3,573 research outputs found

    Optimization of Components of Superstructure of High-Speed Rail: The Spanish Experience

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    The performance of rail transport has increased significantly in recent decades, in particular due to the gradual introduction of high-speed rails worldwide. In 1981, the first high-speed line of the world was inaugurated; nowadays, high-speed is operating in more than 20 countries, the high-speed network covering more than 35,000 kms (with more than 25,000 additional kms under construction). Spain is the second country by total distance of railways installed (only behind China) and the first in terms relative to the population and surface. Since the installation of the first high-speed line in Spain in 1992, the elements of the superstructure have undergone a continuous evolution, in order to improve the performance, the durability of the components and the comfort of the passengers. This evolution rests on an adequate selection of materials based on the characterization of their physical and mechanical properties to ensure the optimum in-service conditions. This chapter includes an overview of the different elements present in the railway superstructure of the high-speed lines in Spain. Throughout the text, the innovations incorporated over time are analyzed, as well as the methods used to validate them. In particular, a description of the mechanical characterization procedures is presented

    Deliberate Practice in Training Differentiates the Best Kenyan and Spanish Long-Distance Runners

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    The aim of this novel research was to compare the amount of systematic training and the different training activities undertaken by elite-standard long-distance runners during their first seven years of systematic training. Participants were divided into three performance groups: world-class Kenyans (N = 19), European-standard Spanish athletes (N = 18), and Spanish national-standard athletes (N = 18). Performance and training data were obtained for two-year periods using retrospective recall (including training diaries) from the time the athletes began systematic training, until the seventh year after. These activities included high-intensity training sessions considered deliberate practice (DP) and easy runs. There was no evidence that starting systematic training at a younger age was advantageous, and easy runs (a non-DP activity) were the most used by participants as a proportion of overall running distance. As part of an overall higher accumulation of distance run (P < 0.001, d ≥ 1.35), the Kenyans completed more tempo runs and short-interval training than the other groups (P < 0.001, d ≥ 1.38), but did not complete more long intervals or races. There were few differences between the European- and national-standard athletes except for easy runs, which highlights the value of these easy runs but also the need for higher-intensity training to compete with world-class performers. When planning for training overload and progression, long-distance running coaches should consider increasing the volume of tempo runs and short intervals, in addition to easier runs that develop cardiovascular conditioning

    Regular physical activity: A little is good, but is it good enough?

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    Ekelund et al. (1) nicely showed that physical inactivity causes an approximate twofold increase in the numbers of deaths compared with those attributable to obesity [BMI (in kg/m2) .30] in a Euro- pean cohort (n 1/4 334,161) that was followed up to 12.4 y on average. Physical activity (PA) levels were estimated by using a standardized questionnaire or in-person interviews and were found to be inversely associated with all-cause mortality at all levels of BMI and waist circumference. Another important finding from their study is that substantial survival benefits may be achieved by fairly small amounts of moderate-intensity PA: that is, ;20 min/d of brisk walking, which is below the current PA recommendations of !30 min/d on most, if not all, days of the week (or !150 min/wk). These important findings in Caucasians are in line with those recently reported in an Asiatic cohort, in whom 15 min/d or 90 min/wk of moderate-intensity PA was associated with lower all-cause mor- tality, even for persons at risk of cardiovascular diseas

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of antipsychotics in reducing schizophrenia relapses

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    BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is a severe form of mental illness which is associated with significant and long-lasting health, social and financial burdens. The aim of this project is to assess the efficiency of the antipsychotics used in Spain in reducing schizophrenia relapses under the Spanish Health System perspective. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A decision-analytic model was developed to explore the relative cost-effectiveness of five antipsychotic medications, amisulpride, aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliperidone Extended-Release (ER) and risperidone, compared to haloperidol, over a 1-year treatment period among people living in Spain with schizophrenia. The transition probabilities for assessed therapies were obtained from the systemic review and meta-analysis performed by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). RESULTS: Paliperidone ER was the option that yielded more quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained per patient (0.7573). In addition, paliperidone ER was the least costly strategy (€3,062), followed by risperidone (€3,194), haloperidol (€3,322), olanzapine (€3,893), amisulpride (€4,247) and aripiprazole (€4,712). In the incremental cost-effectiveness (ICE) analysis of the assessed antipsychotics compared to haloperidol, paliperidone ER and risperidone were dominant options. ICE ratios for other medications were €23,621/QALY gained, €91,584/QALY gained and €94,558/QALY gained for olanzapine, amisulpride and aripiprazole, respectively. Deterministic sensitivity analysis showed that risperidone is always dominant when compared to haloperidol. Paliperidone ER is also dominant apart from the exception of the scenario with a 20% decrease in the probability of relapses. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings may be of interest to clinicians and others interested in outcomes and cost of mental health services among patients with schizophrenia. Paliperidone ER and risperidone were shown to be dominant therapies compared to haloperidol in Spain. It is worthwhile to highlight that schizophrenia is a highly incapacitating disease and choosing the most appropriate drug and formulation for a particular patient is crucial. The availability of more accurate local epidemiological data on schizophrenia would allow a better adaptation of the model avoiding some of the assumptions taken in our work. Future research could be focused on this

