288 research outputs found

    Building a risk matrix for the safety assessment of wood derived biochars

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    Biochar is recognized as an efficient amendment and soil improver. However, environmental and quality assessments are needed to ensure the sustainability of its use in agriculture. This work considers the biochar's chemical-physical characterization and its potential phyto- and geno-toxicity, assessed with germination and Ames tests, obtaining valuable information for a safe field application. Three biochar types, obtained from gasification at different temperatures of green biomasses from the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines (in Italy), were compared through a broad chemical, physical and biological evaluation. The results obtained showed the relevance of temperature in determining the chemical and morphological properties of biochar, which was shown with several analytical techniques such as the elemental composition, water holding capacity, ash content, but also with FTIR and X-ray spectroscopies. These techniques showed the presence of different relevant surface aliphatic and aromatic groups. The procedures for evaluating the potential toxicity using seeds germination and Ames genotoxicity assay highlights that biochar does not cause detrimental effects when it enters in contact with soil, micro- and macro-organisms, and plants. The genotoxicity test provided a new highlight in evaluating biochar environmental safety


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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lung and its pathophysiology is initiated by mast cell activation in response to the antigen binding to IgE receptor as well as by TH2 cell activation. Mast cells are well established effector cells in asthma where they exacerbate the inflammatory response, playing a key role in early phase, degranulating and increasing histamine. Human mast cells possess high affinity IgE receptors and are ubiquitous but predominantly localized in mucosal and connective tissue and are distributed along blood vessels. There are two types of mast cells: connective tissue mast cells (TC) and mucosal mast cells (T mast cells). TC mast cells contain more heparin, whereas T mast cells contain more chondroitin sulfate. In asthma, mast cell activation can trigger degranulation, releasing secretory granule complex and preformed mediators, such as histamine and proteases, along with the synthesis of leukotrines and prostaglandins, and induction of cytokines and chemokines. Leukotrine inhibitors and omalizumab, which inhibits IgE, both relieve the asthma exacerbation when administered to humans and permit to reduce the use of other drugs. The release of cytokines by mast cells, such as TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-33, participate in the pathogenesis of asthma. Stress worsens asthma, and this effect is also mediated by mast cell activation through the release of cytokines. Administration of IL-33 in experimental animals provokes pathological effects in the mucosal tissues and augments antibody IgE and IgA in blood vessels. Here, we report the impact of mast cell biology in asthma pathogenesis

    Effect of Soybean Oil Fatty Acid Composition and Selenium Application on Biodiesel Properties

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    Biodiesel consisting principally of monounsaturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) has been reported to have the optimal balance between cold flow properties and oxidative stability, therefore producing a superior fuel. In addition, treating biodiesel with antioxidants such as selenium (Se) also increases oxidative stability. Fuel properties including acid value (AV), cloud point (CP), iodine value (IV), pour point (PP), peroxide value (PV), induction period (IP), onset temperature (OT), and kinematic viscosity (KV) were used to evaluate a newly developed Roundup Ready® soybean recombinant inbred line (RIL) and a commercial cultivar. The RIL had a fatty acid profile with elevated levels of monounsaturated FAME. TN07-93RR was determined as the more desirable line for production of biodiesel, based on its fatty acid composition and subsequent fuel properties. The commercial cultivar AG3906 contained the highest abundance of polyunsaturated FAME and exhibited comparatively high IV and low oxidative stability. AG3906 was therefore not acceptable under the European biodiesel standard, EN 14214. However, TN07-93RR and AG3906 both were considered satisfactory according to the American biodiesel standard, ASTM D6751. Foliar treatment of soybean plants with varying amounts of Se had no effect on subsequent biodiesel oxidative stabilities

    External validation of a mammography-derived AI-based risk model in a U.S. breast cancer screening cohort of White and Black women

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    Despite the demonstrated potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in breast cancer risk assessment for personalizing screening recommendations, further validation is required regarding AI model bias and generalizability. We performed external validation on a U.S. screening cohort of a mammography-derived AI breast cancer risk model originally developed for European screening cohorts. We retrospectively identified 176 breast cancers with exams 3 months to 2 years prior to cancer diagnosis and a random sample of 4963 controls from women with at least one-year negative follow-up. A risk score for each woman was calculated via the AI risk model. Age-adjusted areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) were estimated for the entire cohort and separately for White and Black women. The Gail 5-year risk model was also evaluated for comparison. The overall AUC was 0.68 (95% CIs 0.64-0.72) for all women, 0.67 (0.61-0.72) for White women, and 0.70 (0.65-0.76) for Black women. The AI risk model significantly outperformed the Gail risk model for all wome

    Role of mast cells in atherosclerosis: a classical inflammatory disease.

