75 research outputs found

    SRF role as a mechano-transductor in response to exercise in cancer cachexia

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    Introduction: Recent studies showed that physical activity increased survival in cancer patient and animal models of cancer cachexia. The underlying mechanisms, however, are still largely unknown. Methods: To identify signalling pathways involved in exercise-dependent maintenance of muscle mass and function in cachexia, we investigated the role of serum response factor (SRF)—a transcription factor playing a pivotal a role in muscular growth, differentiation and regeneration—in C26-bearing mice in the absence or presence of voluntary exercise (wheel running). Results: SRF levels are decreased at protein level in cachexia. Consistently, a decrease in the expression of SRF target genes such as MyoD and SK-actin occurs in C26-bearing mice, suggesting a decrease of SRF transcriptional activity. These tumour effects were counteracted by wheel running and associated to the rescue of muscle mass and function. However, a minimum amount of exercise (2 km/day) is necessary to keep SRF levels elevated in cachexia over a threshold which is necessary to exert beneficial effects. SRF levels inversely correlate with wasting in mice, suggesting that SRF play a role in maintaining body mass (mostly accounted for by muscle mass). We also observe the recruitment of nuclei within the muscle fibres in response to exercise, which could contribute to muscle homeostasis and is consistent with the previously observed opposite effects of tumour and exercise on MyoD and Pax7 expression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that physical activity rescues SRF expression as well as its transcriptional activity, highlighting the importance of genetic activation induced by skeletal muscle activity for muscle rescue and homeostasis. These effects could be extended to the fibre microenvironment, including myogenic stem cell activity

    Endothelial mineralocorticoid receptor activation enhances endothelial protein C receptor and decreases vascular thrombosis in mice

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    Previous studies have shown that aldosterone, which activates the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), promotes thrombosis in animal models. Our objective was to determine whether MR activation/expression in the vascular endothelium could modify thrombotic risk in vivo and to examine thrombin generation at the surface of aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). MR was conditionally overexpressed in vivo in vascular endothelial cells in mice (MR-EC mice) or stimulated with aldosterone in HAECs. Thrombosis after ferric chloride injury was delayed in MR-EC mice compared with controls as well as in wild-type FVB/NRj mice treated with aldosterone (60 mug/kg/d for 21 d). Thrombin generation in platelet-poor plasma did not differ between MR-EC mice and controls. In MR-EC mice, aortic endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) expression was increased. Aldosterone (10(-8) M) attenuated thrombin generation at the surface of cultured HAECs, and this effect was associated with up-regulation of expression of EPCR, which promotes formation of activated protein C. Aldosterone increases EPCR expression via a transcriptional mechanism involving interaction of MR with the specificity protein 1 site. These findings demonstrate that MR activation acts on endothelial cells to protect against thrombosis in physiological conditions and that MR-mediated EPCR overexpression drives this antithrombotic property through enhancing protein C activation

    Expression of Foxm1 Transcription Factor in Cardiomyocytes Is Required for Myocardial Development

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    Forkhead Box M1 (Foxm1) is a transcription factor essential for organ morphogenesis and development of various cancers. Although complete deletion of Foxm1 in Foxm1−/− mice caused embryonic lethality due to severe abnormalities in multiple organ systems, requirements for Foxm1 in cardiomyocytes remain to be determined. This study was designed to elucidate the cardiomyocyte-autonomous role of Foxm1 signaling in heart development. We generated a new mouse model in which Foxm1 was specifically deleted from cardiomyocytes (Nkx2.5-Cre/Foxm1fl/f mice). Deletion of Foxm1 from cardiomyocytes was sufficient to disrupt heart morphogenesis and induce embryonic lethality in late gestation. Nkx2.5-Cre/Foxm1fl/fl hearts were dilated with thinning of the ventricular walls and interventricular septum, as well as disorganization of the myocardium which culminated in cardiac fibrosis and decreased capillary density. Cardiomyocyte proliferation was diminished in Nkx2.5-Cre/Foxm1fl/fl hearts owing to altered expression of multiple cell cycle regulatory genes, such as Cdc25B, Cyclin B1, Plk-1, nMyc and p21cip1. In addition, Foxm1 deficient hearts displayed reduced expression of CaMKIIδ, Hey2 and myocardin, which are critical mediators of cardiac function and myocardial growth. Our results indicate that Foxm1 expression in cardiomyocytes is critical for proper heart development and required for cardiomyocyte proliferation and myocardial growth

