect flagellates (Strigomonas oncopelti and Leptomonas ctenocephali). Eighteen sera from 11 patients were available for antibody determination with these antigens. The maximal antibody titres in a single serum varied considerably depending on which antigen was used for the test. High antibody levels could only be maintained when Leishmania donovani was employed as the antigen, but considerable differences also occurred between the different strains of this species. The other antigens were weaker. No differences in antigenicity between amastigotes and promastigotes of the same strain were observed. It is important to select suitable antigens. Low titres may be of doubtful specificity and are a poor baseline for the fall in titre which is an essential index of effective treatment.Wir sammelten Parasiten und Seren von Reisenden, die aus verschiedenen endemischen Gebieten der Alten Welt mit einer Leishmaniasis nach Deutschland zurückkehrten. Die Antigenaktivitäten der isolierten und fortlaufend in Goldhamstern gehaltenenLeishmania-Stämme wurden im indirekten Immunofluoreszenztest (IFAT) verglichen. Die Antigenität wurde an Hand von Antikörpertitern in 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten bewiesen. Neun Stämme desLeishmania donovani-Komplexes und vierLeishmania tropica-Isolate wurden in ihrem amastigoten Stadium miteinander verglichen. Hinzu kamen zwei Insekten-Flagellaten als Kulturformen:Strigomonas oncopelti undLeptomonas ctenocephali. 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten standen für die Antikörperbestimmung mit diesen Antigenen zur Verfügung. Die maximalen Titerhöhen variierten in ein- und derselben antiserumprobe zum Teil erheblich, je nachdem, welches Antigen für den Test benutzt wurde. Hohe Antikörpertiter konnten nur erhalten werden, wennLeishmania donovani als Antigen vorlag, es ergaben sich aber auch zwischen den einzelnen Stämmen dieser Leishmaniaart erhebliche Unterschiede in der Antigenaktivität. Antigene anderer Art erwiesen sich als wenig wirksam. Zwischen amastigoten und promastigoten Entwicklungsformen einesLeishmania donovani-Stammes konnten keine Unterschiede in der Antigenaktivität erkannt werden. Für den Nachweis möglichst hoher Antikörpertiter im IFAT ist die Auswahl geeigneter Antigene von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Niedrige Titer erschweren deren Beurteilung als spezifisch und sind eine schlechte Ausgangsposition für die Beobachtung des obligatorischen Titerabfalles nach erfolgreicher Therapie

    Sterols sense swelling in lipid bilayers

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    In the mimetic membrane system of phosphatidylcholine bilayers, thickening (pre-critical behavior, anomalous swelling) of the bilayers is observed, in the vicinity of the main transition, which is non-linear with temperature. The sterols cholesterol and androsten are used as sensors in a time-resolved simultaneous small- and wide angle x-ray diffraction study to investigate the cause of the thickening. We observe precritical behavior in the pure lipid system, as well as with sterol concentrations less than 15%. To describe the precritical behavior we introduce a theory of precritical phenomena.The good temperature resolution of the data shows that a theory of the influence of fluctuations needs modification. The main cause of the critical behavior appears to be a changing hydration of the bilayer.Comment: 11 pages, 7 ps figures included, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Young Stellar Objects and Triggered Star Formation in the Vulpecula OB Association

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    The Vulpecula OB association, VulOB1, is a region of active star formation located in the Galactic plane at 2.3 kpc from the Sun. Previous studies suggest that sequential star formation is propagating along this 100 pc long molecular complex. In this paper, we use Spitzer MIPSGAL and GLIMPSE data to reconstruct the star formation history of VulOB1, and search for signatures of past triggering events. We make a census of Young Stellar Objects (YSO) in VulOB1 based on IR color and magnitude criteria, and we rely on the properties and nature of these YSOs to trace recent episodes of massive star formation. We find 856 YSO candidates, and show that the evolutionary stage of the YSO population in VulOB1 is rather homogeneous - ruling out the scenario of propagating star formation. We estimate the current star formation efficiency to be ~8 %. We also report the discovery of a dozen pillar-like structures, which are confirmed to be sites of small scale triggered star formation.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap