590 research outputs found

    Ambipolar Filamentation of Turbulent Magnetic Fields : A numerical simulation

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    We present the results of a 2-D, two fluid (ions and neutrals) simulation of the ambipolar filamentation process, in which a magnetized, weakly ionized plasma is stirred by turbulence in the ambipolar frequency range. The higher turbulent velocity of the neutrals in the most ionized regions gives rise to a non-linear force driving them out of these regions, so that the initial ionization inhomogeneities are strongly amplified. This effect, the ambipolar filamentation, causes the ions and the magnetic flux to condense and separate from the neutrals, resulting in a filamentary structure.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Amplification of MHD waves in swirling astrophysical flows

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    Recently it was found that helical magnetized flows efficiently amplify Alfv\'en waves (Rogava et al. 2003, A&A, v.399, p.421). This robust and manifold nonmodal effect was found to involve regimes of transient algebraic growth (for purely ejectional flows), and exponential instabilities of both usual and parametric nature. However the study was made in the incompressible limit and an important question remained open - whether this amplification is inherent to swirling MHD flows per se and what is the degree of its dependence on the incompressibility condition. In this paper, in order to clear up this important question, we consider full compressible spectrum of MHD modes: Alfv\'en waves (AW), slow magnetosonic waves (SMW) and fast magnetosonic waves (FMW). We find that helical flows inseparably blend these waves with each other and make them unstable, creating the efficient energy transfer from the mean flow to the waves. The possible role of these instabilities for the onset of the MHD turbulence, self-heating of the flow and the overall dynamics of astrophysical flows are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication (18.03.2003) in the "Astronomy and Astrophysics

    KH15D: a star eclipsed by a large scale dusty vortex?

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    We propose that the large photometric variations of KH15D are due to an eclipsing swarm of solid particles trapped in giant gaseous vortex rotating at \~0.2 AU from the star. The efficiency of the capture-in-vortex mechanism easily explains the observed large optical depth. The weaker opacity at mid-eclipse is consistent with a size segregation of the particles toward the center of the vortex. This dusty structure must extend over ~1/3 of an orbit to account for the long eclipse duration. The estimated size of the trapped particles is found to range from 1 to 10cm, consistent with the gray extinction of the star. The observations of KH15D support the idea that giant vortices can grow in circumstellar disks and play a central role in planet formation.Comment: Accepted in ApJ Letters - 4 pages - 2 figure

    On the role of the magnetic field on jet emission in X-ray binaries

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    Radio and X-ray fluxes of accreting black holes in their hard state are known to correlate over several orders of magnitude. This correlation however shows a large scatter: black hole candidates with very similar X-ray luminosity, spectral energy distribution and variability, show rather different radio luminosities. This challenges theoretical models that aim at describing both the radio and the X-ray fluxes in terms of radiative emission from a relativistic jet. More generally, it opens important questions on how similar accretion flows can produce substantially different outflows. Here we present a possible explanation for this phenomenon, based on the strong dependency of the jet spectral energy distribution on the magnetic field strength, and on the idea that the strength of the jet magnetic field varies from source to source. Because of the effect of radiative losses, sources with stronger jet magnetic field values would have lower radio emission. We discuss the implications of this scenario, the main one being that the radio flux does not necessarily provide a direct measure of the jet power. We further discuss how a variable jet magnetic field, reaching a critical value, can qualitatively explain the observed spectral transition out of the hard state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication on ApJ Letter

    Swirling astrophysical flows - efficient amplifiers of Alfven waves

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    We show that a helical shear flow of a magnetized plasma may serve as an efficient amplifier of Alfven waves. We find that even when the flow is purely ejectional (i.e., when no rotation is present) Alfven waves are amplified through the transient, shear-induced, algebraic amplification process. Series of transient amplifications, taking place sequentially along the flow, may result in a cascade amplification of these waves. However, when a flow is swirling or helical (i.e., some rotation is imposed on the plasma motion), Alfven waves become subject to new, much more powerful shear instabilities. In this case, depending on the type of differential rotation, both usual and parametric instabilities may appear. We claim that these phenomena may lead to the generation of large amplitude Alfven waves and the mechanism may account for the appearance of such waves in the solar atmosphere, in accretion-ejecion flows and in accretion columns. These processes may also serve as an important initial (linear and nonmodal) phase in the ultimate subcritical transition to MHD Alfvenic turbulence in various kinds of astrophysical shear flows.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication (25-11-02) in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Hot Helium Plasma in the Galactic Center Region

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    Recent X-ray observations by the space mission Chandra confirmed the astonishing evidence for a diffuse, hot, thermal plasma at a temperature of 9. 10710^7 K (8 keV) found by previous surveys to extend over a few hundred parsecs in the Galactic Centre region. This plasma coexists with the usual components of the interstellar medium such as cold molecular clouds and a soft (~0.8 keV) component produced by supernova remnants, and its origin remains uncertain. First, simple calculations using a mean sound speed for a hydrogen-dominated plasma have suggested that it should not be gravitationally bound, and thus requires a huge energy source to heat it in less than the escape time. Second, an astrophysical mechanism must be found to generate such a high temperature. No known source has been identified to fulfill both requirements. Here we address the energetics problem and show that the hot component could actually be a gravitationally confined helium plasma. We illustrate the new prospects this opens by discussing the origin of this gas, and by suggesting possible heating mechanisms.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in APJ

    Two years of INTEGRAL monitoring of GRS 1915+105 Part 1: multiwavelength coverage with INTEGRAL, RXTE, and the Ryle radio Telescope

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    (Abridged) We report the results of monitoring observations of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105 performed simultaneously with INTEGRAL and RXTE Ryle . We present the results of the whole \integral campaign, report the sources that are detected and their fluxes and identify the classes of variability in which GRS 1915+105 is found. The accretion ejection connections are studied in a model independent manner through the source light curves, hardness ratio, and color color diagrams. During a period of steady ``hard'' X-ray state (the so-called class chi) we observe a steady radio flux. We then turn to 3 particular observations during which we observe several types of soft X-ray dips and spikes cycles, followed by radio flares. During these observations GRS 1915+105 is in the so-called nu, lambda, and beta classes of variability. The observation of ejections during class lambda are the first ever reported. We generalize the fact that a (non-major) discrete ejection always occurs, in GRS 1915+105, as a response to an X-ray sequence composed of a spectrally hard X-ray dip terminated by an X-ray spike marking the disappearance of the hard X-ray emission above 18 keV. We also identify the trigger of the ejection as this X-ray spike. A possible correlation between the amplitude of the radio flare and the duration of the X-ray dip is found in our data. In this case the X-ray dips prior to ejections could be seen as the time during which the source accumulates energy and material that is ejected later.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, scheduled for the March 20, 2008, vol676 issue. Table 3 has been degrade