25 research outputs found

    In situ monitoring of corrosion processes by coupled micro-XRF/micro-XRD mapping to understand the degradation mechanisms of reinforcing bars in hydraulic binders from historic monuments

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    International audienceHistoric monuments have been partly built since antiquity with iron or steel reinforcements sealed in mortars or hydraulic binders. But the presence of chloride in the environment can weaken the structures due to the corrosion of these metallic parts, leading to the cracking of the binder. In this context, in order to better understand the first steps of these corrosion mechanisms a chemical cell was designed to operate in situ analyses of the phases precipitated when a chlorinated solution is introduced in the vicinity of the bar. The chemical and structural characterization (micro-XRF and micro-XRD respectively) was performed under synchrotron radiation at the SOLEIL-DiffAbs beamline. Moreover, complementary SEM-EDS analyses were carried out before and after the in situ cell experiment in order to determine the final localisation of the corrosion products inside the crack network. The results show that iron can spread up to 1 mm away from the metallic bar inside the pores of the binder after 44 h of corrosion. Moreover, in accordance with laboratory experiments conducted in solution in the presence of Fe2+ and Cl- ions the reaction pathways conduct to the successive formation of an intermediate Fe(ii)-Fe(iii) chlorinated green rust which transforms into ferric oxyhydroxides such as akaganeite or goethite depending on the local concentration of iron

    Complexity and dynamics of the winemaking bacterial communities in berries, musts, and wines from apulian grape cultivars through time and space

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    Currently, there is very little information available regarding the microbiome associated with the wine production chain. Here, we used an amplicon sequencing approach based on high-throughput sequencing (HTS) to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the bacterial community associated with the production of three Apulian red wines, from grape to final product. The relationships among grape variety, the microbial community, and fermentation was investigated. Moreover, the winery microbiota was evaluated compared to the autochthonous species in vineyards that persist until the end of the winemaking process. The analysis highlighted the remarkable dynamics within the microbial communities during fermentation. A common microbial core shared among the examined wine varieties was observed, and the unique taxonomic signature of each wine appellation was revealed. New species belonging to the genus Halomonas were also reported. This study demonstrates the potential of this metagenomic approach, supported by optimized protocols, for identifying the biodiversity of the wine supply chain. The developed experimental pipeline offers new prospects for other research fields in which a comprehensive view of microbial community complexity and dynamics is desirable.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estimating the prevalence of functional exonic splice regulatory information

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    Development of a computerised system for animal health management as a part of an eradication program of Aujeszky's disease

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    Brittany is the main pig production area in France. About 14 million fatteners are produced a year in this province. There are 9200 farms holding about 690 000 sows. Farrow-to-finish herds are prevalent, representing half of the farms and 70% of the production. More than 4 million piglets are transported per year. An eradication program for Aujeszky's disease is currently in action. The key points of this program are: (1) yearly general serological screening; (2) quarterly blood testing of nucleus and multipliers herds (these herds cannot sell boars and gilts if they are not AD free); (3) compulsory vaccination; (4) a special authorisation needed to move piglets out of non-AD free farms is given by veterinary services. This program involves many organisations. There are four Regional State Veterinary Services (DSV) which are the governmental services at the department level. They manage the eradication plan. Four Departmental Stockfarming Establishments (EDE) are the professional farming bodies with statutory responsibility for identifying stock farms. Twenty-one producer groups (gathering 90% of the farmers and 98% of the fatteners), federated into a union - the UGPVB - organise most transport of piglets, gilts and fatteners. Their importance is a strong characteristic of pig production in Brittany and a key point to understanding the way INFOPORC was built. In addition there are 8 testing laboratories which perform all the serological analyses and 300 field veterinarians. To perform the eradication plan, all the organisations involved have to share information. In particular, a single register of all pig farms, classifying farms according to their health status, identifying animal movement, and producing trend charts and maps is needed. The aim of the INFOPORC information system is to manage all this information, quickly and reliably. The "Association Régionale Interprofessionnelle Porcine" (ARIP) has undertaken, under the general supervision of the French Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to devise, develop and introduce this pilot computerised network for animal health management of pigs. Role of each partner within INFOPORC: The architecture is based on the general principle of a central site and distributed applications. With the exception of the veterinarians, all the active participants connected to the network have a dedicated microcomputer connected to the central. The reference site for the system is the "INFOPORC Node", which is situated in the premises of a specialised computer centre called ARSOE. This site manages the INFOPORC reference database in which the following data are stored: basic data for the INFOPORC system (contact people, livestock farms, etc.), historical records of events managed in INFOPORC (transport, health situation), and data shared or exchanged between different connected computers. All exchanges of information between the different applications integrated into the system are managed by the INFOPORC Node. Each distributed application is linked to the central site by a daily file-exchange procedure. This approach is suited to allow gradual extension of the system. The status of Aujeszky's disease, managed by the DSVs, is transmitted to the producer's groups before transporting pigs in order to check the status of the farms of origin and requirements concerning the introduction of pigs into the farms at destination. After the transport, data entered by the producers groups are automatically transmitted to DSVs. It is therefore possible at any time to search: (1) for the origin or destination of pigs from a given farm (or a given area); (2) for a complete list of transport operations by a given operator; (3) For all herds in a given radius using a Geographical Information System linked to the database. INFOPORC has been in action in the field since May 1998. At present, all movements of piglets (from breeder to finisher or intermediary) are recorded. There are now about 2000 transports registered per month for a total of 400000400\, 000 piglets. Historical records of all movements are kept for 5 years. Even if computers will never eradicate any virus, INFOPORC is a useful tool, probably an essential one, for the management of an eradication scheme within a high density pig production area like Brittany. Moreover, such a system will be useful not only for Aujeszky's disease, but also to prevent Classical Swine Fever and other epidemics and to manage Integrated Quality Systems

