142 research outputs found

    The Social Determinants of Risky Driving on the Intercity Roads of Tehran Province, Iran: A Case-Cohort Study

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    Background: Traffic accidents are the major cause of injuries that endanger the lives of many people annually. It seems that studying the factors and grounds of this type of event including risky driving contributes to the identification of groups at risk and development of preventive programs. Objectives: Given the importance of this issue, we decided to conduct a study to examine the social factors of risky driving. Methods: The present study was implemented based on a case-cohort design. The target community was all the drivers who drove on the intercity roads of Tehran Province. Each driver with and without a history of being guilty in a car accident leading to injury or death during the last 5 years was assigned to the case and control groups, respectively. The questionnaires were completed through a review of documents and interview within the groups. In the analytical analysis, a chi-square test and, if necessary, the odds ratio and confidence intervals were used to determine the relationship between the variables. In each case, the necessary investigation of confounding or interacting variables was performed using regression models and the final model of the factors affecting a risky driving was extracted. Results: From a total of 990 drivers studied, 54 cases (5.5%) were females and 936 (94.5%) were males. The mean and SD of the drivers’ ages were 39.4 and 11.8 years, respectively. People with a driving job, chronic disease, poor socio-economic status, having only a family dispute, without a religious attitude, and under medical supervision (all with P < 0.001), secondary education (P = 0.01), women (P = 0.01), using drugs (P = 0.03) were found to have a greater history of road traffic injuries or deaths. Conclusions: This study showed that gender, education level, occupation, socioeconomic status, medical care, health condition, lifestyle, family conflict, drug abuse history, and religious attitudes are the major social factors of risky driving on the intercity roads of Tehran Province

    Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide effectiveness in fungal desinfection of Acipenser persicus eggs

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    Fungal infection during incubation of A cipenser persicus eggs claims high mortalities in the hatcheries each year. Malachite Green has been used for many years to disinfect eggs during incubation, but recent studies have shown that the compound might be toxic and potentially mutagenic. In addition, there are implications in the literature for the chemical to be teratogenic and tumor promoter in animals and humans. One of the best replacements for the chemical is Hydrogen Peroxide (H_2O_2) which has been categorized as a low priority regulation (LPR) drug by FDA. During a two year study, six experiments were carried out on the effectiveness of Malachite Green and Hydrogen Peroxide on the infected eggs of Persian sturgeon with fungi while keeping another group of the eggs as control in Yuschenkov incubators. The chemicals were applied to the eggs at a concentration of 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 and 9000 ml/l. Hatching rate and number of fungal colonies weight percentage of infected to that of healthy eggs were used to assess the usefulness of the chemicals in controling the infection. The results showed that eggs treated with 1000 and 1500 ml/l of H_20_2, compared to Malachite Green and other doses of the chemicals, had higher hatching rate, and were free from fungal infections. The separation and removal of the infected eggs was also easier when H_2O_2 was used. Hence, the chemical can be introduced to the sturgeon hatcheries as an appropriate anti-fungal agent

    Analytical investigation of the one dimensional heat transfer in logarithmic various surfaces

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    AbstractThe purpose of the present study was to investigate of the effect of temperature variation on the logarithmic surface. By using the appropriate similarity transformation for the generation components and temperature, the basic equations governing flow and heat transfer are reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations. These equations have been solved approximately subject to the relevant boundary conditions with numerical and analytical techniques. The reliability and performance of the present method have been compared with the numerical method (Runge–Kutta fourth-rate) to solve this problem. Then, LSM is used to solve nonlinear equation in heat transfer. This method is useful and practical for solving the nonlinear equation in heat transfer. It is observed that the obtained results by present analytical method are very close to result of the numerical method. Furthermore, the results show that the temperature profiles decreased by increasing the α number, and, temperature profiles increased by increasing the β number

    Investigating the relationship between low serum cholesterol and suicide in attempters with depression

