263 research outputs found

    Las Cajas Rurales

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    Publicado inicialmente en "Mensajero Leonés"Precede al tít.: Propaganda gratuítaCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Implementing service-learning programs in physical education; teacher education as teaching and learning models for all the agents involved: A systematic review

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    Service-learning (SL) is the subject of a growing number of studies and is becoming increasingly popular in physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the implementation of SL programs with PETE students. The databases used were Web of Science, SPORTDiscus (EBSCO), and SCOPUS. Articles were selected on the basis of the following criteria: (a) published in a peer-reviewed journal; (b) covers the use of SL programs with PETE students; (c) relates to physical education or physical activity programs; (d) availability of a full-text version in English and/or Spanish. Thirty-two articles met the inclusion criteria. Two types of findings were observed: firstly, findings relating to the study characteristics and objectives and, secondly, recommendations for improvement of this type of intervention. The objectives of the different studies focused on (a) the impact of the SL methodology on PETE students’ professional, social, and personal skills; (b) its impact on the community; (c) analysis of the effectiveness and quality of the programs. All but two studies analyzed the impact of SL on PETE, while only four analyzed community participants and only three analyzed the quality of the SL program. Recommendations for improving SL programs used with PETE students included: all stakeholders, e.g., students and community participants, should be studied and coordinated; the quality of the programs should be assessed, as studying the effectiveness of SL programs could help to attain the objectives of both students and the community; mixed methods should be used; and intervention implementation periods should be extended to provide more objective, controlled measurements

    Psychological wellbeing in physical education and school sports: A systematic review

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    Mental health in children and adolescents has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. It is against this backdrop that physical education and school sports play an important role in promoting psychological wellbeing. The aim of this review was to analyse interventions for improving psychological wellbeing in this area. To this end, a literature review was conducted using four databases (WOS, SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS and ERIC) and the following keywords: psychological wellbeing, physical education, and school sports. Twenty-one articles met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that interventions varied greatly in terms of duration and used a wide range of strategies (conventional and non-conventional sports, physical activity, games, etc.) for promoting psychological wellbeing, primarily among secondary school students. There was a lack of consensus as to the conceptualisation of the construct of psychological wellbeing, resulting in a variety of tools and methods for assessing it. Some studies also suggested a link between psychological wellbeing and other variables, such as basic psychological needs and self-determination. Finally, this study provides a definition of psychological wellbeing through physical activity based on our findings

    Las fortificaciones leonesas desde la Antigüedad a la Edad media en el contexto del noroeste peninsular

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia Antigua, Historia Medieval, Paleografía y Diplomática. Fecha de Lectura: 08-03-2019Esta reconstrucción de los primeros mil años de las murallas leonesas logra un cambio de perspectiva con la articulación sincrónica de hallazgos arqueológicos -algunos ya conocidos y sin valorar-, y la revisión de las fuentes históricas. Se rectifica el paradigma de la conquista romana de los Astures desde Levante: fue desde el Duero hacia el noroeste, por las provincias de Zamora y León desde dos bases casi equidistantes de la capital astur, Lancia, vindicada en Arrabalde (Zamora): Rosinos de Vidriales (Zamora), y Castrocalbón, al sur de León asegurando el oro de la Valduerna, La Cabrera y Los Ancares. Se asume en parte la tesis de Schulten (acción combinada de conquista astur-cántabra del 29 al 19 a.C.), invalidando la tesis de Syme que excluía Galicia del conflicto. En este contexto surgió León como campamento estable durante la fase de ocupación, para el control de la zona anexionada. Frente a la “visión diacrónica” de sus fortificaciones se ha realizado una revisión sincrónica restringiendo las cuatro fases campamentales a dos: un primer vallum de madera y tierra con un agger de bloques de arcilla compactada, y una muralla de sillarejo de piedra altoimperial. Se elimina una fase, basada en la existencia posible de un segundo muro de “tapines”. Se proponen dobles hipótesis sobre el primitivo vallum leonés: los vestigios de madera podrían corresponder a la altura total de las empalizadas, o a una estructura temporal para el fraguado. Se propone para León I una variación del modelo desarrollado para el Vallum escocés por G. Carter. La autoría de la legio VI Hispaniense para la primera fortificación no se asegura, porque efectivos de las legiones V Alauda y X Gemina pudieron participar en su construcción. Lo mismo sucede con la legio VII Gemina para la segunda muralla de sillarejo altoimperial: no se descarta que la encontrase levantada por la legio VI (cuando ya era VI Victrix), ni la contribución de tropas de la Legio I Adiutrix. Una tercera fase pétrea, la muralla de cubos de León, es de construcción tardía, refutando la cronología “tetrárquica”. Es posterior al siglo V, siendo posibles las hipótesis de su autoría sueva o más tardía, por la reina regente Elvira García, madre de Alfonso V. Un diploma leonés de 1011 propone el terminus ante quem: Munio Fernández y su esposa fundaron el monasterio de San Juan Bautista “intus municione muri”; tras la destrucción de Almanzor, implica que la muralla de cubos estaba en pie. La Historia se apoya en la relectura de los estratos arqueológicos murarios y sus interfacies, a la vista desde 2009 y que la Administración Pública no ha sabido interpretar

