943 research outputs found

    Tourette’s disorder and other tic disorders in DSM-5: a comment

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    Classification of tic disorders will be revised in the forthcoming edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5). We do not support the suggestion to move tic disorders to “Anxiety and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorders”, if the section “Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence” is not retained. Other than that, most proposed changes of the criteria for tic disorders contain a number of welcome improvements, e.g., the more unified definition of tics including the removal of the term “stereotyped” and the better capture of the temporal pattern of tics (e.g., removal of the maximum 3 months criterion for a tic-free period in chronic tic disorders). But, unfortunately there are some inconsistencies in detail, e.g., the unification of diagnostic criteria for tic disorders had not been consistently pursued in transient tic disorder. In sum, the proposed DSM-5 criteria could be seen as an important step forward particularly in clinical routine. However, continued research is needed to justify the existing and proposed classification of tic disorders as well as to better clarify what other changes should be made in the DSM-5 and beyond

    A large-NcN_c PNJL model with explicit ZNc_{N_c} symmetry

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    A PNJL model is built, in which the Polyakov-loop potential is explicitly ZNc_{N_c}-symmetric in order to mimic a Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(NcN_c). The physically expected large-NcN_c and large-TT behaviours of the thermodynamic observables computed from the Polyakov-loop potential are used to constrain its free parameters. The effective potential is eventually U(1)-symmetric when NcN_c is infinite. Light quark flavours are added by using a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model coupled to the Polyakov loop (the PNJL model), and the different phases of the resulting PNJL model are discussed in 't Hooft's large-NcN_c limit. Three phases are found, in agreement with previous large-NcN_c studies. When the temperature TT is larger than some deconfinement temperature TdT_d, the system is in a deconfined, chirally symmetric, phase for any quark chemical potential μ\mu. When T<TdT<T_d however, the system is in a confined phase in which chiral symmetry is either broken or not. The critical line Tχ(μ)T_\chi(\mu), signalling the restoration of chiral symmetry, has the same qualitative features than what can be obtained within a standard Nc=3N_c=3 PNJL model.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev

    ADHD patients fail to maintain task goals in face of subliminally and consciously induced cognitive conflicts

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    Background. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients have been reported to display deficits in action control processes. While it is known that subliminally and consciously induced conflicts interact and conjointly modulate action control in healthy subjects, this has never been investigated for ADHD. Method. We investigated the (potential) interaction of subliminally and consciously triggered response conflicts in children with ADHD and matched healthy controls using neuropsychological methods (event-related potentials; ERPs) to identify the involved cognitive sub-processes. Results. Unlike healthy controls, ADHD patients showed no interaction of subliminally and consciously triggered response conflicts. Instead, they only showed additive effects as their behavioural performance (accuracy) was equally impaired by each conflict and they showed no signs of task-goal shielding even in cases of low conflict load. Of note, this difference between ADHD and controls was not rooted in early bottom-up attentional stimulus processing as reflected by the P1 and N1 ERPs. Instead, ADHD showed either no or reversed modulations of conflict-related processes and response selection as reflected by the N2 and P3 ERPs. Conclusion. There are fundamental differences in the architecture of cognitive control which might be of use for future diagnostic procedures. Unlike healthy controls, ADHD patients do not seem to be endowed with a threshold which allows them to maintain high behavioural performance in the face of low conflict load. ADHD patients seem to lack sufficient top-down attentional resources to maintain correct response selection in the face of conflicts by shielding the response selection process from response tendencies evoked by any kind of distractor

    Mass spectrometry imaging for plant biology: A review

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    Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a developing technique to measure the spatio-temporal distribution of many biomolecules in tissues. Over the preceding decade, MSI has been adopted by plant biologists and applied in a broad range of areas, including primary metabolism, natural products, plant defense, plant responses to abiotic and biotic stress, plant lipids and the developing field of spatial metabolomics. This review covers recent advances in plant-based MSI, general aspects of instrumentation, analytical approaches, sample preparation and the current trends in respective plant research

    De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of differentially expressed genes of two barley genotypes reveal root-zone-specific responses to salt exposure

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    Plant roots are the first organs sensing and responding to salinity stress, manifested differentially between different root types, and also at the individual tissue and cellular level. High genetic diversity and the current lack of an assembled map-based sequence of the barley genome severely limit barley research potential. We used over 580 and 600 million paired-end reads, respectively, to create two de novo assemblies of a barley landrace (Sahara) and a malting cultivar (Clipper) with known contrasting responses to salinity. Generalized linear models were used to statistically access spatial, treatment-related, and genotype-specific responses. This revealed a spatial gene expression gradient along the barley root, with more differentially expressed transcripts detected between different root zones than between treatments. The root transcriptome also showed a gradual transition from transcripts related to sugar-mediated signaling at the root meristematic zone to those involved in cell wall metabolism in the elongation zone, and defense response-related pathways toward the maturation zone, with significant differences between the two genotypes. The availability of these additional transcriptome reference sets will serve as a valuable resource to the cereal research community, and may identify valuable traits to assist in breeding programmes

    A new peak detection algorithm for MALDI mass spectrometry data based on a modified Asymmetric Pseudo-Voigt model

