1,221 research outputs found

    Biquadratic Filter Applications Using a Fully-Differential Active-Only Integrator

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    A new class of active filters, real active-only filters is described and possible implementation issues of these filters are discussed. To remedy these issues, a fully-differential active-only integrator block built around current controlled current conveyors is presented. The integration frequency of the proposed circuit is adjustable over a wide frequency range. As an application, a real active-only filter based on the classical two-integrator loop topology is presented and designed. The feasibility of this filter in a 0.35µm CMOS process is verified through SPECTRE simulation program in the CADENCE design tool

    Structural asessment and strengthening of Atatürk's mausoleum, Anitkabir

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    Anıtkabir is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the commander of Turkish War of Independence and the founder of Republic of Turkey. Rather than a work of architecture, Anıtkabir has been a symbol and a focal center of Atatürk’s principles, republican revolutions and modern Turkey

    Nebivolol might be Beneficial in Osteoporosis Treatment: A Hypothesis

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    Nebivolol is a β-blocker that is highly selective for β1-adrenergic receptors with vasodilating properties. This property can be attributed to an endothelial release of nitric oxide (NO). It has been reported that nebivolol also reduces intracellular oxidative stress. There are some studies conducted in humans and animal models which have shown that NO is an important regulator of bone metabolism. However, oxidative stress and antioxidant systems may play important roles in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. In this paper, we hypothesized that nebivolol may have beneficial effects via nitric oxide and antioxidant action in osteoporosis treatment

    Short-Term Outcome of Combined Corticosteriod and Local Anaestetic Therapy with Home-Based Exercıse Programme in Painful Shoulder Conditions

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of combined local corticosteroid and anaestethic therapy with home exercise programme in the treatment of painful shoulder conditions. Methods: 40 mg Depomedrol® (methylprednisolone acetate) + 120 mg Citanest® (procaine hydrochloride) were parenterally administered into the subacromial region of 28 patients (17 female, mean age: 48 years; 11 male, mean age: 52 years) from a group of patients who have been suffering from shoulder pain for a period of at least two months and had received no benefit from previous treatments. Simultaneously, they were placed on a home-based shoulder exercise programme. The patients were seen two months later and questioned about their conditions. The data were evaluated together with clinical findings based on the range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder. Results: Twenty of 28 patients (71.42%) reported complete relief from pain, 5 patients or 17.85% stated that they had only partial relief of pain, and 3 patients (10.71%) said that the level of pain remained essentially the same. Nineteen of 28 patients (67.85%) had good to excellent ROM while 3 (10.71%) still manifested poor ROM. Conclusion: Local corticosteroid plus local anaestethic therapy together with home exercise programme was found to be an economic, effective and safe short-term treatment in the management of painful shoulder conditions arising from certain disorders. Keywords: Painful shoulder, Local corticosteroid, Local anaesthetic, Home exercise programe, Range of motion.Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 7(4) 2008: pp. 1123-112

    Action spectroscopy of chlorophyll and other coordination complexes

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    Action spectroscopy provides key insights into the nature of electronic transitions of coordination complexes such as porhyrin-containing biochromophores like chlorophyll or transition metal complexes such as tris(bipyridine)ruthenium

    Factors Affecting The Perceived Hospital Quality,

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    Quality perception, which is related to a number of factors and variables, has come to the fore both because of the features of health services and because of the hospital quality rating practices of the Ministry of Health in Turkey. Although there are national and international studies to assess the perceived quality, with the thought that countryspecific studies are not enough, this study has been thought necessary in order to learn the main factors which affect public's hospital quality perception in Turkey due to the facts that culture is an important determinant on quality perception and the results of the year-to-date studies are different from each other. In Turkey's 3 biggest cities, 2500 people have been asked 28 questions with demographical and descriptive features in the questionaire in order to define hospital quality and these questions have been perceived in 4 dimensions. Non-parametric and parametric statistical tests have been applied on the data gathered. In the scope of analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, ANOVA analysis, and Regression analyses have been used. According to the results of this study, the idea of a high quality hospital changes according to age, income, education and the city; the tendency to the idea of a well managed hospital changes according to gender, income, education, and the city and the idea of low-quality changes according to age, gender, income, education and the city. Whereas education is the most effective variable in high-quality hospital aspect, gender is the most effective variable on low-quality hospital. In this study, it has been determined that hospital quality perception changes according to the demographical features as age, income, education and the city resided. This study has been reinforced with the fact that there has been a significant difference in terms of age groups and level of education in Devebakan and Aksaraylı's study in a private hospital with SERVQUAL scale. We are made to think that these researches has to be carried out more owing to the fact that there has been similar and different results with different scales in different organizations