    Contribution of autochthonous maize populations for adaptation to European conditions

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    Early vigor, earliness and cold tolerance are the main potential contributions of European maize (Zea mays L.) for breeding programs for adaptation to areas with short growing seasons and cold springs. The objective of this research was to determine the potential contributions of populations from different European regions to breeding for adaptation. Six Spanish and six French maize populations differing on variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance were crossed in a complete diallel without reciprocals. The populations and their crosses were evaluated in the field and in a cold chamber. Minimum temperatures were the main environmental trait affecting genotype × environment interaction, probably due to the cold sensitivity of the genotypes with the best performance in the field. The best population cross, based on specific heterosis for adaptation-related traits in the field, was Viana × Rastrojero, but this cross was cold sensitive. Tuy × Lazcano should be the best choice for a breeding program for adaptation, based on performance in the field and cold tolerance. As conclusions, there was variability for earliness, vigor and cold tolerance among the populations and crosses involved in this study, being tolerant to cold conditions the populations with medium growing cycle originated in areas with short growing seasons. The highest yielding crosses were cold sensitive.Research supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Ref. HF1999-0138), the Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Recherche, the Committee for Science and Technology of Spain (Project AGL2004-06776), the Autonomous government of Galicia (PGIDIT04RAG403006PR), the Excma. Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra, and the European Union (RESGEN 88 CT96).Peer reviewe

    Trapezius contracture and loss of strength

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    Musculoskeletal pathology is common in primary care, but not always have a trivial origin. According to the symptoms and comorbidities of the patient, these pathologies have to make us think if is possible to be a guiding symptom of a more severe pathology. That is why we present the case of a young woman with cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, smoking, obesity and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) with pain at left trapezius and motor and sensory clinical alterations in left upper extremity. These comorbidities have in common their relationship with cerebrovascular pathology so, given the concomitant clinical musculoskeletal, we need to suspect this cause, as was in this case

    Self-passivating W-Cr-Y alloys: characterization and testing

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    The use of self-passivating tungsten alloys for the first wall armor of future fusion reactors is advantageous concerning safety issues in comparison with pure tungsten. Bulk W-10Cr-0.5Y alloy manufactured by mechanical alloying followed by HIP resulted in a fully dense material with grain size around 100 nm and a dispersion of Y-rich oxide nanoparticles located at the grain boundaries. An improvement in flexural strength and fracture toughness was observed with respect to previous works. Oxidation tests under isothermal and accident-like conditions revealed a very promising oxidation behavior for the W-10Cr-0.5Y alloy. Thermo-shock tests at JUDITH-1 to simulate ELM-like loads resulted in a crack network at the surface with roughness values lower than those of a pure W reference material. An additional thermal treatment at 1550 °C improves slightly the oxidation and thermo-shock resistance of the alloy

    The cold-sensing ion channel TRPM8 regulates central and peripheral clockwork and the circadian oscillations of body temperature

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    [Abstract] Aim: Physiological functions in mammals show circadian oscillations, synchronized by daily cycles of light and temperature. Central and peripheral clocks participate in this regulation. Since the ion channel TRPM8 is a critical cold sensor, we investigated its role in circadian function. Methods: We used TRPM8 reporter mouse lines and TRPM8-deficient mice. mRNA levels were determined by in situ hybridization or RT-qPCR and protein levels by immunofluorescence. A telemetry system was used to measure core body temperature (Tc). Results: TRPM8 is expressed in the retina, specifically in cholinergic amacrine interneurons and in a subset of melanopsin-positive ganglion cells which project to the central pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. TRPM8-positive fibres were also found innervating choroid and ciliary body vasculature, with a putative function in intraocular temperature, as shown in TRPM8-deficient mice. Interestingly, Trpm8-/- animals displayed increased expression of the clock gene Per2 and vasopressin (AVP) in the SCN, suggesting a regulatory role of TRPM8 on the central oscillator. Since SCN AVP neurons control body temperature, we studied Tc in driven and free-running conditions. TRPM8-deficiency increased the amplitude of Tc oscillations and, under dim constant light, induced a greater phase delay and instability of Tc rhythmicity. Finally, TRPM8-positive fibres innervate peripheral organs, like liver and white adipose tissue. Notably, Trpm8-/- mice displayed a dysregulated expression of Per2 mRNA in these metabolic tissues. Conclusion: Our findings support a function of TRPM8 as a temperature sensor involved in the regulation of central and peripheral clocks and the circadian control of Tc.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); RT2018-099995-B100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España); AEI/10.13039/501100011033Generalitat Valenciana; PROMETEO/2021/031Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (España); BES-2011-04706