404 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of 19^{19}Ne for the thermonuclear 15^{15}O(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reaction rates

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    Uncertainties in the thermonuclear rates of the 15^{15}O(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reactions affect model predictions of light curves from type I X-ray bursts and the amount of the observable radioisotope 18^{18}F produced in classical novae, respectively. To address these uncertainties, we have studied the nuclear structure of 19^{19}Ne over Ex=4.05.1E_{x} = 4.0 - 5.1 MeV and - 7.3 MeV using the 19^{19}F(3^{3}He,t)19^{19}Ne reaction. We find the JπJ^{\pi} values of the 4.14 and 4.20 MeV levels to be consistent with 9/29/2^{-} and 7/27/2^{-} respectively, in contrast to previous assumptions. We confirm the recently observed triplet of states around 6.4 MeV, and find evidence that the state at 6.29 MeV, just below the proton threshold, is either broad or a doublet. Our data also suggest that predicted but yet unobserved levels may exist near the 6.86 MeV state. Higher resolution experiments are urgently needed to further clarify the structure of 19^{19}Ne around the proton threshold before a reliable 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O rate for nova models can be determined.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press

    Indirect techniques for astrophysical reaction rates determinations

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    Direct measurements of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest can be challenging. Alternative experimental techniques such as transfer reactions and inelastic scattering reactions offer the possibility to study these reactions by using stable beams. In this context, I will present recent results that were obtained in Orsay using indirect techniques. The examples will concern various astrophysical sites, from the Big-Bang nucleo synthesis to the production of radioisotopes in massive stars

    Fast-neutron induced background in LaBr3:Ce detectors

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    The response of a scintillation detector with a cylindrical 1.5-inch LaBr3:Ce crystal to incident neutrons has been measured in the energy range En = 2-12 MeV. Neutrons were produced by proton irradiation of a Li target at Ep = 5-14.6 MeV with pulsed proton beams. Using the time-of-flight information between target and detector, energy spectra of the LaBr3:Ce detector resulting from fast neutron interactions have been obtained at 4 different neutron energies. Neutron-induced gamma rays emitted by the LaBr3:Ce crystal were also measured in a nearby Ge detector at the lowest proton beam energy. In addition, we obtained data for neutron irradiation of a large-volume high-purity Ge detector and of a NE-213 liquid scintillator detector, both serving as monitor detectors in the experiment. Monte-Carlo type simulations for neutron interactions in the liquid scintillator, the Ge and LaBr3:Ce crystals have been performed and compared with measured data. Good agreement being obtained with the data, we present the results of simulations to predict the response of LaBr3:Ce detectors for a range of crystal sizes to neutron irradiation in the energy range En = 0.5-10 MeVComment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 4 Table

    Low energy measurement of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B cross section

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    We have measured the cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction for E_cm = 185.8 keV, 134.7 keV and 111.7 keV using a radioactive 7Be target (132 mCi). Single and coincidence spectra of beta^+ and alpha particles from 8B and 8Be^* decay, respectively, were measured using a large acceptance spectrometer. The zero energy S factor inferred from these data is 18.5 +/- 2.4 eV b and a weighted mean value of 18.8 +/- 1.7 eV b (theoretical uncertainty included) is deduced when combining this value with our previous results at higher energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Low Energy States of 3181Ga50^{81}_{31} Ga_{50} : Elements on the Doubly-Magic Nature of 78^{78}Ni

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    Excited levels were attributed to 3181^{81}_{31}Ga50_{50} for the first time which were fed in the β\beta-decay of its mother nucleus 81^{81}Zn produced in the fission of nat^{nat}U using the ISOL technique. We show that the structure of this nucleus is consistent with that of the less exotic proton-deficient N=50 isotones within the assumption of strong proton Z=28 and neutron N=50 effective shell effects.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX 4, 5 figures (eps format

    Search for new resonant states in 10C and 11C and their impact on the cosmological lithium problem

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    The observed primordial 7Li abundance in metal-poor halo stars is found to be lower than its Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) calculated value by a factor of approximately three. Some recent works suggested the possibility that this discrepancy originates from missing resonant reactions which would destroy the 7Be, parent of 7Li. The most promising candidate resonances which were found include a possibly missed 1- or 2- narrow state around 15 MeV in the compound nucleus 10C formed by 7Be+3He and a state close to 7.8 MeV in the compound nucleus 11C formed by 7Be+4He. In this work, we studied the high excitation energy region of 10C and the low excitation energy region in 11C via the reactions 10B(3He,t)10C and 11B(3He,t)11C, respectively, at the incident energy of 35 MeV. Our results for 10C do not support 7Be+3He as a possible solution for the 7Li problem. Concerning 11C results, the data show no new resonances in the excitation energy region of interest and this excludes 7Be+4He reaction channel as an explanation for the 7Li deficit.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C (Rapid Communication

