228 research outputs found

    Field dependence of electronic recoil signals in a dual-phase liquid xenon time projection chamber

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    We present measurements of light and charge signals in a dual-phase time projection chamber at electric fields varying from 10 V/cm up to 500 V/cm and at zero field using 511 keV gamma rays from a 22^{22}Na source. We determine the drift velocity, electron lifetime, diffusion constant, and light and charge yields at 511 keV as a function of the electric field. In addition, we fit the scintillation pulse shape to an effective exponential model, showing a decay time of 43.5 ns at low field that decreases to 25 ns at high fields.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    De varianten

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    Binnenkort is voor de tweedejaarsstudenten bestuurskunde hét moment daar: de afstudeervariant zal moeten worden gekozen. Een keuze die je niet zo maar neemt, een afweging zal moeten worden gemaakt; welke variant, dus Leiden of Rotterdam? Wat houdt die variant in? Wat zijn de gevolgen van de keuze? Op deze en andere vragen zullen wij op deze pagina's een antwoord proberen te geven

    Precision measurements of the scintillation pulse shape for low-energy recoils in liquid xenon

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    We present measurements of the scintillation pulse shape in liquid xenon for nuclear recoils (NR) and electronic recoils (ER) at electric fields of 0 to 0.5 kV/cm for energies << 15 keV and << 70 keV electron-equivalent, respectively. The average pulse shapes are well-described by an effective model with two exponential decay components, where both decay times are fit parameters. We find significant broadening of the pulse for ER due to delayed luminescence from the recombination process. In addition to the effective model, we fit a model describing the recombination luminescence for ER at zero field and obtain good agreement. We estimate the best performance of a combined S2/S1 and pulse shape ER/NR discrimination and show that even with 2 ns time resolution, the improvement over S2/S1 discrimination alone is marginal, so that pulse shape discrimination will likely not be useful for future dual-phase liquid xenon experiments looking for elastic dark matter recoil interactions

    Bestuurskunde in leiden

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    Professor van Braam, beschermheer van de B.I.L. en voorzitter van de vakgroep bestuurskunde in Leiden, met recht een persoon die in het eerste nummer van het blad &quot;Bestuurskundige Berichten&quot; dient te worden geinterviewd. Mr. Van Braam, als afgestudeerd sociograaf in Amsterdam, verkreeg in 1965 het hoogleraarschap sociologie in Rotterdam, naar aanleiding van een dissertatie (&quot;Ambtenaren en bureaucratie in Nederland&quot;, 1957) over het functioneren van het ambtelijk apparaat

    Association between Masseter Muscle Area and Thickness and Outcome after Carotid Endarterectomy:A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Low muscle mass is associated with adverse outcomes after surgery. This study examined whether facial muscles, such as the masseter muscle, could be used as a proxy for generalized low muscle mass and could be associated with deviant outcomes after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). As a part of the Vascular Ageing study, patients with an available preoperative CT-scan, who underwent an elective CEA between December 2009 and May 2018, were included. Bilateral masseter muscle area and thickness were measured on preoperative CT scans. A masseter muscle area or thickness of one standard deviation below the sex-based mean was considered low masseter muscle area (LMA) or low masseter muscle thickness (LMT). Of the 123 included patients (73.3% men; mean age 68 (9.7) years), 22 (17.9%) patients had LMA, and 18 (14.6%) patients had LMT. A total of 41 (33.3%) patients had a complicated postoperative course and median length of hospital stay was four (4-5) days. Recurrent stroke within 5 years occurred in eight (6.6%) patients. Univariable analysis showed an association between LMA, complications and prolonged hospital stay. LMT was associated with a prolonged hospital stay (OR 8.78 [1.15-66.85]; p = 0.036) and recurrent stroke within 5 years (HR 12.40 [1.83-84.09]; p = 0.010) in multivariable logistic regression analysis. Masseter muscle might be useful in preoperative risk assessment for adverse short- and long-term postoperative outcomes

