576 research outputs found

    Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in saliva of patients with active infection not associated with periodontal or liver disease severity

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mainly transmitted by parenteral route, being blood transfusion and intravenous drug use the most frequent risk factors. However, it has been suggested that there are other routes of transmission. There are several studies where HCV RNA has been detected in saliva of patients infected with HCV, and epidemiological studies have proposed the dental treatments as possible risk factors for HCV transmission. The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of HCV RNA in saliva of patients with active infection and associating with periodontal or liver disease. METHODS: Patients with quantifiable HCV-RNA in serum were enrolled in the study. Periodontal disease was assessed using the modified gingival index (MGI). Presence of dental plaque was assessed with the use of disclosing tablets. Patients were clinically and laboratory evaluated to identify the stage of liver disease, the HCV RNA was determinate in saliva by nested RT-PCR. To determine associations between different parameters univariate and multivariate analysis were used. RESULTS: A total of 45 patients were included. Of these patients, 21 (46.6%) had hepatitis, 23 (51.1%) had cirrhosis and one patient (2.4%) presented hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Viral loads in serum ranged from 2.31–6.68 log IU/ml with a mean of 5.46 log IU/ml (95% CI 5.23–5.70). HCV RNA was positive in saliva of 29 patients (64.4%) and was not detected in 16 (35.6%). For univariate analysis three independent variables were associated with the detection of HCV-RNA in saliva: gender, viral load and dental plaque and multivariate analysis only one independent variable viral load >5.17 log IU/mL remained significantly associated with the detection of HCV in saliva (p = 0.0002). A statistical difference was observed when viral load was analyzed, log 5.85 IU/mL (95% CI 5.67–6.02) for patients with HCV in saliva vs. log 4.77 IU/mL (95% CI 4.35–5.19) for patients without HCV in saliva (p = 0.0001). The detection of HCV-RNA in saliva was more frequent in patients with relatively high serum viral loads. CONCLUSION: HCV-RNA in saliva was associated with the level of serum viral load but not with periodontal or liver disease severity

    Auditory processing assessment in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a respiratory disorder that occurs during sleep and it is relatively common in children. AIM: The goal of this paper is to verify if there is a relationship between the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and auditory processing. METHOD: In order to do that, three groups of children ranging in age from 5 to 11 were studied, including a normal group. Twenty subjects who made up the study group were submitted to ear, nose and throat (ENT) exams and to polysomnography (PSG), and were divided in two groups: GROUP I (RO) comprised of 10 children who presented oral breathing and displayed normal PSG, and GROUP II (SAS) comprised of 10 children who presented oral breathing and displayed abnormal PSG. Their performance was compared to the performance of the third group - GROUP III (REN) comprised of 10 children who did not refer ENT difficulties. All the subjects completed a basic audiometric assessment as well as an auditory processing diagnosis. RESULTS: The analyses of the results revealed a statistically significant difference in ENT exams related to the turbinate and the palatine tonsils. Group II presented a higher incidence of turbinate hypertrophy levels II and III (p < 0.001) and palatine tonsils hypertrophy grades III and IV (p 0.007). Regarding the auditory processing assessment, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001) was obtained in the dichotic digits test. Group II performed worse than group III. Also, for the non-verbal sequence memory test, Group II obtained a worse result (p < 0.022) than Group I. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects with OSAS obtained worse results in auditory processing tests.INTRODUÇÃO: síndrome da apnéia/hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) é uma desordem de respiração durante o sono e tem sido descrita como uma condição relativamente comum em crianças. OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe relação entre a presença da Síndrome da Apnéia/Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono e alteração de processamento auditivo. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 3 grupos de crianças na faixa etária de 5 a 11 anos, incluindo um grupo controle. Vinte indivíduos que constituíram o grupo de estudo foram submetidos à avaliação otorrinolaringológica e ao exame de polissonografia (PSG) e foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I (RO) constituído por 10 indivíduos respiradores orais e PSG normal e Grupo II (SAS) constituído por 10 indivíduos respiradores orais e PSG alterado. O desempenho destes indivíduos foi comparado a um terceiro grupo - Grupo III (REN) composto de 10 crianças sem queixas otorrinolaringológicas. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos à avaliação audiológica básica e à avaliação do PA. RESULTADOS: Quanto à avaliação otorrinolaringológica, houve diferença estatisticamente significante no que se refere à avaliação dos cornetos nasais e das tonsilas palatinas. No grupo II, verificou-se maior número de indivíduos com hipertrofia de cornetos nasais grau II e III (p < 0,001) e com hipertrofia de tonsila palatina grau III e IV (p 0,007). Em relação à avaliação de PA, os resultados mostraram que houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p < 0,001) no teste dicótico de dígitos, tendo o grupo II apresentado pior desempenho do que o grupo III e, no resultado do teste de memória para sons não-verbais em seqüência (p < 0,022), tendo o grupo II apresentado pior desempenho do que o grupo I. CONCLUSÃO: A presença da SAHOS relacionou-se positivamente com a alteração de processamento auditivo.UNIFESP/ EPMUNICAMP FCMUNIFESP / EPM Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP / EPM Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - UNIFESPUNIFESPUNIFESP/ EPMUNIFESP, / EPM Depto. de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, / EPM Depto. de FonoaudiologiaUNIFESP, - UNIFESPSciEL