    Integrated phased array transducer for on-board structural health monitoring

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    Permanently bonded onto a structure, an integrated Phased Array (PhA II) transducer that can provide reliable electromechanical connection with corresponding sophisticated miniaturized ?all in one? SHM electronic device installed directly above it, without need for any interface cabling, during all aerospace structure lifecycle phases and for a huge variety of real harsh service environments of structures to be monitored is presented. This integrated PhA II transducer [1], as a key component of the PAMELA SHM? (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) system, has two principal tasks at the same time, reliably transceive elastic waves in real aerospace service environments and serves as a reliable sole carrier or support for associated integrated on-board SHM electronic device attached above. The PhA II transducer successfully accomplished both required task throughout extensive test campaigns which included low to high temperature tests, temperature cycling, mechanical loading, combined thermo- mechanical loading and vibration resistance, etc. both with and without SHM device attached above due to RTCA DO-160F

    Effect of wild ungulate density on invertebrates in a Mediterranean ecosystem

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    Efecto de la densidad de ungulados silvestres sobre los invertebrados en un ecosistema Mediterráneo En las últimas décadas, la abundancia y distribución de determinadas especies de caza mayor, especialmente el ciervo rojo (Cervus elaphus) y el jabalí (Sus scrofa), han aumentado en la zona centromeridional de España como resultado de las estrategias de gestión cinegética. La alta densidad de estas especies de ungulados puede afectar a la abundancia de los invertebrados epigeos. Estudiamos la relación entre la abundancia de las especies de caza mayor y la biodiversidad, la riqueza de taxones, la biomasa de invertebrados y su frecuencia en nueve fincas de caza, y se comparó con las zonas de exclusión de ungulados. De por sí, la exclusión de ungulados afectó a la riqueza de invertebrados, ya que se encontraron valores más bajos en las parcelas abiertas, mientras que las mayores diferencias en la diversidad de invertebrados entre parcelas abiertas y cercadas se encontraron en zonas con una alta densidad de jabalíes. Donde la densidad de jabalíes era alta, el número de invertebrados disminuyó, mientras que donde era baja, el ciervo rojo tuvo un efecto positivo en la abundancia de invertebrados. Así, las parcelas cercadas parecían ofrecer refugio a los invertebrados, sobre todo donde los jabalíes eran abundantes. Este estudio apoya la idea de que las poblaciones con una alta densidad de ungulados perjudican a la estructura de las comunidades faunísticas, probablemente debido a la disminución de la disponibilidad de alimentos como consecuencia del sobrepastoreo, la modificación de las condiciones de los micronichos ecológicos y la depredación directa. Sin embargo, los efectos dependieron del grupo de invertebrados, ya que las especies saprofitas podrían beneficiarse de la alta abundancia de ungulados. Nuestros resultados reflejan la necesidad de controlar la densidad de las poblaciones de ungulados en condiciones mediterráneas en el suroeste de Europa y de establecer parcelas de exclusión de ungulados.In recent decades, the abundance and distribution of certain big game species, particularly red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa), have increased in south central Spain as a result of hunting management strategies. The high density of these ungulate species may affect the abundance of epigeous invertebrates. We tested the relationships between big game abundance and biodiversity, taxon richness, the biomass of invertebrates and their frequency on nine hunting estates and in comparison to ungulate exclusion areas. Ungulate exclusion itself affected invertebrate richness, since lower values were found in the open plots, whereas the highest differences in invertebrate diversity between fenced and open plots was found in areas with high wild boar density. Where wild boar densities were high, the number of invertebrates decreased, while where they were low, red deer had a positive effect on invertebrate abundance. Fenced plots thus seemed to provide refuge for invertebrates, particularly where wild boar were abundant. This study supports the idea that the structure of fauna communities is damaged by high density populations of ungulates, probably due to decreased food availability owing to overgrazing, modified conditions of ecological microniches and direct predation. However, the effects depended on the group of invertebrates, since saprophytic species could benefit from high ungulate abundance. Our findings reflect the need to control ungulate population density under Mediterranean conditions in south–western Europe and to implement ungulate exclusion plots.Efecto de la densidad de ungulados silvestres sobre los invertebrados en un ecosistema Mediterráneo En las últimas décadas, la abundancia y distribución de determinadas especies de caza mayor, especialmente el ciervo rojo (Cervus elaphus) y el jabalí (Sus scrofa), han aumentado en la zona centromeridional de España como resultado de las estrategias de gestión cinegética. La alta densidad de estas especies de ungulados puede afectar a la abundancia de los invertebrados epigeos. Estudiamos la relación entre la abundancia de las especies de caza mayor y la biodiversidad, la riqueza de taxones, la biomasa de invertebrados y su frecuencia en nueve fincas de caza, y se comparó con las zonas de exclusión de ungulados. De por sí, la exclusión de ungulados afectó a la riqueza de invertebrados, ya que se encontraron valores más bajos en las parcelas abiertas, mientras que las mayores diferencias en la diversidad de invertebrados entre parcelas abiertas y cercadas se encontraron en zonas con una alta densidad de jabalíes. Donde la densidad de jabalíes era alta, el número de invertebrados disminuyó, mientras que donde era baja, el ciervo rojo tuvo un efecto positivo en la abundancia de invertebrados. Así, las parcelas cercadas parecían ofrecer refugio a los invertebrados, sobre todo donde los jabalíes eran abundantes. Este estudio apoya la idea de que las poblaciones con una alta densidad de ungulados perjudican a la estructura de las comunidades faunísticas, probablemente debido a la disminución de la disponibilidad de alimentos como consecuencia del sobrepastoreo, la modificación de las condiciones de los micronichos ecológicos y la depredación directa. Sin embargo, los efectos dependieron del grupo de invertebrados, ya que las especies saprofitas podrían beneficiarse de la alta abundancia de ungulados. Nuestros resultados reflejan la necesidad de controlar la densidad de las poblaciones de ungulados en condiciones mediterráneas en el suroeste de Europa y de establecer parcelas de exclusión de ungulados