    First application of the Trojan Horse Method with a Radioactive Ion Beam: study of the 18^{18}F(p,αp,{\alpha})15^{15}O}} reaction at astrophysical energies

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    Measurement of nuclear cross sections at astrophysical energies involving unstable species is one of the most challenging tasks in experimental nuclear physics. The use of indirect methods is often unavoidable in this scenario. In this paper the Trojan Horse Method is applied for the first time to a radioactive ion beam induced reaction studying the 18^{18}F(p,αp,{\alpha})15^{15}O process at low energies relevant to astrophysics via the three body reaction 2^{2}H(18^{18}F,α15{\alpha}^{15}O)n. The knowledge of the 18^{18}F(p,αp, {\alpha})15^{15}O reaction rate is crucial to understand the nova explosion phenomena. The cross section of this reaction is characterized by the presence of several resonances in 19^{19}Ne and possibly interference effects among them. The results reported in Literature are not satisfactory and new investigations of the 18^{18}F(p,αp,{\alpha})15^{15}O reaction cross section will be useful. In the present work the spin-parity assignments of relevant levels have been discussed and the astrophysical S-factor has been extracted considering also interference effectsComment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Low-energy cross section of the 7Be(p,g)8B solar fusion reaction from Coulomb dissociation of 8B

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    Final results from an exclusive measurement of the Coulomb breakup of 8B into 7Be+p at 254 A MeV are reported. Energy-differential Coulomb-breakup cross sections are analyzed using a potential model of 8B and first-order perturbation theory. The deduced astrophysical S_17 factors are in good agreement with the most recent direct 7Be(p,gamma)8B measurements and follow closely the energy dependence predicted by the cluster-model description of 8B by Descouvemont. We extract a zero-energy S_17 factor of 20.6 +- 0.8 (stat) +- 1.2 (syst) eV b.Comment: 14 pages including 16 figures, LaTeX, accepted for publication in Physical Review C. Minor changes in text and layou

    Breakup of loosely bound nuclei as indirect method in nuclear astrophysics: 8B, 9C, 23Al

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    We discuss the use of one-nucleon breakup reactions of loosely bound nuclei at intermediate energies as an indirect method in nuclear astrophysics. These are peripheral processes, therefore we can extract asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC) from which reaction rates of astrophysical interest can be inferred. To show the usefulness of the method, three different cases are discussed. In the first, existing experimental data for the breakup of 8B at energies from 30 to 1000 MeV/u and of 9C at 285 MeV/u on light through heavy targets are analyzed. Glauber model calculations in the eikonal approximation and in the optical limit using different effective interactions give consistent, though slightly different results, showing the limits of the precision of the method. The results lead to the astrophysical factor S_17(0)=18.7+/-1.9 eVb for the key reaction for solar neutrino production 7Be(p,\gamma)8B. It is consistent with the values from other indirect methods and most direct measurements, but one. Breakup reactions can be measured with radioactive beams as weak as a few particles per second, and therefore can be used for cases where no direct measurements or other indirect methods for nuclear astrophysics can be applied. We discuss a proposed use of the breakup of the proton drip line nucleus 23Al to obtain spectroscopic information and the stellar reaction rate for 22Mg(p,\gamma)23Al.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Presented at the conference "Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics 2", Debrecen, Hungary, May 2005. Prepared for the Proceeding

    Low-lying continuum structures in B8 and Li8 in a microscopic model

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    We search for low-lying resonances in the B8 and Li8 nuclei using a microscopic cluster model and a variational scattering method, which is analytically continued to complex energies. After fine-tuning the nucleon-nucleon interaction to get the known 1+ state of B8 at the right energy, we reproduce the known spectra of the studied nuclei. In addition, our model predicts a 1+ state at 1.3 MeV in B8, relative to the Be7+p threshold, whose corresponding pair is situated right at the Li7+n threshold in Li8. Lacking any experimental evidence for the existence of such states, it is presently uncertain whether these structures really exist or they are spurious resonances in our model. We demonstrate that the predicted state in B8, if it exists, would have important consequences for the understanding of the astrophysically important Be7(p,gamma)B8 reaction.Comment: 6 pages with 1 figure. The postscript file and more information are available at http://nova.elte.hu/~csot