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    Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease and hyperlipidaemia is one of the main risk factors for aging, hypertension and diabetes. Variance in plasma LDL cholesterol concentration may be associated with differences in cardiovascular disease risk and high levels of lipids are associated with increased risk of developing atherosclerosis. Macrophages, which generate pro-inflammatory cytokines, mainly interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-alpha), are deeply involved in atherosclerosis, as well as mast cells which generate several cytokines, including IL-6 and IFN-gamma, and chemokines such as eotaxin, MCP-1 and RANTES involved in monocyte recruitment and differentiation in the arterial wall. In addition, mast cells participate in lipid retention and vascular cell remodeling, and are mediators of innate and adaptive immunity during atherosclerosis. Mast cells which accumulate in the human arterial intima and adventitia during atherosclerotic plaque progression, release vasoactive and angiogenic compounds, and pro-inflammatory mediators, such as arachidonic acid metabolites, histamine, cytokines/chemokines, platelet activating factor (PAF) and proteolytic enzymes. Mast cells can be activated by pro-inflammatory stimuli, including cytokines, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperglycemia, and trigger the endothelial expression of adhesion molecules such as P-selectin, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and chemokines which mediate the recruitment and adhesion of leukocytes. The participation of mast cells in atherosclerosis is still an enigma and it may be of therapeutic interest to clarify this process

    Impact of Mast Cells on Multiple Sclerosis: Inhibitory Effect of Natalizumab

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    Mast cells (MCs) derive from a distinct precursor in the bone marrow and are predominantly found in tissues at the interface between the host and the external environment where they can secrete mediators without overt degranulation. Mast cells mature under local tissue microenvironmental factors and are necessary for the development of allergic reactions, through crosslinking of their surface receptors for IgE (FcεRI), leading to degranulation and the release of vasoactive, pro-inflammatory and nociceptive mediators that include histamine, pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and proteolytic enzymes. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory demylination within the central nervous system. MCs are involved in the pathogenesis of MS by generating various vasoactive mediators and cytokines and participate in the destruction of the myelin sheath and the neuronal cells. The process of the development of demyelinating plaques in MS is probably linked with the rupture of the blood-brain barrier by MC products. The effects of natalizumab, which is a very effective drug in reducing the annualized relapse rate and other relapse-based endpoints, are discussed. Here, we report the relationship between MCs and MS

    Rescue of secretion of rare-disease associated misfolded mutant glycoproteins in UGGT1 knock-out mammalian cells

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention of misfolded glycoproteins is mediated by the ER-localised eukaryotic glycoprotein secretion checkpoint, UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyl-transferase (UGGT). The enzyme recognises a misfolded glycoprotein and flags it for ER retention by re-glucosylating one of its N-linked glycans. In the background of a congenital mutation in a secreted glycoprotein gene, UGGT-mediated ER retention can cause rare disease, even if the mutant glycoprotein retains activity (“responsive mutant”). Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, we investigated here the subcellular localisation of the human Trop-2-Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants, which cause gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD). Compared with the wild type Trop-2, which is correctly localised at the plasma membrane, these Trop-2 mutants are retained in the ER. We studied fluorescent chimeras of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants in mammalian cells harbouring CRISPR/Cas9-mediated inhibition of the UGGT1 and/or UGGT2 genes. The membrane localisation of the Trop-2 Q118E, E227K and L186P mutants was successfully rescued in UGGT1-/- cells. UGGT1 also efficiently reglucosylated Trop-2-Q118E-EYFP in cellula. The study supports the hypothesis that UGGT1 modulation would constitute a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pathological conditions associated to misfolded membrane glycoproteins (whenever the mutation impairs but does not abrogate function), and it encourages the testing of modulators of ER glycoprotein folding quality control as broad-spectrum rescue-of-secretion drugs in rare diseases caused by responsive secreted glycoprotein mutants