18 research outputs found

    Influence of the Water Level in the Yenisei River on the Ecosystem of its Anabranch within the City of Krasnoyarsk

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    Расположенная в черте города Красноярска в 35 км ниже Красноярской ГЭС Абаканская протока р. Енисей является, с одной стороны, важным рекреационным водоемом, а с другой стороны, подвержена нескольким типам антропогенного воздействия (зарегулирование дамбой, поступление ливневых и теплых вод, наличие садкового рыбоводного хозяйства), ухудшающего ее рекреационные свойства из-за чрезмерного зарастания макрофитами и скоплений метафитона нитчатой водоросли рода Spirogyra, ухудшения органолептических и микробиологических показателей воды. Природные климатические факторы способны существенно модифицировать влияние антропогенных факторов, что представляет интерес в плане прогнозирования и принятия решений по ликвидации негативных явлений. Целью работы является оценка влияния режима уровня воды р. Енисей в весенне-летний период на экосистему протоки через сравнение данных в многоводный (2021) и средневодный (2020) годы. Гидрофизические, гидрохимические и гидробиологические измерения проводили с мая по август 2020 и 2021 гг. сверху вниз на станциях левобережья: 1 – выше дамбы (фон), 2 – ниже дамбы, 3 – напротив выпуска теплых вод ТЭЦ, 4 – пляж, ниже рыбоводных садков. В 2021 г. вода в протоку поступала только снизу (к ст. 4 и 3), так как водопропускные трубы в теле плотины были засыпаны. В 2021 г., по сравнению с 2020 г., на зарегулированном участке протоки значительно увеличились численность и биомасса фито- и зоопланктона, возросла первичная продукция планктона, а аналогичные показатели фитоперифитона и зообентоса, напротив, снизились по причине их формирования на свежезалитых грунтах. Метафитон отсутствовал, но в августе спирогира стала доминировать в биомассе фитоперифитона. Концентрации нитрит-иона в воде увеличились в зарегулированной части протоки, а нитрат-иона и общего фосфора – на всех станциях протоки, в том числе и на фоновой, получающей воды из Красноярского водохранилища. Наблюдаемая в 2021 г. «вспышка трофии» в планктоне ст. 3 и 4 обусловлена длительным (полтора месяца) удержанием высокого уровня воды в протоке, позволившим использовать биоте вымываемые из затопленных берегов органические вещества и биогены, и аналогична таковой в экотонных зонах выклинивания подпора водохранилищ. Ежегодное увеличение концентраций минеральных форм азота и общего фосфора на нижних станциях, по сравнению с другими станциями, вероятно, обусловлено эвтрофирующим влиянием садкового рыбоводного хозяйстваLocated within the city of Krasnoyarsk, 35 km downstream of the Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Plant, the Abakanskaya anabranch of the Yenisei River, on the one hand, is an important recreational water body and, on the other hand, is subject to several types of anthropogenic impact (regulation by a dam, inflow of storm and warm waters, fish farming). These impacts worsen its recreational properties due to excessive growth of macrophytes and metaphytic filamentous algae of the genus Spirogyra, causing deterioration of organoleptic and microbiological parameters of water. Natural climatic factors can significantly modify the influence of anthropogenic factors, which is of interest in terms of forecasting and decision-making about the elimination of negative factors. The aim of the present work is to assess the influence of the water level regime of the Yenisei River in the spring–summer period on the anabranch ecosystem by comparing the data for the high-water (2021) and medium-water (2020) years. Hydrophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological measurements were carried out from May to August 2020 and 2021 at locations on the left bank: 1 – upstream of the dam (reference), 2 – downstream of the dam, 3 – opposite the outlet of warm water, 4 – at the beach, downstream of the fish farm. In 2021, water entered the anabranch only from downstream (to locations 4 and 3), since the culverts in the dam body were filled up. In 2021, compared to 2020, the abundance and biomass of phyto- and zooplankton in the regulated section of the anabranch significantly increased, the primary production of plankton increased, but the corresponding parameters of phytoperiphyton and zoobenthos, on the contrary, decreased due to their formation on freshly flooded soils. Metaphyton was absent, but in August, Spirogyra began to dominate in the phytoperiphyton biomass. Nitrite ion concentrations in the water increased in the regulated part of the anabranch, and the nitrate ion and total phosphorus concentrations increased at all locations, including the reference location, receiving water from the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir. The plankton “abundance outbreak” observed in 2021 at locations 3 and 4 was caused by the water level in the anabranch remaining high over a long period (one and a half months), which made it possible for the biota to use organic matter and nutrients washed out from the flooded banks; the outbreak was similar to those occurring in the ecotone zones of inputs to the upper parts of reservoirs. The annual increase in the concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen and total phosphorus at the lower locations compared with other locations was probably due to the eutrophic influence of fish farmin