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    Background: Mass Spectrometry (MS) is a ubiquitous analytical tool in biological research and is used to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of bio-molecules. Peak detection is the essential first step in MS data analysis. Precise estimation of peak parameters such as peak summit location and peak area are critical to identify underlying bio-molecules and to estimate their abundances accurately. We propose a new method to detect and quantify peaks in mass spectra. It uses dual-tree complex wavelet transformation along with Stein's unbiased risk estimator for spectra smoothing. Then, a new method, based on the modified Asymmetric Pseudo-Voigt (mAPV) model and hierarchical particle swarm optimization, is used for peak parameter estimation. Results: Using simulated data, we demonstrated the benefit of using the mAPV model over Gaussian, Lorentz and Bi-Gaussian functions for MS peak modelling. The proposed mAPV model achieved the best fitting accuracy for asymmetric peaks, with lower percentage errors in peak summit location estimation, which were 0.17% to 4.46% less than that of the other models. It also outperformed the other models in peak area estimation, delivering lower percentage errors, which were about 0.7% less than its closest competitor - the Bi-Gaussian model. In addition, using data generated from a MALDI-TOF computer model, we showed that the proposed overall algorithm outperformed the existing methods mainly in terms of sensitivity. It achieved a sensitivity of 85%, compared to 77% and 71% of the two benchmark algorithms, continuous wavelet transformation based method and Cromwell respectively. Conclusions: The proposed algorithm is particularly useful for peak detection and parameter estimation in MS data with overlapping peak distributions and asymmetric peaks. The algorithm is implemented using MATLAB and the source code is freely available at http://mapv.sourceforge.net

    Application of SAR time-series and deep learning for estimating landslide occurence time

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    The time series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and interferometric coherence extracted from optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, respectively, have strong responses to sudden landslide failures in vegetated regions, which is expressed by a sudden increase or decrease in the values of NDVI and coherence. Compared with optical sensors, SAR sensors are not affected by cloud and daylight conditions and can detect the occurrence time of failure in near real-time. The purpose of this paper is to automatically determine the time of failure occurrence using time series coherence values. We propose, based on some existing anomaly detection algorithms, a deep neural network-based anomaly detection strategy that combines supervised and unsupervised learning without a priori knowledge about failure time. Our experiment using July 21, 2020 Shaziba landslide in China shows that in comparison to widely used unsupervised methodology, the use of our algorithm leads to a more accurate detection of the timing of the landslide failure

    National issues in technology transfer

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    A well-accepted definition of technology transfer is “the movement of know how, technique, and technology across organizational boundaries.” If you accept this definition, then what is interesting about it is that nobody knows how to do it very well… as a nation, that is. Different nations do different pieces of it better than others. You find the Japanese running around looking at us to see how to do technology transfers from universities to industry, which they do badly. We run around looking at the Japanese to find out how to transfer technology from corporate R&D to manufacturing. And the Europeans are running around looking at both of us

    Are perinatal measures associated with a dolescent mental health? A retrospective e xploration with original data from psychiatric c ohorts

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    Background Perinatal markers of prenatal development are associated with offspring psychiatric symptoms. However, there is little research investigating the specificity of perinatal markers for the development of specific disorders. This study aimed to explore if perinatal markers are specifically associated with adolescent substance use disorder (SUDs). Methods Adolescent participants from two study centers, one for SUD patients (n = 196) and one for general psychopathology (n = 307), were recruited for participation. Since the SUD participants presented with a number of comorbid disorders, we performed a 1-on-1 matching procedure, based on age, gender, and specific pattern of comorbid disorders. This procedure resulted in n = 51 participants from each group. From all participants and their mothers we recorded perinatal markers (mode of birth, weeks of completed pregnancy, birth weight, Apgar score after 5 min) as well as intelligence quotient (IQ). The SUD sample additionally filled out the Youth Safe Report (YSR) as well as the PQ-16 and the DUDIT. We aimed to distinguish the two groups (SUD sample vs. general psychiatric sample) based on the perinatal variables via a logistic regression analysis. Additionally, linear regressions were performed for the total group and the subgroups to assess the relationship between perinatal variables and IQ, YSR, DUDIT and PQ-16. Results The perinatal variables were not able to predict group membership (X2 [4] = 4.77, p = .312, Cox & Snell R² = 0.053). Odds ratios indicated a small increase in probability to belonging to the general psychiatric sample instead of the SUD sample if birth was completed via C-section. After Bonferroni-correction, the linear regression models showed no relation between perinatal markers and IQ (p = .60, R² = 0.068), YSR (p = .09, R² = 0.121), DUDIT (p = .65, R² = 0.020), and PQ-16 (p = .73, R² =0.021)

    Phase diagram and critical properties within an effective model of QCD: the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model coupled to the Polyakov loop

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    We investigate the phase diagram of the so-called Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and non-zero chemical potential with three quark flavors. Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are discussed and the relevant order-like parameters are analyzed. The results are compared with simple thermodynamic expectations and lattice data. We present the phase diagram in the (T,μB)T,\,\mu_B) plane, paying special attention to the critical end point: as the strength of the flavor-mixing interaction becomes weaker, the critical end point moves to low temperatures and can even disappear.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figures, 3 table