1,526 research outputs found

    Building Robust Active Galactic Nuclei Mock Catalogs to Unveil Black Hole Evolution and for Survey Planning

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    The statistical distributions of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), i.e., accreting supermassive black holes (BHs), in mass, space, and time are controlled by a series of key properties, namely, the BH-galaxy scaling relations, Eddington ratio distributions, and fraction of active BH (duty cycle). Shedding light on these properties yields strong constraints on the AGN triggering mechanisms while providing a clear baseline to create useful mock catalogs for the planning of large galaxy surveys. Here we delineate a robust methodology to create mock AGN catalogs built on top of large N-body dark matter simulations via state-of-the-art semiempirical models. We show that by using as independent tests the AGN clustering at fixed X-ray luminosity, galaxy stellar mass, and BH mass, along with the fraction of AGNs in groups and clusters, it is possible to significantly narrow down the choice in the relation between BH mass and host galaxy stellar mass, the duty cycle, and the average Eddington ratio distribution, delivering well-suited constraints to guide cosmological models for the coevolution of BHs and galaxies. Avoiding such a step-by-step methodology inevitably leads to strong degeneracies in the final mock catalogs, severely limiting their usefulness in understanding AGN evolution and in survey planning and testing.Peer reviewe

    Quantum Dots with Disorder and Interactions: A Solvable Large-g Limit

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    We show that problem of interacting electrons in a quantum dot with chaotic boundary conditions is solvable in the large-g limit, where g is the dimensionless conductance of the dot. The critical point of the g=g=\infty theory (whose location and exponent are known exactly) that separates strong and weak-coupling phases also controls a wider fan-shaped region in the coupling-1/g plane, just as a quantum critical point controls the fan in at T>0. The weak-coupling phase is governed by the Universal Hamiltonian and the strong-coupling phase is a disordered version of the Pomeranchuk transition in a clean Fermi liquid. Predictions are made in the various regimes for the Coulomb Blockade peak spacing distributions and Fock-space delocalization (reflected in the quasiparticle width and ground state wavefunction).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Examining the Role of Emotional Intelligence as a moderator for Virtual Communication and Decision Making Effectiveness during the COVID-19 Crisis: Revisiting Task Technology Fit Theory

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    The COVID 19 has brought unprecedented changes in the way we communicate. There is a greater accent on Virtual communication. This paper aims to establish a relationship between Emotional intelligence and the effectiveness of Virtual communication on Decision making. This empirical study is based on a sample drawn from 296 working professionals at five different levels of organizational hierarchy. A standardized questionnaire (ɑ=0.824) was used to collect the responses of Emotional intelligence, Virtual communication, and Decision-making effectiveness. Hierarchical regression using PROCESS Macro model 1 was used to identify the moderating effect of Emotional intelligence on Virtual communication and Decision making effectiveness. Since the p-value (p ≤.007) is found significant, Emotional intelligence acts as a moderator that affects the strength of the relationship between Virtual communication effectiveness and Decision making. Validation of Task Technology fit theory is the theoretical implication of the study. Manipulation of individual dimensions in the model can reduce the dependence on technology for task completion with enhanced performance effectiveness. The findings are relevant to educators, consultants, and any professional who need to adapt Virtual communication platforms on an ongoing basis. Since work-life balance is projected as a constraint in this study, policymakers can consider policy amendments to reduce the stress caused due to Virtual communication which intrudes into their personal space. This empirical study is the first of its kind to benchmark the organizational practice of Emotional intelligence training to enhance Virtual communication and Decision making effectiveness during unprecedented times of pandemic

    Conductance oscillations in strongly correlated fractional quantum Hall line junctions

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    We present a detailed theory of transport through line junctions formed by counterpropagating single-branch fractional-quantum-Hall edge channels having different filling factors. Intriguing transport properties are exhibited when strong Coulomb interactions between electrons from the two edges are present. Such strongly correlated line junctions can be classified according to the value of an effective line-junction filling factor n that is the inverse of an even integer. Interactions turn out to affect transport most importantly for n=1/2 and n=1/4. A particularly interesting case is n=1/4 corresponding to, e.g., a junction of edge channels having filling factor 1 and 1/5, respectively. We predict its differential tunneling conductance to oscillate as a function of voltage. This behavior directly reflects the existence of novel Majorana-fermion quasiparticle excitations in this type of line junction. Experimental accessibility of such systems in current cleaved-edge overgrown samples enables direct testing of our theoretical predictions.Comment: 2 figures, 10 pages, RevTex4, v2: added second figure for clarit

    Variation in fish catches from the continental shelf between Quilon and Gulf of Mannar and its relation to oceanographic conditions during the southwest monsoon period

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    The present paper is based on the fishing results of FORV Sagar Sampada during July-August, 1987 along the southwest coast of India. The fish fauna of the Quilon Bank and Wadge Bank has a dominant nemipterid element and the Gulf of Mannar area has a dominant population of barracudas. Nemipterids constituted 88.2 and 64.4% of the total trawl catch from the Quilon Bank and Wadge Bank respectively

    Local phonon mode in a fermionic bath, and its relation to Kondo effect

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    We have studied the interplay of a local phonon mode embedded in a metallic host (Holstein impurity model) using Abelian bosonization. The phonon frequency softens, which takes place in two steps: first, their frequency starts softening, and acquires finite lifetime. Then oscillations disappear from the response, and two distinct, finite dampings characterize them. Similar behaviour shows up in the spin-boson model. Due to phonons, the electrons experience an attractive, dynamic interaction. As a result, the electronic charge response enhances similarly to the spin response in the Kondo model. The local electronic density of states develops a dip around zero frequency. Thus the chance of charge-Kondo effect emerges.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, an erroneus "-" sign corrected, added correction

    Critical behaviour of the Random--Bond Ashkin--Teller Model, a Monte-Carlo study

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    The critical behaviour of a bond-disordered Ashkin-Teller model on a square lattice is investigated by intensive Monte-Carlo simulations. A duality transformation is used to locate a critical plane of the disordered model. This critical plane corresponds to the line of critical points of the pure model, along which critical exponents vary continuously. Along this line the scaling exponent corresponding to randomness ϕ=(α/ν)\phi=(\alpha/\nu) varies continuously and is positive so that randomness is relevant and different critical behaviour is expected for the disordered model. We use a cluster algorithm for the Monte Carlo simulations based on the Wolff embedding idea, and perform a finite size scaling study of several critical models, extrapolating between the critical bond-disordered Ising and bond-disordered four state Potts models. The critical behaviour of the disordered model is compared with the critical behaviour of an anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model which is used as a refference pure model. We find no essential change in the order parameters' critical exponents with respect to those of the pure model. The divergence of the specific heat CC is changed dramatically. Our results favor a logarithmic type divergence at TcT_{c}, ClogLC\sim \log L for the random bond Ashkin-Teller and four state Potts models and CloglogLC\sim \log \log L for the random bond Ising model.Comment: RevTex, 14 figures in tar compressed form included, Submitted to Phys. Rev.