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    Background & Objective: It has been postulated that depressed individuals with low total cholesterol levels may be more likely to die prematurely from suicide. This study aimed to examine the association between low serum cholesterol and suicide in depressed attempters. Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 180 suicide attempters, who met the inclusion criteria and were willing to participate in the study, were recruited in 2017. The data was collected using a demographic questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II). The blood cholesterol level was measured via an auto-analyzer. Results: The mean age was 26.39±10.75 years. The average cholesterol level in the moderate, severe, and serious depression groups was 151.30±35.23, 145.89±36.32, and 145.15±33.33, respectively. The mean age was higher in the group with a higher depression level, though the difference was not significant (P=0.06). The percentage of suicide attempts in single individuals was significantly higher (P=0.02). The mean cholesterol level in the group with the highest level of depression was the lowest, but the difference was insignificant (r=-.01, P=0.85). Only in females, the level of blood cholesterol showed a nearly significant difference between groups with different severities of depression (P=0.05). Cholesterol had a significant correlation with suicide frequency (P=0.008, r=0.28). Conclusion: Our results revealed no significant association between low serum cholesterol and suicide in attempters with depression; but low total serum cholesterol may be associated with depression and suicide in depressed subjects. Yet, more studies are required for verification of this causality. © 2020, Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research. All rights reserved

    Noscapine modulates neuronal response to oxygen-glucose deprivation/reperfusion injury via activation of sigma-1 receptor in primary cortical cultures

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    In the present study, we investigated the effects of noscapine (0.5-2 μM), an alkaloid from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), on primary murine cortical neurons exposed to 60 min oxygen�glucose deprivation (OGD) in the presence of 5 μM BD-1047, a selective sigma-1 receptor antagonist. The experiments were performed on cortical neurons after 11�16 days of culture. To initiate oxygen�glucose deprivation, the culture medium was transferred to glucosefree DMEM, and placed in a humidified incubation chamber containing a mixture of 95 N2 and 5 CO2 at 37 °C for 60 min. In order to explore the effect on neurons under oxygen�glucose deprivation in this condition, some cultures were pretreated with noscapine and BD1047 together, 24 h prior to OGD followed by 24 h recovery. Cell viability, nitric oxide (NO) production and intracellular calcium concentration (Ca2+i) levels were evaluated by MTT assay, the modified Griess method, and Fura-2, respectively. Pretreatment of the cultures with noscapine in the presence of BD1047 significantly increased cell viability and decreased NO generation in a dosedependent manner compared to BD1047 alone. Pretreatment with 2 μM noscapine and BD-1047 was shown to decrease the rise in Ca2+i induced by sodium azide (NaN3) and glucose deprivation. We concluded that noscapine in the presence of BD1047 could protect primary cortical neurons after oxygen�glucose deprivation-induced cell injury but this effect was not complete. Our results indicate that neuroprotective effects of noscapine could be mediated partially through activation of sigma-1 receptor and by decreasing NO production and Ca2+i levels. © 2020, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. All rights reserved

    Suppression of Motor Cortical Excitability in Anesthetized Rats by Low Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a widely-used method for modulating cortical excitability in humans, by mechanisms thought to involve use-dependent synaptic plasticity. For example, when low frequency rTMS (LF rTMS) is applied over the motor cortex, in humans, it predictably leads to a suppression of the motor evoked potential (MEP), presumably reflecting long-term depression (LTD) – like mechanisms. Yet how closely such rTMS effects actually match LTD is unknown. We therefore sought to (1) reproduce cortico-spinal depression by LF rTMS in rats, (2) establish a reliable animal model for rTMS effects that may enable mechanistic studies, and (3) test whether LTD-like properties are evident in the rat LF rTMS setup. Lateralized MEPs were obtained from anesthetized Long-Evans rats. To test frequency-dependence of LF rTMS, rats underwent rTMS at one of three frequencies, 0.25, 0.5, or 1 Hz. We next tested the dependence of rTMS effects on N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor (NMDAR), by application of two NMDAR antagonists. We find that 1 Hz rTMS preferentially depresses unilateral MEP in rats, and that this LTD-like effect is blocked by NMDAR antagonists. These are the first electrophysiological data showing depression of cortical excitability following LF rTMS in rats, and the first to demonstrate dependence of this form of cortical plasticity on the NMDAR. We also note that our report is the first to show that the capacity for LTD-type cortical suppression by rTMS is present under barbiturate anesthesia, suggesting that future neuromodulatory rTMS applications under anesthesia may be considered