    New polymorphic DNA marker close to the fragile site FRAXA

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    Abstract DNA from a human-hamster hybrid cell line, 908-K1B17, containing a small terminal portion of the long arm of the human X chromosome as well as the pericentric region of 19q was used as starting material for the isolation of an X-chromosome-specific DNA segment, RN1 (DXS369), which identifies a XmnI RFLP. Linkage analysis in fragile X families resulted in a maximum lod score of 15.3 at a recombination fraction of 0.05 between RN1 and fra(X). Analysis of recombinations around the fra(X) locus assigned RN1 proximal to fra(X) and distal to DXS105. Analysis of the marker content of hybrid cell line 908K1B17 suggests the localization of RN1 between DXS98 and fra(X). Heterozygosity of DXS369 is approximately 50%, which extends the diagnostic potential of RFLP analysis in fragile X families significantly

    Search for Two-Neutrino Double Electron Capture of 124^{124}Xe with XENON100

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    Two-neutrino double electron capture is a rare nuclear decay where two electrons are simultaneously captured from the atomic shell. For 124^{124}Xe this process has not yet been observed and its detection would provide a new reference for nuclear matrix element calculations. We have conducted a search for two-neutrino double electron capture from the K-shell of 124^{124}Xe using 7636 kg\cdotd of data from the XENON100 dark matter detector. Using a Bayesian analysis we observed no significant excess above background, leading to a lower 90 % credibility limit on the half-life T1/2>6.5×1020T_{1/2}>6.5\times10^{20} yr. We also evaluated the sensitivity of the XENON1T experiment, which is currently being commissioned, and find a sensitivity of T1/2>6.1×1022T_{1/2}>6.1\times10^{22} yr after an exposure of 2 t\cdotyr.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Removing krypton from xenon by cryogenic distillation to the ppq level

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    The XENON1T experiment aims for the direct detection of dark matter in a cryostat filled with 3.3 tons of liquid xenon. In order to achieve the desired sensitivity, the background induced by radioactive decays inside the detector has to be sufficiently low. One major contributor is the β\beta-emitter 85^{85}Kr which is an intrinsic contamination of the xenon. For the XENON1T experiment a concentration of natural krypton in xenon nat\rm{^{nat}}Kr/Xe < 200 ppq (parts per quadrillion, 1 ppq = 1015^{-15} mol/mol) is required. In this work, the design of a novel cryogenic distillation column using the common McCabe-Thiele approach is described. The system demonstrated a krypton reduction factor of 6.4\cdot105^5 with thermodynamic stability at process speeds above 3 kg/h. The resulting concentration of nat\rm{^{nat}}Kr/Xe < 26 ppq is the lowest ever achieved, almost one order of magnitude below the requirements for XENON1T and even sufficient for future dark matter experiments using liquid xenon, such as XENONnT and DARWIN

    Automatic quantification of lymphocyte vacuolization in peripheral blood smears of patients with Batten's disease (CLN3 disease)

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    Quantifying lymphocyte vacuolization in peripheral blood smears (PBSs) serves as a measure for disease severity in CLN3 disease—a lysosomal storage disorder of childhood-onset. However, thus far quantification methods are based on labor-intensive manual assessment of PBSs. As machine learning techniques like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been deployed quite successfully in detecting pathological features in PBSs, we explored whether these techniques could be utilized to automate quantification of lymphocyte vacuolization. Here, we present and validate a deep learning pipeline that automates quantification of lymphocyte vacuolization. By using two CNNs in succession, trained for cytoplasm-segmentation and vacuolization-detection, respectively, we obtained an excellent correlation with manual quantification of lymphocyte vacuolization (r = 0.98, n = 40). These results show that CNNs can be utilized to automate the otherwise cumbersome task of manually quantifying lymphocyte vacuolization, thereby aiding prompt clinical decisions in relation to CLN3 disease, and potentially beyond