    A bifunctional photoaminocatalyst for the alkylation of aldehydes: Design, analysis, and mechanistic studies

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Catalysis, copyright ©2018 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acscatal.8b01331A bifunctional photoaminocatalyst based on imidazolidinone and thioxanthone is presented. The preparation of these catalysts proceeds in a two-step synthesis that allows an easy tuning of the steric properties. The photophysical and electrochemical data of the imidazolidinone photocatalysts have been determined, indicating that the catalysts can work under visible light conditions. To corroborate the experimental observations, ground state geometry optimization and energy transition studies of thioxanthone and bifunctional catalyst 4c were optimized by time-dependent density functional theory (TD DFT) calculations. The alkylation of aldehydes with this photoaminocatalyst works with high enantioselectivities and yields due to the stereoelectronic properties of the catalyst. A rational mechanistic cycle based on different mechanistic experiments, TD DFT calculations, and laser flash photolysis is presentedThe Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R) and the European Research Council (ERC-CG, Contract 647550) are acknowledge

    “To be myself again”: Perceived benefits of group-based exercise for colorectal cancer patients.

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    Purpose: To explore the perceived benefits of a group-based exercise program for patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Methods: In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with all participants (n = 25) at the end of the exercise program (patients, relatives and healthcare professionals). The exercise instructor in charge of the exercise program with CRC patients also collected observational field notes throughout a research diary. Results: Three main themes related to exercise as a coping strategy were obtained: (a) physical recovery; (b) psychosocial well-being, and (c) reconnection with their embodied selves and normal lives. Physical recovery included a perceived increase in fitness and a reduction in physical side-effects. Psychosocial well-being included perceived benefits in self-confidence, sense of control, reduced fear, feeling of being useful, sense of achievement, positive thinking and avoiding depression. All the physical and psychosocial benefits helped patients reconnect with their embodied selves, engage in activities practised before the diagnoses, improve their body image, avoid stigma, and increase their social life beyond cancer diagnoses. In this sense, some patients held on to their past selves, trying to keep or recover normality in their lives, while others acknowledged that they might not be the same person anymore, with exercise being part of this new identity. Conclusions: This study shows that exercise is a coping strategy that benefitted CRC patients in several ways related to their physical and psychosocial quality of life