3,413 research outputs found

    Generic typology for irrigation systems operation

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    Irrigation management / Irrigation systems / Water use efficiency / Canals / Operations / Typology / Water delivery / Water distribution / Water conveyance / Water storage / Irrigation effects / Environmental effects / Gravity flow / Hydraulics / Constraints / Water supply / Networks / Case studies / Sri Lanka

    Quantitative Games under Failures

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    We study a generalisation of sabotage games, a model of dynamic network games introduced by van Benthem. The original definition of the game is inherently finite and therefore does not allow one to model infinite processes. We propose an extension of the sabotage games in which the first player (Runner) traverses an arena with dynamic weights determined by the second player (Saboteur). In our model of quantitative sabotage games, Saboteur is now given a budget that he can distribute amongst the edges of the graph, whilst Runner attempts to minimise the quantity of budget witnessed while completing his task. We show that, on the one hand, for most of the classical cost functions considered in the literature, the problem of determining if Runner has a strategy to ensure a cost below some threshold is EXPTIME-complete. On the other hand, if the budget of Saboteur is fixed a priori, then the problem is in PTIME for most cost functions. Finally, we show that restricting the dynamics of the game also leads to better complexity

    An informational approach to the global optimization of expensive-to-evaluate functions

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    In many global optimization problems motivated by engineering applications, the number of function evaluations is severely limited by time or cost. To ensure that each evaluation contributes to the localization of good candidates for the role of global minimizer, a sequential choice of evaluation points is usually carried out. In particular, when Kriging is used to interpolate past evaluations, the uncertainty associated with the lack of information on the function can be expressed and used to compute a number of criteria accounting for the interest of an additional evaluation at any given point. This paper introduces minimizer entropy as a new Kriging-based criterion for the sequential choice of points at which the function should be evaluated. Based on \emph{stepwise uncertainty reduction}, it accounts for the informational gain on the minimizer expected from a new evaluation. The criterion is approximated using conditional simulations of the Gaussian process model behind Kriging, and then inserted into an algorithm similar in spirit to the \emph{Efficient Global Optimization} (EGO) algorithm. An empirical comparison is carried out between our criterion and \emph{expected improvement}, one of the reference criteria in the literature. Experimental results indicate major evaluation savings over EGO. Finally, the method, which we call IAGO (for Informational Approach to Global Optimization) is extended to robust optimization problems, where both the factors to be tuned and the function evaluations are corrupted by noise.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Global Optimization (This is the revised version, with additional details on computational problems, and some grammatical changes

    Magnitude bias of microlensed sources towards the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    There are lines of evidence suggesting that some of the observed microlensing events in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are caused by ordinary star lenses as opposed to dark Machos in the Galactic halo. Efficient lensing by ordinary stars generally requires the presence of one or more additional concentrations of stars along the line of sight to the LMC disk. If such a population behind the LMC disk exists, then the source stars (for lensing by LMC disk objects) will be drawn preferentially from the background population and will show systematic differences from LMC field stars. One such difference is that the (lensed) source stars will be farther away than the average LMC field stars, and this should be reflected in their apparent baseline magnitudes. We focus on red clump stars: these should appear in the color-magnitude diagram at a few tenths of a magnitude fainter than the field red clump. Suggestively, one of the two near-clump confirmed events, MACHO-LMC-1, is a few tenths of magnitude fainter than the clump.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters. Shortened to match the accepted version, 8 pages plus 1 ps figur

    Not enough stellar mass Machos in the Galactic halo

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    We present an update of results from the search for microlensing towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by EROS (Experience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres). We have now monitored 25 million stars over three years. Because of the small number of observed microlensing candidates (four), our results are best presented as upper limits on the amount of dark compact objects in the halo of our Galaxy. We discuss critically the candidates and the possible location of the lenses, halo or LMC . We compare our results to those of the MACHO group. Finally, we combine these new results with those from our search towards the Small Magellanic Cloud as well as earlier ones from the EROS1 phase of our survey. The combined data is sensitive to compact objects in the broad mass range 10−7−10 10^{-7} - 10 solar masses. The derived upper limit on the abundance of stellar mass MACHOs rules out such objects as the dominant component of the Galactic halo if their mass is smaller than 2 solar masses.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, presented at the XIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Sudbury, Canada, June 200