    The effect of noscapine on oxygen-glucose deprivation on primary murine cortical neurons in high glucose condition

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    In the present work we set out to investigate the neuroprotective effects of noscapine (0.52 µM) in presence of D-glucose on primary murine foetal cortical neurons after oxygen� glucose deprivation/24 h. recovery. Cell viability, nitric oxide production and intracellular calcium ((ca2+)i) levels were evaluated by MTT assay, the modified Griess method and Fura-2 respectively. 25 and 100 mM D-glucose could, in a concentration dependent manner, improve cell viability and decrease NO production and (ca2+)i level in neuronal cells after ischemic insult. Moreover, pre-incubation of cells with noscapine, noticeably enhanced protective effects of 25 and 100 mM D-glucose compared to similar conditions without noscapine pretreatment. In fact, noscapine attenuated NO production in a dose-dependent fashion, after 30 minutes (min) OGD, during high-glucose (HG) condition in cortical neurons. Pretreatment with 2 μM noscapine and 25 or 100 mM D-glucose, was shown to decrease the rise in (ca2+) induced by Sodium azide/glucose deprivation (chemical OGD) model. These effects were morei pronounced than that of 25 or 100 mM D-glucose alone. The present study demonstrated that the neuroprotective effects of HG before an ischemic insult were augmented by pre-treatment with noscapine. Our results also suggested that the neuroprotection offered by both HG and noscapine involve attenuation of NO production and (ca2+)i levels stimulated by the experimental ischemia in cortical neurons. © 2016 by School of Pharmacy

    Study of increasing production in trout rearing farms with focusing on water aeration systems and water physical filtration aspect in west Azarbaigan Province

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    This research was carried out to determined water reuse effects on growth indices of rainbow trout. For this reason 4 groups includes: control (with use of 100% fresh water), Test 1(rearing with use of 30% recycled water (with physical filtration) and 10% fresh water), Test 2(using of 10% recycled water (with physical filtration) and 30% fresh water), Test 3(using of 100% recycled water) was done. Fish stock of each groups were done with 62 fish in each square meter and average weight (15±1.5).The Growth index, SGR, CF, FCR, SR between different groups in each month was calculated and determined. In this research comparison the average of month growth increment between different groups indicated that significant decrease of growth in test groups with control group and also 1 and 2 groups with 3 group (p0.05). To comparison FCR, SR, MR has shown a significant difference between different groups to each other (p<0.05). These results shows that with increasing the replacement of water in rainbow trout culture ponds with recycled water cased significant decrease in SR and CF and significant increase in MR and finally decrease in production and density per unit area (p<0.05)

    Evaluation of the neuroprotective effects of electromagnetic fields and coenzyme Q 10 on hippocampal injury in mouse

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    Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are reported to interfere with chemical reactions involving free radical production. Coenzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) is a strong antioxidant with some neuroprotective activities. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the neuroprotective effects of EMF and CoQ10 in a mouse model of hippocampal injury. Hippocampal injury was induced in mature female mice (25–30 g), using an intraperitoneal injection of trimethyltin hydroxide (TMT; 2.5 mg/kg). The experimental groups were exposed to EMF at a frequency of 50 Hz and intensity of 5.9 mT for 7 hr daily over 1 week or treated with CoQ10 (10 mg/kg) for 2 weeks following TMT injection. A Morris water maze apparatus was used to assess learning and spatial memory. Nissl staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) tests were also performed for the histopathological analysis of the hippocampus. Antiapoptotic genes were studied, using the Western blot technique. The water maze test showed memory improvement following treatment with CoQ10 and coadministration of CoQ10 + EMF. The Nissl staining and TUNEL tests indicated a decline in necrotic and apoptotic cell count following treatment with CoQ10 and coadministration of CoQ10 + EMF. The Western blot study indicated the upregulation of antiapoptotic genes in treatment with CoQ10, as well as coadministration. Also, treatment with EMF had no significant effects on reducing damage induced by TMT in the hippocampus. According to the results, EMF had no significant neuroprotective effects in comparison with CoQ10 on hippocampal injury in mice. Nevertheless, coadministration of EMF and CoQ10 could improve the neuroprotective effects of CoQ1