720 research outputs found

    Relative hermitian morita theory. Part II : Hermitian Morita contexts

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    We introduce the notion of a relative hermitian Morita context between torsion triples and show how these induce equivalences between suitable quotient categories of left and right modules. Due to the lack of involutive bimodules, the induced Morita equivalences are not necessarily hermitian, however

    De evolutie van de Belgische visserijsector in 1993

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    This series gives an overview of the evolutions in the Belgian marine fisheries with concise data on the fleet, returns, foreign and domestic trade, processing industry and employment

    Tweede verblijven in breedbeeld

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    Platelet count and liver function tests in proteinuric and chronic hypertension in pregnancy

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    Platelet counts and plasma enzyme estimations were performed in 207 pregnant patients with proteinuric hypertension and in 60 patients with chronic hypertension. Patients with abruptio placentae were excluded. In the proteinuric hypertensive patients a low platelet count « 150000/mm3 ) was found in 63 (30%) and elevated transaminase levels in 50 (24%) and both abnormalities were present in 47 patients (23%). The serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) value was mildly elevated in most proteinuric hypertensive women, but a markedly elevated LDH level ( > 400 IU/I) was usually associated with other evidence of liver necrosis. Raised plasma alkaline phosphatase and -y-glutamyhransferase levels were not related to the occurrence or severity of liver necrosis. In proteinuric hypertensive patients a low platelet count or elevated transaminase level was associated with deteriorating renal function, increased maternal morbidity, increased incidence of low-birth-weight babies and a raised perinatal mortality rate (149/1 000). In patients with chronic hypertension, 1 had a low platelet count but none had elevated transaminase, LDH or other enzyme levels and there was no recorded perinatal mortality

    Effect of the use of a video tutorial in addition to simulation in learning the maneuvers for shoulder dystocia

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    The development of video tutorials is flourishing and may make it possible to maintain knowledge learned during instruction with simulation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of adding a video tutorial to a lecture and simulation for learning the maneuvers and protocol for the management of shoulder dystocia. Student midwives and medical students attended a lecture class including instruction about maneuvers and a presentation of an algorithm for the management of shoulder dystocia. They were randomized into two groups. The video group was reminded every two weeks to watch a short tutorial. The control group was reminded to consult the slide show. At the end of two months, they were evaluated by graders. The practice, theory, and global scores of the students in the video group were significantly higher than those of the students in the control group (14.8 vs. 10.4; 5.6 vs. 3.4; and 9.3 vs. 7.0, P<0.001). The scores for the video group improved at the second simulation session, compared with the first (14.8 vs. 9.9; 5.6 vs. 2.9; and 9.3 vs. 7, P<0.001). The addition of a video tutorial improved learning compared to a standard lecture and simulation session alone

    Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in women with pregnancies ending in birth

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in women with pregnancies ending in birth. METHODS: A two-phase psychometric evaluation design was set-up. Phase I comprised the translation from English into Dutch and pretesting with 6 women using cognitive interviews. In phase II, the reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the LMUP was assessed in 517 women giving birth recently. Reliability (internal consistency) was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, inter-item correlations, and corrected item-total correlations. Construct validity was assessed using principal components analysis and hypothesis testing. Exploratory Mokken scale analysis was carried out. RESULTS: 517 women aged 15-45 completed the Dutch version of the LMUP. Reliability testing showed acceptable internal consistency (alpha = 0.74, positive inter-item correlations between all items, all corrected item-total correlations >0.20). Validity testing confirmed the unidimensional structure of the scale and all hypotheses were confirmed. The overall Loevinger's H coefficient was 0.57, representing a 'strong' scale. CONCLUSION: The Dutch version of the LMUP is a reliable and valid measure that can be used in the Dutch-speaking population in Belgium to assess pregnancy planning. Future research is necessary to assess the stability of the Dutch version of the LMUP, and to evaluate its psychometric properties in women with abortions

    Reconstruction microchirurgicale et prise en charge globale des patients porteurs de cancer ORL : l’importance d’une approche qualité et d’un circuit protocolisé [Microsurgical reconstruction and full management of patients with head and neck cancer: Importance of a quality approach and a circuit protocolisation]

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    Main of study: Management and surgical reconstruction of head and neck cancers remain a challenge. From the first consultation to surgery and radiotherapy, it is necessary to save time to ensure optimum treatment and better survival rates. Objectif: To establish a kind of quality approach to the management of patients with head and neck cancers. 54 patients who had microsurgical reconstruction after head and neck cancer were included in this study between 1997 and 2006. Results : Multiple data were considered: body mass index (BMI), ASA stage, age, existence of a pre-or postoperative radiotherapy, the surgeon's experience and the number of veins drainage. The success rate is superior when more than one draining vein is sutured to the flap for patients with a BMI > 20. Radiotherapy does not seem to affect the survival of the flap. Conclusion: According to current literature, the survival rate of these patients is better when the overall time care is less than 100 days. That period is possible with a perfect organization of the medical and paramedical team. Therefore, we propose to include these patients in a circuit protocolisation care, which saves time, to better inform patients and improve survival rates. Buts: la prise en charge et la reconstruction chirurgicale des cancers ORL restent un challenge. De la première consultation à la chirurgie et la radiothérapie, il est nécessaire de gagner du temps afin d’assurer une traitement optimum et un meilleur taux de survie. Objectif : établir une sorte d’approche qualité de la prise en charge des patients porteurs de cancers ORL. 54 patients qui ont bénéficié d’une reconstruction microchirurgicale suite à un cancer ORL ont été inclus dans cette étude entre 1997 et 2006. Résultats : plusieurs données ont été étudiées : l’index de masse corporelle (IMC), le stade ASA, l’âge, l’existence d’une radiothérapie pré ou post opératoire, l’expérience du chirurgien ainsi que le nombre de veines de drainage. Le taux de succès se révèle supérieur lorsque plus d’une veine de drainage est suturée au lambeau, pour des patients ayant un IMC > 20. La radiothérapie ne semble pas avoir de répercussion sur la survie du lambeau. Conclusion : conformément à la littérature actuelle, le taux de survie de ces patients est meilleur lorsque le temps global de prise en charge est inférieur à 100 jours. Ce délai court n’est possible qu’avec une parfaite organisation de l’équipe médicale et paramédicale. De ce fait, nous proposons d’inclure ces patients dans un circuit de prise en charge protocolisé, ce qui permet de gagner du temps, de mieux informer le patient et d’améliorer le taux de survie

    Use of the infra hyoid musculo-cutaneous flap in soft palate reconstruction.

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    To review a series of 23 consecutive patients with squamous cell carcinomas arising from oropharynx who underwent infra hyoid musculo-cutaneous flap reconstruction including soft palate in alternative to free radial forearm flap or maxillofacial prosthesis. Post operative radiotherapy was performed for all patients.Every reconstruction healed quickly without major wound complications. The functional results evaluated by speech and swallowing capacities, were good for 17 patients, fair for 4 patients and bad for 2.The infra hyoid musculo-cutaneous flap is a versatile, reliable and convenient flap suitable for repairing small and medium sized defects; it can be used in combination with other flaps, and in selected cases obviates the need for a microvascular free radial forearm flap or maxillofacial prosthesis
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