    Cardiomyopathy and Response to Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Male Mouse Model for Fabry Disease

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    Fabry disease is an X-linked disorder of glycosphingolipid metabolism that results in progressive accumulation of neutral glycosphingolipids, (predominately globotriaosylceramide; GL-3) in lysosomes, as well as other cellular compartments and the extracellular space. Our aim was to characterize the cardiac phenotype of male knock-out mice that are deficient in alpha-galactosidase A activity, as a model for Fabry disease and test the efficacy of Enzyme Replacement Therapy with agalsidase-beta. Male mice (3–4 months of age) were characterized with awake blood pressure and heart rate measurements, cardiac echocardiography and electrocardiography measurements under light anesthesia, histological studies and molecular studies with real-time polymerase chain reaction. The Fabry knock-out mouse has bradycardia and lower blood pressure than control wild type (CB7BL/6J) mice. In Fabry knock-out mice, the cardiomyopathy associated mild hypertrophy at echography with normal systolic LV function and mild diastolic dysfunction. Premature atrial contractions were more frequent in without conduction defect. Heart weight normalized to tibial length was increased in Fabry knock-out mice. Ascending aorta dilatation was observed. Molecular studies were consistent with early stages of cardiac remodeling. A single dose of agalsidase-beta (3 mg/kg) did not affect the LV hypertrophy, function or heart rate, but did improve the mRNA signals of early cardiac remodeling. In conclusion, the alpha-galactosidase A deficient mice at 3 to 4 months of age have cardiac and vascular alterations similar to that described in early clinical stage of Fabry disease in children and adolescents. Enzyme replacement therapy affects cardiac molecular remodeling after a single dose

    Elevated miR-499 Levels Blunt the Cardiac Stress Response

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    The heart responds to myriad stresses by well-described transcriptional responses that involve long-term changes in gene expression as well as more immediate, transient adaptations. MicroRNAs quantitatively regulate mRNAs and thus may affect the cardiac transcriptional output and cardiac function. Here we investigate miR-499, a microRNA embedded within a ventricular-specific myosin heavy chain gene, which is expressed in heart and skeletal muscle.We assessed miR-499 expression in human tissue to confirm its potential relevance to human cardiac gene regulation. Using a transgenic mouse model, we found that elevated miR-499 levels caused cellular hypertrophy and cardiac dysfunction in a dose-dependent manner. Global gene expression profiling revealed altered levels of the immediate early stress response genes (Egr1, Egr2 and Fos), ß-myosin heavy chain (Myh7), and skeletal muscle actin (Acta1). We verified the effect of miR-499 on the immediate early response genes by miR-499 gain- and loss-of-function in vitro. Consistent with a role for miR-499 in blunting the response to cardiac stress, asymptomatic miR-499-expressing mice had an impaired response to pressure overload and accentuated cardiac dysfunction.Elevated miR-499 levels affect cardiac gene expression and predispose to cardiac stress-induced dysfunction. miR-499 may titrate the cardiac response to stress in part by regulating the immediate early gene response

    Deletion of Exon 20 of the Familial Dysautonomia Gene Ikbkap in Mice Causes Developmental Delay, Cardiovascular Defects, and Early Embryonic Lethality

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    Familial Dysautonomia (FD) is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects 1/3,600 live births in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, and leads to death before the age of 40. The disease is characterized by abnormal development and progressive degeneration of the sensory and autonomic nervous system. A single base pair substitution in intron 20 of the Ikbkap gene accounts for 98% of FD cases, and results in the expression of low levels of the full-length mRNA with simultaneous expression of an aberrantly spliced mRNA in which exon 20 is missing. To date, there is no animal model for the disease, and the essential cellular functions of IKAP - the protein encoded by Ikbkap - remain unknown. To better understand the normal function of IKAP and in an effort to generate a mouse model for FD, we have targeted the mouse Ikbkap gene by homologous recombination. We created two distinct alleles that result in either loss of Ikbkap expression, or expression of an mRNA lacking only exon 20. Homozygosity for either mutation leads to developmental delay, cardiovascular and brain malformations, accompanied with early embryonic lethality. Our analyses indicate that IKAP is essential for expression of specific genes involved in cardiac morphogenesis, and that cardiac failure is the likely cause of abnormal vascular development and embryonic lethality. Our results also indicate that deletion of exon 20 abolishes gene function. This implies that the truncated IKAP protein expressed in FD patients does not retain any significant biological function