    A Patient Perception as a Nursing Care in Emergency Sector

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    The work process by nurses in the emergency sector is comprised of two complementary dimensions, managing and caring. Therefore,the aim of this study was Know the perception of patients to the support of the nursing assistance in Emergency sector. This is a field research, exploratory, descriptive qualitative approach. The survey was conducted in Dr. Luiz Milton Arêa Leão Hospital - Satélite, located in the city of Teresina - PI, Brazil, which caters exclusively by the Unified Health System, and reference in its coverage area.We interviewed thirteen (13) patients who remained in observation in the emergency sector in that hospital. For this study was used as a criterion for inclusion of service users who entered the emergency sector in the periodMarch-April 2014 and who remained in the sector at the time of the interview.  A pilot test was conducted with the instrument to validate and suitability for the target audience, which is excluded from the sample. Ethical aspects were respected, as provided for in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, Brazil (2013). In this sense, we observed through the reports of the participants carrying out a qualified nursing care, where it identified a good conduct of professionals to provide the necessary assistance. A nursing care and systematic termination  during the stay of patients in hospital was evidenced. It is perceived  that there is a satisfaction from patients and the care of thenursing team, which is performed through actions inherent to these professionals, such as goodwill, the act of providing a welcoming atmosphere, with technical scientific background, and ability in dealing with conflict situations and ethical

    Fasting Upregulates npy, agrp, and ghsr Without Increasing Ghrelin Levels in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Larvae

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    Food intake in fish and mammals is orchestrated by hypothalamic crosstalk between orexigenic (food intake stimulation) and anorexigenic (food intake inhibition) signals. Some of these signals are released by peripheral tissues that are associated with energy homeostasis or nutrient availability. During the fish larva stage, orexigenic stimulation plays a critical role in individual viability. The goal of this study was to assess the mRNA levels of the main neuropeptides involved in food intake regulation (npy, agrp, carppt, and pomc), in concert with the mRNA levels and peptide levels of ghrelin, under a fasting intervention at the larval stage in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Prior to the fasting intervention, the zebrafish larva cohort was reared for 20 days post fertilization (dpf) and then randomly divided into two groups of 20 individuals. One group was subjected to a fasting intervention for 5 days (fasted group), and the other group was fed normally (fed group); this experimental protocol was performed twice independently. At the end of the fasting period, individuals from each experimental group were divided into different analysis groups, for evaluations such as relative gene expression, immunohistochemistry, and liquid chromatography coupled to nano high-resolution mass spectrometry (nLC-HRMS) analyses. The relative expression levels of the following genes were assessed: neuropeptide Y (npy), agouti-related peptide (agrp), proopiomelanocortin (pomc), cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (cartpt), ghrelin (ghrl), ghrelin O-acyltransferase (mboat4), growth hormone secretagogue receptor (ghsr), and glucokinase (gck). In the fasted group, significant upregulation of orexigenic peptides (npy – agrp) and ghsr was observed, which was associated with significant downregulation of gck. The anorexigenic peptides (pomc and cartpt) did not show any significant modulation between the groups, similar to mboat4. Contrary to what was expected, the relative mRNA upregulation of the orexigenic peptides observed in the fasted experimental group could not be associated with significant ghrelin modulation as assessed by three different approaches: qPCR (relative gene expression of ghrelin), nLC-HRMS (des-acyl-ghrelin levels), and immunohistochemistry (integrated optical density of prepropeptides in intestinal and hepatopancreas tissues). Our results demonstrate that zebrafish larvae at 25 dpf exhibit suitable modulation of the relative mRNA levels of orexigenic peptides (npy and agrp) in response to fasting intervention; nevertheless, ghrelin was not coregulated by fasting. Therefore, it can be suggested that ghrelin is not an essential peptide for an increase in appetite in the zebrafish larva stage. These results give rise to new questions about food intake regulation factors in the early stages of fish