    A New Channel for the Detection of Planetary Systems Through Microlensing: II. Repeating Events

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    In the companion paper we began the task of systematically studying the detection of planets in wide orbits (a>1.5REa > 1.5 R_E) via microlensing surveys. In this paper we continue, focusing on repeating events. We find that, if all planetary systems are similar to our own Solar System, reasonable extensions of the present observing strategies would allow us to detect 3-6 repeating events per year along the direction to the Bulge. Indeed, if planetary systems with multiple planets are common, then future monitoring programs which lead to the discovery of thousands of stellar-lens events will likely discover events in which several different planets within a single system serve as lenses, with light curves exhibiting multiple repetitions. In this paper we discuss observing strategies to maximize the discovery of all wide-orbit planet-lens events. We also compare the likely detection rates of planets in wide orbits to those of planets located in the zone for resonant lensing. We find that, depending on the values of the planet masses and stellar radii of the lensed sources (which determine whether or not finite source size is important), and also on the sensitivity of the photometry used by observers, the detection of planets in wide orbits may be the primary route to the discovery of planets via microlensing. We also discuss how the combination of resonant and wide-orbit events can help us to learn about the distribution of planetary system properties (S 6.1). In addition, by determining the fraction of short-duration events due to planets, we indirectly derive information about the fraction of all short-duration events that may be due to low-mass MACHOs (S 6.2).Comment: 51 pages, 7 figures. To be published in the Astrophysical Journal, 20 February 1999. This completes the introduction to the discovery of planets in wide orbits begun in astro-ph/9808075, also to appear in ApJ on 20 February 199

    Pathogenesis-related proteins in grapevines induced by salicylic acid and Botrytis cinerea

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    The grapevine pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) were studied in order to determine the spatial localization and the temporal production of these inducible proteins. We used leaves of plants obtained from woody cuttings grown in greenhouse. Elicitations were done either with salicylic acid or with strains of Botrytis cinerea. Several PRs extractable at pH 2.8 were found to accumulate in grapevine leaves after salicylic acid treatment or Botrytis infection (SDS-PAGE, coomassie blue). Elicitation with salicylic acid has induced one new protein at about 32 kDa. Botrytis infection has resulted in the accumulation of four major acid-soluble proteins with apparent molecular weights of 27, 32, 34 and 38 kDa. Immunodetections using antisera raised against the tobacco PR-2 family have shown several bands, particularly two bands at 34 and 36 kDa revealed by the anti-2a and present both with salicylic acid and Botrytis

    Is spinal tuberculosis contagious?

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    SummaryWhile pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections are recognized for their public health implications, less is known about the infectiousness of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, specifically, spinal tuberculosis or Pott's disease. We present a case of spinal tuberculosis with concomitant active pulmonary tuberculosis in the absence of chest radiographic abnormalities or symptoms, and review the literature regarding infectiousness of concomitant spinal and pulmonary tuberculosis

    Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras of Hausdorff etale groupoids

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    The reduced C∗C^*-algebra of the interior of the isotropy in any Hausdorff \'etale groupoid GG embeds as a C∗C^*-subalgebra MM of the reduced C∗C^*-algebra of GG. We prove that the set of pure states of MM with unique extension is dense, and deduce that any representation of the reduced C∗C^*-algebra of GG that is injective on MM is faithful. We prove that there is a conditional expectation from the reduced C∗C^*-algebra of GG onto MM if and only if the interior of the isotropy in GG is closed. Using this, we prove that when the interior of the isotropy is abelian and closed, MM is a Cartan subalgebra. We prove that for a large class of groupoids GG with abelian isotropy---including all Deaconu--Renault groupoids associated to discrete abelian groups---MM is a maximal abelian subalgebra. In the specific case of kk-graph groupoids, we deduce that MM is always maximal abelian, but show by example that it is not always Cartan.Comment: 14 pages. v2: Theorem 3.1 in v1 incorrect (thanks to A. Kumjain for pointing out the error); v2 shows there is a conditional expectation onto MM iff the interior of the isotropy is closed. v3: Material (including some theorem statements) rearranged and shortened. Lemma~3.5 of v2 removed. This version published in Integral Equations and Operator Theor
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