    Bodies, building and bricks: Women architects and builders in eight eco-communities in Argentina, Britain, Spain, Thailand and USA

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    Eco-building is a male domain where men are presumed to be better builders and designers, more men than women build and women find their design ideas and contributions to eco-building are belittled. This article suggests that a focus on bodies, embodiment and the ‘doing’ of building is a potentially productive way to move beyond current gender discrimination. This article makes three key interventions using empirical material from eight case studies of eco-communities in Britain, Thailand, Spain, the USA and Argentina. First, it uses a focus on eco-communities to illustrate the enduring persistence of gender divisions in architecture and building. Second, by using multi-site examples of eco-communities from diverse countries this article finds more commonalities than differences in gender discrimination across cultures and nationalities. Third, it outlines three spaces of opportunity through which more gender-neutral approaches are being developed in eco-building: (1) in challenging the need for ‘strong’ bodies, (2) by practising more embodied ways of building and (3) by making visible women's bodies in building. The ‘doing’ and manual aspect of eco-building is unfamiliar for many (not just women) and interviewees commented on the need to (re)learn how to be practical and to understand the physical possibilities (and limitations) of their bodies

    Sağlık Pazarlaması Ve Uygulamaları,

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    Özel alanda sağlık sektöründeki gelişmeler ve özel sağlık kuruluşlarının hızla artması beraberinde artan rekabet ve maliyetler, müşteri memnuniyeti, kaliteli hizmet talepleri vb. nedenlerle sağlık sektöründe pazarlama faaliyetleri her geçen gün daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda pazarlama anlayışı kapsamında hizmet kalitesi ve sağlık turizmine yönelik olarak katılımcılara 35 sorudan oluşan anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma Denizli, Ankara, Afyon ve İstanbul ili kapsamında 892 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. araştırmada kullanılan anketin güvenirlik katsayısı 0.896 olarak bulunmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS 18 İstatistik programı kullanılmıştır. Analiz kapsamında, güvenilirlik analizi, frekans tabloları, betimleyici istatistikler, Korelasyon analizlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, katılımcıların Türk sağlık turizmine ilişkin görüşleri, alınan hizmet ve tesis fiyatlandırması, sağlık kurumlarının hijyen ve genel özellikleri ile genel bilgi ve görüşler faktörleri arasında cinsiyet, milliyet, hizmet tipi, ülke ve gelire göre orta ve kuvvetli düzeyde pozitif yönlü ilişki bulunmuştur

    The Factors Affecting the Organizational Silence of the Nurses And The Other Clinical-care Providers in Turkey,

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    The organizational silence of nurses, midwives, and health-care assistants who play a key role to establish the communication in the health-care team is relatively more significant when compared to other occupations. The results of organizational silence can be examined in organizational, individual and social scale. The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons of organizational silence and the relations among these reasons. In the scope of analysis, descriptive statistcs, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA analysis and Regression analyses have been used by using PASW 18.0 package software to analyze the data gathered from 256 nurses, midwives and health-care assistants in a university hospital. In this study it has been found out that the organizational silence reasons differ according to age, education status, working year, occupation, working department and gender. It has also been determined that the administrative and organizational reasons, the fears related to work, the lack of experience, the fear of isolation and the fear of disturbing relations differ according to demographical variables. Since there is generally not a compensantion for a mistake in health-care service, to remove the damages of the reasons of organizational silence in health-care sector which is relatively more significant than the other sectors is possible when the necessary precautions are taken and the reasons are identified correctly. The relations, similarities and the differences among the sectors can be presented, if the organizational silence studies both in health-care sector and in different sectors are carried out more

    Health Tourısm In Turkey And Practıcal Example Of Its Economıc Dımensıons,

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    Turkey has made significant progress in health tourism within the last 20 years and began to compete with the most successful countries in health tourism. Also, the income obtained from health tourism has an important impact on the income obtained in health sector in Turkey and makes great contribution to the economy. This study aims to investigate the place of health tourism in health sector and its impacts on it. Within this context, various statistical data regarding the spending on health and health tourism between 2004-2013 was used. The data obtain from TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) was analysed via PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Sciences) package program. Within the scope of the analysis, frequency tables and regression tests were used. The research findings illustrated that private hospitals were preferred more in health tourism, Germany, Bulgaria and Iraq are among the countries that send most health tourists, service is obtained more in other branches and eye and oncology fields and health tourism income is affected by the number of the tourists. The results of the study indicated that foreigners make up 70% of total health tourists in 2013, the rate of health spending in health tourism is 2.3% and health tourism income increased total heath income significantly