    O direito social ao lazer no município de Itacoatiara-AM/Brasil: da fábula à realidade

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    O artigo é uma síntese provisória de uma iniciação científica júnior que tem como objeto estudar o Lazer como um fenômeno social significativo no município de Itacoatiara (Estado do Amazonas no Brasil). Tendo como ponto de partida as reflexões e os questionamentos advindos dos momentos de vivências de conteúdos da disciplina educação física da turma do ensino Médio integrado de informática do Instituto Federal do Amazonas (IFAM) Campus de Itacoatiara e como pressuposto o lazer como Direito Social, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental em alguns órgãos públicos do município, foi feita uma observação direta dos pesquisadores nos equipamentos e foram colhidos depoimentos de frequentadores. Com base na pesquisa, afirma-se que a comunidade Itacoatiarense está muito distante da possibilidade de ter o Lazer garantido enquanto um Direito Social Constitucional. Além dos espaços públicos serem insuficientes para atender o conjunto da população, não são oferecidas condições necessárias para o usufruto do lazer. A investigação possibilitou aos alunos identificar os equipamentos de lazer numa perspectiva crítica, reconhecer a realidade do município e ter a perspectiva de transformá-lo através da reivindicação e participação ativa na discussão no Plano Diretor e na criação de ambientes alternativos como prática de resistência.Mesa 20: El Estado como problema y solución: Estado, administración y políticas públicasUniversidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    O direito social ao lazer no município de Itacoatiara-AM/Brasil: da fábula à realidade

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    O artigo é uma síntese provisória de uma iniciação científica júnior que tem como objeto estudar o Lazer como um fenômeno social significativo no município de Itacoatiara (Estado do Amazonas no Brasil). Tendo como ponto de partida as reflexões e os questionamentos advindos dos momentos de vivências de conteúdos da disciplina educação física da turma do ensino Médio integrado de informática do Instituto Federal do Amazonas (IFAM) Campus de Itacoatiara e como pressuposto o lazer como Direito Social, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental em alguns órgãos públicos do município, foi feita uma observação direta dos pesquisadores nos equipamentos e foram colhidos depoimentos de frequentadores. Com base na pesquisa, afirma-se que a comunidade Itacoatiarense está muito distante da possibilidade de ter o Lazer garantido enquanto um Direito Social Constitucional. Além dos espaços públicos serem insuficientes para atender o conjunto da população, não são oferecidas condições necessárias para o usufruto do lazer. A investigação possibilitou aos alunos identificar os equipamentos de lazer numa perspectiva crítica, reconhecer a realidade do município e ter a perspectiva de transformá-lo através da reivindicação e participação ativa na discussão no Plano Diretor e na criação de ambientes alternativos como prática de resistência.Mesa 20: El Estado como problema y solución: Estado, administración y políticas públicasUniversidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Estágios na formação profissional e dificuldades percebidas por profissionais de educação física em seu primeiro ano de atuação

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    Com o objetivo de refletir sobre a realização dos estágios na formação inicial e sobre as dificuldades encontradas no primeiro ano de atuação profissional na área da Educação Física, apresenta-se uma amostra, abrangendo 25 egressos de uma universidade privada do município de São Paulo, os quais responderam a um questionário no qual se identificou que as dificuldades encontradas durante o período de estágio se mantiveram durante o primeiro ano de atuação de mais da metade dos pesquisados, sendo as principais: baixa remuneração, falta de experiência para atuar, falta de conhecimentos específicos sobre fisiologia, biomecânica, métodos de treinamento e saúde do idoso, grandes distâncias entre o local de trabalho e a residência do entrevistado, além dos preconceitos enfrentados por serem profissionais jovens.Palavras-chave: Formação Profissional. Estágios. Profissional Iniciante. Dificuldades.Periods of training in the professional formation and difficulties perceived for professionals of physical education in its first year of performance.With the objective to reflect on the accomplishment of the periods of training in the initial formation and on the difficulties found in the first year of professional performance in the area of the Physical Education, a sample of 25 egresses of a private University of the city of São Paulo had answered to a questionnaire in which it was identified that the difficulties found during the preservice period remaining during its first year of performance, having been main the a low remuneration, lack of experience to act, lack of specific knowledge on physiology, biomechanics, methods of training and health of the aged one, great distances between the workstation and the residence of interviewed, beyond facing preconceptions in relation to the young professionals, and others.Keywords: Professional formation, Periods of training. Beginning Professional. Difficulties.