75 research outputs found

    Environmental science applications with Rapid Integrated Mapping and analysis System (RIMS)

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    The Rapid Integrated Mapping and analysis System (RIMS) has been developed at the University of New Hampshire as an online instrument for multidisciplinary data visualization, analysis and manipulation with a focus on hydrological applications. Recently it was enriched with data and tools to allow more sophisticated analysis of interdisciplinary data. Three different examples of specific scientific applications with RIMS are demonstrated and discussed. Analysis of historical changes in major components of the Eurasian pan-Arctic water budget is based on historical discharge data, gridded observational meteorological fields, and remote sensing data for sea ice area. Express analysis of the extremely hot and dry summer of 2010 across European Russia is performed using a combination of near-real time and historical data to evaluate the intensity and spatial distribution of this event and its socioeconomic impacts. Integrative analysis of hydrological, water management, and population data for Central Asia over the last 30 years provides an assessment of regional water security due to changes in climate, water use and demography. The presented case studies demonstrate the capabilities of RIMS as a powerful instrument for hydrological and coupled human-natural systems research

    Development of Distributed Research Center for analysis of regional climatic and environmental changes

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    We present an approach and first results of a collaborative project being carried out by a joint team of researchers from the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Russia and Earth Systems Research Center UNH, USA. Its main objective is development of a hardware and software platform prototype of a Distributed Research Center (DRC) for monitoring and projecting of regional climatic and environmental changes in the Northern extratropical areas. The DRC should provide the specialists working in climate related sciences and decision-makers with accurate and detailed climatic characteristics for the selected area and reliable and affordable tools for their in-depth statistical analysis and studies of the effects of climate change. Within the framework of the project, new approaches to cloud processing and analysis of large geospatial datasets (big geospatial data) inherent to climate change studies are developed and deployed on technical platforms of both institutions. We discuss here the state of the art in this domain, describe web based information-computational systems developed by the partners, justify the methods chosen to reach the project goal, and briefly list the results obtained so far

    Systematization of climate data in the virtual research environment on the basis of ontology approach

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    The first version of a primitive OWL-ontology of collections climate and meteorological data of Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS is presented. The ontology is a component of expert and decision support systems intended for quick search for climate and meteorological data required for solution of a certain class of applied problems

    Morphological changes of lungs in premature newborns

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    This article discusses the morphological features of the lungs of premature newborns, the pathogenesis of the development of RDS syndromeВ данной статье рассмотрены морфологические особенности лёгких недоношенных новорожденных, патогенез развития РДС-синдром

    Вектор пространственного развития регионов Енисейской Сибири: Красноярский край, Республика Хакасия, Республика Тыва

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    This article provides a comprehensive assessment of the natural resource potential of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republics of Khakassia and Tuva as part of implementing the «Yenisei Siberia» project. In the introductory section of the article, the authors set out the goals and objectives of the study of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the socio-economic potential of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Tuva and examine the role of implementing particularly important Yenisei Siberia investment projects in the economic development of the territories. The body of the article starts with the overall review in the form of economic and statistical analysis of the socio-economic conditions in the regions examined. It is followed by an attempt at a statistical measurement of the influence of particularly important investment projects («Southern Cluster», «Construction of the railway Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino», «Construction of the timber processing complex in the Boguchansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory» and «Agro-industrial Park «Siberia») on a summarizing indicator of the economic activity of the regions - gross regional product (GRP). The investment projects were examined using open data sources and official statistical information. By comparing the available information from various sources, the authors assessed the adequacy of the obtained results to the current situation and challenges of the new economy.В статье дана комплексная характеристика природно-ресурсного потенциала Красноярского края, республик Хакасия и Тыва в условиях реализации проекта «Енисейская Сибирь». В вводной части публикации формулируются цель и задачи выполненного исследования по количественно-качественной характеристике социально-экономического потенциала Красноярского края, Республики Хакасия, Республики Тыва и оценке роли реализации отдельных значимых инвестиционных проектов «Енисейская Сибирь» на развитие экономики территорий. В основной части статьи после общего обзора в формате экономико-статистического анализа социально-экономического положения рассматриваемых регионов предпринята попытка статистического измерения влияния отдельных значимых инвестиционных проектов («Южный кластер», «Строительство железнодорожной линии Элегест - Кызыл - Курагино», «Строительство лесопромышленного комплекса на территории Богучанского района Красноярского края» и «Агропромышленный парк «Сибирь») на обобщающий показатель экономической деятельности регионов - валовой региональный продукт (ВРП). Инвестиционные проекты рассмотрены с использованием данных открытых информационных ресурсов и официальной статистической информации. На основе сопоставления имеющейся информации из различных источников проведена оценка адекватности полученных результатов сложившимся реалиям и вызовам современной экономики

