275 research outputs found

    Hardware-Software Co-Design of BIKE with HLS-Generated Accelerators

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    In order to mitigate the security threat of quantum computers, NIST is undertaking a process to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems, aiming to assess their security and speed up their adoption in production scenarios. Several hardware and software implementations have been proposed for each candidate, while only a few target heterogeneous platforms featuring CPUs and FPGAs. This work presents a HW/SW co-design of BIKE for embedded platforms featuring both CPUs and small FPGAs and employs high-level synthesis (HLS) to timely deliver the hardware accelerators. In contrast to state-of-the-art solutions targeting performance-optimized HLS accelerators, the proposed solution targets the small FPGAs implemented in the heterogeneous platforms for embedded systems. Compared to the software- only execution of BIKE, the experimental results collected on the systems-on-chip of the entire Xilinx Zynq-7000 family highlight a performance speedup ranging from 1.37x, on Z-7010, to 2.78x, on Z-7020

    Scramble Suit: A Profile Differentiation Countermeasure to Prevent Template Attacks

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    Ensuring protection against side channel attacks is a crucial requirement in the design of modern secure embedded systems. Profiled side channel attacks, the class to which template attacks and machine learning attacks belong, derive a model of the side channel behavior of a device identical to the target one, and exploit the said model to extract the key from the target, under the hypothesis that the side channel behaviors of the two devices match. We propose an architectural countermeasure against cross-device profiled attacks which differentiates the side-channel behavior of different instances of the same hardware design, preventing the reuse of a model derived on a device other than the target one. In particular, we describe an instance of our solution providing a protected hardware implementation of the AES block cipher and experimentally validate its resistance against both Bayesian templates and machine learning approaches based on support vector machines also considering different state of the art feature reduction techniques to increase the effectiveness of the profiled attacks. Results show that our countermeasure foils the key retrieval attempts via profiled attacks ensuring a key derivation accuracy equivalent to a random guess

    Reorganization of Active Surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in Emilia-Romagna, Italy: a two-step Public Health intervention

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK: The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee declared in 2014 that poliovirus circulation is a public health emergency of international concern. In 2017 and 2018 Italy was classified at intermediate risk of poliovirus reintroduction based on suboptimal poliovirus surveillance. Acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance is the gold standard in the polio eradication process. The aims of this study were to investigate the causes of reduced acute flaccid paralysis case reporting in Emilia-Romagna in the last few years (step 1) and to study a public health intervention to restore an adequate level of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in that region (step 2). METHODS: In the first step a context analysis was performed by analysing the 2015-2017 Hospital Discharge Registers in Emilia-Romagna with the ICD-9-CM differential diagnosis codes for acute flaccid paralysis. Data from context analysis was then used to plan a new regional collaborative network of acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance. RESULTS: The active surveillance network was, at the end of the study, composed by 49 doctors from both hospital administrations and clinical wards from 4 University Hospitals and 7 Local Health Authorities throughout the Region. In 15 months, 7 acute flaccid paralysis cases have been reported; 85,7% received a full clinical and virological investigation and 83,3% completed the 60 day's follow-up. The mean response to each e-mail was 48,5% (SD 7,5%). CONCLUSIONS: In 2019, the Emilia-Romagna's active surveillance system reached the sensitivity, completeness of case investigation and follow-up required to achieve the minimum levels for certification standard surveillance

    Patient perspectives on nurse-led consultations within a pilot structured transition program for young adults moving from an academic tertiary setting to community-based type 1 diabetes care

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    Purpose: We aimed to evaluate patient self-management activities, patient perceptions of the therapeutic relationship and satisfaction with nurse-led consultations as part of a structured, pilot program transitioning young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) to adult-oriented community-based practices. Design and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study of patients receiving nurse-led consultations. Patients provided sociodemographic/health information, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) measures and completed questionnaires assessing self-management (Revised Self-Care Inventory) and the therapeutic relationship (Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction – short scale). HbA1c values were compared to guideline recommendations. Results: Twenty patients participated. HbA1c was ≤7.5% in 3/14 (21%) and 5/14 (36%) exhibited poor glycemic control (≥9.5%). The greatest concordance for self-care was in relation to insulin therapy (4.5 ± 0.5) while patients reported the lowest adherence to diet recommendations (2.9 ± 0.8). Overall satisfaction with nurse-led consultations was high (4 ± 0.5 out of 5). Patients considered diabetes knowledge and technical competence as very important and were most pleased with the humanistic aspects of nursing care. Respect for privacy was deemed the most important (and most frequently observed) nursing attitude/behavior during consultations. Conclusions: Young adults found the nurse-led consultations with therapeutic education to develop T1DM selfcare skills are an important complement to medical management during transition. Practice Implications: Patient autonomy and privacy should be respected during this developmental period. Nurses taking a humanistic approach towards accompanying and supporting the patient can enhance the therapeutic relationship during transition and promote continuity of care. Transition nurses can use technical competence and therapeutic education to empower patients for self-management

