6,630 research outputs found

    The hounds of king Philip III: An approach through the royal hunt's positions (1598-1621)

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    En el presente artículo se abordará, atendiendo fundamentalmente al reinado de Felipe III (1598-1621), la importancia de la organización sociopolítica de la Real Caza de Montería, inserta en la Casa del Rey pero perteneciente a la etiqueta castellana. Durante el análisis se prestará una especial atención al empleo y crianza de los perros, así como a examinar algunos de los oficios vinculados a su adiestramiento y cuidado, sin olvidar las relaciones de patronazgo que suscitaban los diferentes cargos involucrados, como el Cazador mayor, el Montero mayor, el Sotamontero o los propios criadores. Por último, se pretende señalar la importancia del estudio de esta sección dentro de la evolución que la Casa de Castilla experimenta desde el reinado de Felipe II hasta mediados del siglo XVII, con las importantes aportaciones a la historia política e «identitaria» de la Monarquía de España que ello suponeThe main purpose of this article is to make an approach to the relevance of the sociopolitical order of the Royal Hunt during Philip III of Spain's reign (1598-1621). The Montería department was part of the Royal Household, but it was also under Castilian etiquette. The study analyzes the training and maintenance of the King's hounds, as well as the patron-client relationship between some of the officers involved. Finally, this article points at this department's crucial evolution from Philip II's reign until the mid-17th century, and its significant contribution to the political and identity conflict inside the Hispanic Monarch

    BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation

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    BonFIRE offers a Future Internet, multi-site, cloud testbed, targeted at the Internet of Services community, that supports large scale testing of applications, services and systems over multiple, geographically distributed, heterogeneous cloud testbeds. The aim of BonFIRE is to provide an infrastructure that gives experimenters the ability to control and monitor the execution of their experiments to a degree that is not found in traditional cloud facilities. The BonFIRE architecture has been designed to support key functionalities such as: resource management; monitoring of virtual and physical infrastructure metrics; elasticity; single document experiment descriptions; and scheduling. As for January 2012 BonFIRE release 2 is operational, supporting seven pilot experiments. Future releases will enhance the offering, including the interconnecting with networking facilities to provide access to routers, switches and bandwidth-on-demand systems. BonFIRE will be open for general use late 2012

    Scriptura: treinta años de estudios literarios (1986-2016)

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    A guisa de recapitulación y balance —y también, ¿a qué negarlo?, con un punto de orgullo— ofrecemos aquí tres índices retrospectivos de las tres décadas que hogaño cumple Scriptura. El primero, un índice cronológico de los artículos publicados en cada número hasta la fecha, consigna entre corchetes las páginas inicial y última de cada contribución. El segundo es un índice de todas las personas —227, con sus apellidos ordenados por abecé— que han colaborado con sus estudios. El tercero es un índice analítico —selectivo, no exhaustivo— de obras, autorías, movimientos estético-literarios, conceptos, motivos, temas y demás. En los dos últimos índices y al final de cada referencia figuran entre corchetes el número (o números, cuando se trata de un volumen doble o triple) de Scriptura en negrita y las páginas correspondientes del artículo

    A preliminary catalogue of Holocene equids from the Iberian Peninsula

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    Congresso realizado em Forlì (Itália), de 8-14 Setembro de 1996The present paper reviews a total of 138 Iberian sites where equid remains have been recognised. Although the information has been restricted to a mere list with no evaluation of sampling procedures, diachronic patterns or the like, the data base provided by this study represents a valuable body of facts, many of which remained unpublished to this day, for future use and development by archaeologists and faunal analysts alike

    La figura femenina en el cine anarquista durante la guerra civil : análisis y comparación de Barrios Bajos (1937) y Aurora de Esperanza (1937)

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    Durante la Guerra Civil en España se desarrolló un cine impulsado por los sindicatos como forma de difundir sus ideologías. La CNT, al igual que la UGT, creó su propio Sindicato Industrial del Espectáculo (SIE Films) donde se abordaban valores y modelos anarquistas. El cine libertario reflejaba a través de personajes masculinos valores culturales y cívicos, pero no utilizaba el rol femenino de igual manera. Este estudio aborda la presencia y los roles asignados a la figura femenina en el cine anarquista, tomando como objeto de análisis las películas Barrios Bajos (Puche, 1936) y Aurora de Esperanza (Antonio Sau, 1937)During the Spanish Civil War developed a cinema stimulated by the trade unions as way of introducing their ideologies. CNT, as the UGT (General Trade Union of Workers), created his own Industrial Union of the Spectacle (SIE Films) where values and anarchistic figures were appeared. The anarchistic cinema was showing across the masculine role his ideological values, but wasn’t using the feminine role of equal way, using as object of analysis the movies: Barrios Bajos (Puche, 1936) and Aurora de Esperanza (Antonio Sau, 1937)

    Control of dissipation in superconducting films by magnetic stray fields

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    Hybrid superconducting/magnetic nanostructures on Si substrates have been built with identical physical dimensions but different magnetic configurations. By constructing arrays based on Co-dots with in-plane, out-of-plane, and vortex state magnetic configurations, the stray fields are systematically tuned. Dissipation in the mixed state of superconductors can be decreased (increased) by several orders of magnitude by decreasing (increasing) the stray magnetic fields. Furthermore, ordering of the stray fields over the entire array helps to suppress dissipation and enhance commensurability effects increasing the number of dissipation minima

    Política és pedagogia: el paper dels polítics

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    Photosensitizer-Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Combination for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy

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    Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are widely known for their versatile applications. One of the most extended is as drug delivery systems for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. This review compiles the most representative examples in the last years of functionalized MSNs as photosensitizer carriers for photodynamic therapy (PDT) against cancer. Several commercially available photosensitizers (PSs) demonstrated poor solubility in an aqueous medium and insufficient selectivity for cancer tissues. The tumor specificity of PSs is a key factor for enhancing the PDT effect and at the same time reducing side effects. The use of nanoparticles and particularly MSNs, in which PS is covalently anchored or physically embedded, can overcome these limitations. For that, PS-MSNs can be externally decorated with compounds of interest in order to act as an active target for certain cancer cells, demonstrating enhanced phototoxicity in vitro and in vivo. The objective of this review is to collect and compare different nanosystems based on PS-MSNs pointing out their advantages in PDT against diverse types of cancers.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (project PID2020-114347RB-C32), and Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza (project IT1639-22). R.P.-M. thanks UPV/EHU, MIU and NGEU for their postdoctoral contract (MARSA21/71)

    Author’s Variants in Montemayor’s Printed Poetry

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    En el contexto de la transmisión textual de la poesía del Siglo de Oro, Jorge de Montemayor es uno de los rarísimos autores que llevaron a cabo correcciones redaccionales en las sucesivas impresiones de sus versos a lo largo de su vida. En este trabajo se analizan algunos casos relacionados con la expresión de la espiritualidad en sus poemas tanto profanos como devotosIn the context of the textual transmission of Spanish Golden Age poetry, Jorge de Montemayor is one of the very few authors who made editorial corrections in the successive editions of his poems throughout his life. In this article, I analyse some instances of these corrections related to the expression of spirituality in both his profane and devotional poem