    Исследование влияния трансформации региональной экономики на уровень жизни населения

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    The article presents results of a study on determining the directions for structural transformation of economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory which would promote sustainable economic development and thus improve the performance of current economic system. This study revealed the degree to which the structure of territory economy can affect the key indicator of economic performance of the region - that is living standards of the population. This research was conducted, using cluster analysis and similarity evaluation, it demonstrated that one of the conditions for improving the regional economy’s resistance to external and internal factors is to increase the share of the following kinds of activities in the structure of territorial GRP: «Agriculture, hunting and forestry» (OKVED, Section A) and «Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods» (OKVED, Section G) - which should be followed by the reduction of the existing dependency of the economic system from mining and quarrying. In the same vein evaluation of series of regression models proved that structure of regional economy and the changes that it had undergone over the period in question, failed to demonstrate significant impact on living standards indicators, such as average wages and median age at death. The conclusions, that were formulated on the basis of this research can be taken into account during the decision making process by those state authorities of the Krasnoyarsk territory that are responsible for implementing regional economic policy.В статье представлены результаты исследования, цель которого заключалась в определении основных направлений структурной трансформации экономики Красноярского края, способствующих устойчивому экономическому развитию и, как следствие, повышению эффективности существующей экономической системы. В ходе исследования также определено, в какой степени структура краевой экономики способна повлиять на изменение уровня жизни населения - одного из ключевых индикаторов экономической эффективности региона. Исследование, проведенное с использованием методов кластерного анализа и анализа подобия, показало, что одним из условий повышения уровня устойчивости экономики края к неблагоприятным воздействиям внешних и внутренних факторов является увеличение в структуре краевого ВРП удельного веса таких видов деятельности, как «Сельское хозяйство, охота и лесное хозяйство» (раздел А ОКВЭД) и «Оптовая и розничная торговля; ремонт автотранспортных средств, мотоциклов, бытовых изделий и предметов личного пользования» (раздел G ОКВЭД), которое должно сопровождаться снижением существующей зависимости экономической системы от добычи полезных ископаемых. Вместе с тем оценка серии регрессионных моделей позволила получить доказательства в пользу того, что структура краевой экономики, как и изменения, происходившие в ней на протяжении анализируемого периода, не демонстрирует значимого влияния на формирование таких показателей уровня жизни населения, как средняя заработная плата и медианный возраст смерти. Сформулированные в результате исследования выводы могут иметь практическую значимость при принятии решений органами государственного управления Красноярского края, ответственными за реализацию региональной экономической политики


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    The paper presents the results of assessing the effect of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) on the severity of neurological deficit and the brain morphology and function in a model of focal lesions induced by a venous blood flow disorder. Cerebral lesions were induced in Wistar rats by coagulation of the superior sagittal sinus followed by coagulation of cortical veins in the left parietotemporal region. MSCs were injected intravenously on days 1 and 7, and the dynamics of neurological disorders and morphological changes were assessed at 7, 14 and 21 days in comparison to controls. MSCs infusion was accompanied by a significant reduction. in neurological deficit, the most pronounced with MSCs injections on day 1. Morphological investigation of the damaged region have shown that the administration of MSCs led to a decrease in the area of necrosis, stimulation of angiogenesis, and improvement of structural and cellular parameters as compared to the control group. As a result, by day 21 the area of necrosis in animals with MSC transplantation was replaced by glial-mesodermal scar, whereas the scar formation in control animals was less pronounced, and in some cases was accompanied by cystic transformation. Transplantation of MSCs has a positive effect on neurological and morphofunctional recovery of the brain in experimental animal models of cerebral venous circulation disorders