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Measurement(s) : temperature of water, temperature profile Technology Type(s) : digital curation Factor Type(s) : lake location, temporal interval Sample Characteristic - Environment : lake, reservoir Sample Characteristic - Location : global Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14619009Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    peer reviewedClimate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Numerical modeling of vertical distribution of living and dead copepods Arctodiaptomus salinus in salt Lake Shira

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.В глубоком стратифицированном водоеме процессы роста и смертности популяции зоопланктона выражаются во взаимозависимом неоднородном вертикальном распределении живых и мертвых особей в столбе воды. Мертвые особи элиминируются из толщи воды путем оседания, деградации за счет микробного разложения, детритофагии и т. д. В случае эпилимниального максимума численности зоопланктона и при условии преобладания процессов деградации над оседанием, поток отмирающих особей имеет выраженное экспоненциальное убывание с глубиной. Профиль численности мертвых рачков, включая их убывание в мета- и гиполимнионе, может описываться с помощью разработанной численной модели. Аппроксимация полевых данных позволяет определить значения естественной смертности m (не связанной с хищником) и скорости деградации D отмерших рачков в виде относительных величин ( m / v и D / v , v - скорость оседания), либо абсолютных (при известной v ). На примере популяции копепод Arctodiaptomus salinus Daday в оз. Шира рассчитанные m и D (медианы 0,13 и 0,26 сут-1 соответственно) хорошо согласуются со значениями, известными из литературы. Преимуществом предложенного метода также является возможность учитывать разную скорость оседания v по глубине

    Processing of in-situ measurements of surface velocity and temperature in lake shira

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    Long-term field measurements of current velocity, wind velocity and temperature have been conducted in Lake Shira during 2013-2018. The first studies of surface currents were carried out using the Lagrangian drifter in 2018. In this work, the principal component analysis was used to identify the main components of the near-surface current and surface temperature. The data obtained using the drifter was analyzed with the connection of the wind pattern

    Accumulation of elements by submerged (Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner) and emergent (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) macrophytes under different salinity levels

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала

    Disturbance of meromixis in saline Lake Shira (Siberia, Russia): possible reasons and ecosystem response

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    Saline Lake Shira (Southern Siberia, Russia) was meromictic through the observation period 2002-2015. During the under-ice periods of 2015 and 2016, complete mixing of the water column was recorded for the first time, and hydrogen sulphide temporarily disappeared from the water column of the lake; i.e. in those years the lake turned to holomixis. In the summer of 2015, a sharp increase in chlorophyll a, organic carbon, zooplankton, and phytoflagellates was observed in the lake, which was probably due to the release of nutrients from the monimolimnion. Purple sulfur bacteria completely disappeared from the lake after the first mixing in 2015, and did not reappear despite the restoration of meromixis in 2017. Thus, it was demonstrated that purple sulfur bacteria are sensitive to the weakening of the stratification of Lake Shira. Based on the data of the seasonal monitoring of temperature and salinity profiles over the period 2002-2017, it was presumed that the main cause of deep mixing in 2015 was the weakening of the salinity gradient due to strong wind impact and early ice retreat in the spring of 2014. In addition, it was shown that in previous years a significant contribution to the maintenance of meromixis was made by an additional influx of fresh water, which caused a rise in the lake level in the period 2002-2007. Thus, we identified a relationship between the stratification regime of the lake and the change in its level, which provides valuable information both for the forecast of water quality and for reconstruction of the Holocene climate humidity in this region of Southern Siberia from the sediment cores of Lake Shira

    Disturbance of meromixis in saline Lake Shira (Siberia, Russia): possible reasons and ecosystem response