    Skeletal Muscle Phenotypically Converts and Selectively Inhibits Metastatic Cells in Mice

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    Skeletal muscle is rarely a site of malignant metastasis; the molecular and cellular basis for this rarity is not understood. We report that myogenic cells exert pronounced effects upon co-culture with metastatic melanoma (B16-F10) or carcinoma (LLC1) cells including conversion to the myogenic lineage in vitro and in vivo, as well as inhibition of melanin production in melanoma cells coupled with cytotoxic and cytostatic effects. No effect is seen with non-tumorigenic cells. Tumor suppression assays reveal that the muscle-mediated tumor suppressor effects do not generate resistant clones but function through the down-regulation of the transcription factor MiTF, a master regulator of melanocyte development and a melanoma oncogene. Our findings point to skeletal muscle as a source of therapeutic agents in the treatment of metastatic cancers

    Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity

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    Loss of 4E-BP1 expression has been linked to cancer progression and resistance to mTOR inhibitors, but the mechanism underlying 4E-BP1 downregulation in tumors remains unclear. Here we identify Snail as a strong transcriptional repressor of 4E-BP1. We find that 4E-BP1 expression inversely correlates with Snail level in cancer cell lines and clinical specimens. Snail binds to three E-boxes present in the human 4E-BP1 promoter to repress transcription of 4E-BP1. Ectopic expression of Snail in cancer cell lines lacking Snail profoundly represses 4E-BP1 expression, promotes cap-dependent translation in polysomes, and reduces the anti-proliferative effect of mTOR kinase inhibitors. Conversely, genetic and pharmacological inhibition of Snail function restores 4E-BP1 expression and sensitizes cancer cells to mTOR kinase inhibitors by enhancing 4E-BP1-mediated translation-repressive effect on cell proliferation and tumor growth. Our study reveals a critical Snail-4E-BP1 signaling axis in tumorigenesis, and provides a rationale for targeting Snail to improve mTOR-targeted therapies

    Z-disc protein CHAPb induces cardiomyopathy and contractile dysfunction in the postnatal heart

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    The Z-disc is a crucial structure of the sarcomere and is implicated in mechanosensation/transduction. Dysregulation of Z-disc proteins often result in cardiomyopathy. We have previously shown that the Z-disc protein Cytoskeletal Heart-enriched Actin-associated Protein (CHAP) is essential for cardiac and skeletal muscle development. Furthermore, the CHAP gene has been associated with atrial fibrillation in humans. Here, we studied the misregulated expression of CHAP isoforms in heart disease. Mice that underwent transverse aortic constriction and calcineurin transgenic (Tg) mice, both models of experimental heart failure, displayed a significant increase in cardiac expression of fetal isoform CHAPb. To investigate whether increased expression of CHAPb postnatally is sufficient to induce cardiomyopathy, we generated CHAPb Tg mice under the control of the cardiac-specific αMHC promoter. CHAPb Tg mice displayed cardiac hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis and enlargement of the left atrium at three months, which was more pronounced at the age of six months. Hypertrophy and fibrosis were confirmed by evidence of activation of the hypertrophic gene program (Nppa, Nppb, Myh7) and increased collagen expression, respectively. Connexin40 and 43 were downregulated in the left atrium, which was associated with delayed atrioventricular conduction. Tg hearts displayed both systolic and diastolic dysfunction partly caused by impaired sarcomere function evident from a reduced force generating capacity of single cardiomyocytes. This co-incided with activation of the actin signalling pathway leading to the formation of stress fibers. This study demonstrated that the fetal isoform CHAPb initiates progression towards cardiac hypertrophy, which is accompanied by delayed atrioventricular conduction and diastolic dysfunction. Moreover, CHAP may be a novel therapeutic target or candidate gene for screening in cardiomyopathies and atrial fibrillatio
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