    Interative Computation of Modal Sensitivities

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    Modélisation des flux d’énergie directe et indirecte pour les bâtiments des filières porcine et avicole

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    Dans les élevages de porcs et de volailles dits « hors-sol », les consommations d’énergies directes sont, par nature, dépendantes des échanges thermiques entre les bâtiments et leur environnement, eux-mêmes conditionnés par la gestion de l’ambiance. L’impact de ces conditions d’ambiance sur les performances est par ailleurs bien connu au travers de nombreuses publications au cours des vingt dernières années. Il est donc apparu possible et pertinent de réaliser un outil d’aide au conseil basé sur un modèle dynamique (MEDIBATE). L’objectif de ce modèle est de prédire les consommations d’énergie occasionnées par le chauffage et la ventilation des bâtiments porcins et avicole, en relation avec des variables d’action comme les caractéristiques de la salle (isolation…), les équipements (chauffage, ventilation), la gestion de l’ambiance (températures de consigne…) et les animaux (type, nombre, stade). Les flux d’énergie indirects sont estimés à partir de la prédiction de la consommation moyenne journalière d’aliments, en tenant compte du poids vif des animaux et de la température ambiante. L’intégration future d’un bilan économique dans ce modèle permettra d’évaluer le résultat de la mise en œuvre de différents choix techniques.In pig and poultry farms, direct consumption of energy depends on thermal exchanges between indoor and outdoor, which are related to the rules of air parameters management in the rooms. Besides, the impact of indoor conditions is well known through an extensive literature over the last twenty years. Therefore, it appeared possible and consistent to support field advice by designing a tool based on a dynamic model (called MEDIBATE). This model represents and predicts at barn room level the energy balance impacted by ‘action levers’ such as room characteristics (insulation) and equipment (heating, ventilation), climate control management (temperature driving) and animals (number, status). Indirect energy is calculated through the prediction of daily feed intake, considering the effect of both the live weight and ambient temperature. Finally, economic calculations will be included into the model to allow the comparison of different housing designs and management strategies

    Eleostearic Phospholipids as Probes to Evaluate Antioxidants Efficiency against Liposomes Oxidation

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    Regardless of the applications: therapeutic vehicle or membrane model to mimic complex biological systems; it is of a great importance to develop simplified, reproducible and rapid model assays allowing for a relevant assessment of the liposomal membrane oxidation and therefore antioxidant activity of selected molecules. Here, we describe a new and high-throughput assay that we called “Vesicle Conjugated Autoxidizable Triene (VesiCAT)”. It is based on specific UV absorbance spectral properties of a new phospholipid probe, synthesized with natural conjugated eleostearic acid extracted from Tung oil. The VesiCAT assay has been developed with two different radical generators (2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride; AAPH and 2,2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile); AMVN), producing a constant flux of oxidant species, either in membrane or in aqueous phase. This method appears very efficient in assessing the effect of various pure antioxidant molecules in their ability to preserve liposomes from oxidative degradation. In addition, the AAPH- and AMVN-induced oxidations offer the possibility of extracting different but complementary information with respect to the antioxidants efficacy