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    Saline Lake Shira (Southern Siberia, Russia) was meromictic through the observation period 2002-2015. During the under-ice periods of 2015 and 2016, complete mixing of the water column was recorded for the first time, and hydrogen sulphide temporarily disappeared from the water column of the lake; i.e. in those years the lake turned to holomixis. In the summer of 2015, a sharp increase in chlorophyll a, organic carbon, zooplankton, and phytoflagellates was observed in the lake, which was probably due to the release of nutrients from the monimolimnion. Purple sulfur bacteria completely disappeared from the lake after the first mixing in 2015, and did not reappear despite the restoration of meromixis in 2017. Thus, it was demonstrated that purple sulfur bacteria are sensitive to the weakening of the stratification of Lake Shira. Based on the data of the seasonal monitoring of temperature and salinity profiles over the period 2002-2017, it was presumed that the main cause of deep mixing in 2015 was the weakening of the salinity gradient due to strong wind impact and early ice retreat in the spring of 2014. In addition, it was shown that in previous years a significant contribution to the maintenance of meromixis was made by an additional influx of fresh water, which caused a rise in the lake level in the period 2002-2007. Thus, we identified a relationship between the stratification regime of the lake and the change in its level, which provides valuable information both for the forecast of water quality and for reconstruction of the Holocene climate humidity in this region of Southern Siberia from the sediment cores of Lake Shira

    The Effect of Salinity and Nutrient Load on the Ecosystems of Selected Lakes in the South of Siberia

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    Соленость во многом определяет видовое разнообразие и структуру трофической цепи озерных экосистем. Большое количество работ было посвящено исследованию толерантности различных видов планктона к солености. Последствия модификаций звеньев трофической цепи для функционирования экосистемы рассматривают реже. Удобным объектом для таких исследований являются близкорасположенные озера различной солености. Мы провели отбор проб в период летней стратификации и проанализировали физико-химические и биологические характеристики 20 озер (общее количество растворенных солей от 0,1 до 35 г/л) на юге Сибири с целью общего описания экосистем и проверки ряда гипотез о влиянии солености на структуру трофической цепи. Анализ выявил два ключевых фактора, оказывающих влияние на экосистемы исследованных озер. Видовой состав зоопланктона определялся соленостью с уменьшением числа видов и трансформацией сообщества от разнообразного сообщества зоопланктона (солености до 3 г/л) к доминированию крупных дафний (3–8 г/л), копепод (> 8 г/л), мелких ветвистоусых и коловраток (20–30 г/л) и артемий (> 30 г/л). Верхнее трофическое звено (рыбы) элиминировалось при солености выше 10 г/л. Биомасса зоопланктона не зависела от солености, но возрастала в озерах с увеличенной биогенной нагрузкой. Биогенная нагрузка также достоверно влияла на содержание общего фосфора в воде, мутность и прозрачность воды, концентрацию хлорофилла «а». Таким образом, зафиксирован структурирующий эффект биогенной нагрузки (bottom-up- контроль) на биомассу звеньев трофической цепи и показатели прозрачности воды, тогда как соленость трансформировала трофическую цепочку сверху, приводя к исчезновению рыб и смене доминирующих видов зоопланктона. При этом соленость не влияла на биомассу звеньев трофической цепи. По всей видимости, чтобы обнаружить каскадные эффекты в экосистемах соленых озер, требуется провести сравнительный анализ сезонных динамик развития экосистем озер различной соленостиSalinity largely determines the species diversity and structure of the food web in lake ecosystems. Many studies have been focused on the salinity tolerance of various plankton species. There are fewer studies investigating the modifications in the food web interactions under the effect of salinity. An appropriate system for such studies is closely located lakes of different salinity. We took samples during the summer stratification and analyzed the physicochemical and biological characteristics of 20 lakes (salinity 0.1-35 g/l) in southern Siberia in order to provide general description of this system and to test a number of hypotheses about the effect of salinity on the structure of the food web. The analysis revealed two key factors structuring ecosystems of the studied lakes. The species composition of zooplankton was determined by salinity, with a decrease in the number of species and the transformation of the community from a diverse community of zooplankton (salinity up to 3 g/l) to the dominance of large daphnia (3-8 g/l), copepods (> 8 g/l), small cladocerans and rotifers (20-30 g/l), and Artemia (> 30 g/l). The top predator (fish) was eliminated at salinity above 10 g/l. The biomass of zooplankton did not depend on salinity, but significantly increased in lakes with an increased nutrient load. The nutrient load also had a significant effect on the concentration of total phosphorus, turbidity and transparency of water, and the concentration of chlorophyll “a”. Thus, we recorded the structuring effect of the nutrient load (bottom-up control) on the biomass of the trophic levels and the parameters of water transparency, while salinity transformed the trophic chain from the top, leading to the disappearance of fish and a change in the dominant species of zooplankton. At the same time, salinity did not affect the biomass of the trophic levels. In order to detect top-down effects in the ecosystems of saline lakes, it is necessary to perform a comparative analysis of the seasonal dynamics of ecosystems of lakes with different salinit