    Neurocognitive impact of metal exposure and social stressors among schoolchildren in Taranto, Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Metal exposure is a public health hazard due to neurocognitive effects starting in early life. Poor socio-economic status, adverse home and family environment can enhance the neurodevelopmental toxicity due to chemical exposure. Disadvantaged socio-economic conditions are generally higher in environmentally impacted areas although the combined effect of these two factors has not been sufficiently studied. METHODS: The effect of co-exposure to neurotoxic metals including arsenic, cadmium, manganese, mercury, lead, selenium, and to socio-economic stressors was assessed in a group of 299 children aged 6-12\u2009years, residing at incremental distance from industrial emissions in Taranto, Italy. Exposure was assessed with biological monitoring and the distance between the home address and the exposure point source. Children's cognitive functions were examined using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Linear mixed models were chosen to assess the association between metal exposure, socio-economic status and neurocognitive outcomes. RESULTS: Urinary arsenic, cadmium and hair manganese resulted inversely related to the distance from the industrial emission source (\u3b2 -\u20090.04; 95% CI -0.06, -\u20090.01; \u3b2 -\u20090.02; 95% CI -0.05, -\u20090.001; \u3b2 -\u20090.02 95% CI -0.05, -\u20090.003) while the WISC intellectual quotient and its sub-scores (except processing speed index) showed a positive association with distance. Blood lead and urinary cadmium were negatively associated with the IQ total score and all sub-scores, although not reaching the significance level. Hair manganese and blood lead was positively associated with the CANTAB between errors of spatial working memory (\u3b2 2.2; 95% CI 0.3, 3.9) and the reaction time of stop signal task (\u3b2 0.05; 95% CI 0.02, 0.1) respectively. All the other CANTAB neurocognitive tests did not show to be significantly influenced by metal exposure. The highest socio-economic status showed about five points intellectual quotient more than the lowest level on average (\u3b2 4.8; 95% CI 0.3, 9.6); the interaction term between blood lead and the socio-economic status showed a significant negative impact of lead on working memory at the lowest socio-economic status level (\u3b2 -\u20094.0; 95% CI -6.9, -\u20091.1). CONCLUSIONS: Metal exposure and the distance from industrial emission was associated with negative cognitive impacts in these children. Lead exposure had neurocognitive effect even at very low levels of blood lead concentration when socio-economic status is low, and this should further address the importance and prioritize preventive and regulatory interventions

    Procedure in sala dialisi durante l’emergenza Covid-19

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    Scopo Scopo del presente documento \ue8 definire modalit\ue0 omogenee di gestione del paziente dializzato a partire dalla comparsa di casi accertati nella popolazione italiana di infezione da nuovo Coronavirus 2019-nCoV (Covid-19). Applicabilit\ue0 Il presente documento si applica alle attivit\ue0 di sala dialitica di seguito descritte. Il documento \ue8 attualmente in applicazione presso i due presidi ospedalieri dell\u2019ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo e relativi CAL Mompiani e Rozzano. Descrizione Questo documento espone le misure di prevenzione e di controllo della diffusione dell\u2019infezione da nuovo Coronavirus, attuate dal giorno 24/02/2020 dal personale dell\u2019unit\ue0 operativa dialisi al fine di limitare la trasmissione da persona a persona. Le indicazioni che seguono hanno quindi l\u2019obiettivo di garantire l\u2019uniformit\ue0 di comportamento degli operatori sanitari nel confronto dei pazienti afferenti al centro, al fine di identificare e gestire i casi sospetti, probabili e confermati da infezione da Coronavirus. Tutti i pazienti che giungono in ospedale per eseguire la seduta emodialitica vengono considerati \u201cpotenzialmente\u201d infetti da Covid-19 e, pertanto, tutti gli operatori e tutti i pazienti devono seguire le indicazioni del protocollo sui dispositivi di protezione individuale (DPI): l\u2019igiene delle mani, l\u2019utilizzo della cuffia, mascherina chirurgica occhiali o visiera, guanti e camice come da procedure


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    Norovirus is the most prevalent causative agent of foodborne diseases. However, the detection of this virus in foods other than shellfish is often time-consuming and unsuccessful. The objective of this study is to compare PEG and ultrafiltration techniques for viral concentration in bivalve molluscs. An experiment with Coxsackie B5 and feline Calicivirus strain F is conduct to determine the efficiency of each virus concentration. Ultrafiltration technique is the most indicated

    Left ventricular free wall impeding rupture in post-myocardial infarction period diagnosed by myocardial contrast echocardiography: Case report

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    BACKGROUND: Left ventricular free wall rupture occurs in up to 10% of the in-hospital deaths following myocardial infarction. It is mainly associated with posterolateral myocardial infarction and its antemortem diagnosis is rarely made. Contrast echocardiography has been increasingly used for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction, with important prognostic implications. In this case, we reported its use for the detection of a mechanical complication following myocardial infarction. CASE PRESENTATION: A 50-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall underwent myocardial contrast echocardiography for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in the third day post-infarction. A perfusion defect was detected in lateral and inferior walls as well as the presence of contrast extrusion from the left ventricular cavity into the myocardium, forming a serpiginous duct extending from the endocardium to the epicardial region of the lateral wall, without communication with the pericardial space. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of impending rupture of the left ventricular free wall. While waiting for cardiac surgery, patient presented with cardiogenic shock and died. Anatomopathological findings were consistent with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall and a left ventricular free wall rupture at the infarct site. CONCLUSION: This case illustrates the early diagnosis of left ventricular free wall rupture by contrast echocardiography. Due to its ability to be performed at bedside this modality of imaging has the potential to identify this catastrophic condition in patients with acute myocardial infarction and help to treat these patients with emergent surgery
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